Act 3: Rescue mission of a Britannian pilot
Within the Alliance base, we see Zero, General Adam Kaname and Y/n were at the planning room to sort out the plan to save Suzaku Kururugi from Britannian forces before he will be killed for the death of Prince Clovis.
A hologram of where Suzaku will be travelling through the city is shown and then he shows a bridge which Adam's point at the bridge and tells Zero.
Adam: This bridge will make it as a good ambush to save Suzaku and make it as our good exit. What do you say?
Zero: This works perfectly, however we need to come up with a plan to force them to let Suzaku go without anyone getting killed.
Kaname: Zero is right. This bridge will be filled with innocent civilians and any explosions or gunfire will killed anyone on that bridge.
Adam: Your right. Anyone have ideas?
Y/n: How's about we use something that Britannian soldiers will not dare to use. Like say a bomb or-
Zero: Gas. We can use the Gas to have Britannian forces but to open fire and to have them hand over Suzaku.
Adam: I'm not too sure about this.
Y/n: We could use a empty Gas bomb or better yet smoke to cover our tracks when we escape.
Kaname: Yeah and there will be no castuailities in either one of our side.
Y/n: That's true.
Zero: Our exit will be the train which is located underneath the bridge. We'll take Suzaku and hope into the train that will be controlled by one of your men.
Adam: Understood and if things go south, we'll sent Titans to aid you in battle, whenever that comes.
Zero: There is no need. I have everything planned and i know there will be no conflict.
Adam: We all due respect Zero this mission is risky and Britannian forces will soon come for the moment you reveal yourself to them. I assist the Titans will be use to protect you and whoever will come with you on this mission.
Zero: Very well then. I would need Kaname's small group of rebels and Alpha Team. I've seen their work and they will be good for this mission.
Adam: Well Alpha Team is the best pilot team the Alliance has ever have.
Y/n: (smile) We get our job done and live no one behind.
Zero: Good. Within 4 hours, we will begin our mission. Dismissed.
Hours later we see Zero, Kaname and Y/n arrive at the hanger to see the gas bomb being placed above Prince Clovis personnel transport vehicle that they managed to steal for this plan. Kallen is wearing a royal Britannian driver outfit as she complain about the outfit being a bit tight while Y/n ans Kaname walked up to her.
Kallen: Damn it! This outfit is tight as hell! Why do I have to be the damn driver?
Kaname: (smile) Sorry but someone has to be the driver while we have own place for the plan.
Kallen: Guess so.
Kaname walked away while Kallen looked over to see Zero as she ask Y/n.
Kallen: You think we can trust him?
Y/n: He is the same guy who helped you all during operation: Hellstorm.
Kallen: I suppose. Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Kallen: (smirk) Be careful okay? I don't want to lose anyone else during this mission.
Y/n:.....Same to you as well Kallen. I hate losing anyone in my life.
Kallen blushed a bit as Y/n walked away and regroup with his team with their Titan partners as Prophet walked over and kneel down in front of Y/n.
Prophet: Ready for our mission pilot?
Y/n: (smile) You know it buddy. Let's do this.
(Hours later)
It was night time and we see Alpha Team split up into twos with Isabelle and Haru at the other side of the bridge were Suzaku will be taking to the capital while Y/n and Bill at the other where Suzaku will be taking over the bridge meaning they are gonna go pass them.
The four have KRABER AP sniper rifles with them as w cut to Bill and Y/n laying on the ground and aiming down at the scope to see tone of people lined up at the bridge with news crew also on the bridge as well as Y/n radios everyone in.
Y/n: Alpha Team in position?
Isabelle: (radio) We're in position.
Kallen: (radio) We're also in position as well. Ready for Zero's mark.
Zero: (radio) Suzaku will arrive within 3 minutes. Remember, let me do the talking and we all get out of thei alive.
Y/n: Copy that. Alpha Team leader out.
Bill: You still think we can trust this guy?
Y/n: We don't really have a choice now do we?
Bill: Guess not.
