004. Possession
(Ep. 3: The Pollywog)
The morning of November 1st consisted of various questionings and many reprimands from Claudia Henderson. All from the worry her daughter went back to her old ways of getting herself into fights.
If it wasn't for Dustin changing the subject to spare his sister as well as himself, the interrogation would have lasted for the entire day.
"So Max came trick or treating with us and showed us the best places to get candy," he interrupted.
"Did you save me some?" Gwen asked and mouthed a thank you after.
"Are you kidding? I stole a couple pieces from Mike just for you," he placed various pieces of candy right in front before receiving a high five from his sister.
If there's one thing they have in common, it was their love in teasing Mike. He always gives the best reactions and gets extremely melodramatic over their pranks.
"That's my brother," she smiled and ruffled his curls. That's when her mother placed a tan flier in front. "What's this?"
Her mother had a terrifying smile which meant she did something Gwen wouldn't like, "Just take a look."
She reached for the flier with bold letters and quickly read it over.
Save the date for the
Miss Hawkins Ball
December 29, 1984
Knowing her mother's intentions, she was the least bit hopeful her suspicions were wrong, "Don't tell me you-"
"I signed you up for Miss Hawkins! What do you think?" she exclaimed in excitement.
Dustin nearly choked on his orange juice at imagining his sister at such a thing. She would never be caught dead participating in any of those events and if she goes through with it, it would definitely be the highlight of the year.
She glared at him and kicked him under the table, but it didn't help his laughter from continuing, "Why would you do that? You know I don't like those events."
Claudia chuckled and walked over to her bedroom to retrieve a photograph of when she was a contestant. Seeing that picture where she was in a bright yellow gown in hand with her late husband brought such a nostalgic feeling. She remembers how fun it was dressing up and learning the ballroom dances. It's something she's dreamt of sharing with her daughter ever since she took her first steps. Now that Miss Hawkins was announced, it seemed fitting to sign her up before she leaves for college since she insisted on graduating early.
"I participated in Miss Hawkins in '59 with Joyce, Karen, and Sue. Of course, Karen won so I thought, now that you're old enough to participate, you could win this for the Henderson family!"
Taking a deep breath, Gwen leaned back against her chair and folded her arms across her chest. Clearly this thing is just a ploy to beat the Wheeler family. Seems like Claudia's been waiting for the longest for a second chance at winning. "If Karen won then Nancy will probably win too," she said, "if she participates."
"Nonsense! You have every opportunity to win," she walked over to her daughter and kissed her forehead. "I already signed you up so there's no going back."
"Then why ask for my input?" she complained.
Claudia kissed Dustin's forehead as well before grabbing her purse to head on to work, "We'll go dress shopping over the weekend! Love you both!"
The door closed and only the two siblings along with Mews were left, "Looking forward to it," she muttered under her breath.
Dustin looked over at her with a taunting smile, "You in a dress? I'd love to see that!"
She rolled her eyes at him, "Don't start or you'll be peddling all the way to school."
He let out a mocking laugh before rushing to the car before she'd be able to leave him. Now that Max is a part of the group, he didn't want to ruin any chances of impressing her by arriving all sweaty to school. He needed to look his best if he wanted to make her Mrs. Henderson.
He looked back at his bedroom window and suddenly remembered his plans on doing research on his new pet (now named Dart). "Do you mind if we make a pit stop before school?"
How to tell her without actually telling her about Dart? He trusted Gwen, but something about this felt different. Like he could only trust it to the party. Besides, he knows how she feels regarding anything that serves as a reminder of the Upside Down.
"To the library," he stated.
Gwen turned to him with a confused look. She knew Dustin was smart and ahead of his time, but he never asked to go to the library this early.
"Umm, why?"
"Because I'm on a train of knowledge! Do you really want to stop me from getting my learning on?!"
"Okay okay! Calm down, I'll take you."
He smiled, "And that's why you're my favorite sister."
"I'm your only sister!" she remarked.
As they drove to the library, Dustin told her about Max and how well she got along with the rest of the party. Not knowing Mike's dislike for her was growing by the minute. Dustin was purely content that Max was finally in their group and he'd get to show her his new discovery.
