Act 10: The victim
At the Alliance HQ we see Isbelle, Bill and Haru playing cards as they sat around the table in the cafeteria as they play cards while they talked about what happened on their previous mission.
Bill: I still can't believe the spy who is given us intel is a Britannian princess.
Isbelle: She seems pretty nice and really wanna help us.
Bill: We'll see.
Haru: You don't trust her do you?
Bill: Look Britannia killed our families, homes and took over the planet within days. Of course I can't trust this scumbags. After all they have killed a lot of innocent people without any reason.
Haru: True but haven't you thought about the possibility that some within the enemy side maybe sickening by this? If a princess is willing to help us and see the cruelty of Britannia's action then there could be more.
Bill: That's high likely.
Isbelle: What about Zero's new forces, The Black knights.
Bill: I think Zero has left and made his own army.
Haru: I don't think so. I heard the Black Knights are being aided by the Alliance. The Alliance government even sent down a massive supply drop which is too much unless they are given it to the Black knights.
Bill: That explains a lot. Say, any idea where Y/n is?
Isbelle: He told me he's away to meet up with Kallen at the city.
Bill: And didn't invite us?
Isbelle: Well would you want to go to a city filled with Britannia propaganda?
Isbelle: Well looks like I won boys.
They look down at their cards and realise that she is right. Isbelle smiled as they play again.
We see Y/n in his civilian clothes as he enter the park and look around for Kallen when he heard some voices and spotted some Britannian punks harassing a Japanese man. Everyone just walked away while Y/n was about to step in when a hand grab his shoulder and turn to see Lelouch.
Y/n: (surprised) It's you.
Lelouch: There are five of them. You can't beat them. Allow me.
He walked up to the punks as he confront them. Things seems going to be bad but then they suddenly walk off like they were not bothered to teach Lelouch a lesson.
This surprised Y/n a bit and soon they sat on a bench as Lelouch ask him.
Lelouch: So what brings you here?
Y/n: Waiting on Kallen.
Lelouch: (smile) Ah so you two are on a date.
Y/n: (blush) No not like that! Just for a chat that's all.
Lelouch: I see.
Y/n:......So I heard your friends were taking has hostages. Must be scary.
Lelouch: Yes but it was a good thing the Black knights came and save them.
Y/n: Well what are your thoughts about the black knights?
Lelouch: They are a interesting group.
Y/n: Yeah same.
Lelouch: I believe Milly have sent you a pic?
Y/n: Yep. Pretty much.
He pulled out his phone and open the picture that Milly sent of her dressed up as a cat.
Y/n: I nearly chocked my food the first time I see this.
Lelouch: (small chuckle) Well she ain't the only one. The rest of us have to dress up.
Y/n: What kind of club members are there?
Lelouch: Not the ones you think of. Well I better be going, catch you later okay?
Y/n: (small smile) Sure thing.
Lelouch walks off and seconds after Kallen came up which surprised Y/n as he stood up.
Kallen: Hey sorry I'm late, wanna grab some ice cream?
Y/n: Sure.
Moments later the two got some ice cream and begin talking and soon Y/n ask Kallen.
Y/n: Hey Kallen, can you ask you something?
Kallen: Sure.
Y/n: You know my parents but I never know yours. I know this may not be my business but what where your parents like?
Kallen then felt a bit angry which Y/n noticed but soon she sighs and then tells Y/n.
Kallen: You see I have two mothers. My biological mother is named Kozuki while my step mother is named Statdfeld. Statdfeld works for the Britannia empire and she abuse my mother even though she's my biological mother. Disbite that she wanted me biological mother to never see me or my brother again but she refuse. As such my stepmother keep abusing her and now she became a slave to my step mother.
Y/n: I'm....I'm sorry.
Kallen: It's okay. My biological mother was a fool anyways.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Kallen: She allows Britannians to treat her like crap and enslave her. I wanted to help but I realised that she did all of this just to be with my father.
Y/n: (shocked) How could you say that to your own mother! She has been abuse by your stepmother for who knows how long and you didn't do nothing to stop it or help her?!
Kallen: What's the point! She's just gonna let Britannian treat her like crap and follow them like a dog!
Y/n: Still she is still your biological mother and you should be with her to support her!
Kallen: (angry) How do you know about family!
Some people turn to them and then walk off after a while as Y/n look at Kallen and then tells her.
