Chapter 15: Two Sweet Apples

The next day, the mane 7, the Hamato Siblings, the Mighty Mutanimals, April, and Casey were all finishing their breakfast and went to do their own activities, then Casey sees that Applejack is going somewhere and thought that it might be a great time to get to know her, so he grab his sword and walks up to Applejack.

"Hey there AJ." Said Casey getting Applejacks attention.

"Oh hey there Jones." Said Applejack.

"Where are you going?" Asked Casey.

"I'm going to Sweet Apple Cathedral, to help my sister and brothers to collect some apples, you see tomorrow they are going to sell some apples and they need my help to collect some apples for tomorrow." Said Applejack." You wanna come with me to help?"

"Sure I will like to help you and your family." Said Casey. And so Applejack have grab her sword and she and Casey went to Sweet Apple Cathedral and they saw Big Mac and Applebloom wait for Applejack.

"Hey big sis." Said Applebloom and then she saw Casey." Hi Casey.

"Hi Applebloom and Big Mac." Said Casey.

"Hey there you two, Casey is here to help us to collect apples for the sale tomorrow." Said Applejack.

"Well that really thoughtful right Big Mac?" Said Applebloom.

"Yep." Said Big Mac.

'I guess Applejack and Applebloom always did the talking for their big brother.' Thought Casey as he realized that Big Mac doesn't talk much.

And so Big Mac, Applejack, Casey, and Applebloom all started to collect apples while they collect apples Applejack and Casey were talking about themselves and realize that they somethings in common that they ever thought.

"Wow Casey so you are a Paladin who protects everyone and you do anything to protect your family and friends from the Foot Clan." Said Applejack.

"Yeah that's right." Said Casey.

"Wow just like me, I'm a Paladin and my dad was too and I promise my parents that I will do anything to protect the ones I love." Said Applejack.

"Wow I can't believe that you and I have so much in common Applejack." Said Casey.

"Yeah me too Casey." Said Applejack. When Applebloom saw her sister and Casey blush she decided to leave the two of them alone.

"Hey AJ, me and Big Mac are going to see Granny Smith to see if she is okay." Said Applebloom.

"Okay Applebloom." Said Applejack and so Applebloom takes Big Mac to see Granny Smith and once they left Applejack and Casey were all alone.

"Well your sister is really nice huh?" Said Casey.

"Yeah, she is the sweetest little sister that me and Big Mac had ever have ever since she was born." Said Applejack.

"Yeah like with my little sister." Said Casey.

And then Casey and Applejack both blush and then music began to play and Applejack and Casey start to sing.

Casey: I never had this feeling before
She gives me shakes and shivers
I can't ignore
And I see that there's more now
than just running free

Applejack: I never felt my heart beat so fast
I'm thinking of him first and of myself last
and how happy I want him to be

Casey: It's amazing someone in my life
just might be loving me
I didn't know that I could feel this way

Applejack: It's so crazy
something in my life
Is better than a dream
I didn't know that I could feel this way

Casey: She makes me warm and happy inside

Applejack: He smiles and I get dizzy and starry-eyed

Casey and Applejack: All these feelings I have
have me asking

Applejack: Can this be love?

Casey: Can this be love?

Applejack: It's crazy

Casey and Applejack: I can hardly speak

Applejack: Whenever he

Casey: Whenever she

Casey and Applejack: says "hi"

Applejack: I didn't know that I could feel

Casey: I never dreamed that I could feel

Applejack: I

Casey and Applejack: Didn't know that I could feel
this way.

After Applejack and Casey have finished their song they both were shocked and very amazed of how they both sing.

"Wow Jones, you sing really great and you gotta a nice voice there." Said Applejack.

"Thanks Applejack." Said Casey as he blush." And you got a really beautiful voice that you had Applejack. In fact that's the most prettiest voice I ever heard in my life."

"Aww thanks Casey that's really sweet of you to say." Said Applejack as she blush on what Casey said.

Then the two of them have realized that they never felt this way before and thought that they might become more than just friends. But what they both don't know is that Granny Smith, Bic Mac, and Applebloom had saw everything and were happy for Applejack.

"Aw now that's the most sweetest thing I ever saw in my whole life isn't that right you two?" Said Granny Smith as she looks at Big Mac and Applebloom.

"Yep." Said Big Mac.

"Yeah that is so romantic." Said Applebloom." Hey Granny do you think that Casey might be that special someone that Applejack is looking for and do you think that Casey might be the one that can make Applejack smile?"

"I hope so Applebloom, I never seen Applejack so happy ever since your parents die from the war." Said Granny Smith.

"Granny, I miss mom and dad, I wish they were here to see Applejack happy with Casey." Said Applebloom sadly as one tear came down her face.

"I know child, I miss you parents too, but I know that they're up there and seeing Applejack smile." Said Granny Smith." Why don't we go inside for some Apple cider?"

"Okay." Said Applebloom.

And so Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom starts to go back in the barn leaving Casey and Applejack alone. And so Applejack and Casey went back to work but blush as they realize that they might fall in love.

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