Act 7: Britannian's elite
We see Saitama Ghetto in the middle of a warzone between a group of rebels and Alliance forces and Britannian forces as we then see a Goblin flying over the city as we cut to Y/n ans his team getting their gear and weapons ready for battle as Y/n turns to his team once they were ready.
Y/n: Alright listen up, Britannian forces are pushing the Rebels back but the Alliance forces is backing them up. Whole objective is to reach the hotel and plan take part of the fight. Sounds clear enough?
Isabelle: Yes sir.
Bill: As long I can blow something, I'm happy with that.
Haru: You think Zero will be there?
Y/n: Probably but as long he has the plans, we'll be fine.
Alliance pilot: (radio) Dropping you down now pilots. Good luck.
Y/n: You too. Alpha Team, let's get to work.
The door behind the Goblin opens up, revealing a destroyed city as they use their boosters to exit out of the Goblin as the Goblin flies away. They run on the walls as they search around for Britannian forces but no sign.
They kept going until Isabelle spotted something in the distances.
Isabelle: We got enemy forces up ahead. Looks like they have some prisoners.
Y/n: Then let's help them out team.
They wall run towards them and once close Y/n leaps over and then land onto an Britannian soldier before he fires at the civilians, breaking his neck and quickly turn to grab the Britannian soldiers weapon while he charge towards him and hits him with his own weapon as Bill lands behind one and snap his neck and turn and punched one right in the chin while Isabelle pop some heads with her rifle while Haru lands on top of one and quickly draw out his pistol and fire at three Britannian soldiers.
He then pulled out his knife and stab a Britannian soldier in the gut and tossed him away as they took out the Britannian soldiers and once all were dead they scare the area around them.
Isabelle: Clear!
Haru: Clear!
Bill: Clear!
Y/n: All Clear!
Male civilian: Your Alliance pilots. Thank God you showed up.
Y/n: Don't worry everything will be fine. Can you tell us where is the hotel where the Rebels are at?
Male civilian: Yeah take right on that straight and keep going straight. You won't miss it.
Y/n: Copy. Thank you sir. We'll radio a Goblin to get you all out of here.
Male civilian: (smils) Thank you so much.
The civilian cheered for them as they turn to leave as Y/n radios in a Goblin pick up for civilians and once that they head off to the hotel.
(Hours later)
Alliance soldiers: Pilots are here!
We see Y/n ans his team walking towards the hotel while Alliance soldiers and rebels watched as they enter the hotel with the Rebels surprised to see Pilots here as they walk into the building and a few floors up later they enter a large room and met the Rebel leader as he turn to see Alpha Team.
Rebel leader: (surprised) Well I'll be. Its an honour meeting one of the best pilot teams ever.
Y/n: The honour is all ours. Give us an report.
Rebel leader: Well Britannian forces are being lead by Cornelia and her elite guard.
Y/n: And who is she?
Rebel leader: Cornelia is the second princess of the Britannian empire who train her loyal southerland soldiers to be the best.
Bill: Bet they are.
Y/n: Still our mission is to driven Britannian forces out of this city so we can have a chance and build a large base here.
Rebel leader: Yeah but she and her elite Southerland are the best. If her elite Southerland is deployed then this would be bad.
Y/n: Well we didn't start this battle just to fall back. We need to keep fighting no matter what.
Rebel soldier: Sir! Its him!
Then a Rebel soldier rushes towards him while holding a radio on his hand as he runs up to them and said.
Rebel soldier: It's Zero! He's radioing us right now.
Rebel leader: Really? Put him on.
He does so qnd after that he set it down onto the table and Zero voice is heard.
Zero: (radio) This is Zero. If you wish to win this battle then you must listen to me in hopes to win this battle.
Rebel soldier: You think we can trust him?
Y/n: He may seem tricky to trust but he ie smart I give him that.
Zero: (radio) Sargent, have you and your team to take cover at South and wait for 5 minutes once there. Have your Titans ready for combat.
Y/n: Roger. Let's go Alpha Team.
They all leave the hotel and once outside they request a Titan and moments later their Titan came crashing down and they climb inside and close the hatch.
Prophet: All systems online. Ready for combat Sargent.
Y/n: You know it, let's cost some damage.
We see Britannian base with Britannian forces there as we see Cornelia inside G-1 base as her commander were watching their Britannian forces being ambushed and taking down by enemy forces as the commanders were stunned by this as they watched.
Britannian commander 1: (shocked) This can't be happening. We're losing our forces by a minute.
Britannian commander 2: (shocked) But how? Sure they have our Southerland but how would they plan this out.
Cornelia: It's because of Zero. He is planning out all of this just like Shinjuku.
Britannian commander 3: What should we do?
Cornelia: Have all forces to fall back and deploy my elite to take them on.
Britannian commander 3: Yes princess.
We see Prophets and the rest of Alpha Team just ambushed a Britannian scout party and taking them out as Prophet shoots the Southerland in the face while Prophet telle Y/n who is inside.
