Enter the Turtles

Meanwhile at the parts of the streets, a group of 4 mutant turtles and 4 humans that are 3 girls and a boy were walking were walking down the streets. One of the turtles has a blue mask, ocean blue eyes, and 2 swords, one has a red mask, emerald green, and twin sais, one has a purple mask, reddish-brown eyes, and a bo staff, and one has a orange mask, baby blue eyes, and nunchucks. There names are Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo or Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey for short.

"Wow you guys, can you believe that it's been weeks since we save the earth from the black hole generator." Said Leo as he smiles." And now people have accept us."

"I know right, it only just seem like yesterday that people don't appreciate us but now we have become popular." Said Raph as he smirk.

You see, You see, it's been weeks since they saved Earth and stopped the Black Hole Generator. Things have finally been cooling down. No more Triceratons. No more Kraang. And best of all, no more Shredder and his goons. They've completely disappeared from the city. So they have finally settle down and as they have been rewarded by having normal life and can come up to the surface and start school for their bravery.

"Yeah I mean we have totally kicked alien butt and show them not to mess with us." Said Mikey as he smile.

"Yeah and now we can all finally live in peace right you guys?" Said Donnie as he looks at their 4 human friends.

The first girl has red hair, blue eyes, yellow headband, yellow shirt with a white number 5 on, blue shorts, black leggings, black boots, and brown wrist bracelet, her name is April O'Neil.

The second girl has black and gold hair, has amber brown eyes, and is wearing a ninja armor that make her looks like a ninja, her name is Miwa but people called her Karai.

The third girl has long black hair, golden brown eyes, wearing a purplish black dress with a yellow stone in the middle, purplish black hat with gold marking on it, bat cape, black leggings, and black shoes, her name is Shinigami.

The boy has black hair, chocolate brown eyes, black jacket on, has a black headband on, has black fingerless gloves on, blue pants, and black shoes on, his name is Casey Jones.

"Yeah, I'm really glad that people have started to appreciate you really great and see you as hero's." Said April as she smiles." And not only that but you can go to school and have normal live's."

"Yeah and not only that but you become really popular with the girls and they keep giving you their phone numbers." Said Casey as he smirk." And they all have a crush on you guys."

"Yeah all those girls from CHS are really great and cute but we already found the right girls for us." Said Raph as he smile and blush." And I hope that she loves me for me instead of Mona Lisa."

"Yeah and besides there is a lot of stuff up here at the streets that you guys have always missed out on." Said Shinigami as she smiles." And at like CHS, because I can tell some students about the history of witches and magic at my home village and finally started to have a normal life as a normal girl."

"Yeah and besides ever since you guys have defeated the Shredder and his goons I've finally have found my real family." Said Karai as she smiles then frowns a bit." Especially since the Shredder have lied to me for 15 years and trying to force me to kill my real family when he taken me away from my real father."

You see, Karai has been taken away from her father, Hamato Yoshi from his enemy Oroko Saki or Shredder when she was a baby. And for many years she was raised by a lie till four mutant turtles Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo or Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey for short. After she learn the truth, she sworn revenge on the Shredder for lying to her and putting a brain worm in her that cause her to fight her real family.

"Yeah, but don't forget Karai, we have help you by learning the truth about your real father and how the Shredder lied to you all these years." Said Leo as he smiles at her and Karai smile at him as well.

"You know something guys, the four of us are like the ones who really don't have a special someone to love." Said Mikey as he looks at his brother's." I mean come on, the four of us have been living in the sewers for like 15 years never be able to find our special someone's, besides I don't ever want to be lonely, I want someone to love with and love me for me."

"Well that's the thing Mikey, we don't know how to find our special someone's." Said Leo as he place his hand at his little brother's shoulder." Besides I wanted to find my special dream girl for my whole life but I don't even know that girl even exist."

"Don't worry bro, I'm sure that we will find our special someone soon and I know it will happen." Said Raph as he smiles." And who know's maybe that special someone will find us."

