A Christmas Carol - Two

A short while later the Doctor sat with his back against the cupboard door. a small loop of rope wrapped around one of his fingers in the air his sonic screwdriver attached to the other end handing in the air scanning and waiting for a fish to arrive in Kazrans bedroom. The Stone sat beside him her head resting on his shoulder slightly worried about their companions even though they were in the past and not in currently in a starship in this Kazan's time they still were in the future.

"Are there any face spiders in here?" Kazran who sat on the other side of the Doctor asked.

"Nah, not at this time of night. They'll all be sleeping in your mattress."

"How your children survived without being scared to death by you I have no idea." The Stone rolled her eyes. "And remind me to never leave you alone with children ever again."

"I'm not that bad!"

"You really are Doctor." She sent him a look patting his shoulder. "So, Kazran, why are you so interested in fish?"

"Because they're scary."

"Good answer." The Doctor grinned.

"What kind of tie is that?" He nodded at the Doctors bowtie.

"A cool one."

"Why is it cool?"

"Why are you really interested in fish?" The Stone cut the Doctor off not really wanting the Doctor to ramble on about his bowtie for half an hour. Any other time but today she would be happy to watch him talk about it with a giddy smile on his face but today wasn't one of those days.

"My school. During the last fog belt, the nets broke and there was an attack. Loads of them. A whole shoal. No one was hurt, but it was the most fish ever seen below the mountains."

"Were you scared?"

Kazran just shook his head at the Time Lords looking saddened. "I wasn't there. I was off sick."

"Ooo, lucky you." The Doctor said before backtracking seeing the look on his face quietly muttering. "Not lucky."

"I missed something once." The Stone sighed shaking her head.

"Ah you did." The Doctor pointed at her grinning. "I remember that day."

"Now I think about it I'm glad I missed that day." She chuckled.

"What happened?" Kazran questioned interested.

"I missed one of the trips my class took to see the different TARDISes. One of the days I didn't want to miss."

"The Master kept teasing me all day after you didn't arrive." The Doctor shook his head. "Kept saying that my girlfriend wasn't there."

"If only he knew what we did a week later." She smiled. "We snuck inside one of them." The Stone said to Kazran. "You weren't meant to go inside them but we did, but the fish." She frowned getting back on track. "Why are they so important. You only missed a day."

"It's all anyone ever talks about now." He let out a sigh shrugging his shoulders back. "The day the fish came. Everyone's got a story."

"But you don't." The Time Lords said realising why it was now so important.

"Why are you recording this?" Kazran questioned looking at the camera.

"Do you pay attention at school, Kazran?" The Doctor questioned sharing a quick glance with the Time Lady, his finger slightly moving as the string wrapped around it started to softly tug.

"Sorry, what?" The boy frowned not understanding before his eyes followed both the Time Lords seeing the string.

"Shush." He raised a finger to his lips before grinning and taking the Stone's hand.

"Doctor, are you sure?" Kazran said stopping them.

"Trust me."

"Okay," Kazran replied not looking at them very hopeful. His hands mostly shaking and a scared look on his face.

"Oi. Eyes on the tie." The Doctor slightly tweaked his bow tie. "Look at me. I wear it and I don't care. Trust me."

There was a pause. He looked between the Doctor and the Time Lady who hand he now held. Their fingers entwined together. Clearly, she trusted the Doctor and seemed more mature than he did no doubt not going to let him accidentally kill himself he sucked in a breath. "Yes."

"That's why it's cool." The Doctor then slipped out the door his hand still holding the Stone's who was right behind him.

"Hello, fishy." The Doctor whispered slowly creeping up towards the sonic screwdriver on the rope. The small fish nipping at it every few seconds. "Let's see. Interesting. Crystalline fog, eh? Maybe carrying a tiny electrical charge. Is that how you fly, little fishy?"

"What is it?" Kazran whispered no doubt pressed right up against the door.

"What kind? Can I see?"

"Just stay there a moment Kazran." The Stone whispered to him following the Doctor.

"Is it big?"

"Nah, just a little one." The Doctor replied. "So, little fellow, what do you eat?"

The Stones eyes widened automatically pulling the Doctor back just as a massive Shark snapped up the fish and the sonic screwdriver. Swallowing both them whole right in front of the Time Lords. "Oh dear..." The Stone whispered grasping the Doctors hand.

"How little?" Kazran asked not hearing the Stone or the Shark.

"Er..." The Doctor swallowed hard slowly backing up. The Stone copying him.

"Can I come out?"

"No!" The Stone exclaimed a little too loudly before going back to a whisper. "No. Maybe just wait there for a moment."

"What colour is it?"

"Big." The Doctor nervously replied. "Big colour." Suddenly the Time Lords sprinted to the cupboard swinging open the door and forcing themselves inside, pressing themselves up against the door breathing heavily.

