Friendship Games Part 2
Outside of the field, all the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts are all sitting down on the bleachers cheering for their teams. Even the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, and Jason are really excited about it too.
"Man, I can't believe that I'm saying this but I can't wait for the second event of the Friendship Games to start!" Said Casey in excitement.
"I know huh, the girls are surely going to win!" Said Miwa in excitement.
"Hey look, there's Starlight, Juniper, Trixie, Bon Bon, and Lyra, why don't we invite them to sit with us?" Asked Jason as he smiles.
"Sure the more the merrier." Said Mikey as he smiles." Hey girls, over here!"
Then Starlight, Juniper, Trixie, Bon Bon, and Lyra have all turn to see the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, and Jason smiling at them and they started to go to them.
"Hey guys, how are you today?" Asked Juniper as she smiles.
"We are great, you girls want to sit with us, we all save you girls some seats." Said Leo as he smiles.
"Thanks guys." Said Starlight as she smiles.
So Starlight starts to sit next to Miwa, Juniper sit next to Leatherhead much to his delight, Trixie sit next to April, and then Bon Bon sir with Jason at his left while Lyra sit at his right.
"Hi Jason." Said Bon Bon and Lyra as they smile at Jason.
"Hi girls, how you've been doing?" Asked Jason as he smiles.
"Nothing much, me and Lyra have bought tickets to see this movie this Friday." Said Bon Bon.
"We both have an extra ticket, and we wondering, would you be an honor of being our date?" Asked Lyra and Jason gasp in shock and smile.
"Sure thing!" Said Jason as he puts his arms around the two girls and they smile.
The Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey were all shock at the sight they are seeing but Mikey have smile at his best friend. Meanwhile in the locker room, the Mane 7 were all changed into their uniforms.
Twilight is wearing a red-violet dress with white stars all over, a gray cuff on her left arm, blue leggings on, and dark purplish-blue boots on. She also has her hair tied into a bun.
Sunset Shimmer is wearing a blue motorcycle jacket with yellow flames, purple leather gloves, pink leggings with orange flames on them, and purple boots with a red and yellow sun on the top.
Rarity is wearing a bluish green scarf around her neck, blue shirt, pink fingerless gloves, light blue shorts, bluish white leggings with diamonds on it, has purple elbow and knee pads on, and wearing bluish white roller skates. She also has her hair tied into a ponytail.
Pinkie Pie is wearing a blue polka dotted shirt, pink shorts, dark purple fingerless gloves, blue short leggings, yellow tights, dark purple elbow and knee pads on, and purple roller skates on. She also has her hair tied into a ponytail.
Applejack is wearing a green shirt, long brownish red wristbands, blue leggings with little red flames on it, and brownish red boots. She also has her hair tied in a short ponytail with a green headband with a apple on it.
Fluttershy is wearing a light blue tank top, pinkish purple skirt, purple arm length wristbands, green leggings with light green flames on it, and purple boots on. She also has her hair tied into a ponytail.
And Rainbow Dash is wearing a yellow motor cross jacket, pink gloves, light blue leggings on, and blue boots on.
"Alright girls, looks like we are ready for the second event." Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks.
"Yeah, and we are ready to beat the Shadowbolts." Said Pinkie Pie.
"As long as we work together, we can accomplish anything." Said Twilight as she smiles.
That got the girls to smile at each other, then all of a sudden, they all started to hear the horn sound meaning that the second event of the Friendship Games are starting.
"Alright girls, let's get going." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smirks.
So the girls have all started to go outside at the field, Rarity pick up her helmet that is pink and has pony ears, Pinkie Pie picks up her helmet which is blue and has pony ears, Sunset Shimmer picks up her motorcycle helmet which is purple with a little yellow flames on, and Rainbow Dash picks up her motorcycle helmet which is dark blue with rainbow stripes on each side. As they go, the Shadowbolts were also coming and they glared at the Mane 7.
"We wanted to wish you girls good luck." Said Sour Sweet so sweet till she glared at them." Not, hope you girls are ready to lose."
"Oh please, says the team that lost the first event, may the best team win." Said Twilight as she and the girls glared at the Shadowbolts.
So as they all went outside, everyone have started to cheer for the two teams that have come out. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Sour Sweet, Suri Polomare, and Upper Crust started to go where the archery stand is, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Sunny Flare, and Lemon Zest have got to the starting line of the short track, and Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Sugarcoat, and Indigo Zap have started to go to where the motorcycles are for the motor cross race is. Then as Principal Cinch took her sit, Dean Cadence have grab her microphone and starts to speak.
"Welcome, everyone to the Friendship Games Tricross Relay!" Said Dean Cadence as she smiles.
Everyone have all started to cheer for the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts.
"In this event, our qualifying competitors will face off in archery, speed skating, and finally, motocross." Said Dean Cadence as she grab a blow horn." So if the competitors are ready?"
Then Dean Cadence have started to press the blow airhorn, then Fluttershy and Sour Sweet have both started to run while Applejack and Suri Polomare waiter for their turn.
"Each competitor must hit a bullseye before their teammates can start the next leg of the relay." Said Dean Cadence.
