Girl Meets Maya's Mom.

Emily's POV

Maya, Riley, Lucas and I are drawing in art class

Farkle walks in wearing a robe. "Why draw fruit? Let's draw a real work of art. That's right. Check out 48 lbs of nasty." He removes his robe to reveal he's wearing a tank top and tights.

"No!" We say in unison all covering our eyes.

"Well!" Ms. Kossal chuckles. "Looky here. The male... physique." She says.

"Why thank you, art lady." Farkle says.

"Why aren't we drawing Lucas?" Riley asks.

Ms. Kossal looks at Lucas. "Because nobody looks like that." She walks over to Farkle and grabs him by the shoulders. "Get used to this. Get used to this right now. When drawing a "Farkle", start with the eyes."

"I think the eyes should go straight to the gun show." He says and flexes his muscles.

Riley and I look at Maya's work. "Maya, you're supposed to concentrate on the eyes." Riley says.

"See, you know what my problem is? I don't listen. By the way, you're drawing Lucas." Maya says to her. And I nod agreeing.

Riley looks down at her work and smiles at Lucas. "Oh. Well, that's the first time I've ever done that."

I flip Riley's notebook to the next page to reveal a drawing of a bowel of fruit with Lucas' face in every fruit. I raise my eyebrows at the girl.

"Do I need help?" Riley asks us. Maya and I nod at the her.

"All right, I know these are works in progress, but let's see where we are." Ms. Kossal says.

"Maybe we'll become famous artists. We'll go to Paris," she stands up. "drink coffee in outdoor cafes." She mimics drinking coffee. "How do I look?"

Maya vocalizes tunes as she draws Riley. Shows the drawing to Riley and I.

"Fine, make fun of me. I am a serious artist who belongs in Paris." She turns and smiles at Lucas. "Bonjour, Lucas."

Lucas says something in French that translates to "Hello, Riley. Maybe someday you and I will go to Paris together." She doesn't understand what he said.

"Bonjour, Lucas." She says again.

"Oh my gosh." Ms. Kossal says.

Riley smiles widely. "See? I am an artist. I am finally something."

"Maya." Our teacher says.

Riley looks annoyed. "What a life I'm having." She says.

"Maya. My goodness." Ms. Kossal shows Maya's work to the class. "This is brilliant!"

"Farkle is in a bird's nest." Riley says.

"It's a work of surrealism, Riley. It's how this artist's mind views the subject." Ms. Kossal says.

"I'm a bird to you?" He asks her.

"No, you just... need to be protected." Maya says.

"You need to be protected from the things in the world that our out there that's bigger than you." I say

"You both love me." He says to the two of us.

"Leave us alone." Maya says and I chuckled.

"Maya, there's a school exhibit coming up. I want one of your pieces in it." Ms. Kossal says to Maya. "And Emily, your writing can contribute to Maya's art. Write a piece on her art and it can go up with the piece." She says to me.

"What about my piece?" Riley asks.

"That's a cute top." Ms. Kossal says to her.

"No thanks, Ms. Kossal, I don't draw for other people to look at, but thank you." Maya says.

"And my writing is something only for me to read. But thanks." I say to hr.

"I'd appreciate you both thinking about it, okay?" She says. I nod at her as Farkle gets up.

"Where are you headed, Farkle?" I ask him.

He looks at me then answers. "Gym class. That should go well, right?" He says then leaves.

The next day is career day. Parents are coming to talk about their jobs. My father isn't going though but I'm happy about that. He's out of town anyway for work.

"All right, future history makers, welcome to career day. Now there are a lot of ways to make your mark on the world.

Topanga enters the classroom. "Hi, Riley."

Riley says with sarcasm. "Oh great, Shakira is here." She turns to Maya. "Where's your mom?" She asks Maya then looks at me. "And where's your dad?" I shrug.

"She won't be coming." Maya says.

"But she told you she was coming." Riley

"Yes, she did." Maya says.

"Okay, guys, our first guest today is a lawyer, and I likes her. Hey, lawyer lady, how's about we go out sometime? I get off work every day at 3:15... Except Tuesdays. I got playground." Mr. Matthews says to his wife.

"So I am an attorney. I got here through a lot of hard work in school. By the time I was your age, I had 350 'As." She says.

"Your mom-- There she is. Or maybe your dad, Em." Riley says. I just shake my head.