"Don't take too long or I'm leaving you," she told him as he ran off to the library.
He rolled his eyes and said, "I'll take as long as I want!"
This kid really needs to get his ego in check, she thought.
While waiting for her kid, Gwen couldn't help but recount last night's events. On how different and strange she felt around Steve. Especially how different they seemed to be around each other. She really wanted to find all things wrong with him, but seeing him worry for her was changing her perspective.
Has she been wrong about him all this time?
Were those years hating him just a complete waste?
She frowned at her thinking. Of course she wasn't wrong. She was just in the moment. That's all it can be and besides, he's Nancy's boyfriend so she has to stop thinking of him.
Gwen took a deep breath before being met by the loud tapping of Dustin. Having 5 books in his arms which were nearly falling off, he frustratedly tapped the window until she let him in.
"You really made me drive you here for this? What are they even about-"
Quickly, he slapped her hand off and yelled, "No! These are for my eyes only!"
She rolled her eyes and started the engine. Even more annoyed at this seemingly wasted drive, "I'm never driving you anywhere again."
"You say that every time," he commented.
"Yeah well, one day I'll mean it."
Gym period has always been Gwen's least favorite class. Not because of the exercising part. She enjoyed her fair share of working out, but this class was more focused on the sports thing, which she isn't a big fan of. Especially now that basketball is being prioritized because of the big game coming up.
As she sat by the bleachers, she simply watched Steve and Billy play against each other. It seemed things returned to normal considering Billy was back to his usual asshole self. Of course, he was avoiding Gwen at all costs since he didn't want to face the fact he hurt the girl he was captivated by.
Billy instead placed his focus on detrothing Steve from his title as king of Hawkins High. Determined to humiliate him and take on his godly role, he shoved him to the ground every chance he could.
Knowing Gwen was watching, Steve stood up in a quick second ignoring the harsh blow on his back. Even the smallest mistake would give her enough material to torment him, but not with this. He was determined not to embarrass himself.
"Whoo! That's what I'm talking about!" Tommy H. exclaimed in delight at Billy making the basket toss and defeating his former friend. Billy glanced at the bleachers hoping Gwen was looking and was impressed by his skills. He smirked upon seeing Gwen hiding a smile thinking it was over his win, to not realize it was linked to Steve falling on his ass.
"Steve?" Nancy's voice brought the attention of the others. All of them had witnessed the fight between the Hawkins' 'it' couple and the fight after which so coincidentally had Steve involved.
Reluctantly, Steve followed Nancy out the exit doors as he didn't want to face the girl that broke his heart the night prior. He had spent all night tossing and turning, just replaying their argument and the way she believed him to be 'bullshit.' Of course he knew that Nancy was hurting, but he just didn't know how to help her with her grief since she constantly kept blaming herself even when he tried convincing her that it's not her fault.
He figured that trying to return to normalcy could help her, but everything had backfired. Now, he's not sure what he's going to do and especially since he heard Jonathan had driven her home. Maybe he was the reason for this? Maybe she had fallen for him when they worked together last year. He tried figuring everything out, but his mind started to suddenly focus on Gwen and how afraid he was at the worry he felt for her last night.
It didn't make sense. Why would he care for someone as intolerable as her? For someone who's done nothing but make his life a living hell?
Steve was halfway to the exit when the sudden need to see her took over. He searched for her in the bleachers, making out her dark brown hair that was placed neatly to the side. She was conversing with Tina and appeared to be disinterested in what the girl was saying, but she kept nodding her head, listening to what she had to say.
Billy was getting ready to make another shot, only he noticed the interest Harrington's gaze held. He found himself displeased, angered that another boy had the nerve to look at her. Slowly, he started walking in front of his view, glaring at him with a threatening look as he refused to have any boy become interested in her.
"Step in, Henderson," Coach ordered her without looking up from his clipboard.
She rolled her eyes, "Do I have to?"
"Join in. Don't make me say it again," he ordered.
"Ugh fine," she tied her hair back and reluctantly approached the court. "Guess I'm stepping in."
Tommy let out a laugh before calling Billy over, "Take a look at this. Coach sent over a girl to play against us kings."
