Rise of the turtles pt.1

It was the night time in New York City were everything seem normal and sirens of police sirens are sounding with car alarms are blaring but in the bottom of the sewer down below lies everything you see in a sewer pipes, smelly air, water but this sewer there was a dojo like room where we meet our heroes in the half shell, they seem to be training as they bend in 4s the usual battle training Raph vs Donnie and Mikey vs Leo going face to face, toe to toe with each other.

Leo drew his katana and Mikey his nunchucks as they look at each other with a face that said who will surrender first and for a mere second Leo charged at Mikey.

Leo: Yah!

Mikey: Oh, yeah! Michelangelo is on the move!

Leo: Hee-yah!

The youngest brother and older brother clashed each other.

Mikey: You don't know what to do.

Leo runs to Mikey with his katana trying to hit him but Mikey dodged it with his mad skills.

Mikey: I'm here. I'm there. I could be anywhere.

Leo grunts but Mikey looks like he has the upper hand and keeps dodging Leo's attacks.

Mikey: How do you stop what you can't even see?

Mikey runs to Leo and try to attack him but Leo had the upper hand and only his Mikey shell chest by his bottom katana as Mikey rolls he was defeated, Leo won this match.

Leo: Like that?

Mikey: Good one, Leo.

While Leo and Mikey ended the match but the opposite from them, was Raphael and Donatello getting ready face off.

Raph: All right, Donnie. Put down the staff and no one gets hurt.

Donnie: Uh, you said that last time, Raph, and then you hurt me.

Raph: Yeah, but less than I would have.

Donnie: Yeah, right. Wah! Ah! Yah!

Spins staff, swinging it at Raph who continues to dodge. Suddenly finds himself without the staff. Sees Raph with it, who spins staff and then breaks it in half over his knee.

Donnie: Should've dropped the staff?

Raph: Should've dropped the staff.

Raph begins whacking Don with both sections of the staff to make him surrender.

Donnie: Okay, okay. Ow! I'm down!

Leo steps up to face Raph, who drops the staff. Don joins Mikey in kneeling on the sidelines. Mikey sticks his tongue out at Don. Leo and Raph face each other, one knee on the floor.

Leo: Onegai shimasu. (Translate: I request)

Raph: Whatever you say.

Begin their fight, sword against sai. Leo manages to force one sai out of Raph's hands, it flies across room, going between Mikey and Don before hitting the wall but they both didn't flinch.

Leo: Ah!

Raph disarms Leo, traps wrist in sai and puts him on the ground looks like Raph won this battle against his older brother making him groan in pain.

Raph:"Agh! Nice try."

Splinter: Yame!

A Master who's a rat emerges from his room as the four sons kneel while Leo was holding his injured hand.

Splinter: You all did very well.

Raph:"But I did better."

Splinter: This is about self-improvement, Raphael. It is not about winning and losing.

Raph: I know, Sensei. But I won and they lost.

Splinter presses against nerve in Raph's neck.

Raph in his weak point: Ah, ah, ah! But what's really important is that we all did our best. Good job, everyone! Ah!

Raph gets on floor on four as he was released from his weak spot and splinter looks at this and he chuckles

Splinter: "Hee, hee, hee."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


With the girls...

Athena: Oh man, I'm tired!

Angie: Yeah me too...

Lorise: Well at least we have one more costumer for the day and we're gone

Angel: I wonder who the last costumers are

Then the door opened and it was April O'Neil with her dad then angel said this.

Angel: OH HE-

Angie pulled angel to the kitchen and Athena with Lorise hold me.

Angie: Oh great it's the boyfriend stealer

Athena: Hehe, good nickname for April

Lorise and angel: Aww I wanted to say it.

Boss: Okay ladies we only have one costumer left, so smile ladies smile.

Lorise: we have to go there don't we?

