Girl Meets First Date.

Emily's POV

We were in class, everyone but Riley, Lucas and Mr. Matthews are sitting.

"No-oooo!" We hear him yell as he picks up Riley and drops her off at her desk.

"Dad, are you out of your mind?" She asks him.

"Riley. It's time for the talk." I look at our teacher wide eyed.

"In front of the whole class?" She asks.

"Yeah, give her the talk let's see what you know." Maya says smirking.

"Okay. When a daughter- " Riley cuts him off.


He sees Lucas about to come in the room. "Excuse me." He runs over to the back door and closes it. "not today, Chachi." I let out a laugh.

Lucas pushes door open with Cory behind it. "Sir, you've known me all year. You like me, admit it."

"I don't wanna." Mr. Matthews says.

"I'm one of the good kids. What are you so afraid of?" Lucas asks him.

"Okay." Matthews says and erases Belgium off the chalkboard. I glare at our teacher.

Farkle stands up from behind me, with a Belgium shirt and flag. "No!" He yells. He sits back down.

"Okay, guys. It's the seventh grade spring fever, which leads to dating, which leads to movies, which leads to popcorn, which leads to putting your hands together in the dark touching popcorn, which leads to holding hands, which leads to that!" He points at Yogi and Darby. "Oh, I am not ready for this." He picks up Yogi and separates him from Darby. "Come with me. Come Here. Come on, no, come one. Come with me." He looks to Riley. "Riley, I am begging you stay in Neverland, okay? No growing up." He places Yogi on his desk. Farkle raises hands.

"What do you want?" Mr. Matthews asks him.

"The way I see it, i'm in an interesting position here." Farkle says.

"How do you figure Farkle?"

"Let's approach this as a scientific equation. You're scared of Lucas going out with Riley, right?" He asks Riley's father.

He scoffs. "Oh, does it show?"

"Yeah, He's good looking and athletic."

Cory points at Lucas. "He's thirthy six!" I give him a weird look.

"Give your daughter to me. I'll Give you four oxen and my best milking cow." I look at Farkle wide eyed then look at Lucas. Cory looks back at Lucas then to Farkle. I raise my eyebrows at Lucas as if saying 'what are you gonna do to get out of that?'

"Are you actually thinking about this?" Riley asks her dad.

Cory smiles. "It's a good deal."

Riley stands up. "I will decide who I go on my first date with at such time as somebody asks me." Lucas raises his hand. Riley makes excited face.

I smirk. Thank God she isn't going out with Farkle.

Riley, Maya and I were in the hall way talking.

Why do you think he out his hand down?" Riley asks

"Because your dad wouldn't call on him." I say and laugh. "And I don't think he ever will again."

"Life used to be so simple, Maya, Emily. Wake up, Brush my hair, Eat cereal, Pick up the bowl of cereal that I dropped." Riley says.

"When did all of this pressure happen?"

"Boys have it easy, they get to ask." Riley says.

Maya, Riley and I walk up to Lucas and Farkle. "Hey Ranger Rick." Maya says.

"Hey, other one." Lucas says.

"You wanna go out with me?" Maya suddenly asks him. I look at her confused.

"What?" Lucas asks, also confused.

"Do you wanna take me to a movie and put our hands in the popcorn at the same time and see what happens, or what?" Maya asks.

Farkle runs over to Riley. "Okay, you and me 'cause I don't care." I look at him shocked. I look over at Lucas who knows I like Farkle. I look at them wide eyed. What just happened?

Later on I walk into the Matthews apartment, not knocking, just walking in.

I flop down on the couch and lay my head down on a pillow. Topanga walks over. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"Maya's going on a date with Lucas so now Farkle is going with Riley." I say.

"Do you like Farkle?" She asks me.

I look up at her. Then put my head back on the pillow. "No." I lie.


"Fine. Yes, I like him." I finally admit.

There was a knock on the front door.

Cory opens door. "You." He says seeing Lucas standing there.

"Me." He mimics Cory.

"Auggie's not home right now." I let out a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm not here to see Auggie." Lucas says.

"Riley's not home either." He says.

Riley comes from her room with Maya. "Hi, Lucas."

"That's right, I lied right in yo' face." He points at Lucas.

"Actually, Mr. Matthews, I'm not here to see her either." Lucas says.

"You're not?" Cory asks confused

"You're not?" Riley asks.

"I want to do this the right way. So first, I'm here to talk to you, Sir." Lucas says to Cory

Cory looks back to see his family smiling at him. He smiles back. "I want to do this the right way too, Lucas. No!" He slams door closed on Lucas?

