Chapter 9: Meet the Shadowbolts

After school the Hamato Siblings, April, and Casey went back to their home and then the Hamato siblings tell their parents about their day and their parents were happy for their kids.

"See my children first day of school and you made some new friends." Said Yoshi.

"Yeah, by the way the girls ask us to hangout with them, can we mother and father?" Asked Leo. Tang Shen and Yoshi said but better be back by 9:00, then the Hamato Siblings, April, and Casey went to Sugarcube Corner and saw the girls waiting for them.

"Hey guys, what took you so long?" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry, we had to ask our parents for permission." Said Karai.

"Well let's go in." Said Pinkie.

Once they go in, everyone got there drinks. Rainbow, Karai, Applejack, and Casey got Apple Cider, April got tea, and Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, and Pinkie got Hot Chocolate and they sit down and chat but Leo and Twilight sit at another table and talk about their lives.

"Wow I never seen Twilight this happy after what happen to her old school." Said Sunset.

"What do you mean Sunset?" Asked Raph and Donnie, Mikey, Karai, April, and Casey were curious too so the girls tell them that the reason Twilight transfer to Canterlot High is because she was bully and was dump by her ex boyfriend and keeps being beat up. Once the girls told Raph and Donnie, Mikey, Karai, April, and Casey about Twilight old school they were shocked and angry.

"I can't believe them I mean the shredder we defeated was bad but that Flash Sentery have the nerve to that to Twilight." Said Karai.

"Yep, she decided to transfer to Canterlot High to get away from those bullies and it turns out she's happy." Said Rainbow as she look at Twilight talking to Leo.

Then Pinkie saw some people entering Sugarcube Corner and start to get upset.

"Oh no!" Said Pinkie Pie. When Raph and Donnie, Mikey, Karai, April, and Casey heard Pinkie they want to know what's.

"Hey girls look who just enter." Said as the girls look and saw the people and were groaning as well. When Raph and Donnie, Mikey, Karai, April, and Casey look at the girls direction they saw some group of people with school uniform.

"Um girls who are they?" Asked Casey.

"Those are the Shadowbolts from our rival school Crystal Prep Academy." Said Applejack.

Then some a boy with blue hair came to their table along with the other Shadowbolts.

"Well hello girls nice to you here." Said the boy with blue hair.

"Hello Flash Sentery, what are you doing here?" Said Sunset as she doesn't look pleased to see him.

"What, can't a boy meet a girl in Sugarcube Corner?" Said Flash as he flick his fingers at Sunsets forehead.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Said Raph as he saw what Flash did to Sunset.

"Well you must be the new students who moved here from New York." Said Sugarcoat.

"Yeah you got a problem with that?" Said Donnie who started to get irritated.

"Oh no it's not that but you guys are so lame maybe you should go back to New Dork!" Said Sunny Flare and she and the other Shadowbolts laughed and that got the Hamato siblings, Casey, April, and the girls angry.

"Ha ha ha, good on Sunny." Said Indigo Zap.

"Thanks, Indigo." Said Sunny Flare.

Then Lemon Zest look at where Twilight and Leo are sitting and talking and then she started to blurted out.

"Hey who's that guy that Twilight is talking to?" Said Lemon Zest as she point at the direction of Twilight and Flash. The other Shadowbolts look at Lemon Zest direction and Flash Sentery look to and we he saw Twilight talking to Leo he was shock and angry.

"Yeah who is that loser there?" Said Flash with a hint of jealousy.

"Hey that's my brother Leo and he's not a loser." Said Karai.

'Well will see about that.' Thought Flash Sentery as he walked up to Leo and Twilight.

Once Leo and Twilight got up and start to head to their friends Leo didn't notice and bump into Flash and his drink spill all over his shirt.

"Oh god, I'm sorry dude." Said Leo.

"Ugh look at what you did you idiot I just got this shirt." Said Flash in anger.

"Hey back off Flash Leo said he's sorry." Said Twilight.

"You know Twilight you don't have to stand up to that loser after all you were supposed to come back to Crystal Prep Academy." Said Flash as he grab Twilights arm by force and Twilight try to let go but Flash won't budge.

"Hey leave her alone Flash!" Said Rainbow as she push Flash away from Twilight and Twilight got behind Leo.

"Hey why are you protecting this loser?" Said Indigo Zap.

"Hey Twilight is not a loser and the bullies that I'm see is all of you!" Said Leo as he mention about the Shadowbolts and Flash. They were insulted by Flash was the most insulted but realize they have to go back to Crystal Prep Academy.

"Grr, come on guys we got go back to the school." Said Flash as he and the Shadowbolts exit Sugarcube Corner.

"Sheesh what a bully!" Said Raph.

"Wow those guys are really rude." Said Mikey.

"I'm sorry about Flash Sentery, Leo he is a bit of a jerk." Said Twilight.

"That's okay well guys we got to go home." Said Leo to his siblings.

So the Hamato siblings, April and Casey, say goodbye to the girls and went back home. But what they all don't know is that Flash Sentery was watching them the whole time.

'So that Leo guy thought that he could take Twilight from me, well will see about that.' Thought Flash as he smirk and went back to Crystal prep academy.

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