Mr. Matthews opens the door and some dude comes in. "Minkus." He says.

"Topanga." Minkus says.

"Stuart." Topanga says.

"Topanga." He says again and walks over to Farkle. Now I remember him, it's Farkle's dad. I think he went to school with them when they were all younger.

"Father." Farkle says looks at his father.

"Farkle." He says to his son.

"Wait a minute." Lucas says from behind me. I turn around and look at him.

"Yes?" Farkle's asks Lucas.

"He's your father?" He asks Farkle.

"Look at us." Farkle says then he and his father smile next to each other.

"Your name is Farkle Minus?" Lucas asks him.

"Don't wear it out." Farkle says.

"I don't know how you could." Lucas says. I let out a small laugh.

Stuart gets up and walks to the front of the class. "Sorry I'm late, everybody. I had helicopter problems, 'cause I have a helicopter. Do you have a helicopter, Cory?" He asks Mr. Matthews.

"Nope. Do you have a Topanga, Minkus?" Mr. Matthews asks him.

"Nope, because she chose you. I run Minkus International, I have a helicopter, and she chose you." Farkle's father says.

"Stuart, please. Aren't we a little too evolved to still be competing with each other?" Topanga asks him.

Stuart laughs. "Of course."

Topanga laughs. "Of course."

"Go." They both say in unison.

"Between the two of us, Riley and I have 1260 'As. Ha!" Topanga says.

"That's remarkable, Topanga. Between the two of us, Farkle and I have 1261." Stuart says. I look at them wide eyed? That's a lot of A's.

"Ha!" Farkle says.

"Ha!" His father repeats.

Topanga look's at Mr. Matthews intimidatingly. He screams and says. "I-- I had to, Topanga. He's a lot smarter than I am."

"But what's more important to me than anything... is that I have this guy. Come up here, son." Stuart says? Farkle goes up to the front.

"Come up here, daughter. Look how tall she is. She's been taller than me since the day she was born." Topanga says as Riley stands next to her mother.

Stuart pushes his son up a little bit.

"Well, very nice. Good for you guys. So this is what Career Day is really all about." Mr. Matthews says.

"Yeah, We love it every year." We both say, with sarcasm, in unison, knowing how we both feel.

"I'm sorry, Maya, Emily. Maybe your mom just got a little busy. And maybe your dad had another shift, Emily. Mr. Matthews says. No one knows that he's out of town. Thank god for that.

"Are you okay?" Riley asks us.

"I'm always okay." Maya says as I nod.

Riley grabs Maya's and my hands and pulls us up to the front next to Stuart and Farkle. "Yeah, thanks." We both say.

"So these are the three ladies you tell me keep chasing you, huh?" Farkle's father asks him.

Farkle whispers to me. "Please."

"Yes sir, it is us." Riley and I say.

"I'm not doing it." Maya says. Riley elbows Maya. "Yes sir, it is us. We hope that one day one of us will be lucky enough to become the future Mrs. Farkle Minkus and have a lot of baby minkii." Maya says.

The next day in class.

"The Korean War." Mr. Matthews says.

"Genghis Khan." Farkle says.

"What?" He asks Farkle.

"I just wanted to see what would happen." Farkle says. I chuckle.

Maya's mother then enters the classroom. 'Hello, Cory Matthews. I am so sorry for interrupting."

"Oh no." Maya mutters.

"Nothing to forgive, Katy. Class, this is Maya's mother, Katy Hart." He tells her.

"Mom, what are you doing? It was yesterday." Maya says to her mother.

"Yesterday I was unable to attend your little job fair." Katy says.

"Career day." Maya corrects her.

"Yesterday I was trapped... in my vehicle... in the rushing flood waters of the mighty Colorado river! To make matters worse, I just found out I was about to have a baby any second. So I crawled myself through the sunroof and I said, "Let's do this thing." Then I commenced to deliver my own baby until finally I heard that wonderful, magical sound." She makes a popping sound and mimics baby crying. "Mama? Are you my mama?"

"Maya?" Riley and I ask her.

"Soap opera. She was auditioning for a soap opera." Maya says.

"Can you believe I didn't get it?" Her mother asks us.

"Yes!" The class says.

Katy laughs. "Yes. I am an actress. Are there any questions I can answer for anyone?"

Farkle raises up hand. "Ah, yes, the Farkle."

