Act 15: The capital of the Alliance

???: "The Britannian Empire. They have taking over our home. Take over our lives and murder thousands apon thousands of innocent lives in their way of peace."

Then we see a scene of Britannian forces attacking a town with Knightmares and soldiers killing innocent people. Soon gathering the survivors against the wall and aim their weapons at them.

???: "Men, women, the elderly and even children lost their lives by the hands of the Britannian Empire. Is there any hope left in this world? Yes.....Yes there is."

Then the Britannian soldiers as well as Knightmares get shot and been taking out as Alliance's Goblins along with Grunts charge into battle. One Grunt stopped and turn to the screen as he then said.

Graham: "Hi my name is Commander Graham, commander of my unit within the Alliance. However throughout the battle lives are lost thanks to the Britannian Empire and their brutal and injustice ways. We need more men and women fighting along side us in our battle against the Britannian Empire and we need your help. Come join the Alliance military force."

Then the scene goes to an army of Alliance Grunts standing at attention with ships and vehicles behind as their anthem is played as Graham appears in front of the army.

Graham: "We fight together for freedom, justice and peace. The Alliance is the fighting force to protect the citizens and bring back our home from the Britannian Empire. Join us as we take part in many battles, help those that are needed and show the Britannian scum what happens when they mess with the Alliance and innocent people. Meet legends along the way as well as the legendary pilots along with the most famous team that has ever loved. Alpha Team lead by Y/n L/n."

Then the background changes to the Alliance military flag as Graham points his finger at the screen and said.

Graham: (smile) "Come and join the Alliance military. Together we'll bring peace and freedom together."

Then it pans our to a train where we see that the entire thing was a TV ad which we see C2 watched while eating some pizza all awhile we see Y/n and Zero on the train while it is going through a tunnel as Zero said.

Zero: It's impressive after many years being in Mars they made this planet as theie capital of the Alliance.

Y/n: Yeah it's sorta my second home.

Zero: I see. It is an honour for your leaders to request my presence.

Y/n: They wanted to know a bit about you as well as the Black Knights since now we are working together. I'm here to make sure you'll get there safely.

Zero: Understandable.

Soon the train exit out of the tunnel and open a veiw of the capital of the Alliance. It is a large city with tall towers while being surrounded by a glass dorm to protect the citizens from the vacuum of space as we see citizens down below going out their normal lives and everything seem peaceful disbite the war.

Zero looks down and sees a sanctuary of Japanese people where they are given warmth, food and safety as Zero stare at the building and then look away.

Then the train slowly makes a stop in front of the Alliance government building as the doors open and Zero, C2 and Y/n walk out which they were met by Alliance Grunts standing at attention and give them a salute as they walk by them. At the far end two high ranking men is seen waiting for them as the trio approaches them and Y/n saluted them.

Y/n: Admiral Kaden and General Aldo!

Kaden: (salute) Sargent. I heard a lot of things about you and I have to say I am impress. You and your team are really are the best pilots that the Alliance could ever have.

Y/n: Thank you sir.

Aldo: And you must be Zero leader of the Black Knights. How interesting to meet you.

Zero nodes and they head inside and soon they arrived up a floor which they step out of the elevator and walk by Alliance government staff and Grunts as they saluted to them as Aldo ask Zero.

Aldo: According to reports you started your rebellion faction sometime ago is that right?

Zero: Indeed. The Black Knights with the help of your forces managed to capture weapons and Knightmares that makes our forces stronger and form allies along the way.

Aldo: Impressive. I read that you spoke with Taizo Kirihara who is part of the Kyoto House. How did you convince him to work with you and the Alliance?

Zero: I know my way.

Aldo: I see.

They soon arrived at a door which Aldo open and Zero goes in and then Aldo goes in and then Kaden tells Y/n.

Kaden: This will be government business but you'll free to explore around with Zero's assistant for a few hours. You deserve it.

He then goes in and the door closes and now it is just him and C2 as he turns to her and ask her.

Y/n: So......what do you like to go first?


We see the two at a pizza restaurant where C2 and Y/n sat there and then the head chef came over and gave them their pizzas.

Head Chef: (smile) Here you go. Perfect cooked and ready to be eaten.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. How mu-

Head Chef: Nah this is on the house for leader of Alpha Team. Such a pleasure having you here.

He walks away and once he was gone they have their pizza while C2 ask.

C2: It seems they see you and your team as famous hero's.

Y/n: Yeah. It's maybe due to propaganda they play.

C2: So they use your teams battles to have more soldiers to the Alliance.

Y/n: Unlike the Britannians these people were given a choice rather being force to. Besides it gives people hope.

C2: I see. Does the Alliance military give hope?

Y/n: Hard to say but I would imagine we are.

