Do you trust me?
As he stared out over the crowd Clint suppressed a shiver that wasn't all from the cold Russian air. It had been almost a week after Steve's phone call and nothing had happened, no agents, no avengers, no villains, no anything. He was wound so tight thanks to the phone call. In fact throughout the entire week he has a grand total of six hours of actual sleep. Everything else had been him jumping at the slightest noise and becoming increasingly paranoid.
That was why tonight he swept the crowd twice, if it wasn't for that he probably never would've seen it, or to be more exact him.
In the fourteenth row on the far side of the crowd he could see a man, dressed in dark jeans and a thick coat. Much too thick for the heaters built in the bottom of the tent to keep the audience warm.
The man was shifting uncomfortably and Clint knew he must be sweltering. What he didn't know is why the man didn't take the coat off. Edging closer to the side of his tiny platform, Clint frowned when he saw the man check his watch, then fidget and check it again, then again.
He's nervous about something, Clint mused. He's like a rookie in the field for the first time.
Suddenly that was when it all fell into place, he had seen the way that man fidgeted a hundred times with SHIELD rookies. That man was an agent and under that parka there was probably a gun, a knife and or a grenade with his name on it. Except this agent wasn't SHIELD, he knew what SHIELD was like, they never sent just one rookie agent on a mission. If there was even a chance that a firefight could break out, there is at the very least two other agents here.
With this new information Clint combed over the crowd even harder, silently looking over each person and counting possible agents.
One, two, three, four... Clint saw a little flash of the fourth agent's lapel. What is that?
Clint strained even closer and just a the lights of the tent began to dim, signalling the beginning of the show,he saw it. It was something he hoped he would never see again. A pin with a skull and tentacles carved into it, something only given to agents who have mastered their particular field.
These men weren't SHIELD agents, heck Clint wished they were one of the special ops teams. If they were at least he would know that they weren't going to kill him unless he trued to kill them or became a threat to the safety of civilians, but these men were the polar opposite of SHIELD. They were Hydra agents and they were here to kill him.
Clint could feel his heart began to puns harder in his chest. He knew eventually someone would come after him but he never thought it would be so soon or he would be trapped on a platform, unarmed, above a crowd of civilians.
Calm down, Clint told himself. You've been in plenty worse places before, find out what you're up against and make a plan.
There was a least four agents in the crowd and there was probably around five circling the outside of the tent and blocking off escape routes. But he couldn't be sure, hesitantly he tapped at his walkie-talkie and sent in a message.
"Aries! Can you hear me?"
"I hear ya Hawkeye, what's up?"
"I need you to check the back performer exit for me, is there a man wondering near it?"
Clint could almost hear Aries frowning, "What's going on Clint?"
"Just please check for me, it's just a hunch." Clint tried his best to telepathically give Aries the puppy dog face.
"Fine!" There was a but of shuffling then Clint heard the tent flaps being pulled open, "Yah there's some guy out there, why?"
Part of Clint knew the second he heard that he should've made a run for it, no matter if he ruined the show or not. These men were absolutely here to kill him and that was all he should worry about. But he knew better, if the agents find out he's gone from the platform they might just start shooting and hope they get him, or worse set the tent on fire so no one lives. Pushing that thought out of his head Clint silently steeled himself, there was no way he was leaving these people or his friends to the mercy of hydra.
"Great." Clint muttered, "That's just great."
"Great? Clint what's going on? Tell me!" Aries was clearly getting frustrated.
"That's not important right now. I need you to do something for me. Get as many performers out of the tent as you can quietly and without drawing any attention. Go to my tent and bring me the black case from under my bed, send it up on the pulley. Then pull the fire alarm and run like hell as far as you can get from the tent."
"What!? Clint explain what the hell is going on!"
Down on the ground Clint could see the agents began to move, time was running out.
"Aries do you trust me?"
"What do mean do I trust y-"
"Do you trust me?!"
"Yes, Clint I do." Aries sounded suddenly somber.
"Then please just do it for me, if you don't a lot of people are gonna get hurt and I can't let that happen."
"Okay, I'll start moving as many people out as possible, get your things and pull the alarm but the twins are performing right now."
Clint sighed inwardly, he had almost forgotten about the show going on under his feet. "Okay, their cue to leave is the lights going out right? Turn the lights out early and get them after you bring me may case."
"What about the show? If we stop the show whatever you're trying to not draw attention to is going to notice."
Clint could feel his shred of a plan crumble. "I'll do my act, you just get them out."
"What about you?" Aries was starting to sound frantic again, "You said that a lot of people could get hurt!"
"I can't leave Aries, this is my job." Clint suddenly felt a feeling he hadn't felt since a long time before Loki. Was this what it felt to know your place? Was this what it felt to know you were doing what you were meant to do?
"Clint,you're just an acrobat! It's not your job to save these people!" He could hear the desperation in her voice.
"You're right. I am just an acrobat, but do you know what else I am? I'm a superhero. I'm a a freaking Avenger!"
There was silence on the line for a second them Aries replied, "I'll get you your case, the lights will go out thirty seconds after I give you the case. The lights will come back on within ten seconds of you jumping."
"Okay, let's do this."
"Oh and one more thing!"
"I believe in you,Hawkeye. Give em hell,"
"I love you too Aries. See you when I get out."
"Promise." Clint lied, he wasn't even sure if he was going to make it off his platform before being gunned down.
At that the radio clicked off and for a tense minute Clint heard nothing, then a hard grating sound as something came up on the lift. His case with his bow and arrows.
Moving as quickly as possible, Clint tore open the case and ransacked it. Taking his bow and two quivers chock full of trick arrows, he smiled slightly at the feel of the quivers on his back and the grip of the bow against his palm. It has been too long
He thought as the lights snapped off and he readied himself on the edge.
"God speed Aries, God speed." He said to himself and jumped.
Okay, I promise that the new character will be in the next chapter! I'm sorry I took so long with the last chapter,my world has been crazy. As always please vote and comment if you enjoyed it or can guess the new character!
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