Gwen couldn't help but laugh at hearing him address himself and the others as kings. If there's one thing she hated, it was hearing men praise themselves over their pretentious egos. Especially when they pride themselves over their misogyny. "What's the matter? Afraid a girl can play better than you?"
The others started gathering around them as they were now expecting a one-on-one game between the two. Tommy folded his arms across his chest and put this unbothered look, "Me? Afraid? We both know men are better at this than women."
"How about we play a game then?" she challenged.
Tommy looked at all of his teammates and felt a tinge of regret for his comment as he was afraid of getting humiliated.
"Look at that everyone! Tommy here is afraid a woman will beat him!" she announced with a teasing smile.
His jaw became clenched as he turned to Billy and whispered, "I don't really have to do this, right?"
He turned to him with an amused look, "Oh but you do. So get on with it."
Tommy gulped before being handed the ball. He glanced at Gwen nervously as she was more than ready for this game. He began dribbling and fearfully tried making his way past her, unaware of the skills she mastered back in middle school and hadn't used until now.
The others watched as Gwen gracefully took the ball from him and shoved him to the ground. She smiled upon seeing that defeated look on his face and easily made the winning shot.
Tommy's pride had been stripped away when the rest of his teammates started laughing at his loss. They congratulated Gwen as she walked in his direction with the ball in hand, "I'll be kind and let you make the shot. Just take it," she said with a smile.
He wasn't sure if this was a trick or not. He looked around as if expecting his friends to rescue him, but none of them wanted this show to end.
"Come on. I don't bite," she said once more.
Slowly reaching forward for the ball, he figured a surprise jump would give him back control. Only his attempt failed when he fell on his ass when Gwen moved past him. With his sneakers squeaking against the glossy floor, he became more frustrated at losing this game. Not just to anyone, but to a girl.
"Dude! What's the matter with you?" A dark haired boy yelled through choked up laughs, but with a small hint of annoyance his friend was getting his ass kicked.
Gwen chuckled and bounced the ball as she waited for him to stand up. She looked around the gym and finally noticed everyone was watching her, but not with the same condescending looks. They were impressed.
With the ball in hand, she stretched out her arm and turned serious, "Here. Take it once and for all."
Tommy stumbled upon standing up and stepped forward. Gwen took the chance to dodge him once more and ran towards the net before giving a giant leap until the ball made it safely in.
Everyone watched with amazement and slight shock at the sight. They never expected Gwen to be this great at basketball and beat one of the team's members. It was embarrassing and humiliating for him to lose this hard and never once have made a shot.
She bounced the ball to Tommy and finally let him catch it and take a breather. She smiled and started walking towards the exit when she felt Billy's arm grab hers. "That was impressive, beautiful."
Rolling her eyes, she harshly shoved his arm off and ignored him continuing to call after her. If he believed she would forget everything because of one simple compliment, he's even more of an idiot than she thought.
Making her way outside, she automatically felt the crisp November air brush against her cheeks. She leaned her back against the brick wall, looking up at the gloomy sky until she closed her eyes for a split second. That is until she heard her name coming from the alley behind the school.
"Gwen was there as well?!" exclaimed Steve.
"Yes! She and Jonathan took me home, so I don't understand where you got that he was the only one there!"
There was a long moment of silence. It was quite uncomfortable being near them that it was making her want to head back inside. "Was- was she okay?" he stammered.
Gwen was surprised at the question. Why in the world was he asking for her? Especially asking his girlfriend.
Nancy scoffed, "I told you I don't remember much and you're asking me if she was okay? I thought you hated her."
Steve struggled to find the right words and tried not to mess things up, but all he could say was, "Of course I do. Always have and always will."
"Are you sure?"
Gwen wasn't sure why she cared to hear his response or why her heart was suddenly racing. She wanted to leave, to head back inside, but here she was. Just waiting for an answer.
Being under the same predicament, Steve became lost in the question. He was unsure why it became so hard to answer because he did hate her. He did... but why would saying it outloud seem so incredibly wrong?
Did he find her annoying? Yes.
Was she the most unpleasant woman he's met? Of course.
He stayed quiet for what seemed forever. His two spectators were waiting for his response on the edge of their seats, counting down the minutes until he said those words.
"Steve?" Nancy asked in a circle of doubt.