Y/n: Kallen she is still your mother, Your biological mother! The one that give birth to you, the one that took care of you and the one that kept you safe from the dangerous world! She maybe following following Britannian like a doll but she's a victim! She doesn't have a choice otherwise you would have died! I bet she's taking all of that just to protect you and you don't see that! How can you be soo blind! If I was in that situation, I would help regardless because mothers should be protected because she would do the same to you if anything happens to you!
There was a moment of silence and then Y/n's phone beeps which he pulls out and it was from Adam.
Y/n: Seems like we are teaming up the black knights. Look we'll talk about the black knights later but think about about the say. If your mother will be wiling to sacrifice her mental health for you, then you should return the favour and help her.
He then leaves, leaving Kallen on the bench as she looks down and thinking what Y/n tells her before she leaves as well.
It is night time and we see Alpha team in their Titans and outside of a warehouse where Y/n informs the team on the mission.
Y/n: Listen up Alpha Team. We got word that some corrupt Britannian police forces are kidnapping Japanese citizens and taking them to slavery. Our mission is to rescue them and bring them to base.
Isbelle: Roger that.
Y/n: Black knights will give us back up. Once they give the singal, we'll go in.
Bill: What is the singal?
Suddenly Kallen's knightmare came charging and crashed through the doors leaving a hole for Alpha team to enter.
Bill: Never mind.
Y/n: Move in!
They all move in and once inside they search around but no sign so they move up with Kallen in front.
Prophet: I do not detect any enemies.
Zero: (radio) Sargent What's the situation?
Y/n: Well clear Zero. Nothing here yet.
They keep on moving until they reach another door which Kallen opens and once open they were shocked once they turned on their lights and sees Japanese citizens wondering about like zombies.
Bill: (shocked) My god, what happened to them.
Lucifer: I've detected some possible drugs within their bodies. It seems they were taking Refrain.
Bill: Refrain? The hell is that?
Haru: A illegal drug that is highly addicted. Once taking the victims will be given visions of flashbacks to pleasant past experiences.
Bill: And that illegal how?
Wrath: Once the drug is wears off, the user is left unable to speak for some time and finally becoming an invalid.
Bill: Okay no need to know about that.
Suddenly Kallen gasp as Y/n noticed her looking down so he look down to see a women walking in front of her. She fell but Kallen catches her with her knightmare and pick her up.
Y/n: Is that?
Kallen: (shocked) My mother.
The rest of the team was shocked when suddenly bullets fly by and see Britannian police forces in knightmares firing at them.
Y/n: Team defence formation!
They did so as their Titans open fire while Kallen took her mother somewhere safe but one Britannian Police knightmare chased after her.
Y/n: Shit Kallen!
Prophet goes after them as the Britannian police shoot Kallen's knightmares legs which blocks up and she goes down. She slammed onto the floor while she sees her mother still on her knightmares arms as the Britannian police knightmare came up to them and aim his gun at them.
Suddenly Prophet tackles the knightmare through the wall and they brawl outside. The Police knightmare tries to swing a blow at Prophet but he blocks it and rip off his arm off and then pulled out a small shoulder laser beam and shot the head of the knightmare off as he walk up and punch through the chest and pulled out the pilot and tosses him away while he kicked the knightmare police down to the ground as it blows up.
Prophet walks back inside to check on Kallen and her mother and sees that Kallen and her mother are okay.
Isbelle: (radio) Warehouse secured. Everyone is safe.
Y/n: Good. Contact Zero and let's get these people out of here.
They took the Japanese citizens from the warehouse to the Alliance HQ and taking to the medical centre to to checked up. We see Kallen with her mother as she sat with her when Y/n knocks on the door and enters.
He had some flowers as he walk in and ask Kallen.
Y/n: How is she?
Kallen: The doctors say they are not sure if she'll ever gonna be the same. Fuck. This was all my fault. She was taking this drug for who knows how long and I didn't know. (Sniff) How could I.
She then started to cry which Y/n set the flowers down and then hug her.
Y/n: Your mother will recover. I know she will.
Kallen nodes while she continues to cry a bit more and then she leaves. Y/n turns to her mother and tells her.
Y/n: I know you may can't hear me but know this. I will make Britannia pay for their evil deeds. I can promise you that.
He was about to leave as he walk up to the door and was about to open the door when he heard.
???: Keep my daughter safe.
He turn to see her mother looking forward and not facing him however she smiled which he look at her and then he node. He leaves her to rest and once that he finds Kallen standing outside as she looks at Y/n and then she hug him once more. He hug her back as the two embrace as they support each other no matter what.
To be continue....................................................
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