Chapter 73
"Did you really say that to Alex?" His hands were on his waist. Alex had told Ryan the things Mia had said, he was only worried for her.
Mia ran her finger through her hair. "I only told him what I felt."
"What you felt? What is that, some sort of consolation?" Ryan frowned at her. "Baby we just got her back, it's not easy for her to understand what's going on."
"Believe me, I do understand her and Kenny's right not to like me." Mia told him. "Where is she? I want to see her."
"David's taking care of her." Ryan said.
Mia sighed... "Why didn't you bring her? That's the only way I can bond with her. Ryan I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to go away from here. Be with you, with Kenny." Mia said to him. She was becoming frustrated.
He held her hand. "You will, you will."
"Baby please. I'll die if I keep staying in this bed. I don't want to be here anymore." Mia cried to him.
He hugged her... "But the doctor —"
"I'm fine. This place only makes me more sick." Mia explained to him. "Please, baby please."
"I'll talk to the doctor, we'll see if you can be treated from home." Ryan said to her. "And if the doctor says we can, we'll go home."
Mia nodded, hugging him tighter. "Thank you."
In two days, Mia left the hospital, moving into the new house Ryan had just gotten. It was just as elegant as his previous house.
Mia stepped into the house, glancing around. "It's really beautiful."
"I got it to suit your taste. Nothing too extravagant, but exquisite." He said, leading her into the house.
"Here they come!" Laura said to everyone.
"Welcome home!!" Everyone said in unison. They were all present, Alex, Natalie, David, Danny, Laura Karen, Colin and her other siblings, Jennifer too.
"Oh m..." Mia placed her hands over her mouth. "You guys! You're all here." Mia walked up to them, giving them each a hug.
"I missed you my baby." Karen said, making the embrace last longer.
"I'm so happy you're here." Mia couldn't be happier.
"Where's Kendra?" Ryan asked, them while looking around for his daughter.
"She fell asleep waiting for you to return." Laura said to her. "She's asleep with Sophie, those two wore themselves out." She chuckled.
"Welcome back." David hugged Mia.
"Thanks David." Mia kissed his cheek before pulling away. "Thank you so much, you don't know how much all of you being here means to me." She dabbed her finger by the side of her teary eyes.
"We love you sweetheart, we're always gonna be here to support you." Colin told her.
"You guys are the best!" Mia said. The feeling of seeing her loved ones with her was more than she could ask for.
"All thanks to Ryan and Alex, they planned the whole thing." Natalie said to her.
Mia looked at Alex with a grateful smile. "You're always going to be my hero." Mia went over to him, giving him a big hug.
"For you I'll do anything tiger." He grinned.
"Thank you so much Alex, thank you, for everything you've done. For me, for Ryan, for Kenny. I'll always be grateful you came into my life." Mia said, hugging him tighter.
"You are family Mia." Alex told her before they pulled away.
Mia walked over to Ryan. "Baby you're my everything, thank you. I love you so much." She proudly said.
"I love you too universe." He kissed her forehead.
"We need to pop the wine!!" Natalie threw her hands in the air.
"So about the wedding..." Karen started to say.
"Ummmm, about that," Mia turned to them. "Ryan and I have decided to put the wedding on hold until our baby is born. I can't exactly have a wedding now because the doctor said I shouldn't plan it, due to my condition. We are in no rush at all, so the wedding can wait a bit longer, we want to focus on building our family first." She said to all of them.
Karen sighed... "I understand my dear. You've been through a lot, so I respect your decision. Although, I'd love if you can get married sooner. I want you to have your own home." Karen said to Mia.
"I know mamà, let me get better okay?" Mia smiled.
"My baby is a lady now." Karen burst into tears. "I never thought it'll be so soon."
"Mamà." Mia chuckled.
"Vera, she's not a kid anymore." Colin rolled his eyes.
"I know, I know. They... They grow up so fast, and before you know it, they start having kids of their own. I can't believe it." Karen cried, tears of joy.
"Laura, please don't grow up so fast." Jennifer spoke for the first time. Everyone laughed.
"Uh-uh, mom, do not start." Laura shook her head.
"Ryan, what's the baby's gender?" David asked him.
"We are gonna wait until she's born." Ryan grinned.
"You mean he." Mia rolled her eyes playfully. "We are going to find out on the day of he's delivery so it'll be a surprise." Mia said to David.
"So we're gonna have a toast!!!" Natalie said to them as two maids served the glasses of wine.
Ryan knocked at the door which was slightly opened, he walked into Kenny's room which was painted in white and pink with different beautiful butterfly mural paintings on the wall.
"You should be resting." He walked up to Mia, kissing the top of her head.
"This is me resting." Mia sat beside Kenny, smiling and staring down at her as she slept clutching a stuffed teddy bear. "Look at her, she's so peaceful." Mia wrapped a finger around a lock of Kenny's curly hair.
"Yeah." Ryan chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Having all the wealth in the world is nothing compared to having the people you love beside you."
She placed her hand over Ryan's hand. "This is the life... Peace and happiness."
"Baby, look what mommy got for you." Mia sat across the table, leaning in to give Kenny a big box.