Athena: Yep *pops the p with her mouth*

Angie: Someone pinch me

Lorise: I'll do it

Athena: No! Lorise no pinching

Lorise: Awww I wanna pinch

Angel: sorry Lorise but some other time, and besides after this we'll meet macaque with Ren and Emily!

Angie: my baby needs her mother's love.

Angel: and I want ur daddy

Athena and Lorise: AYO- WOAH!

Athena: Angel! Why....


Angel: I'm not sorry for what I said.

Angie: Let's just get this over with before I destroy angel

Angie giving angel "the look"

Back in the sewers....

Family seated in the kitchen. All are eating platefuls of algae and worms that Mikey made of course.

Leo: "Mm."

Donnie: "Bleh!"

Mikey: There's a little more algae and worms left if anyone wants it. Anybody? Anybody?

Leo: No, thanks.

Raph: I'm good.

Donnie: All yours.

Mikey: Well, I guess no one left room for...cake!

Turtles: Whoa!

Donnie: It is a cake!

Raph:Made of...algae...and...worms.

Leo: What's the frosting made out of?

Mikey: You don't wanna know. Happy Mutation Day!

Leo, Raph and Donnie: Happy Mutation Day!

Splinter: Ah, yes. Fifteen years ago today, our lives changed forever and we became the unlikeliest of families.

Mikey: Tell us the story, Master Splinter.

Splinter: Michelangelo, I have already told it many times.

Mikey:Please! Pleeeease!

Raph: [Covers his brother's mouth.] Please. It's the only way to shut Mikey up.

Splinter: Ah, very well. [Scene flashes back to replay the story.] Many years ago, when I was still human, I was leaving the pet store with four baby turtles.

Mikey:That was us?

Splinter: Yes. Don't interrupt! I passed a strange man on the street. Something felt off about him. I decided to follow."

Hamato Yoshi peeks around a corner to see two odd looking men having a discussion. One is holding a canister containing a green, glowing liquid. Yoshi steps on a rat's tail and its squeaking draws the men's attention. They approach him.

KRAANG: Go no further. This place is a place where you are not allowed to be in this place. We have been seen in this place by you, so this is not a place that will be left by you.

A fight ensues, during which Kraang drops canister of ooze and Yoshi drops turtle jar into ooze. Yoshi painfully transforms into Splinter and turtles mutate as well. Flashback ends.

Splinter: That was the beginning of our life together. It was the mysterious substance in this canister that, in a way, gave birth to us all.

Mikey: [Grabs canister and hugs it.] Mom.

Leo: So Sensei, now that we're fifteen, I think we're finally ready to go up to the surface, don't you?

Splinter:Yes . . . [they all cheer] and no. [All disappointed.]

Mikey: Oh, man, come on.

Leo: Lame.

Raph: I hate when he does that.

Splinter: You have grown powerful, but you are still young. You lack the maturity to use your skills wisely.

Donnie: So, Sensei, isn't that just no?

Splinter: Yes...and no. Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes.

Donnie: Aha! So in order for us to gain the wisdom, we have to make the mistakes. So we can go.

Splinter: No.

Donnie: And yes?

Splinter: No!

Donnie: Oh...!

Leo: Sensei, we know you're trying to protect us, but we can't spend our whole lives hiding down here.

The Master looked at his sons as they beg, their eyes sparkling and huge.

Splinter: Mm. You may go tonight.

Mikey: High three!

They give a high three and in the living room Leo is watching a cartoon.

CAPTAIN RYAN: [on TV] Mr. Crankshaw, status report!

CRANKSHAW: [on TV] Status? I'll give you the status! We're gonna blow up in two seconds! [Is slapped] Thank you, Captain.

Leo: [Quoting along with show.] Gentleman, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question!

CRANKSHAW: [on TV] Aye, sir!

Raph: You know this show is stupid, right?

Leo: Space Heroes is a great show and Captain Ryan is a great hero. Someday, I am gonna be just like him.

Raphael: Well, you do like to hear yourself talk, so you're on your way.

Mikey: It's go time!

