Chapter 7: Sweet Apple Cathedral
After their tour of Mystica, the mane 7 takes the Hamato Siblings, the Mighty Mutanimals, April, and Casey to Sweet Apple Cathedral where Applejack is born. And as they got there they were amazed how it look. Sweet Apple Cathedral was surprisingly small for a cathedral. There was only one large stained glass window above the doors, and for some reason, it prominently featured an apple instead of a depiction of the Goddess. Looking around, they all noticed that the branches in the orchard were heavy with apples and lots of apple trees.
"Well here we are." Said Applejack.
"Wow nice home Applejack." Said Casey.
"Applejack!" Applejack turn around and saw a girl with red a pink bow on her head, a girl from her right side has purple hair, and the girl on her left has light pink and purple hair, those three girls are Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejacks sisters Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.
"Hey little sis." Said Applejack as she rub her sisters hair as Rarity hugs Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash fist bump Scootaloo.
"Girls these are the the Hamato Siblings, their friends and-" Before Applejack can continue the Mighty Mutanimals were no where to be found." Hey where are the Mighty Mutanimals?"
"Well some boy with a big mallet and armor on ask them to help him with something." Said Leo.
"Oh that's my brother Big Macintosh he's a Cleric." Said Applejack." By the way girls, this is Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Miwa, April, and Casey Jones. Guys this is my sister Applebloom she is a Artificer."
"Hi." Said Applebloom as she wave at them.
"This is my sister Scootaloo, she is a Arcane Monk." Said Rainbow Dash."
"Hi there." Said Scootaloo as she wave.
"And this is my sister Sweetie Belle, she is a bard." Said Rarity.
"Hi, nice purple hand bandana." Said Sweetie Belle.
"Thanks." Said Donnie.
"Hey where is Granny Smith?" Asked Applejack.
"She's inside." Said Applebloom. And so they all went inside to see Granny Smith and then the turtles saw sime Apple trees that are rainbow color.
"Wow Applejack what kind of Apples are those?" Ask Mikey as he point at the rainbow apples trees.
"Oh those are zap Apples, Granny Smith found them." Said Applejack." She explained how she found them.
Then as they enter an Granny Smith came with her cane and walk straight to Applejack.
"Applejack it nice to see you here." Said Granny Smith." How are things at Canterlot."
"It's great Granny, by the way these are the Hamato Siblings and their friends you know from the Hamato Clan." Said Applejack." This is Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Miwa, April, and Casey Jones. The Mighty Mutanimals are with Big Mac. Guys this is Granny Smith she is a sage and was the one who battle the Newcomancer long ago."
"Aw I see, I meet them there're at the living room." Said Granny Smith. So they went to the living room where the Mighty Mutanimals are eating Zap Apple Jam.
"Hey you guys, you got to try this jam is delicious." Said Slash and so the turtles, Miwa, Casey, and April all try the jam with bread and they taste it and they like it.
"Wow, this jam is great." Said Leo.
"Yep it's great." Said Casey.
"Why thank you I made it with the zap apples I found." Said Granny Smith.
"Hey Granny why don't you tell them your story?" Said Applejack.
"Oh I like stories." Said Mikey.
"Well alright." Said Granny Smith.
And so Granny Smith sit down at her chair and the Hamato Siblings, the Mighty Mutanimals, April, and Casey all sit down and gather at Granny Smith while the girls all sit at one side.
Granny Smith: Long ago when I was a little girl, things were very different here in Magiville, cause there was no Magiville.
When Granny Smith said that, it got the Hamato Siblings, the Mighty Mutanimals, April, and Casey really surprised and shock.
Granny Smith: That's right my children, me and my family were pilgrim folk back when I was a little girl, oh we adventure far and wide collecting new seeds and healing herbs but ma pa was the finest seed collector in all Equestria. Then one day, the Smith family found themselves in the most beautiful and biggest cities ever, a place called Camelot. Why I say that it's the most marvelous place and then suddenly she appeared. Princess Celestia, the most kindest person I ever meet, she stop to look at my pa seed collection, then Princess Celestia saw that we were tired and looking for a home, she told us that there is place for us to stay and we gave her our thanks. We quickly found that land in the Everfree Forest and we built our first home, next we planted our first orchard, but an orchard don't grow over night and we were getting mighty short on food. Then I decided to go to the Everfree Forest and I knew that there are critters living there, there must be something to eat. It was dark and musty and I won't lie it was scary, but every inch was cover with lots of plants, and then I look and saw I was standing in front of the most incredible apple tree, I have never seen this colorful fruit, so I started to pock the Apples in a split. But then I heard I rusty sound, I turn and there standing by me was the timber wolves. I never run so fast in my life and I did the only thing I have to do. Then my pa and I planted those special Apple seeds and they grow like a wildfire. Then I pay close attention about the harvesting of the Zap Apples, how the weather affects the Everfree Forest, and how the timber wolves when the zap apples are growing and how they all zap away if you don't pick them fast in a day, and we made some of the greatest food we ever tasted. Then I started to mix some Zap Apple jam but I know that it was missing something so I learn that you got to be extra friendly with the bees or their honey won't taste so sweet to mix in with the zap apples, who would've thought that glass jar needed talking to, or the zap apples are like pink pooka dots. But then after I mix up my zap apples, many people and mages from far and wide to come to have a taste of my zap apple jam. Then many few people decided to stay like Stinken Rich, matter of fact the first thing he ever sell was my zap apple jam. And before we knew it we had ourselves a nice little town busted with all kind of people and mages. And that is how Magiville was found.
After Granny Smith finish her story, the Hamato Siblings, the Mighty Mutanimals, April, and Casey were really shock and very amazed of the story they heard.
"That. . . was. . . The greatest story I ever heard." Said Raph in amazement.
"Yeah I agree with Raph." Said Casey.
"Yeah, so if it weren't with those zap apples you found, Magiville wouldn't even exist?" Asked Slash.
"Yep that's right." Said Granny Smith. Then Twilight saw what time it is then she realized that it was late.
"Oh my god, we gotta go back to Camelot, it's getting pretty late." Said Twilight. And so they all say goodbye to Granny Smith, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Big Mac and they all headed back to Canterlot. Then they all started to go to bed, and as soon they all went to sleep, the Hamato Siblings, the Mighty Mutanimals, April, and Casey all think that the tours they have went were the greatest tour they ever had and so they all went to sleep.
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