Chapter 3:Visitors

"Magnus. Any luck?" Magnus was on the phone with someone from Idris that might want to give up her baby.

"Just wait a second, darling." He returned to his conversation, but in the end he ended up slamming his phone down on the table. "Why can't all Shadowhunters be as nice as you? As soon as I said that a Warlock was looking to adopt, she changed her mind about giving the baby to us! Rude."

"Come 'mere." I pulled him down with me onto the couch. His head rested on my lap while he stretched his legs over the arm rest.

"What did you want to tell me, sweetie?"

" Luna and Julie wanted to come visit. I thought you'd like to know so you can put some pants on."

"Doesn't it bring back memories of the first night we met?"

"Shut up and go put some pants on, you big Olaf, " I laughed.

"I am much more attractive than a Olaf."

"You are, but I don't think our visitors would like seeing you without pants on."

"Fine." He snapped his fingers and he was clad in pink leather pants.

"Thank you. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Don't push it."

"Just saying. Magnus," I spat. It's just a little game we play.

"Alexander," he said my name like an insult, but he was just teasing me.



"Shit, you don't have an embarrassing middle name."

"GIDEON." We both just laughed it off.

After about ten minutes, there was a knock on the door. "That must be them." I got up to get the door and Luna came in and pulled me into a hug. Even after so many years I've kept in touch with her and Julie. Turns out Julie is actually nice. "Hey you big lovable peasant."

"Hey. How nice of you." After years of a mixture of meditation and medication, Luna was finally cured of her anxiety. She even met a guy. His name is Darren Nightash and according to Luna he likes to dye his naturally dark hair a dark shade of blue. But he couldn't come today because he had to visit a family member. Along with Luna came Julie and her one year old daughter, Rachel. I gave Julie a hug and messed with Rachel's curly hair. "Ali!" Rachel yelled. When she was younger she couldn't say Alec so she said Ali and it kind of stuck.

"Hey little girl."

"Take a seat bitches because I have something to say," Luna said. Everyone took a seat on the couch. Magnus grabbed Rachel so he can carry her. She's always fascinated by his glitter. "Magnus. Pop up a bottle of champagne. And don't act like you don't have any because I know you do." He laughed snapped his finger and glasses and a bottle of champagne appeared of the coffee table. "Okay. So guess what lucky girl is getting married to a blue-haired freak. Me! Magnus, pop open that bottle and let's celebrate!" Magnus did as he was told and opened the bottle and poured everyone a glass. "Magnus you glittery freak, you're doing my make-up and hair because I want to look freaking fabulous on my wedding day."

"Will do, darling. I will make you look freaking fabulous on your wedding day. You deserve to look freaking fabulous on your wedding day. When is it?"

"Umm, some point in winter. I really like the idea of a Christmas wedding." I took a sip of my champagne while Luna didn't accept the glass, she just took the whole bottle. She's not a heavy drinker, she just did it for show. I didn't notice it before, but she did have a silver ring on that had a pattern of crescent moons on it. Must the Nightash symbol.

"Congrats. I hope you two will be very happy together. But if he hurts you, just give me a call," I said.

"Will do, Alec." I leaned against Magnus and whispered in his ear. "Should we tell them? I mean, I only want to keep it a surprise for my family."

"Okay," he replied and put a hand on my knee. "Luna, Julie, Rachel." He grabbed the hand of the baby sitting in his lap. "We also have an announcement."

"Spill," Luna said.

"Magnus and I are going to adopt," I said.

"Good for you!"

"Yeah, that's great. You'd make great parents. You know. If you don't find someone to give you their baby or you don't find a place to adopt from, I'll carry the baby for you. I wouldn't mind. I'm clearly capable of carrying a child," Julie offered.

"That's very nice of you, but I wouldn't want you to do that. The baby will technically be yours, and we don't want to take your baby from you."

"That's okay. It was just an offer. You can still ask me if you ever change your mind."

"I would've offered to carry it, but I have to keep my body for the wedding. Plus, the baby would be much more adorable if I carried it," Luna said. She pointed at Rachel. "You got lucky that you got your dad's genes." The little baby probably didn't know what she was talking about, so she just giggled and bounced in Magnus's lap. "She's going to be a real heart breaker when she grows up. You all will see."

"I know my daughter. She prefers books over boys."

"Not if I have something to say about it."

"Leave my daughter alone. You can mess with your own children who will probably dye their hair blue too."

"I have nothing against that."

"Just saying. Not everyone is a blue-haired freak."

"I thought you said you liked him!"

"I like him. He's nice to you. That doesn't mean I have to like all of his choices."

"I can see the sisterly love," Magnus added.

"Shut up, Sparkles," Luna said jokingly.

"I'll take that as a complement."

"It wasn't meant to be one."

"Ah. A fight between Magnus and Luna. I'd pay to see that go full out. Imagine the sass," I added.

"Haha. Very funny, Alexander. Just letting you know, Luna. I'd so beat you."


After a while they left back home. Never had I thought that'd I see Luna getting married. She's like a younger sister to me. She even asked me for marriage advice. All I told her was don't marry a guy who wears more make-up than your sister. Or in this case, uses more hair dye than a rebellious scene teenager. As a joke Luna tried to raid out our fridge and steal all of our liquor. She claimed she needed all of our food and liquor for science. I took it all back and they decided to leave. It's amazing how much progress she's made. A couple of years ago she could go outside. A while before that she could've died in the hands of Sebastian. Good thing he's dead now. She's going to get married in the winter and Magnus and I might have a child by then. It's been a good day. So many good, yet unexpected things are happening. I never saw myself as a Father, yet Magnus and I are discussing baby stuff now. This will definitely be a surprise to my family. I just have to make sure Magnus and I don't say too much in front of them.

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