Arrive at New York City
The next day, it was the big day that all the students of Starswirl Academy are moving to New York City. Every student have pack all their stuff and they put them in the buses. And right now, all the students are all starting to say goodbye to their families and their family are happy for them. Meanwhile, Twilight was saying goodbye to a women, a men, and a teenage boy and they are known as Twilight's family.
The women has moderate purple with light gray highlights, has light arctic blue eyes, she wears a jewel necklace around her neck, she has a reddish-violet dress that goes to her feet, and has a pair of reddish-violet heels on. Her name Twilight Velvet and she is Twilights mother.
The man next to Velvet has dark phthalo blue hair, has moderate amber eyes, wears a blue dark shirt with a crescent moon on it with a star next to it, has dark blue pants on, and black shoes on. His name is Night Light, he is the husband Twilight Velvet and Twilight's father.
The boy next to Night Light has moderate sapphire blue hair with moderate cerulean and dark phthalo blue streaks, has moderate cerulean eyes, her wears a white button up shirt with a blue shield that has a pink star in the middle, has blue pants on, and had blue shoes on. His name is Shining Armor, he is the son of Twilight Velvet and Night Light, and is known as Twilight's big brother.
"Oh Twilight, we are so very proud of you, I can't believe that our little girl is studying in New York City." Said Twilight Velvet as she smiles.
"Mom you know that I have been working on this for my whole life." Said Twilight as she smiles." And I have always wanted to go to New York City ever since I was a little girl."
"We know Twilight, and we are very happy that you are proceeding your dream." Said Night Light as he smiles." And I'm really surprised that Principal Celestia is letting you take Spike with you to New York."
Then Twilight have started to look down to see her puppy Spike barking happy at her. Then Twilight have started to smile and she started to pick him up.
"Well you know me, I wouldn't leave without Spike." Said Twilight as she hug her dog." Well I better get in the bus."
"Take good care Twily." Said Shining Armor as he hugs his sister.
"I will Shining Armor, I will call you guys as soon as I have arrived at New York City." Said Twilight as she smiles.
So Twilight have started to hug her family, then she pick up her dog Spike and her bag, and she started to go into the bus where she and her friends are going. Meanwhile Sunset Shimmer was saying goodbye to her mother and father who's name are Sunrise and Eclipse.
"Okay Sunset, now you take good care of yourself in New York City." Said Sunrise as she smiles.
"I will mom, and don't worry mom and dad, I'll be fine." Said Sunset as she smiles.
"I can't believe that our little girl is all grown up right now and she is going to New York City to pursue her dream." Said Eclipse as he smiles at his smiles." Just please be careful when you get there."
"I will dad." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.
Then Sunset Shimmer have started to hug her parents saying goodbye and then she started to grab her bag and started to go to the bus where she and her friends are assigned. Meanwhile Rarity and Sweetie are saying goodbye to their parents who are Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles.
"Oh I couldn't believe that our two little girls are going to New York City to pursue their dreams." Said Hondo as he hugs his daughter." And you get to always study in your dream school."
"Just remember to take good care of your sister because New York City is a really big city and your could get lost easily." Said Cookie Crumbles as she smiles at her daughter.
"Don't worry mom, I'll make sure that I'll take care of Sweetie Belle." Said Rarity as she smiles.
"We'll call you when we get to New York." Said Sweetie Belle as she smiles.
"Take good care girls." Said Hondo as he smiles.
"We will dad." Said Rarity and Sweetie Belle as they smile.
So Rarity and Sweetie Belle have both started to hug their parents and say goodbye to them, then they have started to grab their bags and go to the bus they are assigned with their friends. Meanwhile with Pinkie Pie she is saying goodbye to her parents, who are Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz, and her sister's Maud Pie, Marble Pie, and Limestone Pie.
"Oh Pinkie Pie, we are very proud of you that you are going to New York City." Said Igneous as he smiles at his daughter." You have make us happy and proud since the day you made your first party."
"Aw thanks dad, that really means so much to me, I'm really going to miss you guys." Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.
"I can't believe that our little girl is going to New York City." Said Cloudy as she smiles." I'm sure that you are going to do really great at New York City."
"Thanks mom." Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.
"Take good care of yourself Pinkie Pie." Said Maud as she smiles.
"Make sure that you stay safe when you get to New York City." Said Limestone as she smiles." And make sure that you that you call when you arrive at New York."
"Mmhm." Said Marble Pie as she smiles.
"I will call you guys as soon as I arrive at New York City. Well I'll see you guys." Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.
Then Pinkie Pie started to hug her family, then she started to grab her bag, and she went to the bus where she and her friends are assigned to ride. Meanwhile Applejack and Applebloom are both saying goodbye to their big brother, Big Macintosh, and their grandmother, Granny Smith.