Little boy: Mommy!  Mommy look a pilot!

Then a little boy rush over to him which her mother and father came over after him.

Mother: I'm very sorry for our son. He was excited seeing a pilot.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem ma'am.

Little boy: (smile) When I grow up, I wanna be a pilot just like you!

Y/n: (smile) When that happens I'll see through your skills and maybe you'll be apart of Alpha team. Just remember to listen to what adults tell you and be a good boy okay?

The boy nodes while C2 sees the hopefully eyes on the boys face and after they ate the two walk through the streets coming across people who saluted Y/n and thanking him for the things he has done.

Poster is seen promote new Grunts to the ranks of the military as well as ads shown on screens to anyone who wished to join.

After a while they arrived at the Sanctuary where a elderly man is seen outside cleaning up the plants when Y/n call out for him.

Y/n: Grandpa Zavier!

He slowly turn and when he see him he let out a small laugh and walks over to him.

Zavier: (smile) Well if aren't Y/n coming back home. Been a long time hasn't it.

Y/n: (smile) Sure is. See your still alive.

Zavier: (light chuckle) I can't die without a fight. So who is this lovely lady.

C2: I am C2, I'm Zero's assistant.

Zavier: Ah I've heard some talk about that guy. A mysterious fella but never or less welcome. Please come on in.

They follow him inside and once inside they walk by people who have lost their homes, most were Japanese as they have been given treatment by many staff bots.

Y/n: Guess things have been busy hasn't it?

Zavier: Indeed. After the Alliance invasion on Earth there have been refugees of Japanese civilians or those still living on Earth staying here and given everything they needed.

C2: So you don't see them as different?

Zavier: Oh no. See in this place everyone is treated equally. We are all victims of the Britannians cruelty. The Alliance may be doing us proud by fighting the Britannian but it is the good of the civilians that is giving these refugees a safe place for them to be call home.

Y/n: I was glad that you took care of me when my parents were killed. Without you I wasn't sure what to do.

Zavier: You were a scared child. Traumatised by the Britannian Empire but you join the Alliance and become a pilot.

Y/n: Indeed.

Then Zavier open a door to a the cafeteria where refugees are here to eat. They were given food by volunteered people as they give them their lunch.

Japanese refugee: Look a pilot!

Then they turn to see Y/n and they came over to greet and thank Y/n for everything he, his team and the Alliance are doing. Y/n smile and node to them while C2 noticed that he has a bit of sadness in him seeing everyone as if he understood the pain they are going through.


We see Y/n in a small park as he sat against on the bench near a water fountain with a statue of a pilot raising the Alliance flag into the air as C2 came back with ice cream and sat down.

Y/n: You surely like to eat don't you.

C2: Is that a problem?

Y/n: N-No its fine.

C2: Everyone seem to look up to you and the Alliance as hope.

Y/n: Maybe so. It depends what the Alliance do that even gives them hope or not. The Alliance isn't always perfect but they're not afraid to tell the truth.

C2: So the Alliance is the opposite of the Britannian Empire.

Y/n: Yeah if you put it that way.

C2 node and lick her ice cream as the two falls silent for a moment and then C2 said.

C2: You want to ask me something do you?

Y/n: Huh?

C2: There is something on your mind correct and you want answers.

Y/n: Y-Yeah. Its this.

He remove his glove and shows hee the emblem on his hand as he explain.

Y/n: I got this at this ancient temple. I was wondering if Zero knows of this but do you?

C2 looks at the emblem for a bit and then she said.

C2: That's the emblem of Geass.

Y/n: Is that so? Is it deadly?

C2: Not at all. In fact there is a chance that you'll be given supernaturally abilities.

Y/n: Huh. So I guess I'm the only one whose gonna have this ability.

C2: No. Your not the only one. There has been other users who have geass.

Y/n: Really? Like who?

C2: I can't say. But what I can tell you is that your not alone.

Y/n: So what abilities do you think I will have?

C2: Don't know. Geass is random with which ability you may hold but which ever ability you may have will be useful in your battle.

Y/n: I see.

He looks at the emblem and then he covers it up with his glove and after C2 finished her ice cream she gets up so does Y/n.

Y/n: Well I have a nice time with you C2. For Zero's mysterious assistant you surely are interesting to talk to.

C2: Are you....flirting me?

Y/n: (blush) Wh-What?! No! That was a compliment!

C2: Oh.....because.....

She came over ans kiss him on the cheek which surprised him. He blushes as he step back while C2 smiled and said.

C2: (smile) I like it.

She then walk away while Y/n stood there a bit stunned for a moment. He shakes it off and goes after C2 and they pick up Zero and leave Mars and return to Earth to continue their battle.

To be continued.................................................

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