Trying to avoid looking into her eyes, he looked down at the ground before saying, "I do hate her, Nance. I can never like someone like her."
Someone like her.
There was no doubt many spoke ill of her. It's no question. Everyone hated her simply for who her best friend is. Of course, not that her previous reputation isn't to blame for, but she never cared for what complete strangers thought of her. Only those who meant most to her mattered so it became surprising that she felt bothered by Steve's response. His hatred was real. Every insult, every torment, every mock, it was all genuine.
Just like it was to her.
She remained in place, simply waiting for anything to happen that'd make her leave and give her the strength to head back inside, but nothing occurred. Their arguing continued, but there was nothing in her interest anymore, until those words...
"I was drunk Steve! I don't remember any of that!"
"So that makes everything that you said, it's what? Just bullshit too?!"
"Yes!" she exclaimed.
"Well then tell me," he wanted to know how she felt for him. If she loves him, everything will get better and he wouldn't have to be afraid of starting to think of her.
Nancy's brows cinched in confusion, "Tell you what?"
Steve was afraid as to what her answer would be. He was afraid that she'd tell him she doesn't love him, but a small part of him was also afraid that she does.
"That you love me," he finally said.
She smiled, surprised the Steve Harrington wanted to hear her proclaim her love, "Really?"
"Harrington, we need you! That asshole is killing us!" One of his teammates called out. He turned to Gwen with furrowed brows before giving her out, "Gwen? What are you-"
"Shut up!" she angrily whispered before shoving him back inside. The last thing she needs is for them to know she heard everything. Even that awful "love" confession.
Steve and Nancy felt their bodies turn cold as they realized she heard everything. Of course, this was a problem for Steve, but not to her since she would have told her later on.
He waited for her to say the words, but her silence gave everything away.
She didn't love him.
She meant every word she said.
"I think you're bullshit," was the last thing he said before heading back inside.
That damned history test prevented Gwen from ditching with Nancy and Jonathan. He offered to wait for her, but Nancy's plan was too great not to do right away, so with reluctance, Jonathan went on his first mission without Gwen.
For the rest of the day, she longed for the hours to go by quicker. She checked the clock multiple times just reminding herself that everything would soon be revealed and Hawkins will finally know the truth.
"Are you coming to the festival tonight?" Tina asked as she walked by her side towards the parking lot.
She frowned at the thought of another crowded event, "Not in the mood for anything after last night."
Tina rolled her eyes and playfully shoved her, "Come on. It'll be fun and I heard Billy's coming. Maybe you two can fix things."
She let out a laugh at how ridiculous she sounded, "I don't think you realize that he threw me onto a glass table. We don't need to fix anything and considering he hasn't apologized, it's clear he doesn't feel shitty for what he did."
"Fair point," she said before meeting up with Carol. "You should still come either way! Maybe you can bring that freaky friend of yours!"
"What did I say about you calling him that?!"
Tina sheepishly smiled, "I'm sorry! I can't help it!"
It was surprising that Tina, out of all people, was one of the few from the popular crowd that befriended Gwen. Many view her as a stuck up girl next door and she is indeed, but she was sweet and friendly to her. Of course, rude sometimes but not on purpose. Tina's the type of girl who's mean without intending to be. If she really was such a terrible person, Gwen would have stopped being her friend from the start.
Tina and Carol vanished into the crowd as Gwen hurried to the exit. She hated dismissal time and how crowded the halls would get. Being extremely close to the others was more than suffocating, it was nightmarish.
She drove to Hawkins Middle School, enjoying the small minute of complete silence that would soon be interrupted by her kids. She drove at a slower pace, expecting the parking lot to be filled, but was surprised it had emptied much faster.
Gwen waited for the others to walk out, but it was now thirty minutes past dismissal time. It's very unlike them to not leave the building immediately, which made her worry that something was wrong. She knew she was being paranoid and they're probably chatting with Mr. Clarke about science or something, but either way, Gwen wanted to make sure everything was alright.
The pebble stones scraped against her boots as she made her way through the side entrance of the school. Soon facing the nostalgic hallways of the school she once attended, she found herself getting distracted once passing by her old locker that happened to be three lockers away from Jonathan's.