The turtles prepare to go up to the surface with their weapons. A bo, two sais, two katanas, and two nunchucks.

Splinter: You are going up to a strange and hostile world. You must maintain awareness at all times.

Leo, Raph, Donnie & Mikey: Aye, Sensei!

Splinter: Stay in the shadows.

LEO, RAPH, DONNIE & MIKEY "Aye, Sensei!"

Splinter: Don't talk to strangers.

Leo, Raph, Donnie & Mikey: Aye, Sensei!

Splinter: Everyone is a stranger.

Leo, Raph, Donnie & Mikey: Aye, Sensei!

Splinter: Make sure you go before you leave. The restrooms up there are filthy.

Leo, Raph, Donnie & Mikey: Sensei!

Splinter: Good luck, my sons.

Turtles: I am so pumped! Surface time! Oh, this is gonna be epic!

Splinter: Look both ways before crossing the street!

As the scene shifts up into the streets of New York, everything is peaceful and quiet. A hand opens a manhole cover and four figures come out. The turtles look around in awe because the world is a strange place.

Mikey: It's so beautiful.

Leo: The city is just full of possibility. There could be an adventure around this corner...or...or this one...or this one! There's not, but there could be!

Donnie: Look at all the computers! Is that the next generation cadmium processor with quantum encryption?

Raph: I don't know, Donatello. Is it?

Donnie: It is!

Mikey: Guys, guys! Check this out. A hand made out of light. Now it's an eye made out of light. And the hand again! Now the eye's back! Now the hand!

Raph: Come on, genius.

Mikey: The eye!

Donnie: So where to next?

A human kid stops and sees what looks to him like the four creatures. Raph makes a face at him to scare him and the kid drives off on his motorcycle, a pizza box falling off the back.

Raph:That was kinda fun.

Leo:We're too exposed out here. Come on!

Mikey stops to eye the pizza box. Later the turtles are on a roof.

Mikey: [Reading box.] Pizza.

Donnie: Should we open it?

Leo: Careful! It could be dangerous.

[Knowing this, they open the box.]

Donnie: I think it's food.

Raph: It's not like any food I ever saw.

Mikey: I'll try it.

The youngest takes a slice of pizza and samples a tiny bite. His brain appears to explode in wonderment and he looks excited.  He shoves the entire slice into his mouth.

Mikey: Uh, yuck. You guys won't like it. I'll take the rest.

Turtles: Uh, uh. - No way! - Nuh-uh! Back off!

Raph: I never thought I'd taste anything better than worms and algae, but this is amazing!

Mikey: I love it up here!

[Later on they are running the rooftops, having fun.]

Leo: All right, guys, it's getting late. We should probably head back home.

Raph, Mikey and Donnie: Aw. Lame.

Donnie: [Spots something or more like someone street level.] Guys! Look at that!

On the sidewalk below are two to nine people. A man named Kirby O'Neil and a teenage girl named April, not only them there was Angel, Athena, Lorise, Macaque holding Ren and Emily was with Athena hand in hand and there was Angie who was laughing with macaque. Don's heart starts to pound and he begins drooling when he saw Angie.

Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Raph: Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen?

Donnie: My point still stands.

Van pulls up in front of the O'Neils and the girls with macaque. Three men all identical jump out of back.

Ren: Grandpa I'm scared.

Macaque: Don't worry honey I'm here with ur mother.

Angie: Stay beside us ok!

Ren: Mm [she nodded]

Kirby O'Neil: What? What is this?

Macaque: Oh ho ho I'm ready for this

Angie: I've been dying to beat them up

Macaque: are you guys ready?

Angel, Angie, Athena, Lorise: ready as I'll ever be.

April O'Neil grabs Father's arm in fear while macaque with Angel, Lorise, Athena, and Angie made a fighting pose and they were getting ready to fight the kraang meanwhile Emily and Ren ran away and hide somewhere safe.

Donnie: We gotta save 'em!