Prophet: Sargent, Britannian forces are falling back.
Y/n: All of a sudden.
Bill: (radio) It seems like we won, hahaha!
Y/n: No something isn't right. Everyone be ready everyone.
Lucifer takes flight as she fly up and land onto the roof as Isabelle spotted three Southerland class mechs with spears and capes on them heading towards them.
Isabelle: Looks like we have elite Southerland coning this way.
Haru: Y/n I have radio chatter. Alliance and Rebel forces are being killed off all of a sudden.
Y/n: I knew it. Everyone hide!
They hide between alleyways and hoping they didn't spotted them. Soon the elite Southerland goes by them, not noticing anything as they go by. Once they were gone they came out of their hiding spots and Y/n tells his team.
Y/n: Listen up I need to get the Rebel leader and his forces while you all go ane call in a Goblin pick up. If I'm not have in 10 minutes, leave me.
Bill: Hell no! We are not leaving you here! That suicide!
Y/n: I know but i can't risk of losing any one of yous.
Bill: But-
Y/n: That's an order Bill. I'll meet you all there as soon as possible. Be safe.
Once that him and Prophet head off while the rest have no choice but to leave and call in a Goblin pick up so ethereal safe.
(Hours later)
The two arrived back to the hotel only to see it completely destroyed as Prophet does a scan to see if there is any survivors but unfortunately there were none.
Prophet: There are no survivors. They are all dead.
Y/n: Shit. What's the chances of us winning?
Prophet: Judging by the situation here, its dropped to 34% chance that we can win.
Y/n: Then it's not worth a shot. Let's pull back and-
Prophet: Sargent, ambush!
Then an elite Southerland leap off a roof and was about to stab Prophet with his spear but he move out of the way as the elite Southerland lands on the ground in front of Prophet as he start swinging his spear at Prophet but he dodges ever swing until he grab his spear and kick him onto the ground while he snatched his spear off of him and then walks up to him and then stab him with his own.
Then more shows up, firing rockets at Prophet vut he quickly turn and deploy a Defensive barrel to catch the rockets and return them back to them but they cut down the rockets and launches towards them. Then Prophet quickly picked up a fallen elite Southerland and tosses it towards them which hits them and he fired missiles at them which cost a explosion, knocking them down to thr ground.
Then two appear on the right while two more appear on the left with their spears ready as they charge towards them whioe pointing their spears at them, ready to stab them when Prophet dashes back and they stab each other and there was an explosion as Prophet crashes through a building and crash at the otherside.
Prophet: Sargent we can't keep fighting this any longer. We need to pull back.
Y/n: Understood. Regroup with my team and we should-
Cornelia: I'm impress pilot.
Then they turn to see Cornelia within her Southerland codename Gloucester as they turn to her while Cornelia goes on to say.
Cornelia: A lonely pilot like you took out 6 of my elite Southerland men and survived. Must say I am impressive.
Y/n: I was trained for this Cornelia. I was trained to take down Britannia once and for all.
Cornelia: I see. Well let's see how we'll trained you maybe.
She then tosses a spear towards them and lands in front of Prophet as they look down at the spear.
Cornelia: Show me what the Alliance trained one of the best pilots that has ever lived. Show me what you are cable of.
Prophet: Sargent Cornelia's Southerland is a custom build one. It is made to be faster, stronger and cable to hold on even longer in large battles. I don't believe we can't stand a chance.
Y/n: Maybe. But if we run away now she'll sent her forces to chase after us. Plus.....If I defeated her, we can change the tides of thid battle.
Prophet: Are you sure about this?
Y/n: I'm sure. What about you?
Prophet:.......I'm always with you. Protocol 3......
He then picked up the spear off the ground and then ready's it as he gets into a battle stand and finish his sentence.
Prophet: Protect the pilot.
Cornelia: You have a loyal Titan you have. Although that is what all Titans are, machines following their own masters.
Y/n: He's not just a machine. He's my friend and he saved my life a long time ago when i was a child. We both lost someone that we cared and now.....we are together and ready for combat.
We see Cornelia smirk, she is impress of his determination an willingness to fight no matter what.
Cornelia: (smirk) Okay then. Let's begin our dual!
Then Cornelia charges towards them and swings hee spear back and then then they clash as sparks fly out as they enter a blade lock as both Prophet and Gloucester while a flash of Y/n ans Cornelia flaring at each other as the two leap back and land onto the ground as the two mechs look up at each other as Cornelia charges her Gloucester towards Prophet while Prophet charges towards Gloucester as Prophet leaps up in the air while swinging his spear back while Gloucester slowly looks up as everything was in slow moment as Cornelia sees this which she smirked while Y/n was looking at her Gloucester as everyone goes to normal speed as Prophet made the first strike at Cornelia's Gloucester as they continue their dual in the streets of Saitama Ghetto.
To be continued.........................................
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