Act 1: Operation: Hellstorm
Gunfire, screams and explosions can be heard within the distance within the dark city as buildings is seen destroyed, blown up cars where everywhere and dead bodies are seen laying on the floor with gun wounds all over their bodies. There was no living person apart of one boy who is seen walking through the road of dead bodies and destruction around him.
He was scared, Traumatised, upset and alone. He slowly walk through the city to search for anyone he knows that might still be alive. He keeps walking when he heard movement so he hide behind a flipped over car and soon three Knigtmare units came onto the street and looked around for any survivors they can find.
The boy peak out ans stare at them in fear when one od them stopped him which cost him to froze in fear as one od them aim it's massive gun at him and ready to kill him.
Suddenly another mech called a Titan bursted through the wall and strikes a blow at the Knightmare unit and his team. They immediately open fire at the titan as the boy watched them battle and soon the Titan defeated three of them but it looks very damaged as the titan stumbled forward and them collapse onto its knees.
Then it open its hatch to reveal a very injured pilot as he breaths heavily while blood is seen all over his body as the boy slowly approaches him which the pilot sees him and said.
???: Y/n.......Take Prophet and go. They will come soon, you must go!
Y/n: B-B-But dad.
???: Y/n please. You must must live, you must......wake up.
(Dream end)
Then we see the now older Y/n waking up with a sound of someone calling him through his pilot helmet on his table. He sat up and let out a yawn and then looked over to his pilot helmet and walks over and once he puts it on he reply through the radio.
Y/n: Sargent Y/n here, what's the situation?
Alliance command: (radio) It's time pilot, head to drop pod section B-3 for your debrief with your team.
Y/n: Roger that command, Sargent Y/n out.
Once that he opens his blinds to reveal space and we can see that he is on the Alliance flag ship along with a fleet as they are travelling to Earth for the new pilots first mission.
Y/n leaves his room and walks down the hallway where Alliance staff and soldiers greeted him and salute to him as he node while he saluted back while keep going and soon made it to the room where his Team and other pilots where at as he join his team bedore the General comes in.
Bill: Have a nice sleep Sargent?
Y/n: Still have that dream.
Isabelle: Some have dreams just like you. It may remind us about what The Britannian Empire has done and how they ruined our lives.
Haru: But now this is our chance of making them pay.
Y/n: Yeah let's just hope so.
Soon the general arrived into the room as he walked up in front of many pilots and then called out for everyone's attention.
Adam: Pilots! You all have trained well throughout the years and now it's time to test your skills, teamwork and your bounds with your Titan in a real fight. You'll be dropping in Japan also known as Area 11 to Britannia where you will be dropping down at Shinjuku Ghetto where a Japanese resistance are doing their job to clear the ground for our arrival. Britannia forces are lead by Prince Clovis La Britannia and General Bartley Asprius. The Japanese resistance are lead by Kaname Ohgi so if you see him, aid him and his resistance as best as you can. This operation will be called "Operation: Hellstorm" and this will be one step of taking back Earth from Britannia! Soon Britannia will fall!
The pilots cheered and once that their gather their weapons and gear and head into their drop pods. Y/n ans his team enter their drop pods and strap themselves ready and they were given the green light to be dropped. Once that there was a count down and once it hits Zero all the pods shoot out of the Alliance flag ship and they drop down to Earth.
They burst through Earth's Atmosphere and enter through the clouds. Alpha Team shake but they were trained for this and they were trained for this moment and soon they burst through the clouds and we can see Shinjuku Ghetto as it looked like a warzone.
Then the pods made a impact onto the ground and we see Alpha Team landed in the middle od the street as the pod doors open and Y/n lead his team out as they aim their weapons around and scan the streets.
Isabelle: Jesus fucking christ, what on Earth are they doing?
Y/n: Surviving and fighting, stay sharp team.
They agree and they move into the alleyway as they aim theie weapons around as they scan everywhere while the soundnof gunfire and explosions can be heard in the distances.
Y/n: Isabelle give us birds eye veiw at the roof.
Isabelle: Roger.
She fired a grappling hook and swing onto the roof and once onnthe roof she walked up to the edge and kneel down as she aim the scope of her DMR to see Britannian soldiers gathering innocent people who are Japanese and lining them up.
Isabelle: (whisper) Spotted ten Britannian soldiers gathering up survivors.
Y/n: (radio) Roger that. Team watch your fire, we can't hit those people. Isabelle take the shot.
Isabelle: Roger.
She takes aim at a Britannian soldier about to shoot a man and she pulled the trigger, fire her shot and shot the Britannian soldier in the head as he fell while the rest were shocked.
Britannian soldier: We're under att-
Suddenly Bill came up behind him and snapped his neck and once that he fired his Spitfire LMG at the rest while Haru rushed over a car and kicked a Britannian soldier onto the ground and then open fire at Britannian soldiers while Y/n approached the survivors and told them.
Y/n: Get in the buildings now!
They were shocked to see Pilot and figured the Alliance are back while they get inside. Y/n fire his Himlock BF-R at Britannian soldiers as they find cover and open fire.
A few Britannian soldiers get shot and killed and then Y/n pulls out a smoke bomb and tosses it at Britannian soldiers which gose off and blinds them which Y/n leap onto the car and leap onto the wall as he wallruns through the smoke and dive into Britannian soldiers as he takes them out with his pistol and his combat knife.
Soon he took them out while his team take out the remaining forces and the streets were clear. Y/n cleans off the blood from his combat knife and walks up to his team as Isabelle leap off the roof and join up with them.
Y/n: Nice work team, we give them hell.
Male Japanese resistance: (radio) Mayday! Mayday! We need help! We can't hold off Britannian forces long enough we need help!
