Friendship Games Part 1

The next day at Starswirl Academy, it was the first day of the Friendship Games, everyone was getting ready for the games and for Crystal Prep Academy to arrive. The girls were all getting ready for the Friendship Games and then Sunset Shimmer started to speak.

"Well girls, today is the day, today is the day of the Friendship Games." Said Sunset as she diced her best.

"I know darling and quite frankly, I'm a bit nervous than usual." Said Rarity as she fixed her hair." I mean, this is our first time competing these games."

"I know right, I mean you guys remember, that the Shadowbolts might be a little hard to defeat." Said Rainbow Dash as she fixed her shoes." But something tells me that we might have a chance of winning."

"I know huh, I know that no school has ever defeat Crystal Prep Academy ever, but we are way different from them." Said Applejack as she fixed her hair." I mean, we always care about our friends and have fun."

"Yeah, and all the Shadowbolts only care about us winning and their reputation, if you ask me, I'm sure glad that I don't go to Crystal Prep Academy." Said Fluttershy as she look nervous.

"Yeah, I know how you feel Fluttershy, I mean Flash Sentry goes to that school." Said Twilight as she felt nervous." I mean, I don't think I could handle being around him much longer."

"I know huh, I mean he was a really big jerk, and I can't stand being around him any longer." Said Sunset Shimmer as she agrees.

Then as soon as Sunset have said that, the door of the student lounge began to open, and then Juniper, Trixie, and Starlight have started to enter the room.

"Hey girls, are you all ready for the Friendship Games?" Asked Juniper.

"Oh, we were born ready!" Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks.

"That's the kind of spirit I like to hear." Said Starlight as she smiles." We come in here to remind you girls that the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey will be here any minute."

"They are also bringing Jason with them because he like to see Bon Bon and Lyra." Said Trixie as she smiles.

"I'm telling you, those two girls have a liking for that boy because the other day, Leatherhead told me that some boys at school were surprised that Jason is hanging out with two cute girls here at Starswirl Academy." Said Juniper as she smiles.

"Well, can you blame those two, I'm guessing Jason is cute for them." Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.

"I'm telling you girls, this year is the year that we will be the first ever school that will win the Friendship Games." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

"And let me tell you girls something, Flash Sentry May scare other students, but he is not going to scare me." Said Twilight as she smirks." This time, I'm going to show him what I got in me!"

"That's right darling, Flash Sentry may think he got power to control everyone, but he doesn't have power against us." Said Rarity as she smirks." We will never let him get us down."

That got all the girls to smile at each other, and then as soon as they were all done getting ready, Vice Principal Luna have started to speak through the P.A. system.

"Good morning, students. I'm sure you're all thrilled to start the first day of the Friendship Games." Said Vice Principal Luna over the P.A. system." Our competitors will face off in every aspect of the Starswirl Academy curriculum, culminating in the elimination equation finale."

"Well girls, looks like we are about to start the Friendship Games, and you know something?" Said Twilight as she looks at her friends." I'm ready to beat Flash Sentry and kick his butt."

"Wow, now that's the spirit Twilight, let's go and beat those Shadowbolts!" Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks.

So the girls have all started to go to the entrance of the school where everyone was there. Meanwhile outside of the school, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, and Jason were all going inside to Starswirl Academy and they were all amazed at how many students there are.

"Wow, look at all the Crystal Prep Academy students that are here." Said Jason as he was shock.

"Yeah, everyone is really getting excited for the Friendship Games." Said Raph as he was really shock.

"Tell me about it." Said Donnie in shock.

"Let's get to the other side of the entrance to where the Starswirl Academy students are." Said Slash as they all go to the other side of the entrance.

So the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, and Jason all went to the other side of the entrance of the school to wait for the Friendship Games to start.

Then the Mane 7, Juniper, Starlight, and Trixie have all arrived at the entrance of the school. The 7 other members of the Wondercolts who are participating the Friendship Games are Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Sandalwood, Micro Chip, Ringo, and Rose Heart.

"Well, It's looks like the everyone and the Shadowbolts are here now." Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks.

"Well, good luck girls." Said Juniper as she smiles.

