Twilight's Magical Fight

Twilight has started to panic and try to come up with a plan to save the girls, the turtles, April, Karai, Shinigami, and Casey but she couldn't think of anything and the girls try to make sure that the Dazzling's don't hurt the turtles.

"Oh man, what am I going to do, I can't think of something but I need to come up with a plan soon." Said Twilight as she looks to see that the girls are getting tired and couldn't hold their Magic for long." Said Twilight as she started to look at the fight is still going on." Man the girls can hold on to their magic but not for long and the turtles are trying to free themselves and their friends, but what can I do?"

Twilight kept on panicking and started to form tears from her eyes. Then all of a sudden, someone have started to touch Twilight's shoulder's and she turn to see Master Splinter next to her.

"Master Splinter!" Said Twilight as she hugs him." I'm so glad you're here the others are having some trouble and I don't know what to do."

"It's okay Twilight, I understand that you are having trouble trying to figure out a plan on how to transform." Said Master Splinter as he looks at her." But you need to know that you can't transform in your mind, you must transform in your heart."

That got Twilight really confused at first but then she started see a glowing down at her gem that started to glow. Then she finally understands what Master Splinter means what he said. She see's that the people she loved and cared are in danger and she will do anything to help and protect them even it means she might get hurt in the battle.

"I understand now, I care about them in my heart and I will do anything in my power to save them." Said Twilight as she grabs her necklace with her head and believes." They need me and I need them the most because they are like my family."

"Spoken like a true princess that you are, now that you understand, I think it is time for you to save your friends." Said Master Splinter as he smiles at her." But I think you need to transform into your magical princess form first."

Then Twilight started to see that her pendant is glowing really bright, then as she smiles, she took a deep breath, her hold pendant and then started to transform.

"Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Crystal!" Said Twilight as she began to transform.

Then all of a sudden, as soon as Twilight said that, her dress have started to turn into a triple-layered white and purple sleeveless dress with a purple crystal star symbol on top, purple short leggings, white handless gloves with a bit purple at the top, a light purple veil like silk attach to the dress at the skirt with stars at the bottom, her hair turns bright purple, her lips are purple, a purple star crystal headband, purple star earrings hanging, and purple boots on.

After Twilight have transformed into her magical princess form, she started to look at herself and was amazed at herself and then she looks at her reflection at the car and is amazed that she is even more beautiful than ever.

"Wow, I look really amazing and I feel so magical right now." Said Twilight as she looks at her hand.

"I'm proud of you Twilight Sparkle, you have finally transform, now then use this spell to help your friends and save my sons." Said Master Splinter as he gives Twilight a paper with a spell.

So Twilight started to go to the battle. Meanwhile the girls are so tired that the Dazzling's have borne their crystal shield spells and the girls fall to the ground but Raph, Donnie, and Mikey have catch Sunset, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie into their arms before they hit the grounds.

"Are you girls okay?" Asked Karai as she and Shinigami help Rainbow Dash up.

"Yeah, were fine but these guys here are stronger than ever, I don't know if we can defeat them." Said Applejack as she looks at them.

"Well done Dazzling's, and Adagio you are really dazzling when you do your spells." Said Tiger Claw as he smirks at her and Adagio blush a bit." Now I'll finish them off and we will take Twilight Sparkle to our Master for honor."

So Tiger Claw have started to take out one of his guns that shoots out ice, then the turtles started to gather the girls close to then to protect them from being shot, but as Tiger Claw was about to shoot them, all of a sudden Twilight have started to cast the spell that Master Splinter told her.

"Crystal Colidum!" Said Twilight as she cast her spell.

Then purple magic circle that have a star in the middle appear from her hands and magic crystal spears started to go to Tiger Claw and Stan right at his arms and Tiger Claw yelled in pain. The other mutants go to him to see if he is okay, and the girls and the others turn to see Twilight in her magical princess form and she smile at them.

"Looks like you guys could use some extra help." Said Twilight as she smiles at them.

"Twilight, you did it you have finally change into your magical princess form!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles." And you already did your first crystal spell perfect!"

Leo just look at Twilight and blush so red at how Twilight's bright purple shine at the sun and how her dress makes her stand out. When he just look at her, she as just so beautiful than ever.

'Wow, Twilight is just beautiful than I ever laid my eyes on before.' Thought Leo as he smiles at her.