Kenny sat on Ryan's lap. She wasn't sure she wanted the gift.
When Kenny hadn't taken it, Ryan looked at her. "Sweetie it's yours, don't you wanna see what mommy got for you?" Ryan asked her. "Give it here." He collected the box from Mia. "You want me to unwrap it for you?" Ryan carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing beautiful collections of glittering butterfly hairclips. "Oh wow, isn't this your favorite?"
Kenny opened the box, taking out two of the hairclips.
"Do you like it?" Ryan asked.
"Uh-huh." She nodded with a smile.
"Awesome! What do you say to mommy?" Ryan kissed her cheek.
Kenny looked at Mia. "Thank you."
"Come here." Mia opened her arms for a hug.
Kenny glanced at Ryan.
Ryan placed her down, nodding. "Go hug mommy."
Kenny walked up to Mia, giving her a hug.
"I love you princess." Mia hugged her daughter tighter, placing a kiss on her head.
Mia wanted her daughter to open up to her but Kenny was always distant, she preferred Ryan a lot more and tends to be more formal with Mia. And honestly, Mia was jealous of their relationship. She wanted Kenny to treat her the same way as she did with Ryan.
Mia looked out her window, she saw Kenny riding an Arabian pony with the supervision of some people, Kenny was laughing happily. Just then, Ryan entered the room.
"Oh! I thought you were asleep." He seemed very happy as the genuine smile never left his face.
Mia turned to him. "Couldn't sleep." She sighed. "I see you bought the pony she wanted."
"Baby I'm sorry, I just couldn't say no to her. She wanted it so bad and I didn't want her to be unhappy." He said, unbuttoning his shirt.
"You're spoiling her baby. It wasn't long ago, you had gotten her a five thousand dollar playhouse when we spent a lot on the first one and then when she threw a fit because she wanted the kid's bike on the TV- you got it for her, then the customized diamond tiara that cost a fortune, not to mention the mini Ferrari car you bought too. She has a lot of toys to last for ages, there was no need for the pony." Mia frowned at him. "You're overpampering Kenny, I don't want her growing up like that." Mia said to him, placing her hand on her belly.
"This is me making up for the six years we spent apart." Ryan told her.
"I know but it should have limits, our daughter cannot always think she can have everything she wants. It doesn't work that way." Mia shook her head. "We aren't raising her to think she can have it all."
Ryan chuckled. "She doesn't have to think my love, she has it all. She can have everything she wants. After all, she's my daughter, a Webster." Ryan went over to her, cupping her face. "I don't see anything wrong in giving her the whole world." He shrugged. "My kids are the reason I'm working, so that I could provide for whatever they need. Kendra's just a kid, baby, kids want stuff all the time. I can afford it, I get it for her." Ryan said to her.
He loved Kenny too much and that was his weakness. No matter what Mia said, it never changed his mind. He doted on Kenny and spoilt her rotten, he didn't care. What she wants, she got.
"When it comes to her, you don't listen. Not even to me." Mia moved his hands away from her face.
"N-no. That's not true." He frowned. "You're both the most precious gifts I could ask for. Like I said, Kenny's just a kid, with time she'll change." He rained kisses on her face. "Universe I'm sorry I have upsetted you, I promise I'll change." He said raising his hand.
Mia smiled, rolling her eyes playfully. "You say that almost everyday."
Ryan grinned... "Do I?" He kissed her lips.
Mia gasped... "Holy shi... Baby he kicked! He kicked!" Mia touched her belly.
"What!" Ryan's eyes widened and he went on his knees beside Mia. "She what?" He kissed her stomach. "Okay princess, give mommy a kick again." He was excited. "Come on, one kick for daddy." He placed kisses on her belly and the baby kicked again. "Jeez! Baby she kicked!!" Ryan laughed, he was overjoyed. "This is incredible!! Our princess kicked!!!" Ryan got up and started dancing happily, singing with his mouth.
"What are you doing?" Mia laughed richly.
"Baby, she kicked!" Ryan kept on dancing funny, throwing Mia into a fit of laughter. He went over to the window, opened it and looked down. "Sweetheart!!! Your sister kicked!!!" He screamed on the top of his voice.
Kenny looked up, giggling. "Daddy! Daddy!! Look at me, I'm riding a pony!!" She yelled back, grinning at her father.
"Attagirl!! Daddy loves you!!" He blew a kiss to her.
"I love you too!!" Kenny yelled back. Kenny looked at the people assisting her. "Daddy says I'm gonna have a sister soon." Kenny giggled cheerfully.
Same day, while Mia was busy in the room, she heard a loud crash outside the room. Like something had shattered. She went out to see what had happened, she saw Kenny by the corridor, standing near a shattered, broken crystal vase.
"Kenny, what on earth..." Mia looked at the broken pieces of her favorite vase.
Kenny looked at her, "I'm so-sorry, I didn't mean to." She said with a shaky voice. She was very frightened.
Mia sighed... "It's okay."
"But it's your favorite vase, and... and I broke it. I'm sorry." Kenny pouted her lower lips, as she was about to cry.