Then as Fluttershy and Sour Sweet we're jumping through hay bales, Sour Sweet drop some marbles at Fluttershy to make her slip but as Fluttershy step on them, instead of falling, she did a flip through the hay bales, which got Sour Sweet to get so shock they she trip over a hay bale.
Then as Fluttershy grab a bow and arrows, she swing through a mud barrier, she grab an arrow and then she took a deep breath and shot the arrow into a perfect bullseye. The Starswirl Academy students cheer for Fluttershy as she smiles thumbs up to Applejack and then she started to run to the targets.
"Wow, I can't believe that Fluttershy have actually made a perfect bullseye!" Said Slash in excitement.' Man she is so awesome and beautiful.'
"I know right!" Said Carrie as she smiles.
"Man, that girl has got some skills!" Said Oliver as he smirks.
Then as Sour Sweet got up, she and Applejack have arrived to the stand as they grab their bow and arrows. This time the targets that they will try to shoot goes side ways. Then as Applejack got an arrow, she took a deep breath and started to shoot the arrow and made a perfect bullseye. The Wondercolts cheered and the Twilight have started to run to the stand.
Sour Sweet then shots her arrow and makes bullseye, the Shadowbolts cheer and the Suri Polomare runs to the stand to make up for time. Then as Twilight have arrived at the stand, she grab an arrow and tries to shoot the target that is now going in circles, but she missed and then as Suri Polomare tries to shoot a bullseye but missed.
"Girls, I don't think I could make a bullseye." Said Twilight as she looks upset.
"Ya have to stop aimin' at the target Twilight." Said Applejack as she smiles.
"What do you mean Applejack?" Asked Twilight.
"Ya have to stop aimin' at where the target is and aim at where the target's gonna be." Said Applejack as she puts her hand on Twilight's shoulder.
"Are you sure it will work Applejack?" Asked Twilight.
"I'm telling the honest truth, do you believe me?" Asked Applejack and Twilight modded her head." Then trust me. Take a deep breath."
Then Twilight started to take a deep breath like what Applejack said.
"Alright let the arrow go, right. . ." Said Applejack as Twilight was ready to shoot the arrow." Now!"
Then Twilight have shot the arrow and then she made a perfect bullseye. Then the Starswirl Academy students even the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, Jason, Bon Bon, Lyra, Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie have all started to cheer for Twilight and then Rarity and Pinkie have both started to roller skates as the bell ding for them.
"And Canterlot is off to an early lead!" Said Dean Cadence.
Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna have smile that their students are doing their best and having fun but Principal Cinch was really angry that the Shadowbolts are falling behind.
"Thank you Applejack." Said Twilight as hugs Applejack.
"See Twilight, I'm telling the honest truth." Said Applejack as she smiles.
Then all of a sudden, Applejack have started to glow in a magical orange What's aura and floats a bit. That got Twilight and Fluttershy to get shock, then aura disappear and Applejack landed on her feet.
"Oh my god, how did you do that Applejack?" Whisper Fluttershy.
"I had no idea." Whisper Applejack.
"Well, at least the good news is that nobody seen it." Whisper Twilight.
And Twilight was right, neither the Shadowbolts, Wondercolts, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Jason, Bon Bon, Lyra, Starlight, Juniper, or Trixie have seen Applejack glow, but the only person that saw was Casey, and he was surprised at the sight he saw and he blush at how beautiful Applejack was.
'Woah, how did Applejack do that, whatever she did, she was beautiful.' Thought Casey as he blush.' Maybe I shouldn't speak about it, I don't want them to be accused as cheating.'
Then as Pinkie Pie and Rarity have skated a lap, everyone from the Wondercolts team have started to cheer for them. Even Donnie and Mikey were cheering for them.
"Man Rarity is so amazing right now, I mean look at how she's skating, like an angel." Said Donnie as he smiles and blush.
"And Pinkie Pie skates really cool, I'm going to ask her if she can teach me how to skate like that." Said Mikey as he smiles.
"I hope those two could win." Said Starlight.
Then as Rarity and Pinkie Pie did five laps, Upper Crust have made a bullseye, the Shadowbolts cheered, and then Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare have both started to skate as their bell ding.
"Starswirl Academy only has two laps to go!" Said Dean Cadence." But it looks like Crystal Prep is making up for lost time!"
Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare have skates around the track faster and Rarity and Pinkie Pie have tried to keep up. They are score to six laps and then Rarity looks at Pinkie Pie.
"Come on!" Said Rarity.
So as Rarity pulls out her leg, Pinkie Pie grabs it, then Rarity did the whip for Pinkie Pie to go faster, then as she passed Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare, she crossed the finish line and the Starswirl Academy students, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, Jason, Bon Bon, Lyra, Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie have cheered that Rarity and Pinkie Pie won.
"What a finish!" Said Dean Cadence.
"Alright, they actually won the short track!" Said Juniper as she smiles.
"Yes The Great and Powerful Trixie knows that they could do it." Said Trixie as she smiles.
