Shit, Shit, Shit! I was quickly disarmed and brought to the floor. "Try something like that again and I won't go so easy on you," Rachel laughed while she stood above me. "You know, you are younger than me. I shouldn't expect much." This is what I get for trying out a new move on her. I can never get passed her. She doesn't even like Seraph blades! She prefers throwing knives.
"You're only a year older than me, and don't forget that you're my parabatai. Aren't you supposed to help me learn, asshole?" I snarked back. Rachel is my best friend, but at the same time I gotta have some fun with the girl. She's also shorter than me, which is odd because she disarmed me so fast. I'll get her next time.
"Sweetie you have to work on your footwork." My dad appeared behind me and said.
"By the Angel we're in a room filled with deadly weapons. At least warn me before you sneak up on me."
"Maddi, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to help with your training. And to make sure you and Rachel don't do something stupid again." He's never going to let go to the fact that we may or may not have tied my cousins, Brian and Joseph, to a pole when they wouldn't leave us alone. It wasn't until aunt Clary and uncle Jace came and freed their sons that my Dad and Papa had to find out. And there was the time that I was baby sitting little Leah and Maxwell at the same time while there was a contest on the mundane radio for concert tickets. Leah had a hold of a knife and Maxwell raided the kitchen while Rachel and I called the radio station more times than we could count. Aunt Isablle and uncle Simon weren't happy to find their daughter with a knife because she's was nine at the time. And Maxwell was covered in ice cream and frosting. At least he had fun. There were many more times when things went wrong, but I'd have to take a whole day to explain them all. But the time that Lucina and Calum, Rachel's cousins, disappeared. After searching for them for hours we found them in the bathtub surrounded in ramen noodles. That is a time I hope no one but us know about.
"C'mon. Levi could do a better job and he's thirteen," Rachel taunted. Levi was her little brother who had a thing for Tv and weapons. Sounds like a smaller, more male version of myself.
"Yeah but can Levi do this?" I snapped my fingers and caused her sword to fly up into their air far above her reach.
"Bitch!" She tried to jump towards it, but failed. My dad gave me that look and I let the sword fall to the floor. You know how parents have that look where you know that you need to stop or else they'll ground you into next year? Yeah well my dad's look is scarier than anything because I swear his eyes literally burn. He's also a trained killer but so am I, and my Papa is extremely powerful.
"Cabrona," I said back.
Rachel rolled her eyes. "No cursing in Spanish. I don't know it."
"That's exactly why I do it." My dad saw that there was no hope for us so he turned on his heel and walked towards a bench where my Papa was also sitting.
I've turned out so much like my Papa. People ask me how I got so sassy. Little do they know is that my Papa is the one who taught it all to me.
They still looked so happy together even after years of being together. That's goals, and them being happy makes me happy. I'm glad to have such a happy family. And the occasional homophobic comment I get, I make sure that person regrets it. One time when this guy started to flirt with me a while ago at the mall, he stopped as soon as he saw both of my dad's. He said something along the lines of "wow you were cute at first but you've gotta be messed up if those are your parents." I wasn't interested in the first place but this just made me hate him. He ended up tripping him right in front of the water fountain, then used magic to make sure he trips getting out. My Papa was proud, and Dad tried to be the responsible one and be mad, but he still smiled.
I could think about how much I love my family, but I could also kick Rachel's ass. I choose the latter
"She's learning. I'm proud," I told Magnus.
He put his head on my shoulder. "And that levitation. That I taught her."
"Are we really having a competition on who taught her more things? She can learn on her own you know," I told him. Through everything Maddi turned out pretty great. She's a great Shadowhunter and she learned how to control her powers. It all turned out perfect for us in the end. Her hair also turned into a vibrant blue. Magnus loves and Maddi especially loves it. She says it makes her look punk without having to actually dye her hair. Magnus laughed at that.
Magnus pulled out his phone and looked at his reflection in it. He gasped and ran his hands through his hair. "Alec! Is this a gray hair?" He looked shocked at one stand of hair. "I'm getting old, oh no. I'm not used to it." Magnus contributed to ramble on and on about the gray hair. It made me laugh because he was overreacting to such a small thing, but he's also not used to aging. He hasn't aged in centuries. He's also used to just looking the same for all of eternity, but that's going to change now.
I pulled his hands away from his hair. "Magnus. Don't worry. It's just one gray hair. You're still beautiful." I kissed him. Just a quick kiss, but it seemed to leave him breathless.
"You-you. You're too good for me." His smile made the sunlit room even brighter.
"That is where you're wrong. I guess we'll both just keep thinking that forever and live in confused harmony with Maddi."
"It's gotten us this far in life." He shrugged. "I didn't think I could give you the love you deserved, and you didn't believe you were good enough for my love. Sounds accurate enough, but I still love you."
"And I love you more than life." He kissed my cheek.
The years after I married Magnus have been crazy. From the fact that I'm actually married to him, to raising a child. The first few years of marriage were "I'm married to a man how do I deserve this" like how Magnus put it. Then he made me feel wonderful and beautiful and many more adjectives that are used to describe wonderful things. He made me feel like a precious gem when I felt like a pebble. He made me happy. Then came our child. Even though our first attempt failed, I still wanted one. Then Maddi was brought into our lives and it was a whole new adventure. All the way from her first appearing to getting her back. It was all kinds of crazy, but I'm glad that we did get her back. If we didn't then we wouldn't have this wonderful daughter we have now. I couldn't be prouder of what he has become. I'm glad I was able to be her father, and I'm also glad that Magnus is here to raise her with me.
Family has always been a big thing in my life, and now I have my own and I couldn't love them any less. They've changed my life, and I hope I made just as much of and impact in theirs.
Wow I really need someone to remind me to update. Well, that's it! Or is it? Hehehehehe. Read the next chapter to find out more. Vote, comment, and stay awesome.
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