Act 4: Meet Beta team

We see Y/n ans his team training at the training simulation room at the Alliance base as he and his team were going through the training simulation in different situations in battle. Some were racing to the other end of the room without touching the floor, equipment testing on hologram targets and taking on waves of enemy forces while making sure none of them gose down.

After hours of being in there they leave the training simulation room and enter to their lockers as Haru and Bill sat down on the bench while Y/n and Isabelle open their lockers and taking out their water to have a drink.

Y/n: Good job team, that was seem serious training we did.

Bill: You can say that again.

Haru:.....Say Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah? What's up?

Haru: I still can't seem to think we should trust Zero. Disbite the information he has given us for weeks, I still find it hard to trust him.

Isabelle: I agree. He maybe fighting to destroy Britannia but what is he really fighting for?

Y/n: I see your points but what else can we do? He's apart of us until this war is over.

Haru: Your right. So, when do you think he'll contact us for more missions? I have a feeling that he is interested of us and our skills.

Y/n: Who knows but whatever mission he may have for us, we'll get it done.

Male officer: (speaker) Alpha Team, report to the bridge in 5 minutes. You have a new mission today.

Bill: You think that's Zero?

Y/n: Well let's get ready and find out what this new mission maybe.

(Short while later)

The four arrived at the bridge as Adam opens a hologram from his table to show them a image of a facility as he points at it and explains to them.

Adam: This is Britannia's Knightmare facility, located in Germany's forest of Bavarian forest. We just got word that they are making new and more stronger Knightmare units to take us down. We must not allow this to happen so I'm sending you four there along with Beta team to aid you on this mission. I've already sent Alliance soldiers there and they be waiting for you there.

Y/n: Don't worry sir, we'll get it done.

Adam: That's I like to hear it, dismissed.

They saluted and once that they leave the bridge and heaf to the hanger where Beta Team is waiting. We see Rily with her other team as they look over to see Alpha Tea, show up.

Alaia: Looks like Alpha Team is here, the best of the best.

Ben: Looks like they are ready for this mission, you better watch because I'll be getting the most kills once we we there.

Lucas: You think it's wise to be paired up with another team? No offence but-

Rily: I don't mind, besides the facility is huge so it's good we bring some back up with us.

Y/n: You've got a plan on how we attack the facility?

Rily: I'll tell you all once we get there, for now let's inside the Goblins and head there.

Y/n: (smirk) Lead the way.

The two teams head inside the Goblin and once inside the ceiling doors open and the Goblin fires up its thrusters and slowly lifted up, leaving the hanger and then take off to Germany.


We see Alliance soldiers in the forest of Germany and their camp site as two Alliance scouts enter Commander Cole's tent as we see him looking down at the plans with his Lieutenant Josh as they turn to the scouts.

Male Alliance scout: Sir we've searched around the facility and it seems they are ready to release their new Knightmare units.

Cole: I see. Have the Alliance soldiers to get ready, we must attack before they will launch them.

Male Alliance scout: Yes sir.

The two leave while Cole turns back to the map while Josh ask.

Josh: We don't have time until they will sent their new Knightmare units across the world. We need to plan it now and execute.

Cole: I understand but their defenses is far more stronger then we were told. Its like they were ready for us to come.

Rily: Then in that case, let's hit their facility hard.

They turn to see Rily and Y/n enter the tents as the two saluted to them while they saluted back.

Cole: Pilots, glad your here, we need all the help we can get. We've located their facility however their defenses is twice as strong then we were told. Automatic cannons, twice of guards, heavy Knightmare units and more.

Josh: At this rate we will be wiped out if we even dare to attack them.

Rily: Then let's make them think we are.

Cole: What do you mean?

Rily: We'll drive Britannian forces away from the facility while your team will take out what's left of them and plant some explosions and blow the facility sky high.

Cole: That could work however your teams will be in heavy fire.

Y/n: True but it will give you all time to enter the facility and destroy it. We be already holding them until then.

Josh: It's a risk.

Cole: But these Pilots are given us a chance. Do you you have to do Pilots, just be safe.

Rily: Don't worry sir, we'll survive.

Once that the two leave their tents and regroup with their team.

Rily: So Y/n.....How's things with you and Kallen?

Y/n: Pretty good, she still complains about the school and the students there. Don't blame her, can't last a day if I was her shose.

Rily: (giggle) Can't blame her either. Still she's kinda hot don't you think?

Y/n: (little blush) I-I guess so.

Rily: (smirk) You know, I'm already if we have a three-way if you want?

Y/n: (little blush) I-I think I'm okay, thanks..

Rily: (giggle) You nervous?

Y/n blushes even more as they regroup with theie team and their Titans.

Rily: Gear up and get into their  Titans everyone, we're moving out!

They did so as Rily hops into her Tone aka Cyclops while Y/n hops into Prophet, once everyone is in they make theie move just as Alliance soldiers move out as they execute their plan.

(Short time later)

We see both Alpha Team and Beta Team within their Titans and hidden in the trees near the entrance of the facility as they see the huge facility as they get into positions.

Y/n: All teams ready?

They were all green meaning they are ready so Scorch aka Satan who is pilot by Ben comes out and active their flame core as Satan slammed both his fist onto the ground, creating a wave of flames that blow up the gates and setting Britannian soldiers flying as alarms start to go off and soon Knightmare units come out and start to open fire at them.

Y/n: Let them have it!

They came out of the forest and return fire as they took out a few Knightmare units and Britannian soldiers while we see Cole and his soldiers enter the facility as they took out some Britannian soldiers that were left and place soke explosions around it.

