Flash Sentry's Threat
The next day, at Roosevelt High School, the Hamato Siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have all finished their classes for today and then after their classes, they were all grabbing their stuff from their lockers and they all started to speak.
"Man, can you believe that it's been days since the Friendship Games?" Asked Oliver as he smiles.
"Yeah, I know, those girls are so amazing!" Said Carrie as she smiles.
"Yeah, I mean we have always lose to Crystal Prep Academy every year, but this time, Starswirl Academy have beat them." Said Marcus as he smiles.
"Man, those girls are really awesome and cool." Said Ophelia as she smiles.
"I know huh, and that day of the big party was so fun!" Said Mikey as he smiles at his friends.
"Yeah, and you know what I really like about the party?" Asked Miwa as she smirks." I like how Twilight have give Leo that big kiss and the surprise look on his face."
That got Leo to blush really red that Miwa mention that. Ever since Twilight have kissed Leo during that party, he has been remembering that kiss and it makes him happy.
"Okay, I have to admit, that kiss was really amazing." Said Leo as he smiles.
"Yeah, just think about it Leo, it might make you this close to ask Twilight to be your girlfriend." Said Thomas as he smiles." I mean you guys have been hanging out a lot."
"He does got a point Leo, I mean that kiss must mean something." Said Slash as he smiles.
"Yeah, but I think you should be more careful around Flash Sentry, I kinda feel like he isn't happy about you being around Twilight." Said Raph as he looks a bit upset.
"Yeah, during the day of the Friendship Games, when he saw you talking with Twilight, he look pretty mad." Said Mikey as he felt scared." Like he doesn't want you around Twilight."
"Yeah, I mean Twilight did mention that he is her ex boyfriend back then." Said Leatherhead as he looks curious.
"You know, now that I think about it, Twilight did seem a bit scare to see Flash Se try again before the Friendship Games." Said April as she looks curious." I mean, when she saw him again, she looks so afraid."
"Yeah, I mean she did mention that he did something so terrible back then during middle school." Said Casey as he look curious." I mean, whatever he did back then must've been so terrible."
"I wonder what did Flash Sentry did back then?" Asked Donnie looking curious.
"I don't know but I don't think it's a good idea to ask Twilight because I don't think she might be ready to tell us." Said Jack.
"Maybe your right." Said Leo as he look curious.
Then as the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have grab their stuff, they all excited the school and started to go back home. But then Leo have started to get thirsty and decided to get a smoothie.
"Hey you guys, I'm going to get a smoothie at the cafe." Said Leo as he look at his friends and siblings.
"Alright Leo, but please be okay, and try not to do something really ridiculous like what last time when you and Raph tried to get your phones back." Said Miwa as she's serious.
"Hey we said that we are sorry." Said Raph as he look at his sister." How many times do I have to say that?"
You see, that last time Leo and Raph tried to get their phones back, they ended up running into bullies and had to fight them to get their phones back. They win but it ended up giving both of them black eyes and it kinda got their mother worried and told them that next time she will have to go with them if they ever do that again.
"Whatever, I'm going to get a smoothie now." Said also as he starts to go.
So Leo have started to go to the Cafe, then when he arrived, he started to buy a strawberry smoothie and drinks it, then he started to exit out the Cafe, and started to go back home. Then as he started to go back home, he started to think about Twilight and blush a bit.
"Man Twilight is so beautiful whenever I see her every single day. Her hair is so shiny, her eyes sparkle like the night stars, and her lips are so shiny it makes me feel like I want to kiss them." Said Leo as he smiles and thinks about Twilight." She's more than that, she's kind, caring, and is really smarter than anyone in her school, I wish I could tell her how I feel about her."
Then all of a sudden, Leo have started to head some noises form an ally that is next to him and he started to go their to see if anyone is there only to find that there is nothing in the ally. Then as Leo was about to head back home, he started to feel like someone is behind him and that someone is none other than Flash Sentry.
"I can't believe that my Twilight Sparkle is hanging out with a loser like you." Said Flash Sentry as he started to go to Leo." I just don't understand why will Twilight ever wanted to hangout with a big freak like that comes from a lame ninja clan called the Lamato Clan when she can hangout with a handsome guy like myself."
"I'm not a loser Flash Sentry and my ninja Clan is called that Hamato Clan you big jerk!" Said Leo in anger.