And only two from Steve.
Gwen rolled her eyes, frowning at suddenly thinking about him because why should she waste her thoughts on him? She took a deep breath and continued walking down, soon finding herself standing in front of the gym.
The memory of when she tossed her first basketball that cold December day brought a smile to her face. Who would have thought basketball is the one sport she's great at? But despite her hidden talent, she refused to participate in any sporting events.
Her trip down memory lane was suddenly interrupted by a loud voice, "Come on guys! Let me in!"
Gwen hurried down the corridor to find the girl her brother was fascinated by standing in front of the AV room.
Mad Max.
The redhead pounded against the door with all her might only to receive no response from the opposite side. She frustratedly kicked her shoes against the door before noticing the girl his brother was dating standing right in front.
"Everything alright?"
"You're Billy's girlfriend, right?" Max blurted out as it was the only thing her mind thought of. Considering Billy was nicer to her ever since he started dating Gwen, she could only hope they hadn't broken up.
She scoffed, "He wishes I was."
Leaning closer to the door, she paid close attention to the whispers of the four boys and hoped they weren't in any kind of trouble. It seemed strange that Max wasn't allowed in after Dustin rambled on how incredible she was.
"Why did they lock you out?" she asked Max, who was frustratedly kicking the floor underneath her.
Max shrugged, "I don't know. Dustin found this slug-like creature and we were about to show it to Mr. Clarke when Mike came rushing in all panicked." She folded her arms across her chest and furrowed her brows in pure confusion, "He mentioned something about the Upside Down and then all of them rushed into the room and decided to lock me out for whatever reason."
A slug-like creature and the Upside Down.
Could it be...?
No, it couldn't. The Upside Down was gone. It had to be. It can't possibly be back... right?
"Don't let it be true," she mumbled in sudden fright. There could be a reasonable explanation for this, but shutting out Max made it clear that it's probably about that dreadful place.
She started pacing around the halls as she ignored the confused stare from Max. The memories of having fought that creature overwhelmed her from knowing she couldn't do this again. Not anymore, and what about Will? Was he in any kind of danger if everything really is back?
She knew right then and there she couldn't break down in front of Max, someone with no idea on what this town hides, and it's best she never knows. For Gwen knew that anyone who learns of this secret will suffer the consequences, and this innocent girl has no business endangering herself.
Noticing how pale she'd gotten and how worried and scared she turned, Max walked closer to ask if she's alright when Gwen started pounding against the door.
"Is it bad?" she simply asked.
"Open up!" No answer, only their shared whispers and the sound of tumbling were heard. "Damn it! Unlock this door right now!" she demanded.
Max asked, "Should we kick the door?"
"What?" She had no time to listen to what the girl was saying. All she was focused on was finding out what's happening and if it's back.
"Kick the door down!" Max exclaimed.
Surprised at her raised voice, she looked down at the feisty girl waiting for her to obey her command. Gwen ignored her and said once more, "If you don't open this door right now, I'm kicking it down!"
"Just do it!"
"Wow you're bossy!" Gwen exclaimed through a smile. Max simply nodded with a proud smirk and walked back to let her do her thing, unsure if she really was going to do it.
Gwen took a step back before slamming the door open with her boot. The door swung open, revealing the boys with stunned expressions at the action.
Her eyes landed upon the table, following the ground when seeing Dustin's ghost trap laid wide open. In a quick instant, a slug-like creature burst through the open door to escape.
"What the hell is that?!" she blurted out.
All the boys ran through the door. Not before Dustin and Lucas toppled over Gwen and Max while Mike and Will searched around the hallway for the slimy creature.
"Get off me!" she demanded.
"Where did he go?!" Lucas exclaimed, still on the ground.
All the kids searched frantically for the creature, leaving the two girls confused on what just happened.
Max turned to Gwen and asked, "Do you know what that is and why it's bad?"
Oh, she did indeed. One of them nearly killed her last year and if it wasn't for the surprising save of Steve, she would probably be dead. Of course, it's not like he didn't owe her when she saved him first.
Ignoring the Mayfield girl, she helped her brother up and asked, "Tell me what's happening right now!"
