Portal travel

I had to add one more person and her name is

Sooo is he my dad now mom? - Emily (To Athena in Season 4 idk in space)
Angel Rose:
Angel was sketching for the holiday season because Christmas is almost coming and so is her birthday hooray uwu suddenly a portal formed in her tablet from blue to purple.

Angel: What the AHHHHH

Then the portal trapped angel inside her tablet and making her disappear and her tablet dropped to the floor.
Athena and Emily:
She and Emily was watching some good old rottmnt series when Athena tv glitched and made a red portal.

Athena: Oh no, Here we go AGAI-AHHHHHH
Emily: Mammaa-AHHHH

Athena and Emily were sucked through the portal it made her tv remote fall down from her room.
Lorise was petting some kittens from the pet store and when she get back home she sat her butt down on her bed and scroll through her phone while watching Netflix suddenly her phone glow into a orange portal and it sucked Lorise in while her cat hissed and ran away
Angie and Ren:
They were watching tmnt 2012 series and Angie being a simp to Donnie while they were watching the series the tv screen turn purple and a portal appear and snatch both girls and the tv turn off when Angie and ren are sucked to the portal into another world.
He was minding his business while doing some shadow puppetry in megapolis when he sees the portal sucking him up he tried to run but the portal got him and went inside the portal and he landed in New York City.

As the girls fell from their own respective portal they landed on their butts and they got up and they see their world is different now.

Angie: Oww my butt

Ren: Mommy are you okay?

Angie: I'm good hun.

Athena: Emily

Athena: Mom!

Angie: Athena!

Ren: Auntie, Emily!

Lorise: Angel!

Angel: Girls!

Angie: Ok what's going on here?

Athena: I think we're in another dimension.

Lorise: Great just great!

Angel: Girls I think we're in New York City

Angie: Then this means....

Athena, Lorise, Angie, Ren, Emily, and Angel: WERE IN TMNT 2012 WORLD!


????: Huh? Where am I?

He looks around and see familiar figures....

Angie: Hey guys look

She points at the mysterious man.

Angel: Is that.


???: Huh!

Ren runs to this man and smiled.

Athena: Wait is that Macaque.

Angie: DAD

?????: Angie. ANGIE

the pair are reunited and with ren who are hugging each other as for angel, Lorise, and Athena are crying together.



Angel: Yeahhhh

Macaque: Angie, Ren, girls and Angel!

Angel: Hi macaque

Macaque: I uhh I-I-I

Angie: Uhh dad are u ok

Athena: I think Macaque is broken

Lorise: Yeah and he's blushing

Emily and Ren: Oooohhs

Angie: Dad we have to focus on the task.

Macaque: Oh- Yeah right but first someone mind telling me what's going on here.

Angie: Well dad were in another dimension in by other dimension I mean were in another world were in the tmnt 2012 world.

Macaque: ooh boy

Angel: Yeah but before we go on this crazy adventure we need to do something.

All except angel: what?

Angel: Buckle up people it's about to get crazy and we need to blend in and what I mean by blend in I mean macaque I need to this to you

With a snap a finger macaque is now human like the girls.

Or this

I personally like the second one better tho

Angie and Ren: Woahhhh

Lorise: Dang Macaque you are so handsome

Athena: I agree with Lorise, how about you angel! uhh angel?

Angel was red

Athena: Uhhh Angel

Angie: Ohhh hehehe she got it bad

Lorise: hehehe yes she did

Macaque: Well looks like plum has the hots for me

Angel: SHUT UP

Ren: Grandpa ur amazing

Macaque: Thank you my granddaughter

Emily: Soo what do we do now?

Angie: Well we have to socialize with others and ugh April

Angle: UGHHHHHH April that red head do we have too

Angie: Unfortunately yes we do

Macaque: well I can do shadow puppetry, if there's any places that does that anyways

Angel: And I know what me and the girls are gonna do girls be ready because it'll be awkward..

Athena: Oh no...

Lorise: Oh YEAS.

Angie: We're gonna be maids are we.

Angel: Yeah except for Ren and Emily besides they're too young for that they can stay with Macaque if that's ok with you macaque?

Macaque: Yeah I don't mind that besides I love my granddaughter and Y-

Athena: and who?

Macaque: Never mind

As days passed the girls Angie, Lorise, Athena and Angel are adapting to being in New York City and being maids during their after school shift and yes they go to the same high school where April is at and during the day they were the new kids who were adapting to high school life and macaque was growing more into his human form with the girls and macaque woo has a huge crush on Angel.

Here's what the girls look like as maids

This is Athena:

This is Lorise:

This is Angie:

And this is Angel:

When macaque see the girls in maid uniform he was overprotective of Angie as her dad of course and he had a nosebleed when he saw Angel in a maid uniform and for that day on the girls even macaque are soon gonna meet the turtles and their greatest foes...

To be continued

And happy holidays aka Merry Christmas to you all

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