Lucas pushes door open. "Mr. Matthews, would it be possible to speak with you alone?"

"About homework?" Cory asks.

"No." Lucas replies.

"About a grade?" He questions.

"No." Lucas repeats.

"Then this has nothing to do with me and you've come to the wrong place. Good day."

"Actually-" Lucas tries to say.

"I said good day, sir."

"But I need to talk to you." Lucas tells him

"Is this about a historical event? I can only speak to you about historical events." Cory asks him.

"Yes." Lucas lies.

"Well, then go right ahead."

"I'm asking you permission to ask out your daughter." Lucas says.

"You tricked me!" Cory says.

"That's right I lied right to yo' face." I laugh at them two. Lucas smiles.

"Get him, Topanga." Cory says.

Topanga walks up to Lucas. "My pleasure. Lucas, you are about the most charming young man I have ever met."

"Yeah!" Cory says.

"But as delighted as I am that in this day and age you would come to get our blessing. Do you really think Riley is ready-" Riley cuts her off.

"Yes!" Riley says.

"Riley, Be cool." I say to her.

"Yes." She says kinda cooler and not to worked up.

"Topanga, we really need to talk." Cory says.

"Mr. Matthews, we really need to talk." Maya tells him.

"Good help me." He sits down.

"When a father turns a certain age, things will start happening to you that you don't understand. It'll confuse you, but it's a magical time." Maya says.

"Shut up!" Cory exclaims.

"Look, don't worry. This is all normal and it's just your body's way of telling you that you are a woman." I say as Maya pokes Cory.

"Look, If it makes you feel any better, don't think of it as a date. Think of it as a beautiful fantasy world that only includes the two of them and not you anymore." She says.

Topanga walks over to Maya. "I appreciate you, Maya." She puts arm over Maya. "I think you're pretty fierce."

Josh enters. "Hey, Kiddies."

"Uncle Boing." Maya almost falls, but I catch her.

"My brother!" Cory yells and points at Josh.

"My Brother!" Josh says and points at Cory. "Hey, I come with good news."

Maya looks to me. "Thank you, I'm good." I nod and let go of her.

"I'm joining N.Y.U. Pre-college program so i'll be here all summer."

"Okay, I'm not good." I catch her as she almost falls again.

"I gotcha, honey." I say.

Cory stands up. "Josh, would you do me a favor and explain to your niece that she is way too young to go out on her first date?' He pushes Josh towards Riley.

"Niece, what kept you going so long? Welcome to the party, guys. Enjoy." He bumps Riley closer to Lucas. I smirk.

"Get out of my house!" Cory says.

"I'll go to the party with you, Josh." Maya tells him.

"Still too old for you, Maya." He tells her.

Maya slowly walks towards Josh. "Three years, what's three years in the history of love? They found some cavemen footprints, a man and a woman, they didn't know how old they were. All the scientists could tell was that they were holding hands. You now why? That was all that was important."

"Wow, Maya." Josh says.

"Keep looking at me." Maya says

"Oh, you know what's really important is I have my first appointment with my campus advisor downstairs." He runs out the door. I laugh. Cory slams the door close after him.

"So, I have everybody's permission except Mr. Matthews?" Lucas asks.

"Lucas, I like you. I really do. But do I look like the kind of guy that would let his child go out on a date this young?" Cory asks just as Auggie runs into the room with Ava.

"I put a ring on it." Auggie says.

"What?" Topanga asks.

"We're engaged." Auggie says.

"Aw congratulations!" I say, with a smile. They are way to young but their adorable.

Topanga gives me a look. "Let me tell you why you're not engaged." She says to the two.

"Let me tell you why we are. Sing it, Baby." He gestures to Ava.

"Look at me. I'm Ava Morgenstern... Matthews!" Ava sings.

Topanga chuckles. "What? Oh my gosh. Look at this ring. It looks just like mi- Hey! Give me this!" She takes ring off Ava's hand.

"Yeah, it's Auggie's grandma's ring." Ava says.

Topanga scoffs. "It's actually my ring."

"Oh, you're not Auggies grandma?" Damn kid.

'Ava honey, are you looking at me? You looking right into my eyes? okay good, I got something to say, ugh."

"Eww." Auggie and Ava run off.

Farkle enters the house. "Greetings, Matthews, I've come to ask Riley out on her first date now that Maya has asked out Lucas." I frown and look down at my feet.

"What? Why would you do that?" Cory asks her.

"Because nobody does nothin'." Maya says.

"You lit the fire, huh?" Topanga asks.

"Somebody had to push these two kids together." Maya says.

"Have I told you lately I think you're pretty fierce?" Topanga asks her.