The frightened kid looked at each of his friend's faces, understanding they wanted her to know and it's best if they get all the help they can get. "Last night I found this creature. His name's Dart by the way. I named him after-"
"Cut to the chase," Gwen interrupted.
"They think it's from you know where but I refuse to believe it."
Gwen's fear turned into worry in a quick second. She spent this entire year praying to forget what happened and hope that one day the nightmares will vanish, but now everything is starting to come back.
She grabbed her brother's arm along with Lucas' and hurried them back into the AV room. All of them gathered in a circle and leaned closer as they waited for her to say something.
She looked at each of their frightened faces and whispered, "Does she know anything?"
"Not yet."
"Know what?" Max popped her head into the circle and hoped that at least Gwen would tell her everything seeing as the others don't want to give in.
She ignored her once more and focused on the rest of the kids, "Let's split up and find whatever that thing is and we take it to Hopper after. Does everybody understand?"
"He's not going to hurt anyone!" Dustin exclaimed.
Mike yelled back, "You don't know that! He could still be growing for all we know!"
Eyes rolling to the back of her head, Gwen was becoming more annoyed at this bickering. She slammed her hand against the table and snapped at each of them, "I said does everybody understand?!"
All of them turned silent knowing there's no use arguing with her. She gets her way every time no matter how much they disagree.
"We do," Lucas declared.
Mike and Will nodded while Dustin started his pouting. He folded his arms across his chest and glared at her with that ominous look that meant he would never let his sister live this down.
"Mike, you'll go with Will, and Lucas with Dustin. I'll go with Max," she ordered before each parted their separate ways.
Max eagerly jumped at the idea, happy to be included in whatever mission this was and determined to get answers on what's really happening. She followed Gwen as she turned down the corridor and headed for the gym.
With a slight smile developing, she got the courage to ask, "So will you be the one to tell me everything?"
Gwen smiled at her stubbornness. Her headstrong personality was already winning her over. She could see why Dustin liked her so much and hoped things would end well for him. He needed someone to bring him down from his pedestal and to get his ego in check.
"I'm not, so you might as well just ask the others and see if they'll tell you."
Max frowned and followed her to the locker room. Both of them began searching in every corner and in every place anything could hide in.
"How long have you been skating?" Gwen asked to make some conversation in the silence.
The redhead looked down at her board, surprised anyone asked her about it. "Oh, umm, since I was little. Skate parks were my favorite thing back then."
"Sucks there's not a single one here."
"You got that right," she responded.
Max began wondering if it'd be alright to ask her if things with her brother were serious. If by any chance, she could be the one to make him better considering he yelled at her less and stayed out of her business, which he never did until now.
Gwen was quick to notice something was in her mind. She was strangely quiet, which was odd based on what Dustin told her this morning. She shone her flashlight on her and asked, "Whatever it is you want to ask, just spit it out."
The redhead raised her brows in surprise, confused how she knew she did in fact wanted to ask something. Could she read minds or what?
"Are you and Billy serious? Is your relationship going to last?"
Of course not, Gwen thought, but it seemed wrong to tell his sister this. Even if they don't have the healthiest relationship, she figured it was better not telling Max what she actually thought.
"I don't know, little red. I honestly don't know."
Max shrugged it off and continued searching around the room. She focused on the furthest corner and could almost swear she saw the creature hiding in the shadows. Walking closer, she held her breath and shielded herself with her board.
Gwen followed her on the tiptoes of her boots and quietly pushed Max behind her. She crouched down upon the shadow to realize it was nothing but a basketball. Looking back at Max, who still hadn't realized, Gwen started getting the idea on how to welcome her into the party.
Max was on the edge of her seat, digging her nails into her jeans as she waited for Gwen to say anything. Her heart pounded against her chest and her hands started trembling. Slowly walking closer to her, she was suddenly met by Gwen turning to her with a loud yell as she tossed the basketball to her. The young girl jumped back and screamed in fright, making her drop her skateboard that created a loud banging noise.
Gwen couldn't help but laugh at her reaction as she prided herself in having scared the newest member of the party. She took the basketball from her hands and continued laughing despite the annoyed glare coming from the young girl.
"Are you serious?! You scared the shit out of me!"
"You made it too easy!" Gwen ruffled her ginger hair while receiving a hard shove from her.