Leo: Splinter's instructions were very clear. We're supposed to stay away from people. And bathrooms.

Raph: I thought you wanted to be a hero. Since when do heroes ask for permission?

Leo: They don't. But . . .

Donnie: Well, I'm going!

Three younger turtles leap from building, Leo sighs and then follows.

April O'Neil: [Being dragged to van, Kirby is unconscious.] Help! Help! [Man tosses Kirby into van.]

Raph: Hey!

[Raph punches the man while brothers engage the rest. Man rises up as a strange warbling sound echoes.]

Raph: Still standing, huh? I'll fix that.

He bumps into his brother.

Raph: Watch it!

Leo: You watch it!

Angel: Hey can I borrow your sword a for a minute

Leo looks at Angel and his heart skipped a beat and stuttered.

Leo: Y-Y-Yeah I-I-I

Angel: Are you ok?

Leo: Y-Y-Yeah. Y-Y-Y-You're so so...

Raph: Hey lover boy! Enough chatting and more fighting.

Angel holds Leo katana and ran to a kraang bot and attacks them.

Turtles with the girls and macaque fought the kraang but the turtles are in uncoordinated fashion, all bumping into each other while trying to fight the men.

Raph: Watch it, Donnie!

Macaque: Hey, be careful!

Athena: Hey, May I borrow ur sai

Raph: [Looks at Athena and he turns red] Uhhhhh, I'm sorry but I need this.

They continue to fight erratically, having no awareness of where or what their brothers are doing. Each unintentionally impedes their own brothers.

Raphael: Oh, come on!

Athena: HEY LOOK OUT! *pushes raph away from the punch and takes the hint*

Raph: Hey that's not nice to hit a lady.

April: [Man tosses April over his shoulder.] Hey, cut it out! Stop! Ow! Let go of me!

Macaque: *gasp* Hey they're taking the girl!

Donnie: I got it!

Don notices April is being carried away and hurls his bo at the man, knocking him down. April goes flying and Don catches her before she can be hurt.

Donnie: Gotcha!

April looks up at this strange creature, who gives her a charming smile. Without any warning, April screams, causing Don to scream also and drop her.

Angel: Well that's not nice to scream at someone who thanked you *she whispered to herself*

Macaque: *whispered back* Yeah.... That's weird?

Donnie: AAGHH!! No, no, no. No. Don't worry. We're the good guys. [April screams again.] It's okay.

Angie: Just trust him, he's actually cute to me.

Donnie: *blushes* R-Really you think I'm cute.

Macaque: Okay lovebirds we have to focus on the fight here.

April turns to see that the men are coming closer and she looks at the strange creature. He holds out a hand to help her up, however his younger brother accidentally hits him with his nunchucks.

Mikey: Whoops! Sorry. Watch out!

Angie: I GOT IT!

The man gets kicked by Angie and Donnie sighs romantically but the robo kraang takes April into the van and drives off.

Donnie: Huh? They're getting away!

Macaque: They got the girl!

Donnie grabs his staff and gives chase and macaque ran with Donnie and Lorise, Angie ran with him and ren with Emily ran to macaque and follow them the chase.

Raph: [Running after them.] You just jabbed me with your sword.

Leo: [Running alongside him.] Well, I didn't know you were gonna land where I was stabbing.

Angel: Can you guys continue this later please [runs alongside Leo and Raph]

Leo: [blushes at angel] Y-Y-Yeah

Meanwhile Michelangelo stands and starts walking after his brother, then spots one of the men, alone.

Mikey: You think you're tough, huh? You think you're tough enough to stand up to my hot nunchuck fury?

He strikes the man several times but he doesn't flinch, then he grabs the nunchuck and yanks it from Mikey's hand.

Mikey: Huh? I see. Well, then... Aah!

He flees and the man gives chase. Mikey runs into a dead end alley and is cornered.  Mikey pulls his kusarigama, eyes closed as he begins slashing at the man.