"Whatever, look here Lame-anardo, this is just a minor set back for me anyway." Said Flash in anger as he walks around Leo." The reason I don't want you around Twilight is because I want Twilight Sparkle, to be my girlfriend again only to find that she is hanging out with a loser like you."
"Sheesh, you are annoying Flash Sentry and if I remember correctly, Twilight have break up with you during middle school." Said Leo as he glared at Flash Sentry.
"Okay, so she have broke up with me during middle school and humiliated me." Said Flash Sentry in anger." But we were like the most amazing couple ever and I have loved her since."
"Oh yeah, if you were the greatest couple, then why did she dump you?" Asked Leo as he glared at Flash." She told me that you did a prank that was so horrible that it had almost everyone in the hospital."
"Okay, so I did a terrible prank, but I still Love be Twilight Sparkle." Said Flash Sentry.
"Oh really then, if you love Twilight so much, then how come you bully so much and treated so badly to Twilight's friends?" Said Leo in anger." Twilight said that what you did to her friends were really bad and try to humiliate them."
"Okay, I know that I was really mean to the other girls but I was just trying to have some fun." Said Flash Sentry as he started to not care." And besides Twilight is the perfect girl for me till you come alone to our lives and took her away from me."
"Me take her away from you, excuse me, but Twilight never loved you, you have always annoyed her and bully her friends." Said Leo as he glared at him." And you never gave her some space, I was there for her and I gave her space and like her for who she is, I'm nothing like you Flash Sentry you big jerk."
That got Flash Sentry to get really angry at what Leo have just said to him and then he started to speak.
"Okay then Leonardo, pop quiz, what is Twilight's favorite activity and what is the one thing she really likes to do in her life?" Asked Flash Sentry.
That got Leo to get really confused at what Flash Sentry just ask him and he tried to think but couldn't think of anything at what Flash said and Flash Sentry started to see that Leo didn't know and started to smirk.
"You don't know, seriously, and I thought that you are supposed to be smart and know about what Twilight like." Said Flash Sentry and Leo glared at him." Then again, what were the chances that Twilight should date some as handsome as me to make her happy after she decided to dump me."
"Oh really, well it seems that Twilight doesn't seem to like you now." Said Leo as he rolled his eyes." She seems to hangout with me more than you and I make her happy.
"That's my job to make Twilight Sparkle happy!" Said Flash Sentry in anger." I'm the one who should be hanging out with Twilight! Because she is mine!"
Then as soon as Flash Sentry have said that, all of a sudden, music have started to play and then Flash Sentry started to sing.
Flash Sentry: She might be doing you
But she's thinkin' about me
So lay that finger
on another lover
And go find
another sister
I know she's my girl
She's holding my hand
It feels good when
She calls my name
Don't you wish
you had the same
Feeling disgust
Workin' yo' stuff
Till she thinks about mine
Now she's feeling real high
You ask why
Cause she's mine
Tell you something
That just ain't cool
Never fall in love with
A girl who don't love you
I wouldn't waste my
Time telling you
Something wrong
You been with her one
Night and now she's coming home
She's mine
You may have had her once
But I got her all the time
"Geez, no wonder why Twilight wasn't kidding about you, you really are selfish!" Said Leo in a bitter tone." What makes you think that Twilight will come back with you?"
"Because I know she'll come back when I tried to cheer her and given her everything she wants because she is my future girlfriend!" Said Flash as he smirk evilly and continue to sing.
Flash Sentry: She might be doing you
But he's thinkin' about me
So lay that finger on another lover
And go find another brother
I know he's my man
He's holding my hand
It feels good when he calls my name
Don't you wish you had the same
Feeling disgust workin' yo' stuff
Till he thinks about mine
Now he's feeling real high
You ask why
Cause he's mine
Tell you something that just ain't cool
Never fall in love with
A girl who don't love you
I wouldn't waste my time
Telling you something wrong
You been with her
One night and now she's coming home
She's mine
You may have had her once
But I got her all the time
You may have had her once
But I got him all the time
She's mine
You may have had her once
But I got her all the time
She's mine
You may have had her once
But I got her all the time
We don't have time
Playing these games
You had her once
But it's me on her mind
No need to cry
Go dry your eyes
Get over it
It was only for one night
She's mine
You may have had her once
But I got her all the time
She's mine
You may have had her once
But I got her all the time
She's mine
You may have had her once
But I got her all the time
She's mine
After Flash Sentry have finished his song, he started to glare at Leo, and then he started to speak.