After 3 minutes a large transport with Suzaku being on top of the vehicle with chains shows up being escorted by five or six Knightmare units leaf by Jeremiah and his team. The news people turn their cameras to Suzaku while people yelled at him as they start throwing stuff at him.
Bill: (whisper) Shit poor kid, he was framed by those Britannian fucks.
Y/n: Stay cool Bill, stick with the plan.
Zero: (radio) Alpha Team leader this is our go. You'll see us driving on the bridge right now.
Y/n aim down his scope and sees Prince Clovis vehicle enter the bridge at the other side as Y/n radios back.
Y/n: We see you. Alpha Team, cover them.
We cut to the bridge as Jeremiah and his team were escorting Suzaku to be executed when they stop when they see Prince Clovis vehicle driving up to them.
Jeremiah: (shocked) What in Britannian name is this?! You there, stop where you are and identify yourself!
Kallen continues to drive the vehicle a bit more until she stop as Jeremiah and his team raised theie weapons at the vehicle as Jeremiah called out.
Jeremiah: Step out of the vehicle and show yourself!
Then the vehicles roof opens and Zero shows himself to everyone as Suzaku slowly looked up to see Zero as Zero introduce himself.
Zero: My name is Zero, I have come for Suzaku Kururugi. You will hand him to me now.
Suzaku: (surprised) Wh-What?
Jeremiah: Do you honestly think we'll just give him to you! Remove your mask and show your true face!
Zero slowly move his hand to his helmet, thinking he is gonna remove it but he lifted his hand up and snap his finger as a huge box behind him open to reveal a huge Gas bomb which everyone was shocked as Zero gose on to say.
Zero: This is the same Gas bomb that you have made for the so call "terrorist." The same weapon that you planned to use but now we are gonna use unless you will free Suzaku.
Jeremiah and the others were shocked by this so Jeremiah opens his Knightmare unit and exit out of his Knightmare as he tells Zero.
Jeremiah: You honestly have a idea what you are doing do you?! Suzaku has committed a crime by killing Prince-
Zero: Prince Clovis death was my doing. I was the one who kill Clovis.
The crowd gasp in shock by this including Jeremiah and his team and even Suzaku. Then Zero opens a small window to show his eye as he commands Jeremiah.
Zero: You will let Suzaku free and hand him over to me andket us go free.
Alpha Team thinks this will be a long while for Jeremiah to hand Suzaku over but after a short while of slince, Jeremiah turns to his forces and called out.
Jeremiah: Let Suzaku go free at once!
Alpha Team was surprised that just happen and they watched as Suzaku was freed and walked over to Zero and things seemed to going well.
Then Y/n have this feeling that someone is approaching him from behind and within second he quickly stood up and catches a Britannian soldier by both arms and hold him while Bill turn to see what's going on.
Britannian soldier: All forces this was a trap! Alliance forces are here!
Y/n: Fuck!
He kicked the Britannian soldier to the ground and fired his rifle at him, the gunshot echo and everyone realised thsi was a trap as Y/n radios in Zero.
Y/n: Zero we have been blown! Get Suzaku and get out of here!
Zero: (radio) Roger that.
Kallen pulls the trigger and the gas bomb blows up which fist everyone to run away but Britannian forces realised it was just smoke.
Zero and Kallen escape with Suzaku off a bridge just as a train is beneath them and once they were on the train rides off.
Zero: (radio) We're away. Head to the pick up point that I've sent.
Y/n: Understood! Alpha Team regroup on me!
Bill and Y/n rushed over the roof and leaps off which they were met by two Knightmare units as they raised their weapons at them onky for Prophet and Wrath to rush over and took them out as the two pilots land on top of them and get inside of them.
Prophet and Wrath: Transferred controls to pilot.
Y/n: Isabelle, Haru were are you two?!
Isabelle: (radio) On our way!
Then bullets fly by which they return fire as Wrath deploy a shield attached to his Chaingun as Prophet gets behind him and the two return fire while Lucifer rain down missiles at Knightmare units while Ghost phase through them as the two regroup on Y/n and once that they start 6o fall back.