Mikey: Stay back! [Slashes the man across the face. He stumbles around with hands over face and then collapses.] What the..? [Mikey uses his foot to flip the man onto his back and sees robotic face beneath human mask.] That is all kinds of wrong.

All of a sudden a pinkish brain creature inside the robot screeches. The young turtle screams as it leaps onto his face. Struggling to get the creature off, Mikey slams into a wall and then tugs at the thing. He finally pulls it far enough away to use his feet for leverage and yanks the thing off, where it hits the wall and scurries away. Panting for breath, Mikey runs to find the others.

Mikey: Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe this
That dude, he... he... had a brain!

Leo: We all have brains, Mikey.

Donnie: Not all of us.

Lorise: Hey that's not nice to say to you brother

Angie: Yeah, she right!

Mikey: In our chests?

Leo: No, Mikey. Not in our chests.

Mikey: You're not listening to me! [Leo slaps him.] Did you just slap me?

Leo: I was calming you down.

Angel and Athena: Well that helped!

Macaque: yeah kid u need to calm down for bit.

Mikey: Why would that calm me down?

Donnie: I think he's delusional.

Mikey: Just-just come here. [He walks off to show his brothers and the girls (even with ren and Emily) with macaque.] I'm telling you. The big guy was a robot and he had a freaky-weird alien brain thing in his chest. You gotta believe me."

Raph: I'm not sure we do.

Emily: Well I think he's telling the truth.

Athena: Emily, if he was telling the truth there would've been the brain bot.

Mikey: Oh, yeah? Well, you'll change your tune when you see that he's . . . [The alley is empty.]...gone?

Macaque: [Sighs] this guy.

His brothers with Emily, Ren, Macaque, Angel, Lorise, Angie, Athena leaves and Mikey stares in the direction the alien had lain before following them.  Cut to the lair.

Splinter: And so your inability to work together allowed them all to get away.

Raph: Well, maybe if I didn't have to waste time arguing with hero boy, I could've saved them and not being googling eyes with a girl.

Angel: HEY! You did that too


Angel: Oh you wanna go Turtle boy

Macaque and Donnie pulled angel and Raph apart while macaque sighs romantically at angel and he thinks to himself "what a woman", but Angel and Raph went their parted ways.

Leo: Hey, if you hadn't gotten in my way, I could have done it. And you went flying off on your own. How smart was that?

Donnie: Well, it would've worked out great if somebody hadn't hit me in the head with their nunchucks!

Mikey: Well, none of this would've happened if.... somebody hadn't trusted us to go up there in the first place. Oh, geez. Sensei, I didn't mean to -

Splinter: No, Michelangelo. You are right.

Mikey: I am?

Turtles with Macaque and the girls: He is?

Splinter: You were not fully prepared for what was up there. I trained you to fight as individuals, not as a team. And as your teacher, your father, the responsibility for that is mine. Perhaps in another year we can try again.

Donnie: Another year? Ha! Has everybody forgotten that people were kidnapped? They don't have a year! Sensei, we have to do something now! You weren't there, Sensei. You didn't see the way that girl looked into my eyes. She was scared. And she was counting on me, us, to save her!

Macaque: He's right!

Splinter: and who are you?

Macaque: I'm sorry we didn't introduce ourselves, the name is Macaque hehe The six eared macaque since it's you know my full name.

Athena: I'm Athena Stone and this is Emily [She picks up Emily]

Lorise: I'm Lorise Hope

Angie: I'm Angie Flowers and this is Ren [Holds Ren] and I'm Macaque daughter.

Emily: I'm Emily Stone if you mess with me I mess with you

Ren: H-Hello I'm Ren and Macquack is my granddaddy

Angel: I'm Angel Rose it's a pleasure to meet you all

Splinter glances at a human family picture and the turtles love sighs romantically when they look at the girls.

Macaque: Look I know what you're trying to do and belief me I'm a father myself, but we need to save the girl and her father before it's too late to stop those things.

Splinter: Yes, you're right macaque, you must save her.

