The greatest point! Is this the end!?
Time Nest
You were walking around in the Time Nest after completing a parallel quest with some intermediate Time Patrollers. You came here to check on Chronoa ever since that incident 2 days ago. You both didn't see each other yesterday. And there was only 3 days till you date with her.
Y/n- Damn I wish we could do that again...
Goku- Do what again?
You turned around to find to find Xeno Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Pan and a young Bulma. You also saw Beat and Note with red hair and red eyes and you concluded that they are probably Super Saiyan Gods.
Y/n- Congrats on becoming Super Saiyan Gods! They probably put you through harsh training!
Note- Thanks!
Alarm- BEEP BEEP BEEP. Demon Clan Armada detected on earth! Calling back up!
Y/n- You guys go me and Aria will keep Conton City safe.
Goku- Thanks!
Vegeta- Alright.
They all left to the Dragon Ball Pedestal in Conton City.
Y/n- Hmph now that they are gone I guess I'll go check on the old man.
You walked in to Time Scroll Hall and found Elder Kai and Chronoa there. Before you could say something you noticed they both had a worried look on their face.
Y/n- Chronoa, Elder Kai what's wrong?
Elder Kai- Toki Toki has been acting crazy lately! It won't stop pecking me and it always tries to scare The Supreme Kai of Time away!
Toki Toki- Tokkkkiiii!!!
Toki Toki flies down towards you and lands on you head and starts moving making you move to a certain section of the Time Scrolls and flew off you head and used it's feet to pick up your arms and make you take out a scroll.
Y/n- You want me to look at this scroll?
You open the scroll and see what's in it and what happened next couldn't have been avoidable.
Earth - Central City
Towa- Attack!
All of her ships blasted the city down destroying buildings and killing people then...
Solider- Ma'am one of our ships went down!
Towa- Is that so? It looks like they fell for the trap. Send all the troops down! We are going to attack them!
All of the ships opened their hatches and all the soldiers flew out with being over a two thousand of them.
Goku- Alright everyone get ready!
They all flew to different areas.
Goten was running away from 10 soldiers then jumped to a rock and jumped off it using it as a boost and turned Super Saiyan knocking out all of them.
Trunks was fighting 20 of them and they completely surrounded him but he took out his sword and created a slash shockwave knocking all of them back.
Vegeta turned Super Saiyan 2 and smashed the ground making it crumble and explode and the soldiers were caught in the attack and some were caught in the debris.
Gohan was fighting soldiers one bye one in Mystic Form hitting them with a single punch or kick knocking them back while he was surrounded by them trying to hit him.
Pan, Note and Bulma were together, Pan used kamehameha to blast most of the soldiers surrounding them and Note uses nothing but pure pressure as a force to hit the other side of the enemies surrounding them. Bulma used here multi-purpose droid to form Missile Mode and shoot missiles at the rest of the enemies.
Goku and Beat charged a kamehameha that went through all the enemies blocking them from getting to Towa. As soon as it reached her she knocked it away with just her staff and it hit a mountain.
She then felt the presence of Frieza and looked behind her only for him to have a Dark Dragon Ball embedded in his stomach.
Towa- This power! It's too much for me to handle! I'm leaving!
And with that she teleported.
Vegeta- Tch!
Frieza walked up to and stood where Towa was standing and with him was Zarbon and Dodoria.
Bulma- N-no way...
They all looked at Bulma back off then they charged and all of them deformed except for Beat and Note since they were Super Saiyan Gods.
Beat- Let's go!
Everyone- HAAAH!
Time Nest
Y/n- Guys get down!
Just then multiple shards shoot out of nowhere and was aimed at them but they all managed to escape it unscathed.
We all went out of the Time Nest to find something we thought would never happen again.
Y/n- They're all here! How did they get inside?!
Mechikabura- Don't worry about that boy. All I want is for you to hand over Chronoa over there.
Chronoa hid behind you clearly terrified about situation.
Y/n- Don't worry I'll protect you.
You then turned Super Saiyan God and rushed at Mira. You punch him square in the face but it didn't effect him.
Y/n- What?!
You then jump back and started to charge then...
Y/n- AND... KAIOKEN!!!
Mira looked surprised but before he could attack you, you were already punched him in the stomach knocking him out. Everyone looked shocked that Mira lost in one hit. You then turn you attention to Gravy and Dabura then you use Molotov (Time Skip).
You ended up knocking out Gravy but heavily damaged Dabura to make him unable to fight. You then turn attention to the last 2 Towa and Mechikabura. But what happened next couldn't have happened at a worse time than this...