Riley puts arm around Maya."Have I told you lately I think you're pretty fierce?"

"What's going on?" Farkle asks.

"What's going on, Farkle, is that this kid here wants my blessing." Cory walks over to Lucas. "You want it?"

"I do, sir." Lucas says.

"Then you got it." Cory tells him.

"Really?" Lucas asks.

"Really?" Riley asks

"Really?" Topanga asks.

"Really?" Farkle asks then continues. "Because I got a cow in the elevator."

"On one condition." Cory adds.

"Uh-Oh." Maya says

"I want this to be a triple date. Okay? If you are gonna go out with him." He moves Riley towards Lucas. "Then you, Emily are gonna go out with him." He laughs. Faces me towards Farkle. He walks over to the intercom system and presses the button. "Austin will you come down here?"

"Sure Matthews." A boy says.

"That works for me because you're Riley, Emily or Maya." Farkle says. A knock on the door. Cory answers it.

"Great, come in. Austin Jacobs meet Maya Hart. You guys are going on a date." Cory says. Wow.

"Uh, okay?" Austin says quite confused.

"Dad, you can't just tell her who to go out with on her first date." Riley says.

"Oh, don't think of it as a date, Maya. Think of it as a magical time and a journey to include." He blows raspberry and sighs and sits down.

"So-" Lucas starts.

"Yes." Riley cuts him off.

"Riley." He mom says.

"Yes." She says again.

"We'll fix it." Maya and I say.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Lucas asks Riley.

"Y-Y-Y-Yay!" Riley says.

"We can't fix that." Maya and I say in unison.

"Emily, will you go out with me?" Farkle asks me. I look at Lucas and Topanga, the two people that know I like him, they both give me small nods.

I sigh. "Yes." I answer. Farkle falls to the floor.

"So, Maya-" Austin starts.

"No." Maya says.

"Would you-" he goes to say.

"No." She cuts him off.

"I mean it, Maya." Cory says.

"Would you whatever he's doing with her?" Austin asks her.

Maya looks back to look at Riley, Lucas, me and Topanga, we are all smiling at her. "Yeah, fine." She answers.

Riley, Maya and I walk into the bakery.

Riley walks in hugging Maya and I. "I can't believe you'd let Farkle and Austin be your first dates so Lucas can be mine." She says to us. And lets go of Maya and me.

"Riles, I'm not gonna look at it as a first date. I dont even know Austin." Maya says to her.

"But Austin thinks it's date." Riley says.

"Then this is just more Austin thinking it's a date." Maya says.

"Then does that mean that my first date with Lucas isn't actually a date?" Riley asks confused.

"No, no, your date with Lucas is serious right-of-passage, coming of-age, growing-up stuff." Maya says.

"Should I be scared?" Riley asks us.

I laugh. "Of Ranger Rick? Sure, Honey you be scared as you like." I say to her.

Riley looks over and stops smiling, she nudges me. Shit we cannot let Maya see.

"Well, I don't think you need to be anywhere near that scared." Maya says to Riley.

"We have to go." I say quickly.

Maya almost turns around but Riley stops her. "Why?"

"Maya, please. Do you trust is." Riley asks her.

"I trust you two more than anyone in the world." Maya says to us.

"Then don't turn around." I say to her.

"Okay, if you say not to, I won't." Maya says.

"Let's go." Me and Riley say. Me and Riley start walking out.

"Oh, wait, I forgot. I'm still me." She turns around. Her face drops. "You know what the best thing is about going out with Austin?"

"What?" I ask her.

"No matter what happens I won't get hurt." Maya says.

Riley puts arm around Maya and I do the same and we all leave.

I was standing alone in my room looking in the mirror. I sigh. What if he finds out I like him? What if he doesn't like me back?

Calm down Em, you'll be fine.

I take a deep breath and start getting ready. I do my hair and put on some light make up. I put on my dress, shoes, and my jacket. I decide to leave the purse here. I don't think I need it.

I take one last look in the mirror and leave my room. Maya and I walk from our house to Riley's.

We climb through the window. "All right, let's get this thing over with." Maya says.

"Ay chihuahuas." Riley says looking at us.

"What?" Maya asks.

"For someone who does not care you do look pretty ay chihuahua." She says to Maya. "You too Emily."

"Yeah, I just figured even though I'm not counting this as a first date it seems like it's a pretty big deal for Austin so I wanted to give him at least eighty-four percent." Maya says.

"Good." I say. Riley puts hand on Maya's shoulder.

"So you're feeling better about my Uncle Josh?" Riley asks her.

