Act 5: Solo ops mission
We see Y/n within a steal drop ship as he is making his way to The Trophy, which is a highly and secured prison within the Britannian Empire where they kept many of their enemies inside. From terrorist leaders, skill pilots and generals, to high rank government personnel or government leaders themselves are being kept within the prison.
He is seen sitting on a chair while looking down at his combat knife which is the only weapon he will be taking for this mission and he must steal the Britannians weapons in hopes to use them in battle.
C2: We're close to your drop.
Then C2 walked over to Y/n as he get up and slide his combat knife onto his holder on his waist and tells C2.
Y/n: I have feeling Zero is testing me or challenging me for this mission.
C2: You could say that and you maybe right. Zero finds you very interesting ever since he learned about you.
Y/n: He has?
C2: Indeed. For one, your father was a war veteran of the Frontier War before he was killed by Britannian forces.
Y/n: Yeah he was. My mother was the commander of the Militia and after the war they got married and have me.
C2: I see. Also, you've trained hours in hopes to battle Britannia and have your revenge on them. Is that true?
Y/n:.......They took everything from me. My home, my friends and my family. I can never forgive them for what they did. I cannot allow them to rule Earth and get away so easily after what they did.
C2: Hmm.....ask me this? Do you think all Britannia are bad?
Y/n: What?
C2: You said that you would never forgive them but yet there are others that don't know anything about The Alliance and what Britannia has done. Some were even born after they banished The Alliance out of Earth but do you still think all are bad or good?
Y/n: Well....not all are bad. I just......I just want to avenge the people I've lost by taking down Britannia once and for all.
Alliance pilot: (radio) We're over head. Goof luck pilot.
Y/n: Thanks.
He slam on the button and the hatch open up to reveal a storm with rain pouring down while flashes of lighting appear around them as Y/n look out as he put on hid helmet while C2 approaches to him.
C2: You seek vengeance on those that they have taking but let me ask you long until you will find out that there are others that lost someone they cares because of you. Who knows, you might kill someone right in front of someone and they start to cry, seeing someone she or he cared for is gone forever. Will you live out your life of what you have done?
Y/n was slient for a moment which C2 noticed and then she turns and walk away while she tells him.
C2: Save your answer another time. Your mission starts now.
Y/n: Roger.
Once that was done, he leap off the drop ship and he start to descending down through the dark cloaks with thunder and lighting sound him along with rain pouring all around him.
He nose down through the clouds and dodging the lighting bolts flashing as he keeps going down and down from the sky.
After what seems like hours of fallen he breaks through the clouds and see a huge prison island in the middle of the ocean as he goes down towards it as he goes faster and faster.
Once he gets close he spin himself up right and active his thrusters to slow down his fall. After a while he slow down and soon landed onto the docks of the prison as he looks up to see the prison on top of a hill.
He look around and then make hie way over there while being keeping his guard up for any Britannian soldiers on the island.
(Stealtj music start)
The rumbling of thunder can be heard as Y/n make his way through the dirt road before seeing two Britannian soldiers patrolling the road with attached flash lights on their rifles. They were coming towards him so he blends into the bushes and waits for them to walk by.
Once they were walk by he stick inside the bushes and make his way up the hill and once there he sees a large bridge that is connected to the prions gates with four guards. Two were near the entrance of the prison while the other two were the front of the bridge.
Y/n can't take them out but noticed a sewer entrance being open so he slide down the small hill and goes in. He crawl through the sewer while pulling out his combat knife, in case he needs it. He was turning each way within the sewer and then spotted a vent above him.
He opens the vent and climbs out to find himself in the garage where there was one Britannian engineer working on a Britannian military jeep. Y/n slowly cloes the vent and sees a door across from him.
He make his way over and once there he try to turn the door handle but it was locked. He look around and sees the Britannian engineer have the keys on his belt. He looks up to see a singal bolt above him so he grabs a screwdriver and then throws it which burst and turn the garage into total darkness.
Britannian engineer: What the-
Immediately he grabs him behind him, covering his mouth so he won't scream and then stab him at the back of the neck. Soon the Britannian Engineer gives up and dies as he grabs the keys and his pistol and tosses him into the same vent he goes through and unlocks the door and opens it.
He gets inside and shut the door behind him as he point his pistol ahead of him and lucky there was no one. He lower his pistol a bit and make his way.
His first objective is to shut down the security system of the prison so after he avoid the guards and cameras, he made I to the security room as he peek through the window doors to see four Britannian security guards inside.
He knows he can't just go in there and kill them since his pistol will attract noise so he needed something to slince his shots. He then spotted a trash can and inside was a empty water bottle so he takes that and wraps it around the barrel of the pistol with rubber bangs and make a hole fit enough for the bullet go through.