"Oh girls, I'm so happy that you two are going to New York City to pursue your dreams." Said Granny Smith as she smiles at her granddaughters and tears come out of her eyes." Oh your mother and father would be so very proud of you if they are here right now."
"We know that Granny Smith, and don't worry about it, we will be okay in New York City." Said Applejack as she smiles at her grandmother." I mean I have work really hard with this and now our school is moving to New York City."
"Yeah, we always wanted to explore New York City, and we get to have that chance, the difference is that our school is being build there and we are going to study there." Said Applebloom as she smile." But we are going to miss you both so much, I really hope you do the business without."
"We will be fine Applebloom, just be sure that you and Applejack are safe and sound in New York City." Said Big Macintosh as he smiles at his sister's." And make sure that you call us when you arrive there."
"We will Big Macintosh and Granny Smith, will miss so much." Said Applejack as she smiles.
So Applejack and Applebloom have started to hug their big brother and grandmother, which they hug back, then after they say their goodbye to their family, they have grab their bags, and they went to the bus where they are assigned to with their friends. Meanwhile Fluttershy was saying goodbye to her parents who are known as Mr. and Mrs. Shy.
"Oh we are so happy that you are going to study in New York City Fluttershy." Said Mrs. Shy as she smiles." Your brother would've come to say goodbye but he had to stay in school to study for a test."
"I understand that mom and don't worry, I'll be fine in New York, I have my friends with me." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
"I know that you will be okay Fluttershy and promise us that you will call us when you get there." Said Mr. Shy as he smiles.
"I will dad and I will miss you guys so much." Said Fluttershy as she hugs her parents.
"And we will miss you too Fluttershy, take good care of yourself." Said Ms. Shy as she and her husband hug their daughter.
So as soon as Fluttershy have finished hugging her parents, she started to grab her bag, and then she went to the bus she is assigned with her friends. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash have started to say goodbye to her parents who are known as Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.
"Oh my god, I can't believe that our little Rainbow Dash is going to study in New York City." Said Bow Hothoof as tears come out of his eyes." Oh I'm so very happy for you."
"Oh dad, it's okay, I'm going to be fine in New York City." Said Rainbow Dash as she smiles at her parents." And besides I've been working for this for my whole life."
"We know that Rainbow Dash and we are really happy for you." Said Windy as she smiles at her daughter.
"And we are also terrified too because New York City is a really big city and it can be full of bad guys." Said Bow Hothoof." And street gangs are the worst."
"Actually your father does have a point there, they can be really bad, remember what to your cousin Speedy when he ran into a street gang?" Asked Windy Whistle.
"I remember that mom, but that was 10 years ago, and Speedy is alright." Said Rainbow Dash." And I really know how to take care o myself and don't worry I'll call you guys when I arrive at New York."
"Oh we are going to miss you Rainbow Dash." Said Windy as she and her hushed hug their daughter.
"I'll miss you guys too." Said Rainbow Dash as she hugs her parents.
Then after Rainbow Dash have said goodbye to her parents and hug them, she grab her bag, and went to meet her friends to the bus they are assigned.
"Hey has anyone seen Juniper, Starlight, and Trixie?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.
"We're here." Said Starlight as she, Juniper, and Trixie arrived with their bags." I was just saying goodbye to my parents, they were really going to miss me."
"And I was saying goodbye to my uncle, he said that making movies won't be the same without me, but I know that he'll be fine." Said Juniper as she smiles.
"And the Great and Powerful Trixie has to say goodbye to her beloved parents and they say they will miss me so much." Said Trixie as she smiles.
"That's great now lets go inside our bus." Said Rarity.
So the Mane 7, their friends, the CMC, and the other students have started to enter the bus and then the buses have started to drive and the students have started to wave goodbye to their parents and started to leave for New York City. It's been five hours and Twilight was petting her dog Spike and looking outside the window of the bus wit a curious face and Sunset Shimmer notice it.
"Hey Twilight, are you okay?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.
"Oh yeah Sunset, I'm fine, I'm just really happy that we are going to New York City." Said Twilight as she smiles.
And Sunset Shimmer also smile that she, her friends, and all the students of Starswirl Academy are going to New York City.
"We are gonna have so much fun! Not only that we are going to New York City, but we get to study their, make new friends, have slumber parties, and roast marshmallows!" Said Pinkie Pie in excitement.
"Yeah, we might probably not gonna do that." Said Rainbow Dash as she looks at Pinkie.
"Maybe you're not." Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.
"Attention, students, we're almost there." Said Principal Celestia as she smiles." But before we arrive, we just wanted to say how proud we are of you for raising enough money to go New York City."
"When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in New York City, and we're sure you will, too." Said Vice Principal Luna as she smiles.
"Now who's excited for New York City?!" Asked Principal Celestia in excitement.
Everyone have started to cheer for excitement and even the Mane 7 are also really happy that they are almost at New York City. Then all of a sudden, music have began to play and everyone at the bus have began to sing.