Y/n- Oh shit! I used up all my energy already?! Dammit this isn't good!
Towa- For us it is.
She then opens a portal below you and you fell through and echo of your screams could be heard as the portal closed.
Crack Of Time
You were floating around in the Crack Of Time. Where time doesn't flow and shows shards of time.
Y/n- Damn... it's really over huh? I didn't even get to go on the date with Chronoa.
Time Nest
Chronoa- Y/N! NO!
She fell on here knees crying while Elder Kai was just there standing in fear.
Elder Kai- Where is Aria when you need her!
Towa- Aria? Oh that name is familiar... the Android Majin right? Well she's right here.
Towa- Although it's not the same one you guys all know. She is being mind controlled by us. And don't even bother try calling for help cause everyone in Conton City is under our control. We also captured all the mentors and using their powers as medium for ourselves. Meaning we get stronger by the second.
Chronoa- And what about Goku and the others?!
Mechikabura- Oh them don't worry about them we made them fight: Frieza, Cell, Slug, Bojack, Turles, Kid Buu and Broly which have the Dark Dragon Balls. I'm gonna send all of the Gods and Goddesses of the Demon Clan to retrieve them as we speak.
And with that Towa and the others disappeared leaving only Elder Kai, Mechikabura and Chronoa.
Mechikabura- This is gonna be fun.
He walks towards them but Elder Kai blocked him from getting to her.
Elder Kai- Over my petrified body!
Mechikabura- Really?
He then touches the Kai and then Elder Kai turns to stone. He walks around the Kai and stopped looked down at Chronoa with a wide grin on his face.
Mechikabura- Looks like I've won.
Chronoa looked very scared and tried to back but Mechikabura used his magic to mind control Supreme Kai of Time. And by the time it was finished she looked like this.
Toki Toki- KIIIIII!!!
???- So does that mean it's time? Alright let's go. To the Crack of Time.
Toki Toki- KIIIIII!!!
Then a bright light engulfed the person and he disappeared and reappeared in the Crack of Time.
???- Ok Toki Toki let's find y/n quickly!
This man starts flying all over the place and finally finds you.
???- Oh damn looks like you've been using a deadly technique and the backlash did a number on you!
You turn your head and see him.
Y/n- Who are you?
???- Me? Oh well I'm...
Y/n- I see... wait... as in THE KAZUTO?! THE VESTROIA GUARDIAN?!
Kazuto- I see you have heard of me. It's a good thing Aria was in a mood for sweets then.
Y/n- Wait what? You know Aria?
Kazuto- Of course I know Aria! She's my girlfriend.
Y/n- Wait what?! You two have been dating?! And how come I didn't know?
Kazuto- Because I went missing after we sealed Demigra.
Y/n- I see. And what did you mean it's a good thing she was in the mood for sweets?
Kazuto- I may or may have not drugged her to forget out encounter.
You just give him the 'What the Fuck' face.
Kazuto- If I didn't then I wouldn't be here to help you fix the shit.
Y/n- Ok.
Toki Toki then created a portal that leads to Conton City, we will be inside the Orange Star High school. He throws me a Senzu and I eat it and regained my stamina back.
Conton City - Orange Star High school
Kazuto- Here's some better clothes.
He throws you a capsule and the clothes pop out and you start to change into this.
Y/n-(though) Huh nice clothes.
Kazuto- Ok let me break it down for you on what's going on cause when you were in that rift for 7 minutes 7 days had passed already. In that span Goku and the others returned and were captured. Making Vegeta under their mind control so we might have to fight him. Then there's the Demon Gods and Goddesses that stop us from reaching Mechikabura. If we kill Mechikabura then we can free Chronoa. We only have 10 Senzu Beans so I say we be wise.
Y/n- Why? I mean we'll just split it half half right?
Kazuto- Right and wrong. Then one you ate was one of them leaving nine I thinks it's perfect for us since now we can get 3 each.
Y/n- I don't know if it's me or are you stupid? There's 9 so one will get 4 and the other 5!
Kazuto- That's the thing. I have someone here to help us as well. Come on out Dante!
He walks out of his hiding spot behind the door.
Dante- So are you guys ready?
Kazuto- Yep just need to do one thing. Here!
Dante catches what he threw and it revealed to be Potara.
Dante- I see so out situation is that bad?
Kazuto- Yep.
Y/n-(thought) So it's so bad that they have to resort to Potara? Damn looks like I'm in for it!