Villetta: Don't let them escape!
They were about to go after them when suddenly Jeremiah stopped them which shocked Villetta and the others.
Villetta: (shocked) Jeremiah?! What's gone into you!
Jeremiah: All forces do not go after them! Let them go right now, I'll kill anyone who disobey my orders! Is that clear!
Villetta was angered by this and wonders if has gone with Jeremiah's mind while we see Jeremiah's glow Red with a strange symbol on his eye as Alpha Team managed to escape without any loses.
They all arrive back at base as we see Alpha Team enter to their barracks as Bill took off hid pilot helmet and called out in a cheerful tone.
Bill: (smile) Hell yeah we're the best!
Haru: (smile) Agree. I thought the mission was gonna be harder but it turn out easy.
Isabelle: A bit too easy. Still what's with that Britannian officer? He was all like "will never give a prison to a terrorist" to "Let that prisoner go free." Have you guys find that a bit off?
Y/n: I find that off as well. Still nothing we can do now, we have completed our mission and Zero will join us.
Adam: Well sort off join us.
They turn to see Adam as he step inside the barracks while Isabelle ask.
Isabelle: What do you mean sir?
Adam: Disbite Suzaku was betrayed by his own forces, he is willing to return back to where he is fighting for.
Bill: (shocked) What?! But he'll be killed!
Adam: I know but that is his choice. There is nothing we can do. As for Zero, he told me he'll be aiding us within the shadows and not fully join us, not yet.
Haru: At least that's good right?
Adam: Correct but good job Alpha Team. You four get some rest now.
Alpha Team: Sir Yes sir!
(Short while later)
We see Y/n walking down the halls with two cups of warm tea with him as he approaches Kallen's room and he knock on her door which he heard footsteps and then Kallen opens the door to see Y/n.
Kallen: Oh hey. What brings you here?
Y/n: (smile) Figured I bring some warm tea after that mission.
Kallen: Oh thanks.
He hands her one and she takes a drink as she let's him in as he look around at her room and telle Kallen.
Y/n: Not bad, you gonna nice room.
Kallen: Thanks. Say you were great leading you team.
Y/n: Thanks. They were like my family....the only family I have.
Kallen: I see. Guess no wonder other pilots say your team was the best.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. So Kallen, what do you think about Zero?
Kallen: Kinda interesting. Still not sure we can trust him.
Y/n: I can understand why.
He looked around and noticed some pictures mounted on her wall as he ask her.
Y/n: Who are they?
Kallen: Oh just students from my school. I actually made friends with the student council.
Y/n: I see. Huh, this boy looks serious.
He points to one boy who has black hair and wearing a black uniform as Kallen tells him.
Kallen: That's Lelouch. I've heard many things about him throughout the school. Some say he is the master of chess and beats the best chess piece players in all of Japan.
Y/n: Huh so he's super intelligent right?
Kallen: Yeah. I also heard he has a young sister named Nunnally. She's blind and can't walk and I heard he took care of her no matter what.
Y/n: I see....what happened to her that cost her to be blind and couldn't walk?
Kallen: Some say it was an accident while others say it was because of a huge battle between Britannia and The Alliance. Either way, nobody knows.
Y/n feels a bit bad for Lelouch and Nunnally. They must have gone through so much because of Britannia. Then he walks towards her door to leave as he tells Kallen.
Y/n: Well it's getting late. See you tomorrow Kallen.
He opens the door and was about to step out when Kallen called out to him.
Kallen: Hey Y/n?
He turn to heras she gives him a small but nice smile as she said.
Kallen: (smile) Thank you......Thank you for coming back and given us hope.
Y/n find her smile cute which he smiled back and node to her back.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Kallen.
And once thay he left her room as Kallen feels her heart skip a beat even more and her personality slightly change a bit. She thinks she dose have feelings with Y/n but was not sure what to do with it
To be continued.........................................
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