Maddi's Tales Part Two
"Theo that's amazing! How did you get them! They've been sold out for months!" My boyfriend, Theo Ross, has gotten me concert tickets to go see the 1975. My favorite band. I had lost all hope of going when I found out that they sold out, but he miraculously was able to get tickets.
"I know a guy. He told me he was selling some so I immediately bought them so we could go together."
"Have I ever told you how much of a wonderful boyfriend you are? Because you're a wonderful boyfriend." I don't know how he got them, but to be honest, I don't care. All that matters is that I'm going. This is going to be great. I'm going with my boyfriend and we'll be rocking out to awesome music. I couldn't think of anything more perfect.
"I'll pick you up, let's hope that this time your dad isn't scrambling around for his bow, or that we need your other dad to yell at some gang for us." I laughted. Yeah, I hope nothing bad happens this time. Our first date began so horribly and so many bad things happened that I was sure he'd break up with me, but thankfully it all ended well and we laughed at a stupid rich family on tv. "Nah, but this is a concert. I don't think anyone from your world or life will be there. From what you've told me, you guys don't mix with mundanes."
"Basically. It just has to do with the fact that we're too busy fighting crime and killing things. It's takes up a lot of time you know. Don't even get me started on how vigorous training is. Did you know that I was pushed out of a tree to learn balance. Do you know how many times I fell out of that tree? A lot. There's a permanent bruise on my shin because of that." He patted my shoulder and laughed.
"I believe you. Don't you think I've seen all of your weapons? Being pushed out of a tree seems more likely than you knowing how to use all of those weapons."
"Hey! I do. I might hurt someone, but I know how to use them!" For some reason I could never get my accuracy down like my dad. It just never worked out. Rachel gave up too. She called me a lost case and threw a knife so a single stand of hair was cut in half. Ever since then I have feared her. Even though she's about half a foot shorter than me.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you tonight all and powerful Madeleine." While he walked away, I tripped him.
Sometimes I wish I had my own car so I could juts meet him up. Once again, he's going to meet my papa. He's going to be a dad, and now that Theo knows about the Shaodow world, he's not going to care as much with talking about it. What if there's another emergency call for a potion? Or a emergency client visit. What if something happens and for some reason someone needs an emergency demon summoning? I might as well glamour the door so no one can see it, but I'd probably get in trouble for that. Being grounded right before a date is something I don't want.
I always get so worried before dates. It's needs to stop.
My dad went to go help my aunt at the Institute. She occasionally needs help running the place since she has to take care of her two gremlins and watch over the Institute with it's guests. Uncle Simon is off in Idris representing her since she couldn't go herself. She doesn't trust the Institute in anyone's but her hands. Which is why she needs my dad to go out and help her. She could probably do it on her own, but she'll probably work herself to death if she does. My dad is there to make sure that doesn't happen. Poor aunt Isabelle. She could use a break now and then. On the bright side, it's one less parent I have to worry about
When I'm ready, my Papa walks passed my room. "You look plain," he states bluntly. My outfit was completely black with a 1975 shirt. Of course I'm wearing a band shirt. What else would I wear to a concert?
"Sorry I can't pull off what you would wear." He showed me old pictures of him dating back to the 1800's. Clearly, he was always the center attention. He wore bright colors, glitter, and shinned wherever he went. On the bright side, he know how to do make up which left me with some amazing makeup skills.
He smiled, "I know."
There was a knock on the door. Right on time, thankfully. I practically jumped out of my bed to go answer the door. I wanted to leave as soon as possible and I don't want New York traffic to get any worse. "Theo, hey," I greeted him. He seemed like he was about to lean in for a kiss, but I pushed him away. My Papa is home, and I wouldn't want him walking in on that. Theo simply settled for a hug.
"Hey, Maddi. We better get going. The traffic is insane and its a miracle that I made it on time."
"Deal, let's get out of here. Papa, I'm leaving." He then walked into the living room. Oh no. The pre-date talk.
"I don't want to keep you here for too long so I'll make it quick. Be home on time and stay safe. Don't mess with people who are possible drug lords or look like they've spent a couple of nights in prison. If a situation gets too bad, portal out of there as soon as possible." He looked over at Theo. Analyzing him. "I know you can take care of yourself. I know because you're carrying at least five weapons on you, but don't get your date killed. Love you, now go on your date." We were out the door as soon as he let us go.
When we got to the venue Theo and I got our tickets scanned and walked in. The girl scanning out tickets complimented me on my hair, then I noticed her makeup wasn't enough to cover her pale skin. A vampire working at a ticket booth. Nice. And Theo said there would be no Downworlders here. I guess he didn't expect them to need a job.
We walked in and took our seats and that's when I realized I was going to watch the guys I idolize. Plus, the bass player is pretty hot so thats a plus. My heart raced and I ran my hands through my hair, making it a mess. This is going to be amazing. We weren't in the front row, but we weren't far away from the stage either. It was perfect. Theo grabbed my hand. "Nervous much?"
"No, just really excited."
They were going to preform in minutes and we were just waiting for them. My heart was pounding faster than ever. Then, they came on stage. My heart stopped. Seeing your favorite artist come on stage is a feeling you'll never forget. When you see their faces for the first time live. You just forget about all of the people around you and you just enjoy the fact that you're there. Everything is them. They started off with a few songs, Chocolate, Heart Out, Milk. They were all amazing, and I knew for a fact I was grinning like a maniac. I sung along to every song. Then in the middle of Girls I looked over at Theo. He was just looking at me, full of admiration. "I like seeing you happy," he yelled over the music. "I'm glad you're happy, and I'm glad you're with me. It means the world to me." I was awestruck. I couldn't speak, so I just hugged him. My boots made me about as tall as him, but not quite. Theo makes me feel the same way as when the band came on stage. He makes me feel like that all the time and I can't thank him enough for that. Time felt like it stopped. I was too lost that I didn't even notice the song ended. They played another that was all too familiar to me.
I'll give you one more time
We'll give you one more fight
Said one more line
Will I know you
Now if you never shoot, you'll never know
And if you never eat, you'll never grow
You've got a pretty kind of dirty face
And when she's leaving your home she's begging you, "Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay."
I'll give you one more time
We'll give you one more fight
Said one more line
Be a riot, cause I know you
The music was perfect for the mood. I leaned up and kissed him. Time had once again stopped for me without the help of magic. Theo is my magic. He makes me feel amazing without have to use magic. He just has to be himself. That moment is something I will not forget. Never as long as I live. Even if we have a fall out, Theo James will always have a place in my heart.
Holy Shit guys that's it. That's it for this story. I'll tell you guys how extremely grateful I am(and believe me, I am) in my thank you note. Vote, comment, and stay awesome.
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