Max wanted to continue being annoyed, but she couldn't help but smile as this was the most welcomed she's felt. Of course, Halloween still held the number one spot, but she was just glad to be getting along with her brother's girl, considering all the girls he would bring home tease her or just ignore her.
Gwen headed for the door and said, "Dart's not here, so let's go somewhere else."
That's when Mike stormed in looking irritated as ever. He frowned when seeing Max and said, "What are you doing here?!"
"Hey, relax, Wheeler. We're looking for Dart or did you forget?"
"This is the boys' room so neither of you should be here!" he bellowed.
Was he really raising his voice at her?
She was about to scold him, but Max beat her to it, "So?"
"So you should go home!" he yelled and stormed out of the locker room.
Both girls exchanged puzzled looks before Max followed after him. Gwen didn't want to get involved in this preteen drama, so she settled on leaving the gym as soon as possible.
"Why do you hate me so much?" Max asked.
"I don't hate you. I don't even know you," he told her as he tried walking away from her, but she was too keen on getting to the bottom of this to let him get away.
Gwen pushed through the gym doors and walked to the end of the corridor. However, she stopped halfway when getting the feeling of someone watching her. It was such a strange yet familiar feeling. Something that reminded her of last year, but couldn't quite wrap her finger around. She turned around and observed every inch of the hallway, but it was empty. Not a single soul in sight.
She took a step forward, sensing that something was near. She started walking to the end of the hall when a sudden loud noise came from the opposite end. Worrying that the others found the creature, she dropped everything and rushed to the sound.
Not realizing that her suspicions that someone was watching her were right.
Gwen turned around the corner and was soon facing a distraught Will, except he was running out the bathroom terrified. "Will!" she yelled and followed after him with as much speed, but the kid was running so fast that she lost him in a matter of seconds. "Will!" She continued running when she bumped into her brother, who was heading to the bathroom for his precious pet.
"Did you find Dart?"
"Did you see Will?"
Dustin shook his head and looked back to find Max now meeting them. Gwen turned to look at her, hoping that she knew something about Will, but she just shook her head at her. Panic started running through her as she worried something could happen to him and that he's in any kind of danger. Tears started to form at the guilt she didn't run fast enough to reach him.
Why did she have to stop? Why couldn't she keep going?
She was supposed to protect him... and she failed him.
"Gwen!" The familiar voice of Joyce Byers said as she hurried to them. Instant relief was felt at the sight of an adult and of someone who knew the severity of this. "Where's Will?"
"He's at the field!" Lucas said in an out of breath voice after having run back to them from the exit. All of them rushed outside frightened the Byers' kid was hurt. Gwen wasn't the religious type, but at this moment all she could do was pray that he was safe and unharmed.
But the second they reached the field, she then realized her prayers were of no use.
Will stood in the middle of the field with his eyes rolled back and his hands pressed against his side as he trembled involuntarily as if he was in some kind of trance.
"I just found him like this!" Mike explained when Joyce and the others arrived. "I think he's having another episode!" Joyce began shaking his shoulders, trying to break off this trance he was stuck in.
Gwen was frozen in fear. Her hands were trembling at the fear of him getting hurt. She was supposed to take care of him. She was the oldest and it was her responsibility and she couldn't even do that. If anything were to happen to him, it would be her fault. No one else's but hers.
"Will! Wake up! It's mom!" Will continued shaking vigorously, stuck in whatever maze his mind had trapped him in with no desire of returning him. Everyone anxiously waited for the boy to return. Every agonizing second felt like an eternity at the fear he wouldn't come back. "Will! Please wake up! Please!"
Dustin tightly gripped his sister's arm, feeling terrified and panicked at the sight of his friend twitching uncontrollably. Both siblings felt useless and powerless that they couldn't do anything to help. Each became tempted to call for the boy, but if his mother's voice wasn't enough, what's to say theirs would be?
Everyone finally took a breath of relief once Will opened his eyes. He gasped for air as if he hadn't taken a breath as well. Relieved his son was back, Joyce embraced him tightly and took in every detail of him.
Every single hope of things returning to normal were now gone. Gwen knew there was no logical explanation for this.
It was back.
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