Act 6: The pain

We see Y/n in his civilian clothes and standing in front of the cafe where he will meet Kallen at just to relax and have a talk. He stood by the cafe just minding his own business while civilians walk by him as he watch as Britannian police car driving by with Police officers inside doing their patrol as Y/n watch them drive by.

He watch them drive by as he looks around, seeing what Britannian has done to Japan and turned it into one of Britannian's cities which sickness him to the core as he can't imagine how much japanese civilians are feeling seeing their home invaded and taking over by an empire that treat them and others like crap.

Suddenly he heard something crash at the alleyway next to him as he peak his head over and see two brothers that seemed to be Japanese civilians making their escape deeper into the alleyway when one turn and spotted him. The two stare at each other for sometime until Y/n noded to him and he noded back as he catch up with his brother and he was gone.

Kallen: Is something wrong?

He turn to see Kallen walking up to him still wearing her uniform as Y/n tell her.

Y/n: Oh nothing.

Kallen: Alright then. So...shall we head in and chat?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Moments later we see the two inside the cafe and sat down as they were having their drink while Kallen tells Y/n about her school life and how it's annoying it is.

Y/n: (smirk) Whoa, that must have sucked to be in that school.

Kallen: Yeah no kidding. Still it's not all that bad, I do met some friends there which is gonna difficult if they found out who I really am.

Y/n: Totally agree. It's hard to try to keep secrets when yiur friends are at the other side.

Kallen: Yeah. So what about you, what school did you go?

Y/n: Just a normal high school before all of this happened. Then after Britannian take over we were sent to a special facility to be trained to know.

Kallen: Huh that's interesting. So is it like a college type of school?

Y/n: Well yeah, something like that.

Kallen: Huh neat. Guess you must be lucky that you and your team are the best of the best.

Y/n: Yeah all because we wish to seek justice and revenge for what Britannia has done to our world.

Kallen: Agree. Say how did you meet-

???: Hello Kallen~!

Then three female students and one male students walked over to Kallen and Y/n's table just to say hello only to noticed Y/n there.

??? 2: (smile) Oh you two know each other?

Kallen: Oh yeah this is Y/n. Y/n, these are my friends who are apart of Ashford Student Council.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you all. Must be a pain to be student Councils.

Shirley: (smile) Sometimes but we get the job done. Anyways the names Shirley it's nice to meet you Y/n.

Milly: (smirk) I'm Milly, leader of the student council. Gonna say your one handsome boy.

Nina: I'm Nina.

Rivalz: (smile) And I'm Rivalz. So are you two on a date or what?

The two blushed as Y/n explained.

Y/n: (blush) We're just here for a chat, that's all.

Milly: (smirk) Whatever you say. Hey Lelouch! Come over here!

Seconds later another male student approaches them and was face to face with Y/n.

Milly: (smile) This is our vice president Lelouch.

Lelouch: (smile) Greetings. Its an honour to meet you.

Y/n: Same here. Make sense your her vice president. You look like you were ready to take up leadership.

Lelouch: (chuckle) Indeed I am.

Rivalz: (smile) Better not challenge him for a Chess game because he'll destroy you.

Y/n: (smirk) Noted.

Milly: (smile) Say there handsome, are you new here? We haven't seen you here before?

Y/n: Oh well I've moved here not too long ago.

Milly: (smirk) Say I know! How about we show you around!

Y/n: Oh that's not necessary.

Shirley: (smile) Come on it will be great. We can even show you our school and where we go.

Y/n: Well.....if you want I guess I got no choice.

Milly: (smile) Awesome! We'll wait for you both outside, bye~!

Then they exit out of the door as Y/n finish up his drink while Kallen ask him.

Kallen: You sure about this?

Y/n: Well it's not I can change my mind. Besides, knowing each location would be useful in battle.

Kallen: True. (Finishes her drink) Okay then, let's go.

Y/n: (smile) Right.

(Moments later)

The student Council show Y/n around the city and their school as well. Y/n bounded with the students as they go around the city. Milly show some flirty comments to Y/n which made Kallen jealous to see Milly wrapping her arm around his arm.

This goes on for sometime and then we see them at the park as they were looking at the fountain while Y/n was sitting at the bench. He then look over and noticed a huge wall which he gets up and walk over and sees names on it which was the names of Britannian's heroes as he look at them all.

He couldn't imagine these Britannian heroes were bloody killers that died only to label as a hero to Britannia. He gets flashes of Britannia attacking his country and his city as he lost everything and everyone he ever cared for which angers him deeply.

Lelouch: Interesting don't you think?

He then turn to see Lelouch as he turn to the wall of names as Lelouch goes on to explain.

Lelouch: All of these names to honour those who have fallen and yet in the end, no one knows the reality of what they have done.

Y/n: So you think they are false heroes.

Lelouch: Maybe. It depends what they do that label them as a hero. Either they did something right, or wrong.

Y/n: Guess we'll never knew.

Lelouch: Indeed. Tell me, do you have a hero you look up to?