"What's happening?" Kazran asked looking between the Doctor and Stone, a frown on his face not understanding the panicked look they shared in their eyes.

"Well, concentrating on the plusses, you've definitely got a story of your own now. Also, we got a good look at the fish, and I think we understand how the fog works, which is going to help us land a spaceship in the future and save a lot of lives. And I bet I get some very interesting readings off my sonic screwdriver when I get it back from the shark in your bedroom."

"There's a shark in my bedroom?" Kazran blurted his eyes widening in horror.

"Doctor!" The Stone groaned banging the back of her head against the door.

"We had to tell him!" The Doctor protested before snapping his mouth shut as the Shark tried to force itself in banging against the door.

"Has it gone?" Kazran whispered after not hearing anything. "What's it doing?"

The Stone swallowed. "Not trying to scare you or anything but what do you call it if you don't have any feet, and you're taking a run-up?"

The Doctors eyes widened his hand grabbing hers again as he dived to the other side of the cupboard somehow managing to put himself between the Time Lady and the Shark. Kazran safely beside the Stone.

"It's going to eat us. It's going to eat us. It's going to eat us." Kazran repeated over and over. His eyes fixed on the hundreds of teeth the Shark had on view. His mouth wide open, the Doctors sonic screwdriver clearly stuck in its throat blinking and illuminating the shark's mouth. "Is it going to eat us?"

"Well, maybe we're going to eat it." The Doctor replied before quickly adding to his sentence after the Stone shot him an annoyed look. "But I don't like the odds. It's stuck, though. Let's see. Tiny shark brain. If I had my screwdriver, I could probably send a pulse and stun it."

"Or I could just use mine." The Stone said her hand going to her jacket before she let out a groan banging her head on the wall.

"TARDIS?" The Doctor guessed.

"Yeah." She sighed. "No sonic. I wasn't exactly planning on going anywhere today." She grumbled

"Well, where's your screwdriver?" Kazran asked looking at the Doctor.

"Well, concentrating on the plusses, within reach. You know, there's a real chance the way it's wedged in the doorway is keeping its mouth open."

"There is?"

"Just agree with me, because I've only got two goes, and then it's your turn."

"Two goes?"

"Two arms." He wiggled his fingers. "I'm not letting my wife near that thing." he shot her a pointed look. "Even if the shark has to kill me to get to her. Right, then. Okay. Geronimo. Open wide." He muttered.


The Doctor groaned hitting the half of his sonic screwdriver in his hand while Kazran crouched beside the Shark. The Stone slowly shook her head flashing her sonic (which she grabbed out of the TARDIS just a moment ago) at the fish.

"What's the big fishy done to you?" The Doctor remarked hitting his sonic again wandering around the roof just outside the large window. "Swallowed half of you, that's what. Half a screwdriver, what use is that? Bad, big fishy."

"Doctor?" Kazran looked up his face looking completely heartbroken. Hand faintly stroking the side of the shark. "I think she's dying."

"Half my screwdriver's still inside," He said then glanced at the Stone quickly nodding, noticing the look she was giving him. Kazran was clearly upset about the ordeal with a tear rolling down his cheek. This no doubt put the Doctor on dangerous ground if he wasn't careful with what he said knowing what the Stone would do if he said the wrong word. "But yeah, I think so." He slowly nodded. "I doubt they can survive long outside the cloud belt. Just quick raiding trips on a foggy night."

"Can't we get it back up there?" He asked giving both Time Lords a pleading look. "We were just going to stun it. I didn't want to kill it."

"She was trying to eat you." The Doctor quietly replied.

"She was hungry." He croaked. The Stone slowly shook her head gently pulling the boy from his shoulder in for a comforting hug. The Doctor hung his head ever so slightly feeling that it was his fault that this had happened.

"I'm sorry, Kazran." He whispered eyes fixed on the ground. "The Stone and I can't save her." He sighed as Kazran raised his head from where he was hugging the Time Lady. His now puffy eyes closely watching the Doctor. "We could take her back up there, but she'd never survive the trip. We need a fully functioning life-support."

"You mean like an icebox?" He questioned eyes slightly lighting up in somewhat hope. "Okay."


Wasting no time at all Kazran lead the Time Lords through the large house being careful not to run into anyone that would tell Kazrans father about the strange man and woman who seemed to be following him. The Doctor grinned grasping the Stone's hand. Dragging her behind as he spotted a large tree in the room identical to the one the older Kazran was most likely still sitting in currently. "Ooo, a tree." He grinned holding one of the decorations. "We should get a tree shouldn't we dear?"

"It would have to be one that wouldn't fall over when you fly the TARDIS sweetheart." She replied a hint of teasing in her voice.

"Oi!" He looked at her offended. "I'm not that bad!"

"Of course not sweetheart." She lightly patted his cheek softly smiling as his eyes grew warm, loving and soft. "But a tree could be nice." She slowly nodded.

