Flame Of Destiny (fic DBSK)
[ARTBOOK] It's been such a long time since I last updated on wattpad. It used to be my super favourite social media. Honestly It means a lot cause It came to me as a precious part of my childhood, which I'll never forget. That was the time when I was really into drawing, I spent most of my freetime drawing and painting. I was so dumppp and weird that time, making a lot of mistakes, but I always grateful beacause I could be me, stroke up new relationships with so many friends who have a lot things in common. We have so many memories, can tell how beautiful they were. It just like a dream that I always wanted to come back at that time...…
Một kẻ phản diện đáng thương cố gắng vùng vẫy trong bãi bùn lầy được ông trời ưu ái cho thêm một cơ hội đổi mệnh Liệu rằng cô ấy có thể vùng ra khỏi sợi dây định mệnh đang trói buột cô với đâm người đó không ?-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- *Lưu Ý*: OOC,OC,ngược nhẹ,có cảnh quan hệ TD,chưa xác định cp,..v.v Cp: chưa xác định…
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