Y/n: Yeah. My father. He was the greatest hero I've ever seen. He was brave, smart and was always calm when things goes to hell. He was the greatest person and father I could ever have.

Lelouch: Sounds like a honourable man. Tell me....did he die as a hero?

Y/n: He did. He sacrifice his life to save me and go down fighting. I always wonder if he may survive and find is way out found that out soon after.

Lelouch: ???

Y/n: My father and mamy those were executed on live TV. Hanged while Britannia mocks and insulated him for being a puppet to a corrupt government which is B.S. How dare they even say that after everything my father done and....(clear his throat) Sorry, shouldn't have gone off like that I'm just.....mad, that's all.

Lelouch: I understand. A death of someone would drive otherwise of vengeance and seek justice to those we lost.

Y/n: You ever feel that pain before? A pain of losing someone you love and having your life completely changed?

Lelouch:........I do.

Shirley: (distances) Hey you two! Let's go!

They turn to see them looking at them as Y/n takes only a few steps only for Lelouch to grab him in the shoulder as he turn to him as Lelouch tells him.

Lelouch: Your secret is safe with me.

Y/n was a bit confused and he may have known he is apart of the Alliance but he noded in a sign of respect as they catch up with the other students and they make their way out of the park.

They were walking through a trail that leads them out of the park when suddenly a homeless man step out of the bushes and stood in front of them as he turn to them while they stop as he begs for them.

Homeless man: Please.....I need some money. Please.

Shirley: We're sorry sir but we can't do that.

Homeless man: Come on. They took everything from me. My home, my kids and my wife. I've lost everything and now I'm alone. know what, what's the use of doing this. You Britannian's have no idea how we feel being lower class, now it feels to lose everything a second. Maybe.....maybe i should end this here and now.

He then pulled out a pistol which shocked everyone as they watch as the man points it at his head and was ready to pull it when Y/n spoke up.

Y/n: Wait! Don't throw your life away like that! You have so much to live for.

Homeless man: No there's not. Everything I own and loved is gone. I rather ne dead then living a world of suffering.

Y/n: Wait what about you kids? What do they look like?

Homeless man: Their brothers. They were the sweetest boys we ever have only to be taking away from me and now, they are gone.

Y/n: Please sir just......drop the weapon and think about this. I know your life is bad now but this is not the solution. You have so much to live for and your kids, your kids are still alive, I think.

Homeless man: How?

Y/n: I don't know how but I think I saw them a hours ago. Listen, you can still find them just please........lower your weapon and leave the park.

Homeless man: Wh.....What if your wrong?

Y/n: Then you must live on without them. I understand how it feel to lose people but I must stay strong for them so you need to be strong for them. Even if your kids are alive or not, you must be strong for them.

The homeless man hears of his words and slowly lower his pistol and turn and run back into the forest. He turn back to look at Y/n and then disappear. Everyone sigh of relief that things didn't go bad.

Nina: What a relief.

Shirley: (smile) That was incredible Y/n!

Milly: (smirk) Yeah you were brave to convince that guy to lower his gun.

Rivalz: (smile) Very glad you were here to talk to him.

Y/n: (smirk) Well let just I understand his pain.

Kallen smiled a bit as they finally leave the park and soon go their separate ways.


Kallen and Y/n return back to base as Y/n is holding Milly's phone number that she give him with a kiss mark on the it which made Kallen jealous a bit but she ask him.

Kallen: So what do you think of them.

Y/n: (smile) They seemed to be normal people.

Kallen: Yeah except for Lelouch. I know he is intelligent but there is something off about him that doesn't suit right for me.

Y/n: I understand what you mean. His voice does sound familiar but can't remember where.

Kallen: Say can I ask you something....personal?

Y/n: Sure.

Kallen: How can you overcome so much pain after everything Britannia has done? I mean, how can you and all the pilots feel the pain of losing everything and yet still fight?

Y/n: Guess it's how we use our pain to full our desire of destroying Britannia and take back our planet. In life we have to deal the lost but we remember them bo matter what. The reason why I fight is because one day my father will rest easily knowing that I will keep on fighting for his sacrifice and to his name no matter the cost. Its honourable to keep on living for those who sacrifice their whole lives to save a life.

Kallen: (smile) Yeah......I know your father would've been proud of you.

She the lend over and kiss him on the cheek which made the two blushed as Kallen turns and leave but then stop and turn back and tells Y/n.

Kallen: (smile) No wonder I like you so much. Its because of your determination to keep on fighting that makes you a great pilot.

Y/n smiles and node back to her as he watch her leave and then make his leave and moments later we see Y/n at the pilot graveyard while wearing his pilot armor as he stood in front of his fathers grave as he hold his helmet on his waist as he stare at his fathers grave.

Prophet: (radio) Sargent, we have a new mission. Your team is ready.

Y/n: Roger that Prophet. I'll be there.

He stare at his father's grave one last time and then walk off as he put on his helmet and heads off for his mission so he can continue to honour his father and take back their home planet.

To be continued...........................................

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