"You always said that one Christmas we had together was enjoyable."

"It really was." She smiled kissing his cheek. "Now I'm sure Kazran is growing impatient." She said growing serious once again.

"Way to ruin the mood Stone." He mumbled.

"Oh, sweetheart there is plenty of time for 'the mood' later." She slightly smirked, the corner of her lip twitching like it did every time she made that face in her current regeneration. 


"What is this?" The Doctor asked peering through what looked like a porthole. Both sides slightly frosty, even the ground had slight frost more on the other side than their side of the door.

"The surplus population," Kazran answered placing down the small lamp in his hand. "That's what my Dad calls it." He then tried to move the wheel on the door. "Oh, it's not turning." Kazran groaned using all his strength. "Oh, why won't it turn?"

The Doctor tried to use his sonic before groaning himself, hitting it on his hand as the Stone smirked flashing her sonic at the keypad before huffing. "Deadlocked. We need the code." The Doctor smiled smugly at her huff that he honestly found adorable before he shook his head looking at Kazran. "Ah, what's the number?"

"I don't know."

"This place is full of alarms. It's not just the door. we need the number."

"I'm not allowed to know until I'm older," Kazran repeated. The Stone blinked before grinning and kissing the Doctors cheek. "Be back in a moment!" She shouted sprinting up the stairs.

"Where's she going?" Kazran asked looking at the Doctor by the keypad.

"To get the number." He grinned.


"Seven two five eight." The Time Lady heard the older Kazran exclaim sounding slightly annoyed. "Ah. Thank you." She nodded shutting the door and heading back into the TARDIS, running around the console and then returning back to the year they arrived only a couple of seconds after when she left the Doctor and Kazran, now landing the TARDIS just outside the entrance to the Cryovault.

"Seven two five eight." She called to the Doctor stepping outside of the TARDIS and running down the stairs.

"Brilliant dear!" He grinned kissing her cheek after putting the numbers in. Kazran started to turn the wheel while the Doctor somehow managed to steal a proper kiss of the Time Lady. No cheek or small kissing nonsense.

With the help from the Time Lords, he pushed open the large metal door before stepping inside. The Stone made a mental note of the numbers not wanting to get stuck down in the cold cryovault. It wouldn't be a very good death on their part, having had much better deaths in her time. Something much better than getting shot unlike her last three regenerations (counting the death by the pepper pot while escaping Gallifrey) were.

"Ah, there's fish down here, too." The Doctor noticed seeing the small fish swimming close to the floor.

"Yeah, but only tiny ones." Kazran said over his shoulder, walking ahead of the Time Lords using his lamp to give them a small amount of light. "The house is built on a fog lake, that's how Dad freezes the people." He said continuing to walk. "They're all full, but we could borrow one." He then stopped pointing at one. "Yeah, this one."

"Hello again." The Doctor mumbled eyeing the woman inside the Cryo chamber.

"You know her?" Kazran asked frowning.

"Why her?" The Stone questioned. "Not that she isn't but is she important?"

"She won't mind." Kazran shook his head reaching up to the top of the chamber. She loves the fish."

A recording of the young woman then appeared the glass being used to show her speaking. "My name is Abigail Pettigrew, and I'm very grateful for Mister Sardick's kindness..."

"She starts to talk about the fish in a minute," Kazran whispered speaking over Abigail.

"But I would not allow it. I could not have chosen this path were it not for the compassion and generosity of the great philanthropist and patron of the poor, Mister Elliot Sardick." Listening closely the Time Lords glanced around looking at other cryo chambers in curiosity. "But I'm also surrounded by the fish, the beautiful, iridescent, magical fish..."

"Why are these people here?" The Doctor frowned shining his light at the portholes. "What's all this for?"

"My dad lends money," Kazran replied. "He always takes a family member, he calls it security."

"Hardman to love, your dad." The Doctor remarked. "But I suppose you know that."

"...Nature." The young woman's recording continued. "I am not alone, and I am at peace."

"What's wrong?" Kazran asked after lighting up the chamber.

"Just my half a screwdriver trying to repair itself." He explained hitting his sonic a couple of times listening to it beep. "It's signalling the other half."

"The other half's inside the shark."

"Yeah?" He nodded before freezing. His hand automatically finding the Stones. "Sounds like she's woken up. Okay, so it's homing on the screwdriver." He said slightly nervous before pushing the Stone to the ground diving with her as the shark appeared above them, his body coming over hers trying to protect her as much as possible if the shark went for either of them.

They waited for a minute, the Doctor tightly holding the Stone before he let out a sigh hearing the shark move away, he jumped up pulling the Stone into a tight hug his head on top of her own as she buried hers into the crock of his neck. "Kazran." She suddenly blurted her head shooting up in the fear of the boy who was now all alone. They then heard faint singing and she frowned slightly.

"I don't think he's alone dear." The Doctor smiled kissing her cheek.

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