"Sweetie step away from the broken pieces so you won't hurt yourself." Mia said sweetly, with a small smile.
"I'm sorry." Kenny began to cry.
"No, no. Honey it's fine." Mia went over to her, carefully, trying not to step on the broken pieces. "Don't cry my dear, it's fine. It's only a vase, I could replace it anytime." Mia stroked Kenny's hair trying to calm her down.
"It's my fault. I... I shouldn't have touched it." Kenny kept sobbing.
Just then, while Ryan was passing, he heard Kenny's cry and quickly rushed over to them.
"What happened?! Did she get hurt?" Ryan panicked.
"No she—" Mia was cut off.
"Give her to me." Ryan hoisted her up, wrapping his arms around Kenny. "Daddy's here now princess." He said, leading her away. "Shhhhh." He cooed softly as he rubbed her back. Kenny had stopped crying, resting her head on Ryan's shoulder.
Ryan turned back to look at Mia. "Baby don't touch the broken pieces, I'll get someone to do it. I'm taking Kendra outside for a little fresh air, she might be feeling a little suffocated being indoors." He said before walking out. "Do you need anything, let daddy get it for you." He said to Kenny as they walked away.
Mia ran her fingers through her hair, sighing sadly. Where was she going wrong as a mother? Kenny adored Ryan like he was a god on earth, he was the only one that understood her tantrums. Mia walked back into the room, she didn't want to get depressed over anything.
"I can't wait for you to be born son, so that I too can experience the bond your daddy and sister have." Mia smiled to herself, rubbing her stomach.
Mia walked down the stairs, heading to Ryan's study.
"Ryan, can we talk?" She said, as soon as she entered the study.
He looked up at her from his seat. "Of course." He smiled, gesturing for her to come closer.
"Is this a good time?" Mia asked him.
"Why not." He stood up, going over to her.
"Because I want to discuss something important." Mia told him.
"About Kenny?" Ryan kissed her lips.
"Sort of." She nodded. "I was thinking, what if... What if I go see... Go see O-Olivia." Mia said calmly, she was sure Ryan would never agree but there was no harm in trying.
Ryan leaned away, frowning. "What?"
"I just feel like it's the only way Kenny could find closure." Mia tried to explain.
"No." Ryan said firmly, walking away from her.
"Listen to me for a while. It's been almost a month since we've had Kenny, yet, I feel she's not fully happy here." Mia told him.
"You're wrong, I know when my daughter is happy or not." Ryan shook his head.
"But what about me? Kenny doesn't look at me the same way she looks at you. To you, you're her protector, her best friend, her playmate, her happiness, you're her father."
"And you're her mother." Ryan said, clearly upset.
"But not to her. Kenny doesn't acknowledge me as her mother because to her, it'll always be Olivia." Mia said sadly. "To her, I'm just an addition."
"Kenny's just a kid universe, why do I have to keep reminding you. With time, she'll adjust." Ryan said.
"That's easy for you to say! Ryan she loves you, and that's really fantastic. But... What about me? I can't even touch her without making her cry, I can't give her gifts because she'll need your assurance that it's okay to collect gifts from me, she doesn't even call me mom." Mia poured out her heart to him. "The truth is that I'm jealous of you, both of you."
"It's just a phase, it'll pass. Give her more time." Ryan told her.
"We took her away from the only family she knew, didn't it ever cross your mind that she might be hurting. Olivia was the only parent she knew, Kenny grew up knowing Olivia. It's not easy waking up one day and your whole life is being taken away from you. I've been there." Mia said to him.
"Olivia is a fucking psycho! She's a murderer, a sicko." Ryan growled at Mia.
"That murderer... Took care of your daughter, loved your daughter, protected your daughter, raised your daughter. It might not seem right but Olivia is a big part of Kenny's life. And I'll forever be grateful to her for saving my daughter." Mia said, defending Olivia. "Kenny needs to see Olivia, so we can all move on."
"Over my dead body! My daughter will not go near or speak to that woman, I forbid it! Have you suddenly forgotten what she did to you? She almost killed our baby Mia! Do not put this thought into my daughter's head Mia, and I suggest you get it out of your head too." He spoke with spite, although, not for Mia but for Olivia. The things Olivia did to Mia was unforgivable, he was never going to forgive that woman.
"Ryan please I —"
"Don't." He raised his hand to silence her. "Universe I love you so much, but endangering your life and the lives of my kids is what I will not tolerate. Olivia is a maniac, God knows what she'll do to you if she ever sees you. I'm sorry, I can't risk your safety." He said with finality. There was no way in hell that he'd let Mia take his daughter to see Olivia!! He couldn't allow it, never!
Her eyes filled with tears... "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm only a desperate mother, I'm truly sorry." Mia finally apologized. Maybe she was wrong about her suggestion. She had to wait a little longer for Kenny to finally accept her.
Ryan looked at her, his face softened. He sighed deeply. "I didn't mean to yell at you either." He walked up to her, placing a kiss on her temples. "Kenny's always yours, you're her mother. She's yours." He hugged her. "Baby I love you."
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