Everyone: Will you be lost by time
Or be part of history
Will your story be told
Or remain a mystery
Will they sing your song
Telling all that you have done
Time to make your choice
Only you can be the one
As you join in
The Legend of Everfree
As you join in
The Legend of Everfree
Will you do something great
With the time that you have here
Will you make your mark
Will you conquer what you fear
And when you go back home
Everybody there will see
You were part of
The Legend of Everfree
As you join in the
Legend of Everfree
Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa
As you join in
The Legend of Everfree
Will you find your greatest glory
Will you be a falling star
Here to learn what nature teaches
Here to learn more who you are
Will you be lost by time
Or be part of history
Will your story be told
Or remain a mystery
And when you go back home
Everybody there will see
You were part of the
Legend of Everfree
As you join in
The Legend of Everfree
As you join in
The Legend of Everfree
Then after they have all finished their song, they have all arrived at New York City. They were all amazed at how beautiful the city is, then they have arrived at their school that was already build and was amazed at how big it is and how the dorms are big. Then all of the students have all got out the buses and started to look around.
"Isn't New York City just beautiful?" Asked Fluttershy with much amusement." Oh, I can't wait to go to one of the zoos to see all the animals and go to the parks."
"Spike definitely really wanted to go to the parks to go for a walk and specifically squirrels because he likes to chase them." Said Twilight as she looks at her dog Spike who started to bark.
"Well, I'm just lookin' forward to roughin' it. I'm gonna make my own build my own bakery, make all of my tasty apple treats to sell them for the apple family." Said Applejack as she smiles.
"Uh, you do know that it is a lot of work, right?" Asked Rainbow Dash.
"Yup! Still gonna do it though." Said Applejack as she smiles.
"I can help you bake if you want big sis." Said Applebloom as she smiles and Applejack smile at her little sister and hug her.
"I can't wait to study here in New York City and make new designs for my future boutique." Said Rarity as she smiles." And just think, my first ever boutique here in New York City."
"I'm sure that you will make your dreams come true sis." Said Sweetie Belle as she smiles.
"Aw why thank you darling, that's very sweet of you to say." Said Rarity as she smiles and hugs her sister.
"Wow girls, can you all believe it, we are actually attending our school here in New York City, the greatest city ever!" Said Twilight in excitement." I can't wait to study here in New York City and I have always wanted to go to New York City ever since I was little."
"Yeah, it has always been my dream to come to New York City and now my dream has come true!" Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles at the building's." I can't wait to see all the most famous museums and the greatest concerts here."
"I know huh, New York City has one of the greatest sports ever here!" Said Rainbow Dash in excitement." I hope I get to tryout in one of sports team in Starswirl Academy."
"I always wanted to tryout one of the sports teams like you Rainbow Dash." Said Scootaloo as she smiles at her sister and Rainbow Dash hugs her little sister.
"I just can't wait to go to one of the greatest parties ever!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles." And better yet, I'm going to make my greatest parties in Starswirl Academy and I will be one of the greatest party planning committee and greatest cheerleader captain."
"I can't wait to see all the greatest movies here in New York City." Said Juniper as she smiles." I really hope that I become a great actor and maybe act in one of my own movies."
"I really hope that I can entertain many people with powerful magic tricks." Said Trixie as she smiles.
"Wow looks like all of us are really happy that we are here at New York City." Said Starlight as she smiles.
"Alright now students, we have pick out your rooms here in the dorm rooms. The sophomore's, juniors, and seniors have their own dorm rooms." Said Principal Celestia as she smiles." The Freshman will have three students sleep together and might be able to make new friends. Sophomore's, junior, and seniors you grab your room key and number from Vice Principal Luna, freshman you're with me."
So the girls started to go to Vice Principal Luna, they are sophomores and once they grab their room key, they look at their room numbers and are very surprised.
"Hey this is so cool, are rooms are like right next to each other!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.
"This is awesome, we can each visit each other's rooms." Said Juniper.
"Hey guys, the three of us have said the same room." Said Sweetie Belle as she, Applebloom, and Scootaloo smile.
"That's really cool guys." Said Rainbow Dash as she smiles.
"Alright now students, before you go to your rooms and unpack, I have another announcement to make, tomorrow we are all going to Roosevelt High School because they have made us a big "Welcome to New York Party", when they heard that we are coming, they all wanted to make us feel welcome." Said Principal Celestia and everyone started to cheer." Alright now, when you arrive to your rooms, you will find your stuff there, so let's unpack and make ourselves home."
So everyone have started to grab their bags and started to go to their dorm rooms to unpack. As they all go, little did the Mane 7 know, is that the might make some new friends here in New York City and might also find their new crushes.
My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro
The song "Legend of Everfree Opening" is from the movie My Little Pony: Legend of Everfree
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