Scor Arrives

Scor POV

I opened the lid of a tall, thin, black bottle. Inside was a shimmering purple liquid emitting a thick white mist that swirled around in circles as it escaped the bottle and curled around my fingers spiralling up to the ceiling.

I poured the liquid into my cauldron, stirred it 7 times anti clockwise, added 3 drops of essence of belladonna and a bezoar.

It was finally ready.

I flicked through the pages of the book, Most Potente Potions. I was looking for the page on the time travel potion.

‘This potion only works on each person once in their lifetime…’ Bla Bla Bla. Boring, I needed the incantation to make the potion work.

Take me back, back in time.

Take me back, where I need to go.

Take me back, to where I desire.

Take me back, only once, May not return.


I felt a gust of wind and I span into the air and with a pop… I was gone.

Rose POV

I tossed and turned in my bed. No matter what position I lay in I couldn’t get to sleep. My Instincts told me to stay awake as something important was going to happen and I needed to stay awake. My tired head told me that I should forget about it and go to sleep. But I just had that feeling…

I turned over to where Hermione was sleeping. Over the past few days we had really bonded, she was exactly like my mum, obviously. We had become really close; it felt like I had known her my whole life, which I sort of had I suppose. I knew she would be able to help.

“Mum…” I said “Hermione, wake up!”

“Mmmmmm… What?” She mumbled sleepily, her eyes still closed.

“Wake up, I need your help”

“I’m awake” She yawned, her eyes still half closed.

“Mum, can you help me; I don’t know what to do.”

“What’s the matter honey?” She said “Are you okay?”

“I just have this really weird feeling…”

“Do you feel sick?” She questioned “Are you ill?”

“No, not that kind of feeling. Like I like something is going to happen. Something important”

“Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen.” She reassured me

“It will, I can feel it.”

“Come on Rosie sweetie, let’s go downstairs and I will show you that everything is like it usually is. Nothing is weird, scary or different.”

We both walked quietly down the stairs, trying not to wake anyone else up.

We looked in the toilet, everything looked normal.

We looked in the living room; everything was where it was meant to be.

We looked in the family tree room; it was as horrible as usual.

We went to the last room, the kitchen. Hermione slowly pushed the door open with a creeeeeak.

There was a boy, he was so pale, he might have been a ghost, he turned around to face us…

“Scor!” I screeched with happiness “What are you doing here?”

“Saving you, of course!”

I ran to him and he enveloped me in a tight hug. I looked into his eyes and I knew that now I was safe. I leaned in when suddenly the door burst open. It was Fred; he was pointing his wand at Scor.

“First, explain who you are and then I will lower my wand, I’m sorry Rose, but that could be anyone dressed up as whoever you think that is, there is a war going on and that could be death eater with polyjuice potion.”

I understood but I still held onto Scorpius. I wasn’t going to let go of him, I had barely seen him the whole summer!

“Scor… Malfoy, But I’m Gryffindor though! I’m Roses boyfriend”

“How do I know that it’s really you?”

“Because how would a death eater get my hair or something for the polyjuice potion, if I wasn’t in this time period?”

Fred lowered his wand, “Sorry I had to check”

“It’s okay,” Scor said “I understand”

“Come on Scor, let’s go upstairs, we can sort this out in the morning when all the adults have woken up and we are all wide awake.” I said

“Okay Rose” he said, looking into my eyes, “let’s go”

“Hey Scor” Fred said “Look, I’m sorry mate, you want me to show you where you can sleep tonight?”

“Thanks, um, its George isn’t it.”

“Nah, I’m Fred”

“Well, Thanks Fred. We’ll see you girls tomorrow morning, Love ya Rose.”

“Bye Scor, see you tomorrow” I said uncomfortably, Scor wasn’t acting normally.

The boys went upstairs and Hermione came over to sit next to me “Is he always like that?”

“No. This isn’t Scor, this isn’t Scor at all!”


Hi Guys!

Oh my god, whats up with Scor and Rose? Is it really Scor?

In the next chapter we are going to find out! Its going to be dangerous!

I've now got 3.5k thanks to all you amazing people. Omg!

Can you all go and read my Jily fanfic pleeeeeeease!Vote, Comment and Follow


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