Then Tiger Claw got one of the crystals that Twilight use on him and then Adagio looks at Twilight glaring at her evilly.

"You, how dare you attack Tiger Claw, and I can't believe that you just transform into your magical self!" Said Adagio furiously." I guess I'm going to have to teach you some respect for attacking one of my friends!"

Then Adagio started to aim her crystal magic at Twilight, but Twilight use another crystal magic and a big purple crystal in a shape of a star appear in front of her and block Adagio's attack and then Twilight shot some crystals to set the turtles and their friends free from the crystal blocks they were trap in. Then the other girls have started to go to Twilight and then Sunset started to get an idea.

"Hey girls, I have an idea but we're going to need to tour help Twilight with this spell." Said Sunset as she looks at Twilight.

"Alright Sunset, what an I suppose to do?" Asked Twilight.

"Just follow our lead Twilight!" Said Rarity.

Then the mane 7 have started to grab each other's hands, and then all of a sudden, a big white magic circle started to appear down at the girls and they started to say the names of their kingdoms.

"Sapphire!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Emerald!" Shouted Fluttershy.

"Fire Opal!" Shouted Applejack.

"Rosaline!" Shouted Pinkie Pie.

"Diamond!" Shouted Rarity.

"Ruby!" Shouted Sunset Shimmer.

"Crystal Empire!" Shouted Twilight Sparkle.

Then all of a sudden, 7 magical weapons have started to appear and landed on one of the girls hands that have each crystal symbols of their kingdoms

Twilight's weapon is a specter. The tip of the scepter has the same design as Twilight's necklace. The weapon is called the Specter of the Crystal Empire.

Sunset's weapon is a round ring with gold and red color with symbols of Fleur De Lys on its rim. Her weapon is called the Ring of Ruby

Rarity's weapon is also a specter that has the design as her necklace. Her weapon is called the Specter of Diamond.

Pinkie's weapon are a pair of pink clubs that bear the sparkling gem symbol of Rosaline. The clubs can merged together to form a giant hammer. Her weapon is called the Clubs of Rosaline!

Applejack's weapon is a ribbon. It is a wand which its tip is shaped like a crest and has a apple in the middle of the crest. Her weapon is called the Ribbon of Fire Opal.

Fluttershy's weapon is a round ring with gold and light green color with symbols of Fleur De Lys on its rim. Her weapon is called the Ring of Emerald.

And Rainbow Dash's weapon is a wand that has the same size a regular wand but when extends to the length of a spear. And her weapon is called the Wand of Sapphire.

Then as they have all summon their weapons, they have started to cross them and then all of a sudden a magical beam have come down to them and they have started to aim their weapons at the Dazzling's and Shredders minions and started to said their spell.

"Crystal Luxtra!" Said the mane 7.

Then all of a sudden a magical beam that is like a rainbow started to go to the enemy's that have send them flying away and after that they have started to look at each other and Pinkie Pie have started to cheer.

"Yes, we did it, we beat those bad guys and save the others, we are so awesome aren't we?!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.

"Yeah you bet that we are awesome, we have totally kicked their sorry butts!" Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks then looks at Twilight." And Twilight, you were so awesome out there and you have finally master your crystal magic."

"Thank you girls, I can't believe that I really have crystal magic and use it for good but I'm really happy that you girls have help me." Said Twilight as she smiles." And I'm really lucky that I meet you and become friends with you girls, I guess we make a great team."

Then the mane 7 have started to gather into a group hug and then they have started to transform into their human selfs, their hair and clothes went back to normal and the magical gems started to change back into their jewelry. Then the turtles, April, Karai, Shinigami, and Casey have started to go to them.

"Wow you girls were really amazing at how you were able to defeat those bad guys!" Said April in excitement." I seen many princesses in movies before but you were really amazing."

"That was so wicked and Applejack you were really amazing and you were beautiful in that magical dress." Said Casey as he smiles.

"Gee thank you Casey that's very nice of you to say." Said Applejack as she smiles at Casey and blush a bit.

"That was so awesome and Pinkie Pie, you were really magical and beautiful at the magical form you were before." Said Mikey as look at Pinkie Pie loving.

"Aw thank you Mikey, that's the most sweetest thing that you have ever said to me." Said Pinkie Pie as she blush a bit.

"Wow Sunset Shimmer, you were really amazing out there and you were really pretty at that magical princess form." Said Raph as he blush a bit.