"No, that's just another lump of coal i'll bury deep in my dungeon of sadness next to my daddy issues and ballerina dreams." Maya says and sits on the bed.

"Maya, I didn't know that you dreamed of being a ballerina." Topanga says.

"I don't. I dream of ballerinas kicking me with their point toes while they're stabbing me in the face with their bun heads." Maya says.

"Oh. Well, you look great. Both of you." Topanga says.

I smile great fully at her. She gives me a nod back.

We enter the subway platform. I see Farkle, Austin and Lucas there. I smile at Farkle.

"Hey Emily, let's run towards each other in slow motion." He starts moving towards me in slow motion. "Emily"

"No." I say to him, nicely.

"Come on, you know you want to." I smile at him.

"Farkle, Who else would-" Maya starts but we see that Riley starts walking in slow motion. "Stop." Riley stops.

Lucas walks toward Riley. "Hi." Lucas says to her.

"Hi." Riley says to him.

"I thought I was going to be too nervous to say anything, but i'm not." He starts to talk fast. "I'm talking really good. I'm a good day talker. I'm the best day talker there is." I smile at Farkle.

"Even though this just happened, there are some moments you know you're gonna remember forever. This is one of them." Lucas says.

"I'm the second-best day talker there is. Oh, the trains coming." Farkle says and mimics horn.

"Well, this is pretty easy so far." Riley says as we step onto the train.

"Because we're already friends." I say.

"Let's always be friends no matter what, okay?" Farkle says. I nod with a smile.

"Yeah, first let's see what happens." Maya says.

"Okay." Austin says.

"I don't want to jinx this but it's just like us hanging out at school. What could possibly go wrong?" Riley asks. Maya walks over to Josh.

I walk over to Farkle. "Thank you for being my first date." I say to him.

"I'm glad you let me be." Farkle says. I smile at him.

)Riley walks over to Maya after Josh leaves. I look at Farkle.

"Its okay, go. But I want to walk you home." He says.

"Of course." I say with a smile. I walk over to my two best friends.

"What happened to your dates?" Maya asks us.

"We had a good time and then one of my best friends got all needy." Riley says.

"Yeah, I know how that goes. Thanks for being there for me." Maya says to us.

"Hey, i'm sure you'll make it up to us someday." Riley says.

"How about now?" Maya says. She unlatches Riley's hand from the bar.

"Again?" She asks smiles. "Whoa!" She falls into Lucas's lap. I smile at the two. "Hi, I'm Riley. We were just talking about you."

Lucas laughs. "I'm Lucas."

"I love it." Riley smiles. "You know those moments that you were talking about that we're going to remember forever?" She asks him.

"Yeah?" He asks.

Riley grabs Lucas's face and kisses him. They pull away and smile.

Farkle runs over to me. I put my hand out Farkle kisses my hand. I put my hand down. "Not bad, Farkle."

"Tell your friends." He says and I laugh. He walks around in circles holding onto the bar. I see Maya and Austin talking. I look back at Riley and see her and Lucas talking.

"Wanna walk me home now?" I ask Farkle.

"Sure." He says.

We walk down a dark road of New York. We were talking about silly things. Next year, eighth grade, high school.

"Are you scared?" I ask him.

He turns to me and gives me a confused look. "Of now?"

"No, of eighth grade?" I ask him.

"Not really. More so of high school." Farkle says.

"Me too. What if we aren't friends anymore?" I ask him.

"We'll always be friends." Farkle says. I frown. "You don't have to be worried about losing me as a friend." He says to me. I look at him with a smile.

"Thanks Farkle." I say to him with a smile. "Tonight has been one of my best nights yet." I say.

"I'm glad you had a great night with me." He says. I hug him, he hugs me back. I slowly pull out of the hug. I look up at him, as he looks at me.

He grabs the sides of my face and kisses me. I stand there shocked for a moment but kiss back. We both pull away. "Woah." We both say.

"Um, Emily I like you." He says. "And more than a friend." He says.

I smile. "I like you too. More than a friend." I say. He smiles back at me.

"It's late, I should get home but we need to talk soon." Farkle says.

"Yeah, we do." I say. He kisses me cheek and then I walk towards the door to my building. I give him one last smile and then go inside. I go to my apartment I live in with Maya and her mom. I go to my room.

I smile widely. "Yay!" I let out a small squeal of excitement.

Farkle likes me back. He likes me.

I just had my first kiss. I just had my first kiss with Farkle, the guy I've liked all year.

And this chapter is over. How did you guys like it??? Please please comment. I really want to know what you guys think, it would mean a lot. Anyways thanks for reading. Bye.


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