Chapter 9:A Flash of Hope

  The sun was shining, the birds were singing, what a beautiful day to stay inside sick. A Shadowhunter who's suffered demon bites, stays inside because of the flu. I keep telling Magnus I'm fine, that I can leave the house, but he won't let me. Every time I get up, he pushes me back down to bed. He keeps using mundane methods like orange juice and chicken soup that he "steals with love." It's still stealing, though. "Magnus. I think I'm well enough to at least go outside. Do something instead of just watching tv with you. Even if it is my choice if what we watch." Which was mostly Marvel movies that turns out that I like.

  "You're staying inside with me. You're not going hunting. You're practically coughing your lungs out and your nose is as red as your cheeks get when I say something in front of your siblings around you. And I have plenty of things to say."

  "Can't you use magic to heal me. You have a protection spell around you so you won't catch it, so can't you do anything for me?"

  "Alec. My magic is meant to heal demon poisoning and steal things I'm too lazy to go get. It's not meant to heal the flu. I've never tried it though, and I don't want to use you as a guinea pig."

  "I'd be okay with that."

  "I wouldn't, and I have no clients today. Wouldn't spending time with your husband be better than getting ichor all over your gear?"

  "Yeah, but you're all snuggled up to me and making me hotter than I already am."

  "If you wanted me to move, just tell me darling. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. And plus, I know I very hot, but I'm not sure it adds to your hotness." I looked at him like he's crazy. "Don't look at me like that, doll."

  "Stop with the pet names."

  "I won't."

  "Some things will never change. Will they?"

  "Nope. Sorry." I gave out an exasperated sigh and we still laid in bed together


  About a couple of movies later, Magnus finally got up. He said he was going to go pick up some medicine for me that Simon and Clary said worked. While he was out I just walked around. There wasn't much I could do. Magnus was right, I am too sick to go hunting. I was going to make myself some food when someone started knocking on the door. Then they started banging on the door. It could be Aversa again, but she hasn't shown up in so long. It could be a client that didn't make an appointment. Magnus hates those kinds of people, but I might as well go tell them to come back later or make an appointment. I open the door and a woman with tan skin and dark hair stumbles in. She was clutching a bundle of blankets in her arms. "Magnus Bane?" She asked exasperated. She was breathing heavily and grabbing the bundle.

  "I'm his husband, sorry. What's going on?"

  "Please. Get this child away from me."Just then I realized that the bundle was a small child. What am I supposed to do? She's just offering her own child to me. She looks like a mundane, so why didn't she go to a mundane adoption center of she didn't want it?  I don't know what to do! I quickly dialed Magnus' number. "Magnus." I said as soon as he picked up.

  "What's happening, love?"

  "A client I think came and she's asking you to take her child. I don't know what to do."

  "I'm not sure, maybe I can talk some sense into her, but why did she come to me."

  "Get home quick! I don't know what to do!"

  "Try to keep her calm for now, I'll be home in a minute." Shit shit shit shit.

  "Ma'am. Come inside. I'll help you and Magnus will be home in a second." Beads of sweat dripped down her temples and she nodded and reached out for my hand. She barely made it to the couch even with my help. She was in so much pain, and I didn't know why. "It'll be okay. Magnus will be here soon." As if by command Magnus ran through the doorway.

  "I'm here! I'm here!" He ran to me and her and helped her up again.

  "Magnus Bane."

  "That's me."

  "I don't want this child." She started to cry. "Please, take it and I don't care what happens to it. It would be too hard."

  "I'm not sure what you mean? What's going on? Why come to me?"

  "I'll explain, but can your husband leave. I'd feel much more comfortable explaining if he wasn't here." Magnus turned to me.

  "I love you Alec, but please leave." I nodded and left to our room.

  The next hour was plain. Nothing really happened, expect some crying. I'm still wondering as to why she didn't want me in the room. Maybe the information was personal. While I was on my phone Magnus walked into the room. "I'll explain everything to you now. She's a mundane woman and she had a child. She won't tell me if she's a Warlock or anything, is a girl by the way, and she just doesn't want it. The little girl is just over seven months old, and she's nice and healthy. Her mother is resting in the room, and her name is Maria."

  "Maria sounded like she was crying."

  "She was. At least you didn't have to see it, and I really didn't know what I was doing. I've never done talk therapy before." He chuckled. "She was crying because she begged me to take the child away, kill her child if I had to, but I couldn't do that."  We were to busy talking to each other that we didn't notice the shuffle of feet and the closing of a door at first. When we dud we were confused. "Did Maria just leave?" he asked.

  "I think so." Magnus tried to go run after her, but she must be gotten to far. What was she doing? She just left her child with us! Is she serious? It's all so confusing. Enough to give me a worse headache than before. Magnus checked in the room for anything and he found a note. "She left that?" I asked, curious.

  "Yeah. She did. 'I know you love your husband, I once had a boyfriend who loved me. But when I became pregnant with his child he left me, but what's even worse is that I'm dying from cancer. Take it. I don't want it. I don't want anything to do with Shaodwhunters ever again. I don't care what happens to her, just take her away from my life. Her father was Hispanic just so you have an idea about her.'"

  "So I'm guessing she's a Shadowhunter and Maria was a mundane. Her boyfriend must've been a Shadowhunter then."

  "I guess so."

  "What are we going to do?" He looked longingly at the baby in his arms. Wearing worn out clothes. She was surprisingly small for her age. Maybe she was born prematurely, or maybe it was an effect of Maria's condition.

  "Alec. Would you like to keep her? I know it's sudden, but do you want to?" I didn't know what to say at first. Our first attempt at adopting failed, but maybe it would be different this time. But then again, I don't know how to be a father. But she's a Shadowhunter and I can care for her. The answer was clear after thinking it though.

   "Yes." He grinned at me. Displaying his perfectly white teeth.

  "Say hi to Madeleine then." I bent down to be at her level and grabbed her hand.

  "Hi Madeleine. I'm your new Dad." I smiled so big. I was just so happy. Magnus and I have a child. My heart swelled and I felt so light.

  "Would you like to hold her?" I nooded. He put a spell on her, probably so protect her from getting sick. He passes her into my arms. She had big hazel eyes and a small tuff of black curly hair. I kept smiling at her, and eventually she smiled back. I heard a click of a camera and looked up. "Magnus? Did you-"

  "Yeah I took a picture. It was just too cute not to."

  "That's your other daddy, Maddi. He's crazier than me, but I love him."

  "You better love me when I love you."

  "I know, Magnus." She gave out a little yawn that reminded me of Chairman Meow. "I guess it's time for bed for you." I walked over to the nursery and put her in the crib. "She's ours."

  "Yeah. She is."

  "Do you think we'll be good parents?"

  "I think you will be a good Dad to her. Having grown up with three younger siblings. Me on the other hand. Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing."

  "You'll be a good Dad to her. The only problem is when she starts talking and saying 'Dada' who will she be talking about?"

  "I don't know." He laughed. "We'll figure it out." I smiled. A true smile. A smile that's only reserved for moments when you're truly happy.

  "We will."

Awww. Wasn't that nice. Vote, comment, and stay awesome.


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