"Why are you wearing a waitress outfit?" Farkle asks Katy.

"Anyone else?" She asks. Lucas raises his hand. "Yes, the pretty, young man right there."

"Yeah, thanks. Um, why are you wearing a waitress outfit?" He asks her.

"My dad says actors are a bunch of people who never grew up." Sarah says.

Katy chuckles. "What does your dad do?"

"He's a director." Sarah tells her.

"Is he? Well, I'm sure your father never gave me a job either, which is the real reason I wear this outfit every day. Well, I'll just be going now." She say then exists out of the classroom. Riley walks out the door to meet Maya's mother in the hallway. I follow her.

"No, no, no. I shouldn't have come." Katy says.

"You did fine, you showed up." I tell her.

"I showed up a day late. I couldn't even get that order right." She says to Riley and I.

"I know that Maya appreciated the effort." Riley says.

Maya enters the hallway. "Hi, mom."

"Hey, Maya." Katy says to her daughter.

"Could I ask you a favor?" Maya asks her.

"Of course, anything." Katy says.

"I think it works best for us when you go on your imaginary auditions and chase our imaginary father. I appreciate your coming, I do. And I'm not humiliated. I'm not. I'm- I'm okay. You okay?" Maya says. Katy nods her head. "Good." May and then walks away.

"Yeah, this is just how we are. For me to think any other way is just acting, and I'm not that good." Katy says.

"I was raised by Topanga and Cory Matthews. They're maniacs. They'd walk through an avalanche for friendship, for the sake of family. I got that from them. I got a talent. How about that?" Riley asks.

"You can't fix this, Riley. Neither can you Emily." Katy says. I'm not trying to. Not all things can be fixed.

"Yes, I can. There is an art show here, tomorrow night. You need to be there." Riley says.

"Sure." Katy says.

"I expect you there." Riley says.

"I understand." Katy says and walks away.

"Don't disappoint us." Riley says to her. I sigh and walk away.

Art class. We were painting Riley.

Ms. Kossal is touching Riley's face while explaining. "Drawing a woman's face is different than drawing a man's. Look for subtle differences. The lips are different."

Riley turns to Maya and I. "No matter what, don't get mad at me, okay?"

"I could never." Maya says.

"Nope." I say to her.

"To paint a young woman's lips, she needs to stop flapping them." Ms. Kossal says.

"Because if I have any talent at all, it's this, so don't get mad at me." Riley says to Maya.

"I could never." Maya tells her. With me agreeing.

"Because when the mouth is moving, it will affect all the sketches. And they all come out like this." She holds up two sketches of Riley with her mouth open. "Except for this one. You don't listen to a word I say, do you?"

"Uh, it's not because I'm disrespectful." Maya says.

"It's because you're an artist. I'm glad you decided to display your work." She says to Maya then looks at me. "And I'm glad that you'll be displaying your writing." She says. "I got your notes in my teacher's box."

"That's the thing you're not supposed to get mad at."

"The exhibit starts at 6:00. It's thrilling seeing your art displayed, and your writing, Emily, you won't regret it." She says then walks out of the classroom.

"You don't listen to a word I say, do you?" Maya asks her.

"I-It's not because I'm disrespectful. It's because you're an artist. And you're a writer." Riley says to us.

"Yeah?" I ask her.

"Then let me paint you something." Maya says then grabs a brush and throws green paint at Riley's face.

The class scurries out. Riley gasps and sighs. "Okay. Maya, Emily, I am your best friend and I will always do my best by you both, no matter what you guys..." She grabs the paint brush and dabs Maya's face with red paint, then does the same to me. "say." She finishes.

"And how made you the king of friendship?" I ask her then paint Riley's face green.

Riley chuckles and paints Maya's face red. "I did, I made myself the king of friendship. And this would be my first act as a king." Riley grabs red paint with her hands and covers Maya in paint. She does the same with the blue, to me.

Riley, Maya and I begin to fight by throwing paint at each other. 'Why won't you leave this alone?!" Maya asks her

"I don't know how!" Riley says.

Ms. Kossal enters the classroom. "Whoa! Riley... This is the most authentic piece you've done all semester. Now clean it up. See you tonight, Maya." She then leaves the classroom.