"All right Leonardo, you listen to me and listen good, I love Twilight Sparkle and you will stay away from her so she can be my girlfriend again whether she like it or not." Said Flash Sentry as he glared a bit at Leo." And if you ever refused to stay away from my Twilight Sparkle, I will threaten one of your siblings like your baby brother Mikey and beat him up so badly that he won't be able to stand for a week."
That got Leo so angry at what Flash said to him about his baby brother, that all of a sudden he started to grabs Flash Sentry's shirt by the collar and then hits him at the wall really hard while grabbing his shirt and glared at him.
"Alright Flash Sentry you listen to me and you better listen really good." Said Leo in anger." I cared about Twilight because she is kind, smart and beautiful. I'm always there for her and I understood her so much better, and if you ever go near to my baby brother or any other of my siblings and hurt them, I will pound you so hard that you will be sent to the hospital."
"Oh don't you worry about that Leonardo, but I keep this a secret if I were you, you don't want your siblings to know about our little talk, now would we?" Said Flash Sentry as he smirk evilly.
That got Leo to glare at him but then he started to let go of Flash Sentry and then Flash Sentry have started to walk away till he turns to Leo.
"Now remember this Leonardo, just stay away from my Twilight Sparkle and I won't hurt you precious friends." Said Flash Sentry as he smirk evilly." You want to date Twilight Sparkle? Oh please, you don't know the first thing that Twilight likes."
Then Flash Sentry have disappeared and Leo started to realize that it's getting really late and he started to head back home. Then when Leo have arrived home, his siblings were at the living room and then Miwa have started to speak.
"Leo, where have you been, you've been gone for 1 hour to get a smoothie." Said Miwa as she crossed her arms at her chest.
"Yeah dude, we were all really worried." Said Mikey." We have to find a way to make sure that mother and father aren't worried."
"Sorry you guys, it took me a long time to get a smoothie because there were many people at the Cafe." Said Leo as he lied.' I can't let them all know that I ran into Flash Sentry, it will end them getting hurt or worse.'
"Okay then Leo, but the next time, we are all going with you so that you don't take a really long time." Said Raph as he looks a Leo.
Then Leo have started to relax that his siblings didn't realize that he is lying that he run into Flash Sentry. Then a few hours later, after doing their homework, and having dinner, the Hamato Siblings have all started to go to their bedrooms and then as they got into their bedrooms they all have started to say goodnight to each other.
"Goodnight Raph." Said Leo as he turn off his light.
"Goodnight Miwa." Said Raph as he turn off his light.
"Goodnight Leo." Said Donnie as he turn off his light.
"Goodnight Donnie." Said Mikey as he turn off his light.
"Goodnight Mikey." Said Miwa as she turn off his light.
"Uhh, could someone turn on the hallway lights?" Asked Mikey and Leo turn them on." Thanks."
Then the Hamato Siblings have all started to go to sleep. But in Leo's room, he started to cross his arms, then he puts them under his head, and he started to think about Flash Sentry's threat.
"All right Leonardo, you listen to me and listen good, I love Twilight Sparkle and you will stay away from her so she can be my girlfriend whether she like it or not." Said Flash Sentry as he glared a bit at Twilight." And if you ever refused to stay away from my Twilight Sparkle, I will threaten one of your siblings like your baby brother Mikey and beat him up so badly that he won't be able to stand for a week."
End of Flashback
After when he remember at what Flash Sentry have said, Leo have started to get out of his bed, then he started to go to Mikey's bedroom, then as he enter, he goes to where Mikey is, and he is sleeping peacefully. Then he started to run his head gently so he won't wake him up.
Then after he see that Mikey is okay, he started to leave his baby brothers bedroom, then he went back to his room, then he lay on his bed and lays down with his arms on the back of his head.
"I'm not going to let that Flash Sentry ever hurt my siblings, especially Mikey, because if he ever hurts my baby brother, I won't hesitate on beating him up." Said Leo a bit bitter.
Then Leo have started to fall asleep, then as soon as he go to sleep, little did Leo know is that Flash Sentry will threaten Mikey and will do anything to get Twilight Sparkle.
My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, and Ophelia all belong to me
The song Flash Sentry is singing is a parody of "He's Mine" from Mokenstef
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