One Alliance soldiers was planting an explosion when he heard some noises so he search around snd suddenly his foot landed on something metal so he looks down to see he is standing on a metal door. He steps back and opens it and was shocked to see what he found.

Male Alliance soldier: Sir! You gonna come and see this!

Cole and Josh walked up to him and look down and turn into shock to see Germany civilians being imprisoned by Britannia as Cole kneel down to them, looking at their tired, feard faces as Josh said.

Josh: They must have kidnapped a lot of these people and use them as slaves to make their work twice as fast.

Cole: These must be the engineers or those who are experts of Knightmares........We need to get these people out of here.

Male Alliance soldier: Yes sir.

The soldier found the controls and activated the lift that takes the prisoners up and soon they get them out of there. We cut back to Alpha and Beta Team holding off Britannian forces as Prophet charge towards a Knightmare unit, grabs the rifle while it fires at the woods and then Prophet kicks the Knightmare unit down and fired his weapon at them.

Ghost cuts them down with his sword while Ben who is piloting his own Rion aka Robin quickly took out a few Knightmare units with his TRIPlE THREAD as he fire a few shots at them before being grabbed by a Knightmare unit but Robin pulled out his sword and slice up the Knightmare unit in half.

Alaia Pilots her Ion aka Nova as they active their laser core and fired at Britannian forces, cutting them down within seconds and once that deploy a shield to catch the incoming bullets and rockets and return them back to them as they were blown up.

Cole: (radio) Bombs are set! You might need to get out of there before this area blows up.

Y/n: You here him! Let's move!

They all pull back while Britannian forces still keeps firing at them. Suddenly a rocket was fired and the missile hits Satan's leg which cost them to fell and land hard onto the floor.

Robin: Pilot Satan is down!

They all turn back to see Satan and Rily is down so Y/n tells them.

Y/n: I'll get them just get out of here now!

They node and they escape while Prophet and Y/n gose back to Rily and Satan. Prophet fire some missiles, blowing up some Britannian soldiers while firing at Britannian soldiers and Knightmares that were coming towards them as Y/n ejected out of Prophet and rushes over to Satan and calls out.

Y/n: Rily you alright?! Rily!

Rily: I'm fine but Satan is down, i can't move her.

Y/n: Hold on! We'll get you both out of here! Prophet!

Prophet: Understood pilot.

Prophet picks up Satan and drags then two out of here while Y/n leaps onto Prophet's back and fire his rifle at Britannian forces and once they were in the clear Y/n radios in Cole.

Y/n: Cole blow it up! We're clear!

Cole: (radio) Roger that! Watch the fireworks.

Seconds later there was a huge explosion as the facility blows up sky high, taking out a lot of Britannian forces as there was a huge explosion as the Alpha and Beta Team completed their mission and return back to camp to regroup with Cole and his soldiers.


They arrive back as Prophet set down Satan as Satan opens his hatch and Rily came out as she land on her feet and look over to Satan's leg while Y/n walked up to her.

Y/n: You two good?

Rily: (smirk) Yeah we're good, thanks to you.

Satan: Thank you pilot but it would have been easy if you take Rily instead of both of us.

Y/n: (smile) Your one of us Satan, we will never abandon anyone including a Titan.

Satan appreciate it as Y/n heads off to find Cole and finds him with Johs being thanked by Germans civilians as Y/n ask Cole.

Y/n: Where did they come from?

Cole: They were prisoners and slaves for Britannia. Its sick to imagine how much these people have gone through.

Y/n: I bet there is still more out there.

Cole: Yeah and it's our job to free them. Thanks for the help pilot.

Y/n: No problem commander, glad we can help.

Cole node and soon after a Goblin arrived to pick up Alpha and Beta so they enter the Goblin and they return back to base in Japan.


Y/n enter the bridge where Adam is in along with a mysterious green hair women as she turn to him while Y/n look at her back and ask.

Y/n: Whose she?

Adam: This is C.C or C2 for short. She's an assistant to Zero.

C2: Yes and you must be Sargent Y/n, leader of Alpha Team. A pleasure to meet you.

Y/n: Same to you. Just came here to report our successful mission.

Adam: I'm glad for that because I have another mission for you.

Y/n: Sure thing sir, I'll ready my team and we-

Adam: Actually this is a solo mission.

Y/n: Solo mission sir?

C2: Here, Zero give me this for your mission.

She inserts a chip into the hologram table and a hologram of Zero appeared in front of Y/n.

Zero: (hologram) Sargent, your mission today is to infiltrate a Britannian highly and most secured prison base located at the small island called "The Trophies." Your objective is to free all the prisoners by yourself without your team nor your Titan. Just you, your skill, your equipment and weapons and free all prisoners so they can join our cost. Remember, I'll be watching.

Zero disappeared as Y/n turns to Adam and ask him.

Y/n: And your alright with this sir?

Adam: I question Zero's idea of sending you alone on this mission, but some of these prisoners are actually Pilots that were captured many years ago. We need all the help we can get.

C2: Zero has plans for the other prisoners but he wishes to see how skilled you are in solo missions.

Y/n: Guess that's gonna be foreshadowing something?

C2: I can not say.

Y/n: Well if Zero wants to see me what i can do in solo then so be it. When is my mission sir?

Adam: Tomorrow night, hope your ready because you will be on your own once your on that island.

Y/n nodes to him and turns to make his leave while C2 watched him leave, from all the Pilots that she has seen, she finds Y/n quiet interesting.

To be continued..............................................

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