"Thanks Juniper, but something tells me that we don't need any luck." Said Twilight as she smiles.

So Trixie, Juniper, and Starlight have started to go where the Starswirl Academy, the Hamato Siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, and Jason are and they all started to smile.

"Hey girls, how are you today?" Asked Thomas as he smiles.

"We're fine, we are just excited for the Friendship Games." Said Starlight as she smiles.

"Hi Leatherhead." Said Juniper as she smiles.

"Hi Juniper." Said Leatherhead as he smiles and blush at her.

Then as the two teams stand at each side of their principals, Twilight look to see Leo and she wave at him and Leo wave back. That got Flash Sentry to get really angry. Then Dean Cadence have started to speak.

"Welcome to the first event, the Academic Decathlon! You'll be scored on chemistry, home-ec and everything in between." Said Dean Cadence as the two teams glared at each other." But remember, only the seven students from each team with the most points will move on to event number 2. Good luck!"

Then the games have began, and then all of a sudden, music have begin to play, and then the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts have began to sing.

Wondercolts: Ho
We're gonna take you down
We're gonna take you down
We're gonna take you down
Take you down

Shadowbolts: Oh oh
We're here to take you out
Aw aw
We're here to take you out
Aw aw
Take you out
We're here to take you out
Take you out

The first competition was home economics, where the Shadowbolts and Wondercolts have to bake cakes, and then Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie both started to cooking while the other teammates started to cook while the Wondercolts started to sing first.

Wondercolts:We're not about
To let you win
so get out of our way
Think you got us beat
But we're here to stay
United strong
We'll take you down
You're not so tough
Now you're in our town
All of the times we lost before
Not about to give up
We're only bringin' it more
We can smell your fear
We can see your sweat
Hope you didn't spend money
Cause you're losin' this bet

Then Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Dean Cadence are checking points for the teams with the best cake. Then as they stop to Upper Crust and Suri Polomare Cake, they both give them a piece and they tasted and to them it was delicious.

That got the two girls smirk knowing that they win this competition which cause the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey to glare at them. Then when they all turn to Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer, they have a big cake, then Pinkie Pie slice it to half and then she move the half revealing a picture of "The Mona Lisa" at the other half of the cake.

They all have gasp in shock and surprised meaning that the Wondercolts won the first competition and the Shadowbolts lost. Then the Wondercolts started to sing.

Wondercolts: You've got nothin' on us
Na-na-na, na
Let's go
You've got nothin' on us
Na-na-na, na
Let's go

Then the second competition was a Wood-Shop competition where everyone has to build a birdhouse and so the two teams took out their blueprints and they started to build a fine birdhouse as the Shadowbolts began to sing.

Shadowbolts: Talk a little too much
For a school that never wins
Maybe you should just stop
Before you even begin
We are Crystal Prep High
And we have a reputation
Every little moment
Is about our education
Put your ear to the ground
Listen to that sound
You're a house of cards
And it's about to fall down
Fall down
About to fall down
Fall down
Hit the ground

Then after an hour, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Dean Cadence started to give some points to some of the teammates of each team. Then they stop at Sandalwood and Micro Chip's birdhouse but it falls and they lost.

Then when they get to Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat, they reveal their birdhouse which is a double birdhouse with flames painted. Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Dean Cadence were really shocked at their birdhouse which caused them to drop their clipboards. Meaning that Shadowbolts win the competition and they started to sing.

Shadowbolts: You've got nothin' on us
Na-na-na, na
Let's go
You've got nothin' on us
Na-na-na, na
Let's go

Then the l contest climaxes with a spelling bee where they have 7 members of each team to compete, the Mane 7 went up along with other 7 members of the Shadowbolts. This penultimate round continues until only one contestant from each team remains in the competition and then the Wondercolts started to sing.

Wondercolts: Pressure's on
Now we're gonna beat you
Step aside
It's time that we defeat you
Crystal Prep yourself
Cause you're about to go

Shadowbolts: Pressure's on
You know we're gonna take you
Just give up before
We have to break you
You're about to go

After the spelling bee, two remaining contestants hav passed the Spelling Bee which is none other than Twilight Sparkle and Sour Sweet. Then they both move on to the "elimination equation" round in which they must solve a complex calculus problem before the combined student body within a time limit. Then the Wondercolts started to sing.