"One other thing-- I invited your mom." Riley says. "And I was gonna invite your dad but he wasn't home." She says to me. I hand Riley a bowel of purple paint. Riley takes the bowel and sighs, dropping the paint on top of her head. I walk out of the room to get cleaned off.

Later that night me and Maya are standing near where her painting is. It's of a women but only half of her.

She smiles at parents who are looking at her work. Riley comes up to us with Farkle and Lucas. "How's it going?" She asks us.

"It's going fine." I say.

"What does your mom think? And your dad?" She asks the last part to me. Maya gives Riley a confused look. "She never showed up. And neither did your dad."

"It's just you guys." We both say.

"Are you telling me your mom never showed up? Or your dad Emily?" She asks us.

Maya shakes her head. "No. But of course you did." Maya says and points to Cory and Topanga.

"Hey, Maya. Emily Wow, you both really have some talent. Look at that place." She says. I smile at her.

"I bet it's got great mashed potatoes." Mr. Matthews says.

"Look at that lady, why can you only see half of her?" Farkle asks.

Lucas wraps Farkle's mouth with his forearms from behind. I give Farkle a small smile. "Oh."

After a while of Riley leaving and me walking around. I go to my locker. I sit on the bench near it and sigh.

"Hey." I hear Farkle say. I look up and see him walking towards me.

"Hi." I say.

"You okay?" He ask me, sitting next to me. I look at him and smile.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I say.

"Where's your dad?" He asks me.

"Um, work. He had a long shift so he couldn't make it." I say.

"I'm sorry." He says. I give him a smile.

"It's okay." I say.

"Your writing was really good though." He says.

"Thanks Farkle." I say with a smile.

"Always." He says with a smile.

Later that night I was with Maya in the art room.

"You guys really don't have to stay." I say to Mr. Matthews and Topanga walk over to us.

"Are you kidding? We love supporting the middle school art scene." He says.

"Yeah, we even bought a drawing." Topanga holds up sketch of Riley with her mouth wide open. "You have to wonder who this silly, little weirdo is." Topanga says. Riley opens her mouth widely. "Aw... It's our silly, little weirdo."

"Thank you for staying with Emily and Maya." Riley says

"Always." Mr. Matthews says then walks away with Topanga.

"I couldn't get her to come and I'm very disappointed." She says to Maya. "And your dad wasn't home again and I'm still very disappointed."

"It's okay. I know." I say to her with a small sad smile.

"I know, you expect too much." Maya says.

"This is hard on me." Riley says.

"You need a hug, darling?" I ask her and she nods. They three of us hug.

"Maya, I was wrong." Riley says.

"No, Riley, you were right." Maya says.

"I'm very confused." She says.

"I showed my writing. People liked it. It made me feel like I could be something someday." I say to her.

"And I showed my painting. Maybe I will be someone someday." Maya says.

"You guys will be. You guys are now." Riley says and I smile at her.

"Thank you, Riley." Maya and I say in unison.

"You're welcome. Do you want half a tuna melt?" She asks Maya because she knows I don't like tuna.

"You know why she gave this to you?" Maya asks her.

"Why?" Riley questions.

"She knows it's my favorite thing there. She knew that you'd share with me." Maya says.

"I'd be happy to give you the whole thing." Riley says and I smile.

"I know you would." Maya says then looks at her painting. "I'll be just fine with half."

"And Riley... for your excellence in your display of unwavering hope for others, I'm giving you an 'A'." Mr. Matthews says as we eat dinner that night. I'm sitting in between Maya and Farkle.

"Ha!" Topanga says.

"What?" Stuart asks.

"Can he do that?" Farkle asks his father.

"No, you can't do that." Stuart says.

"I does whatever she wants." Mr. Matthews says looking at Topanga.

"Yeah, so would I." Stuart says.

"I come from a very talented family." Riley says.

"What am I talented at?" Auggie asks.

"You're gonna find it someday, honey." Topanga says.

Auggie stands up and goes to the living room and sings in Italian. I look at Farkle then back to Auggie, wide eyed. "Nah." He says after that all.

Everybody cheers Auggie on and throw roses up in the air.

Okay, so some people have told me about wanting her with Farkle and Lucas and Maya finding out about Emily's father. So exactly when do you guys want them to find out? It would mean a lot to know when you guys would want them to find out so please comment. And how/when do you want her to start liking Farkle? I like to know what you guys want, so please comment. Anyways thanks for reading. Bye.


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