Act 9: The important intel
It was the middle of the night and we see Alpha team within the forest after being dropped down as they move through the trees and bushes and soon come up to an opening that leads to them a cliff with a perfect view of a tower which is a hotel along with a bridge that gose across the lake.
Isabelle pulled out her sniper rifle and aim hee scope to zoom in and see Britannian forces blocking the entrance of the hotel as she tells Y/n and the rest.
Isabelle: Got some Britannian forces blocking the bridge. Goof thing we're at the other side and near the hotel.
Y/n: That's good to hear. Team, listen up. The general has informed us that someone in this hotel is willing to hand over important intel to the Alliance so we have push back Britannian forces. However the deliver is taking hostage by a Japanese resistance group called "Japan Liberation Front." This is lead by Josui Kusakabe.
Haru: I think I've heard about this group before. They are one of the most successful resistance groups in the world.
Y/n: Indeed However Josui took a handful of Japanese soldiers and storm the hotel and took hostage. We can't risk our deliver gets killed so our objective is to infiltrate inside the hotel, find our deliver and exit out the hotel. I'm also have strict orders to not harm any Japanese resistance fighters. They maybe taking hostages however if we kill any one of them and if they find out, this may have problems so knock them out, not kill them.
Isabelle: We are equipped with cloaks so we can sneak through the hotel hallways without being spotted. But it will power down and we have to wait for 1 minute for it to recharged.
Bill: That's gonna be a problem.
Naru: They are pretty old and we don't have the equipment yet to update them.
Y/n: It will do. Alpha team, let's move out.
The four of them make their way to the hotel and once there they reach the fire escape door as they came up next to the door as Y/n place a small device to hack into the doors systems and soon there was a click and the door open.
Y/n opens it fully and aim his SMG with a suppressor attached to the barrel as he poke out to the hallway and then the team goes through the hallway with Island taking out the cameras with her pistol with also a suppressor attached to her barrel as they make theie way through the hallway.
They soon reach a door as Y/n slowly open it and poke his head out to see the front desk and entrance had some JLF soldiers standing guard. They activated their cloaks and they walk through the front desk without being spotted as they reach the hallway and come up to an elevator which Bill pushed the button but it did work.
Bill: They must have cut the elevators.
Y/n: That means we're taking the stairs, let's move.
They make theie way to the stairs and once there they start to climb up the steps. After 4 floors they stop when a JLD soldier came out and was walking down the steps and heading towards them. Their cloaks deactivated which Haru move quickly as the soldier turns and before he could react Haur kicked him which he slammed into the wall and then falls unconscious.
Haru stood over him and then he bows.
Haru: My apologies.
Y/n: Let's keep moving.
Bill: Do we even know where this hostage are?
Y/n: For what the general got from Britannian radios, they are on the 15th floor in the storage room. Now let's move.
They keep climbing up the steps and soon made it to the 15th floor as they enter the hallways and look around. They walk through the hallway when they come across the storage room as Isabelle turn on her thermal mode on her hotel and spotted the hostages and a few JLD soldiers inside.
Isabelle: There's hostages inside and a few JLD soldiers inside.
Y/n: See the deliver inside?
Isabelle: Negative.
Bill: So what should we do? Are we really gonna rescue them?
Y/n: If the deliver is inside then we have to.
Bill: So we're saving a bunch of Britannian citizens. Great.
Y/n: Stay focused Bill. Team, be ready to brech.
They get ready as Y/n place the same haxk device onto the door control and once that was placed they activated their cloaks as soon the doors opens. A fee JLD soldier near the door turn in confusion until they were knocked down by Alpha team as they brech into the building.
Some of the hostage scream while a few JLD soldiers rasies thwie weapons only for to be pulled by Alph teams grapples and slammed onto the ground. They took out the last JLD soldier and once the room is clear they reveal themselves to the hostage as the room is clear.
Haru: All clear.
Y/n walk up to the hostages and tells them all.
Y/n: Listen up. You may see us in the news and the fact you see us as your enemies. But if you wish to leave this hotel alive, then you have to do everything what my team tells you.
Britannian citizen: Why is that you terrorist scum!
Bill: Hey! Says to a bunch of fucking dicks who invaded countries and kill many people.
Britannian citizen: Maybe that served you right you terrorist scum!
Bill: (angry) Do you wanna die Britannian punk!
He pulled out his pistol at the guy which cost everyone to scream as Y/n noticed Kallen's classmates among them as he immediately lowers Bill's arm.
Y/n: Stand down Bill! They maybe Britannians, they are citizens.
Bill: Why do you care?! You hate them for what they did! They killed our families, friends and homes. Why do you defend these pieces of shits!