Wondercolts: Take it up to the top
'Cause we know we can win

Shadowbolts: Maybe you should just stop
'Cause we've seen you give in

Wondercolts: We believe in ourselves
And we've got what it takes

All: And we're not gonna stop

Twilight Sparkle: I can't wait 'til
This is all over
There's so much
More that's going on

Sunset Shimmer: And before these
Games are over
I'll find out just
What she's done

Then Twilight and Sour Sweet have both started to figure out the equation while the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts kept on singing.

All: Can she do it
Will she make it
Who will win it
Who will take it
Can she do it
Who will take it
Did she win it
Did she make it
Who's the winner
Who's the reject
How did she answer

After they all finished singing, Sour Sweet and Twilight have both finished finished answering the equations and then Dean Cadence come up to see which answer is wrong.

"Incorrect!" Said Dean Cadence as she points at Sour Sweet.

That got Sour Sweet to get really shock, and everyone from Crystal Prep Academy were al really shock that Sour Sweet got the equation wrong. Meaning that Twilight have won. And then Vice Principal Luna started to speak.

"That means the winner of the Friendship Games' first event is Twilight Sparkle and Starswirl Academy!" Said Vice Principal Luna.

That got Twilight to smile and the Wondercolts and the Starswirl Academy students started cheer and clap for Twilight. Even the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and CSey have clapped for Twilight as they smile. But the Shadowbolts are all shock that they all lost the first event for the first time.

"I can't believe it, Twilight actually win the first event of the Friendship Games!" Said Leo in excitement.' Oh man, she is so cool.'

"Yeah, and they actually beat the Shadowbolts for the first time." Said Miwa as she smiles.

Then after a few seconds, the girls have all started to go up to the stage and Rainbow Dash have started to hug Twilight.

"That was awesome Twilight!" Said Rainbow Dash as she hugs.

"Truly amazing!" Said Rarity as she smiles.

"I can't believe that we have actually win the first event!" Said Twilight as she smiles.

"That was as close to winnin' as Starswirl Academy has ever won." Said Applejack as she smiles.

"After a careful tally of the points, we'd like to present the students moving on to the Friendship Games' second event." Said Dean Cadence as she shows the seven students that pass.

The seven students from the Wondercolts team are Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. The seven students from the Shadowbolts are Sour Sweet, Lemon Zaset, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, Upper Crust, and Suri Polomare.

Everyone have started to clap for the two teams, the Shadowbolts have just stand there not smiling, while the Mane 7 have cheered. Then after that, they all started to got down from the stage. Then the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, and Jason have started to go to them.

"Wow congratulations, you actually have won the first event of the Friendship Games!" Said April as she smiles.

"And Twilight, you were really amazing, That's was so cool!" Said Leo as he smiles at Twilight.

"Thanks Leo." Said Twilight as she smiles.

"Man that was so cool, you girls have actually beat the Shadowbolts in the first event!" Said Marcus as he smirks.

"Yeah, that was so awesome!" Said Ophelia as she smiles.

"I can't believe that we have actually won the first event for the first time!" Said Juniper as she smiles." We are actually the first ever school to win this."

"I know, the Great and Powerful Trixie knew from the beginning that we will win." Said Trixie as she smiles.

"I can't wait till the second event of the Friendship Games!" Said Fluttershy as she felt so excited.

"I like your spirit Fluttershy." Said Slash as he smiles.

"Hey do you girls want to go to the cafe with us?" Asked Raph as he smiles." We will buy you girls some drinks for winning the first event."

"Thank you guys, that's so sweet of you." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"Well then, let's all get going." Said Starlight as she smiles.

So the Mane 7, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, Jason, Starlight, Trixie, and Juniper all started to go to the Cafe. But what they didn't know was that Flash Sentry has been looking at them and he started to think that maybe Twilight and her friends might have changed for two years and become more smarter.

But he was angry that Twilight was getting really close to Leo, and started to think of how will everything go in the second event of the Friendship Games.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

Jack, Oliver, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, and Ophelia all belong to me

The song "ACADECA" is from "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Friendship Games"

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