Once that was done he knock on the door as he lend his shoulder onto the wall next to the door. Soon the door open and quickly he grabs the guard and quickly take out the three other guards and then snap the guard he was holding neck as he fell onto the ground.
Y/n: (whisper) Night Night Britannian scum.
He walks over to the controls and gets onto the keyboard as he shuts everything down and once that was done he hides the bodies and takes the shotgun on the table and leaves the room.
The second objective is to secure a exit and lucky for him he stumble apon a landing pad with a Britannian drop ship which he search around for Britannian guards around it. There was no one however so he was clear as he leaves but not before placing down a remote hack system so he can use to hack into the door controls so he would lock the door.
The Third objective is to find the Anti Arcraft cannons and place explosions on them. He finds four of them around the prison and on top of four towers as he take them on one by one.
He kill the guards and gunners in ewch of the four towers and place explosions onto them. He throws the bodies off the tower and they land somwhere in the bushes as he retrieve away and have the explosions ready once he is on the drop ship along with the prisoners.
The last Objective is to free the prisoners. He make his way through the prison cell by crawling through the vent.
Male Prisoner: Please I'm hungry.
Britannian guard: Shut up 11.
He zaps the prisoner which angers Y/n but he focused on the mission in hand. He soon arrived at the cell control room and opens the vent and lands inside the room. He then spotted the Warden facing away from his but he turn around only to see nothing but a open vent above.
Britannian warden: That's odd.
He walk over while we see Y/n sat down against the control console as the Warden walk by him, didn't notice him and was looking up at the vent.
While he was busy Y/n goes around the controls and walk up to them and push some buttons and then opens all of the cells in the prison.
(Stealth music ends)
All of the prisoners cells open and after this they yell and Starr to riot. Y/n pulled out his combat knife and turn and throws the knife at the Warden as he quickly turn around and immediately got stabbed in the head as he fell onto the ground.
Once that was done Y/n gets onto the speakers and tells the prisoners.
Y/n: Meet me at the cafeteria and we get out of here!
They listen and they push by the guards while Y/n make his leave and soon he arrived at the cafeteria to see guards being thrown and gun fire can be heard. One Britannian soldier was about to kill one when Y/n lands on top of him and fire a few shots with his pistol and called out to all the prisoners.
Y/n: Come on! This way!
All listen and they all follow him as they go through the guards and soldiers until they reach the landing pad and all prisoners enter the drop ship. Y/n turns and waits for everyone to made out and once all were out he pushes a button to lock the door and pushes another to the detonators which they blow up the cannons.
It was chaso within the prison as guards is trying to figure out on what is going on all while we see the drop ship that Y/n is piloting fly away and disappeared from sight.
(Next day)
A day gone by and everyone in the Alliance were shocked about the news. They heard that Y/n managed to sneak his way into the prison and free all the prisoners, but the Britannian forces didn't know it was him.
We see Y/n at Adam office who was shocked about his successful mission as he stare at Y/n and his mission report and then he clear his throat and said.
Adam: (surprised) W-Well Y/n this.....this is something I've never seen before. Really, I have never seen a singal pilot infiltrate inside a highly and secured prison and made it out there alive and not allowing any Britannian forces know you were there.
Y/n: I just think the strategy in my head and act it within seconds.
Adam: (surprised) I can see that. Well then, Zero has seemed to be impress of your work last night. You deserve a long break Sargent, rest easy.
He saluted his general and then make his leave where he see Kallen waiting for him as she look over to see Hi and then walk over to him.
Kallen: That was amazing you did during that solo mission. No Britannian forces doesn't want to mess with you.
Y/n: Well I'm more deadly in the battle then in the shadows.
Kallen: (smile) Same here. Say wanna hang out? Maybe have a coffee? You must be tired.
Y/n: Sure. I could use some coffee right now.
Kallen: (smile) Okay then, let's go. First, probably get change, don't want anyone see you a pilot.
He looks at his pilot outfit and see Kallen have a point so he gets change so he can grab some coffee with Kallen. We then cut to Zero on the cliff and looking down at his ipod while C2 walks up behind him and tells him.
C2: It seems Sargent Y/n has return from his mission alive and well.
Zero: I know. He's one skill pilot disbite not having a Geass. Still, he and his squad could be my trump card when situation doesn't turn to my favour.
C2: I see what you mean.
Zero: He maybe a pilot but when it comes Britannia, he'll do anything to get his revenge. His vengeance would be very useful in my chess game.
He then turns and walk pass C2 as she watch him walk away as C2 turns to the base where Y/n is in as she stare at the base for sometime and then walks off and catching up to Zero as she thinks his vengeance will fill his determination and skills to keep on fighting....however he maybe blind with his vengeance and who knows how long I will take.....until he vengeance lead him to kill someone who has someone he or she cares for.
To be continued..................................................
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