"Aw thank you Raph, that's very kind of you to say." Said Sunset Shimmer as she blushes.

"Wow Twilight, that was really great at what you did, plus you were really beautiful in that magical princess form." Said Leo as he smiles.' Wow she is really a magical princess, I am so in love with right now.'

"Aw thank you Leo, that's very kind of you to say." Said Twilight as she blush.' OMG, he said I look really beautiful in my magical princess form, I'm so lucky now.'

"Wow, Fluttershy that was really great and I like it how you were using that magic spell to send the bad guys flying." Said April in excitement.

"Thank you April, that's very kind of you to say." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.

"Wow, I seen magic before at the witch village but what you girls did is a very beyond magic and you were really awesome." Said Shinigami in excitement.

"Wow Rainbow Dash, I seen many battles before when I fight alone with my friends and family before but you and your friends are really wicked awesome." Said Karai as she smirks.

"Thanks Karai, I was really great at fighting and kicking their dirty butts but we were really awesome and working as a team help us." Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks as well.

Then Rarity started to look at Donnie who was looking at her blushing really red and his eyes widen.

"Donnie darling, are you okay?" Asked Rarity.

"Wow Rarity, you were. . . Were. . . Groot- I mean great, you were great out there!" Said Donnie as he was blushing in embarrassment.' Shoot really Donnie, you didn't even know what groot means.'

"Why thank you darling and I must say that you are pretty funny in a cute way." Said Rarity as she blush a bit.

"Gee, thank you Rarity." Said Donnie as he blush more in embarrassment.' Great Donnie, first you say a word that you don't even know what it means and now you just humiliated yourself at the most beautiful girl you ever saw in your life, this is so embarrassing right now.'

Then all of a sudden, Master Splinter have started to come out of his hiding place when he was watching the girls fighting and he started to smile at the girls.

"Well done girls, you've done really well at working together to defeat Shredders minions and the Dazzling's as a team." Said Master Splinter as he smiles at them and then looks at Twilight." And Twilight Sparkle, you were also very great, even thought you don't know any crystal magic you were willing to help your friends."

"Thank you Master Splinter that is very kind of you to say." Said Twilight as she smiles.

"Yeah but we all got a big problem, the Dazzling's are joining forces with the Shredder and he knows that you are here Twilight." Said Sunset with a serious face." We might need to help you more with your crystal magic but I think it's going to take more than that to stop Shredder."

Karai started pondering before turning to Splinter.

"Father, do you think it would be possible if we taught the girls to be kunoichi's?" Asked Karai.

"WHAT?!" The turtles gasped.

"Kunoichi's?" The girls asked.

"A female ninja. I've been training to be one myself." April answered.

"Hmm, given the circumstances of this situation, I do believe that the Dazzling's would be more of a threat." Splinter pondered.

"So can they?" Karai asked hopefully.

"They can, but the choice will be up to them." Said Splinter and they all looked at the Rainbooms.

"Heck, yeah!" Rainbow got up, "A chance to be a super awesome ninja on earth? I'm there."

"Me too!" Pinkie jumped up.

"Count me in yall." Applejack agreed.

"While fighting isn't my thing since I am a lady of fashion," Rarity began before growing a determined look, "But for my friends I will endure such a trial."

"Oh, I don't know if I'm cut out to fight." Fluttershy said in doubt.

"There's more to being a ninja than just knowing how to fight." Donnie said.

"It's also about being wise and resourceful." Leo added.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked, as they nodded, "Well, I guess I can do that."

"If the sirens are involved, we'll need all the strength we need." Sunset said, as all eyes fell on Twilight.

"How about it, Twilight?" Leo asked.

"Well, I'm not sure if I'll be as good a fighter as you turtles are and besides I never know how to do ninjutsu before." Twilight said in doubt.

"Twilight, it won't matter if you won't be as good as the others, because what matters is you'll fight together. So we all have your back." Shinigami explained.

"Then I want to learn too." Twilight smiled from Shinigami words of wisdom, and answered,

"The seven of you have made a wise choice. First we must free all the citizens that are trap in the crystals that Dazzling's put them in." Said Master Splinter.

So they all started to go and free all the people that are free all the citizens who are trap in the crystals and Twilight knew that this is just the beginning of her new adventure she is going to have.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

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