Y/n:........Its true I hated Britannia empire for taking away everything I love and I understand what you are feeling. But right now this is not the time to show anger towards them. Besides these are citizens, not soldiers. If we kill them all here and now, we be nothing like Britannia. We are the Alliance, not Britannia. Is that clear?
Bill:......(sigh).....Yes sir.
Y/n: Good. Haru, Isabelle, get the hostage out of here while me and Bill search for something.
Haru: Yes sir.
The two take the hostage out of the room and once they were gone they heard a female voice behind them.
???: I gonna say I'm impress how you handle your team there.
They turn to see a women wearing civilian clothes as she walk up to them.
Y/n: Are you our deliver?
Euphemia: That's right. My name is Euphemia Ii Britannia, im the third princess of the Britannian Imperial family.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Bill: (shocked) Our deliver is a Britannian Princess?!
Euphemia: (smile) Yep. I see you both are surprised. Anyways without any wait, here you go.
She handed them a flash drive which Y/n takes as Euphemia explains.
Euphemia: This flashdrive holds information about Britannians battle strategies, base, future Knightmare projects as well as weakness so your forces can take down.
Y/n: Thanks but why are you helping us?
Euphemia: Even though my family are cold and heartless, I'm the only one who is open minded and sees the horrible things my family has done. They kill a lot of innocent lives, took their homes, families and so much more. Worse of all, they treat anyone lower class and doesn't show now hesitation or guilt towards killing innocent citizens. I do not understand why but I know they must be stopped. I want my family to see the horrible things they have done and served justice for all the horrible things they have done. Even though I love them, I just want them to see what they are doing is wrong.
Y/n:.....I....I don't know what to say Princess Euphemia.
Euphemia: (smile) Please, call me Euphemia.
Y/n: Right but still thank you, your doing the right thing.
Euphemia smiled but suddenly there was a massive shake that cost boxes and shelves to collapse as they rush out of the room and see that everything is shaking violently.
Bill: The hell is going on?!
Haru: (thought) Sir! The whole hotel is about to collapse, we need to move now!
Y/n: Right! Everyone we are leaving!
They race through the hallways as ceilings and falls starts to fall apart and there were explosions. Euphemia was behind them as they race through the hallways and soon they were racing towards the window.
Euphemia: Um we're heading towards a window.
Y/n: I know. Bill, grab her!
Bill pick her up as Y/n pulled out his smg, shooting the window and then the two burst through the window. Euphemia screamed as they fall as the hotel collapses as they were about to it the ground.
Suddenly Prophet burst out of the bushes and catches them just in time before they hit the ground. Prophet puts the three down as Y/n turns to Prophet and gives them a thumps up which he returns it back to him. Then Y/n turn to Euphemia and said.
Y/n: Sorry about that. Didn't mean to-
Euphemia: (smile) You kidding me? That was amazing! You pilots are very amazingn
Y/n: (surprised).....Um thanks?
Bill: (whisper) I can ses she's not like her family.
Y/n: (whisper) Agree.
Isabelle: You all okay?
Them Isabelle and Haru came up to them as Haru tells them.
Haru: The hostages are all safe. They're at the boat and they promised to not say anything about us.
Y/n: That's good. I wonder how did that hotel collapse.
Zero: People! Fear us, or rally behind us as you see fit! We are the black knights!
They look over to see another boat with Zero and other black knights as Y/n recognised the members as part of Kaname's group as they continue to listen.
Zero: We of the Black knights stand with all those who have no wrapped to wield....regardless of whether they be elevens or Britannians! The Japan Liberation front cowardly took innocent Britannian civilians hostage, and they mercilessly executed them! It was a wanton and meaningless act; therefore, they have been punished... just as former Viceroy Clovis was punished for ordering the slaughter of countless unarmed Elevens. We cannot stand by and allow such cruelty to be carried out, and armor we made him pay for his actions. I will not repudiate battle on a fair and level field, but neither will I tolerate a one-shield massacre of the weak by the strong. The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed! Wherever oppressors abuse their power by attacking those who are powerless, we shall appear again, no matter how mighty or formidable our foes may be! Those of you with power, fear us! Those of you without it, rally behind us! We, The black knights, shall be the one who stand in judgment of thid world!
Alpha team hears all of this and after this Y/n tells Alpha team.
Y/n: Alpha team, let's return back to base.
They enter the forest as Y/n turns to Euphemia.
Euphemia: I wish you good luck. I hope my families crimes will be served.
Y/n: They will be Euphemia. Thank you again and be safe.
Euphemia: (smile) I will.
Y/n and Prophet walk away and disappeared from sight as Y/n still remember what Bill tell him about hatred towards Britannian and how Euphemia is the only one of her family that has seen the horrible things and wishes to make things right. He questions if there are others within Britannian who wishes to make thing right and wants to help. Either way they have a war to win and he will make Britannia pay for their crimes soon.
To be continued.........................................
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