Leo: I agree, Sensei. But in that fight, we weren't exactly a well-oiled machine.

Mikey: Like that robot with the brain thingy.

Raph: Give it a rest!

Splinter: Hmm. If you are to fight more effectively as a unit, you are going to need a leader.

Leo: Can I be the leader?

Raph: Why should you be the leader? I kicked your butt. I should be the leader.

Donnie: Hey, I'm smarter than all you guys put together. It should be me.

Mikey: No way! It should be me! I don't really have a reason. I just think it would be neat.

Splinter: This is a difficult decision. [Goes to his room.] I will meditate on it. [Closes door and then opens it immediately.] It's Leonardo.

Macaque: Well that was quick.

Angel, Lorise, Athena, and Angie: Agreed

Ren: Grandpa Mac, When are you gonna asked Auntie Angel out

Angie: Hahhahahaha that's my daughter

Macaque:[He blushes and looks away]


Leo: No hard feelings, Raph?

Raph: Urgh. Stick it in your shell.

Cut to the rooftops.

Mikey: Explain to me one more time what we're doing here.

Leo: Mikey, we've been over this. That building has the same logo as the van that was used to kidnap the family. So if we wait here long enough, one of the kidnappers will eventually show his face. And when he does, we'll make him tell us where they took them.

Mikey: And then we got ourselves a van!

Leo: Just hit the guy I tell you to.

Mikey: Will do!

Raph: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Leo: Trust me. They'll be here any second.

Time passes, brothers with the girls and macaque with Emily and Ren do things to entertain themselves while Leo keeps watch.

Mikey: Okay, I'm thinking of something green. Ga reen. Ga-reen.

Donnie: Is it Raphael again?

Mikey: Man, you're good at this!

Raph: Give it up already. The guy's not gonna show.

Leo: We have to be patient.

Raph: No, you have to come up with a better plan, 'cause the 11 of us standing here with our thumbs up our noses . . .

Mikey: I don't think they'd fit.

Lorise: Hehehe Mikey ur funny.

Mikey: Aww thanks dudette.

Raph: . . . is pointless.

Leo: You sure about that, Raph?

Raph: He just showed up, didn't he? I should've complained two hours ago.

Leo: Gentlemen and ladies, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question. [Notices that his brothers and the others are gone well except for angel.]

Angel: Hehehe ur funny Leo are you into any show?

Leo: W-W-W-Well yeah but we need to go. Guys? Guys, wait up!

Leo and Angel joins them. Street level all four approach the driver of the van.

Raph: All right, buddy. We can do this the easy way, or my vote, the hard way.

Athena: Or we're gonna kick ur butt!

Donnie: Yeah, look at it logically. There are four of us and one of you. What are you gonna do?

The man starts shooting lasers at them and the turtles and the gang jump high to avoid them.

Raph: You had to ask!

Donnie: He's getting away again!

Leo: No, he's not.

Macaque: Not if I get him first [he portal himself away]

The gang takes to the rooftops to chase him down. Raph leaps atop van but is shaken off. Man sees other turtles atop roofs, begins shooting at them.  Leo jumps into the air and throws shuriken, which pierces one of the van's tires. Driver loses control and plows into light pole, and then van flips onto its side.

Leo: Now we're getting somewhere.

All eleven go back down to the street. Leo begins to give hand signals, but the others look at him in confusion.

Raph: I don't know what that means.

Angel, Macaque, Lorise, Athena, Angie, Donnie, Mikey, Emily, and Ren: Agreed

Leo: Go around back.

Mikey: Why didn't he just say so?

They creep around to the back of the van, which is open and the contents spilling onto the street. Raph pulls up one of the doors and a canister filled with glowing blue ooze rolls out and stops at Mikey's feet. It looks exactly like the canister they have at home.

Mikey: Mom?

Lorise, Angie, Angel, Athena, Macaque, Emily and Ren: *whispered* The Ooze!

To be continued . . . .



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