Kazuto-(serious) Also guys just so you know... there's only one way to win this without losing a casualty... we must kill Mechikabura.
Me and Dante nod then we all left the school and flew towards the Time Nest.
Y/n- Won't they attack us?
Dante- Don't worry they can't detect our Ki cause I activated a Ki sensing dampener.
Y/n- Wow! Impressive.
We all land in front of the portal.
Kazuto- Although it won't work once we get inside. Let's go.
We all get inside and we got through and for us to be immediately attacked by Gravy.
Gravy- I don't know how you managed to get out but I can finally have the pleasure of killing you!
Y/n- Well see about that!
You turn SSGSS and punch him in the face then kick him in the stomach sending him flying in the air the you Instant Transmission above him then use Sledgehammer knocking him down and knocking him out.
Y/n- Whew that was easier than I thought.
Dabura- *spits*
Kazuto- Move.
He pushes you out of the way of Dabura's spit.
Kazuto- Dabura your fight is with me! You guys go on I can handle him.
We both start to move to the Time Vault but we are stopped by Mira and Towa.
Dante- Mira! I've been itching to have a round 2 with you!
Mira- Dante? Heh... if you say so cause now you have a death wish!
He charged at Dante and Dante went Super Saiyan 3 and uppercut him into the air and smash him down and fire a couple of Ki blast. He then charged straight down for him.
Towa- Heh, looks like Mira is having a little fun. Now as for you! I don't understand how you always get in the way of my plans it just doesn't make any sense! You being alive is enough to destroy them!
Y/n- Hey what can I say? I live to fight!
Towa shot a beam out of her staff and it hit you making your body not work with you. She's trying to mind control you. But you turn Super Saiyan God to reflect it off you.
Dante punched Mira towards Towa and then Towa noticed that Dante was different.
Dante was a Super Saiyan God.
Y/n- Your also a Super Saiyan God?
Dante- Yep!
Y/n- That's cool! Is Kazuto the same?
Dante- Unfortunately he is not, he has no god form.
Towa- Hah! If he can't join the Realm of Gods then what can he do against Dabura?
Just then Dabura was sent flying into the Time Nest and land in between both Towa, Mira, Dante and you. He was unconscious and his body was bruised and he was bleeding.
Kazuto- Just cause I'm not part of the Realm of the Gods doesn't mean I can still kick a gods ass. I mean you see Dabura over there.
We all looked over to see Kazuto in his Super Saiyan 3 form.
Mira- Impossible!
Kazuto- You better believe it! He even lost to me in a sword fight which was his choice! I just used mine as well.
Kazuto- It's original name is Night Sky Sword but I'm calling it Eclipse.
Kazuto- Dante! We're gonna do the dance first!
Dante- Alright!
Just then Dante turned SSGSS and I did the same... but what surprised me even more was that Kazuto's power was still rising and rising then in a flash all I saw was a man with a red tail and red body fur as well as jet black hair and yellow eyes.
(Ignore Potara)
His explosive Ki almost destroyed the the area we were in.
Kazuto- Now everyone shall we pick up where we left off?
Mira got really angry and punched Towa in the stomach making her faint.
Y/n- Wait... don't tell me...! He's-
Dante- He's gonna do it! That asshole!
Dante flew at him but something hit Dante and it made him crash to the ground.
Dante- What the hell was that?!
We all looked up to see Chronoa shot another beam at Dante but Kazuto reflected it with his sword. He kept on doing this since she was sending a barrage of blast at Dante. Dante ate a Senzu bean and recovered.
Y/n- You guys deal with Mira I'm gonna deal with Chronoa!
Dante- Do you think a true loves kiss would work?
Kazuto- Mabye it will work, we might never know...
Y/n-(flustered) Just shut up! I'm leaving and don't you guys dare die!
Both- No promises!
And with that you left and flew towards Chronoa.
Mira managed to merge with Towa giving him powers beyond that of an ordinary god.
Dante- This might be troublesome...
Kazuto- We gotta do what we gotta do!
They both deformed
Mira- Who are you?
???- Us? Kazuto and Dante have merged to take you down! We are-!
Kazuto and Dante have merged into one being with immense power but will it be enough? And will Y/n be able to save the love of his life? So many questions so many possibilities but there's only one way to find out... and it's in...
Time Stops When I'm with Her: Arigatō, mata ne!
Holy crap 3100 words! That's the most I've written in one chapter! Anyway the next chapter will be the last and the finale of this book so I hope you've enjoyed it so far cause I enjoyed making it.
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