Pinkie Pie and Rarity have both hugged each other that they won the short track, but Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare are mad that they lost. Then Photo Finish starts to take a picture of Pinkie Pie and Rarity and they smile.
Then at the motocross starting line, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Sugarcoat, and Indigo Zap have started their engines, and as the light turn green, they all started to drive their motorcycles. Everyone have started to cheer and then Rainbow Dash jumps through a ramp.
"Awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash in excitement.
Then as Sunset Shimmer also gone through the ramp, she was going ahead of Rainbow Dash and they smile at each other. Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap don't want Rainbow Dash or Sunset Shimmer to cross the finish line, so they decided that they should cheat, so Indigo Zap have started to drive ahead to Sunset Shimmer and starts to bump her.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Asked Sunset Shimmer in shock.
"Winning, that's what!" Said Indigo Zap.
Then Indigo Zap kept on bumping into Sunset Shimmer without anyone noticing but the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, Jason, Bon Bon, Lyra, Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie were the only ones who saw the scene and they were all shock and angry.
"Oh my gosh, are you guys actually seeing this?!" Said Carrie in shock.
"Yeah, the girls is trying to bump Sunset Shimmer is she could win the games!" Said Raph in anger." That's not right, that's cheating, I swear I would like to give her a piece of my mind!"
"If she hurts Sunset Shimmer, we have to tell Principal Celestia!" Said Bon Bon in anger.
"I agree." Said Lyra.
As Indigo Zap kept on bumping into Sunset Shimmer, they never notice the tires in front of them and when the motorcycles starts to jump and it causes Sunset Shimmer to fall out of her bike and Indigo Zap trip her bike and fell. Rainbow Dash saw that Sunset Shimmer was about to fall then she drives as fast as she can and she catch her.
"Dash, you saved me!" Said Sunset Shimmer as she hugs Rainbow Dash.
"I wasn't about to let my friend get hurt because of those bullies." Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks." We can still win this of we work together!"
Then Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer have both ride to the finish line. Sugarcoat was behind them and was about to bump into them to win till Sunset Shimmer saws her.
"Rainbow Dash, look out!" Said Sunset Shimmer.
Then Rainbow Dash saw it and she moves out of the way from Sugarcoat and she trip her bike, then Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer have reach the finish line and win.
"The Wondercolts win, which means that the winning school of the Friendship Games is Starswirl Academy!" Said Dean Cadence.
Then the Starswirl Academy students have cheered for their team, but the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, and Jason have cheered for the louder since the girls have won.
"Wow, I can't believe it, they did it!" Said Leo in excitement." For the first time in years, they actually won the Friendship Games!"
"I know right, they actually won!" Said Raph in excitement.
The Starswirl Academy students are happy but the Crystal Prep Academy students are angry and shock because for the first time in years, they have lost the Friendship Games, even Principal Cinch was angry.
"Attention students, please proceed to the gym so we can award the winners." Said Dean Cadence.
Then the girls have started to go to Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash to see if they are okay.
"Are you two alright?" Asked Applejack.
"Better than alright, we won the games!" Said Rainbow Dash in excitement.
"I can't believe it, we actually won!" Said Sunset Shimmer in excitement.
Then the Mane 7 have started to group hug each other and then Twilight have started to speak.
"We were right about one thing, as long as we work together as a team, we can accomplish anything." Said Twilight as she smiles.
Then the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, Jason, Bon Bon, Lyra, Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie have started to go to the Mane 7 and Leo ran up to Twilight.
"Hey girls!" Shouted Leo as he ran to Twilight and hug her." That was amazing!"
"I can't believe that you girls actually won the Friendship Games!" Said Raph as he grabs Sunset Shimmers hands.
"Congratulations girls!" Said April in excitement.
"That's was really amazing!" Said Thomas in excitement.
"I never knew that you girls are really great at this!" Said Marcus in excitement.
"Thanks guys!" Said Twilight as she smiles.
"Wow congratulations girls, you've actually won the Friendship Games for Starswirl Academy!" Said Starlight in excitement.
"Yes, you girls are great!" Said Trixie as she smiles.
"And Rarity, you skates really great!" Said Donnie as he smiles.
"And your skating tricks are cool Pinkie Pie!" Said Mikey as he smiles.
"Thank you darling, that's so sweet of you to say." Said Rarity as she smiles.
"Thanks Mikey, I learn it from the best from you." Said Pinkie Pie.
"Well then, let's go to the gym so you girls can get your rewards." Said Ophelia as she smirks.
So the Mane 7, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, Jason, Bon Bon, Lyra, Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie have all started to go to the gym. Then the Mane 7 along with Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Sandalwood, Micro Chip, Ringo, and Rose Heart have went to the stage and they were rewarded with golden medals and a big trophy.
"Congratulations Starswirl Academy!" Said Principal Celestia as she smiles.
Then Photo Finish have taken the pictures of the Wondercolts while the Shadowbolts, Crystal Prep Academy students, and Principal Cinch glared at them because they lost. The Mane 7 smile and they think that their life at New York might turn to be great as they think.
My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
Jack, Oliver, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, and Ophelia all belong to me
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