"Yeah I know but how will we know that we will find the right girl for me you guys?" Asked Donnie.

"You'll know that you have find your special someone when you can feel it in your heart you guys." Said April as she smiles at her turtle friends." Just like Master Splinter have did when he first met Tang Shen and she was the one for him."

"Yeah you guys, besides I still have t found my special someone just yet." Said Casey as he agreed." But I'm going to keep searching till I find her."

"Yeah and I really hope that special could be better like the time when Leo use to have a crush on me when we use to be enemies." Said Karai as she smirks.

That got the others to giggle a bit and Leo to blush really red, he really just like to talk about and want to leave it behind.

"Alright you guys, what do you say that will buy something to drink, I'm getting really thirsty and there is smoothie place right over there." Said April as she points at the smoothie place." I heard that place is one of the famous building's ever."

"Yeah let's go, besides I really wanted to try their famous smoothies." Said Mikey as he smiles.

Then all of a sudden, as soon as Leo is following his family and friends her started to turn at another direction and started to see something that really made his eyes widen. He saw Twilight walking down the sidewalk with her pet dog. That got his heart to skip so fast that he started to blush and made him drop his swords and his family and friends to look at him and go to him.

"Leo, what's wrong why did you drop your swords?" Asked Karai.

"Leo are you okay?" Asked Raph." What's the matter and what are you looking at?"

"Guys! Look at that!" Said Leo as he pointed at Twilight and the others look to see Twilight.

Then they all saw Twilight walking at the sidewalk with her dog, then all of a sudden Leo's began to turn into hearts and then his heart began to beat fast.

"Wow, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my whole life." Leo said dreamily.

"Ooh looks like someone had already found their special somebody." Said Karai as she smirk which causes Leo to stop daydreaming and look at her.

"What, don't be ridiculous Karai, I was only looking at her at how nice and pretty she is that's all." Said Leo as he looks at Twilight again.' But then again she is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on.'

Meanwhile at the other side of the streets, Twilight was still walking not seeing the turtles and their friends looking at her. Then she saw something at the light post and it was a flyer and she started to read it.

"Oh a flyer, I wonder what it says." Said Twilight as she began to read." Wanted lead singer in band: The Rainbooms."

That got Twilight to smile really great. She have always dream to become part of a band and sing and now maybe this might be her only chance to do it and become a great singer. So she have started to grab the flyer and started to look at her dog.

"Come on Spike, I've always wanted to be a singer ever since I was just a little girl." Said Twilight as she smiles." And now this is my chance to sing and maybe be even in a band."

So Spike and Twilight have both started to go to where the auditions are holding. Then as they go, Leo had an idea by following Twilight and hear her sing.

"Uh Leo what are you thinking about?" Asked April till she realized it." Wait a minute, you wanted to follow her so you can hear her singing huh?"

"What no of course not, why on earth will make you think that?" Asked Leo as he blush red.

"Come on Leo drop the act, we all know that you really wanted to hear her sing, you just really want to know how beautiful her voice is." Said Raph as he smirk." Besides you just blush really red when you just see that girl walking down the sidewalk."

That got Leo to blush really red when Raph have said it then he just sight in defeat and then confess.

"Alright alright, yeah I wanted to hear her singing voice." Said Leo as he blush." Because I really think that girl over there might be the special someone I was looking for."

"I knew it I knew it, I knew that my big brother will finally found his special someone, so let's go follow her." Said Mikey as he smiles." And who know maybe my special someone is at the audition and maybe even Raph and Donnie's special someone even Casey."

"Maybe you might be right Mikey, not let's follow her before we lose her." Said Casey as he smiles.

So the turtles, April, Karai, Shinigami, and Casey have all started to follow to Twilight to the audition so Leo can hear her singing. As they all go, little did Leo know is that maybe he is right that Twilight is his special someone and maybe that Mikey, Raph, Donnie, and Casey will find their special someone at the auditions.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

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