Y/n: You hear them team, let's move!
Alpha Team arrive to see a massive battle as they see Japanese resistances taking heavy fire at Britannian soldiers and they were losing a lot of their troops. They bunker themselves within a business building which Alpha Team enters and surprised the Japanese resistance by opening fire at Britannian soldiers while they walked up to them.
Male Japanese resistance: (surprised) Wow Alliance's pilots, I never thought we can see you again.
Y/n: Well you thought wrong. What's the situation?
Male Japanese resistance: We've managed to hijack some Knightmare with of help of someone through the radio but we're still pinned and Britannia forces are sending in Knightmares to back them up!
Bill: Incoming!
Suddenly there was a huge explosion followed by massive bullets flying by them. Knightmare units arrived as they fired at the building while they stay down.
Y/n: Bill take down that Knightmare!
Bill: Roger that!
Bill rushed over and crushed through the window as he double jumps and lands onto the roof and once there he pulled out his Archer Heavy Rocket, take aim and once he has a lock on he fired and damaged a Knightmare but they turn their attention and open fire at Bill which he deployed a engery wall to block the incoming bullets.
Y/n: Command requests a Titan to our location over!
Alliance command: (radio) Understood, standby to Titanfall.
Y/n leave his cover and slowly steps back and once they hear the sound of something coming down, Y/n rushes towards the window and burst through it as he fly into the sky. A Knightmare turn it's attention to Y/n ans aimed at him but it was blocked by Y/n's Titan as she crashed onto the ground and catch Y/n and puts him inside of her as she turn and strikes a punch atbthe Knightmare unit in the face, taking it out while taking the other one out.
The Japanese resistance were shocked to see a Titan after all these years and it felt good to see them on their side.
Prophet: Transferred controls to pilot, welcome back Sargent Y/n.
Y/n: Same to you Prophet. Any other Titans be deployed.
Prophet: Yes. Incoming Titanfall.
Then the sky was filled with Titans fallen from the sky as they crash onto the ground as pilots from different teams enter and start their battle with the Knightmare units.
Soon Y/n's teams Titans crashed down and they get on and regroup with Y/n and Prophet.
Y/n: Okay team just like how we were trained to do. Let's do this.
Isabelle: Roger that.
Bill: Copy.
Haru: Japanese Resistance, let us fight along side our pilots for the Freedom of our home!
They cheered and they aided the pilots into battle as they took on Britannia and their Knightmare's and pushing Britannian forces back. Prophet is seen firing at Britannian soldiers as they were falling back only for a Knightmare to came out around the corner and tackle her but she pushed it back and fired rockets at the Knightmare and then kicked it onto the ground and fire her Chaingun while Wrath unleashed his Predator Cannon at Britannian forces and activate it's smart core and wipping the floors of Britannian forces.
Lucifer flies through the sky and fired dozens of rockets and blowing up all Britannian soldiers while we see Ghost pulled out his massive sword and slicing through Knightmare units as their parts fell onto thr ground.
Kaname: (radio) This is Kaname calling to all forces, we need some assistance, I'll sent you the coordinations.
Isabelle: We're close to his location.
Y/n: Right. Alpha Team form up with me and let's help him!
Alpha Team: Roger!
(Short while later)
They reach their location and they see Britannian forces manage to find them and they were ready to kill them all.
Y/n: Looks like they got a tank. Well let's show them what a Titan do with tanks, Prophet.
Prophet sprint towards Britannian tank and them crashed into it and flips it over as Britannian soldiers turn to see a Titan as Prophet pulled out her Chaingun and aims at the Britannian soldiers.
Prophet: You are outnumbered, drop your weapons and surrender.
With no choice they drop their weapons and raised their hands. Soon they were taking as prisoners while Kaname walled up to Y/n while he gets out of Prophet and lands onto the ground.
Kaname: (smile) Thanks for the aid. We would have all been killed right there and now if you and your team hadn't shown up.
Y/n: No problem. Thanks for clearing the ground for us to land on.
Kaname: (smile) No problem.
???: Hey Kaname we need to get moving before more shows up.
Then a women with red hair apoorches them as she noticed Y/n and then look at him and then said.
Kallen: I thought pilots are a bit taller?
Y/n: We come in different size and age.
Kaname: (smile) This is Kallen, I would like to introduce to everyone else but we're running out of time.
Y/n: Don't worry, a Goblin should be here an second now.
Suddenly they look up to see Goblins flying over the sky and some firing at Britannian forces at the ground while one is making it's approach to their location as they made their landing.
Then the back of the Goblins doors open and Alliance's soldiers pour out as they secure the area and start getting survivors inside the Goblin while another Japanese resistance fighter came up and announced.
???: (smirk) Looks like you pilots give them hell, they're pulling back and just announced to leave us be!
Kaname: (smile) That's good to hear Shinichiro. Still we need to find a new base so we can lay low for a while.
Y/n: Command has an idea of our new base of us. It's not much but it's a start.
Kaname: Understood. Okay people let's get out of here!
Kaname walked off while Kallen walked up to Y/n and said.
Kallen: (smirk) Thanks for coming back, we all were about to lose hope when you guys showed up. I guess your the guys who was on the radio to us to help us in our battle?
Y/n: No we haven't. Any ideas who though?
Kallem: No. Well if it's not you then who?
Y/n wasn't sure but either way he climb back onto Prophet and once the Goblin flies off, Alpha Team make their walk to their new base on Planet Earth, they may have won the battle but the war has just begun and they will do whatever they can to defeat The Britannian Empire and retake Earth for the Alliance.
Y/n: (thought) Soon......The Britannian Empire will fall.
To be continued ...........................................
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