thao thức
có ai thấu hiểu nỗi cô đơn của một gái già đau khổ 20 tuổi??? :3…
có ai thấu hiểu nỗi cô đơn của một gái già đau khổ 20 tuổi??? :3…
Đọc i òi bít:3…
This fanfic was orginally posted on on February 28th. Story following the Loud siblings exploring a mysterious place. Inspired by Doraemon the movie: New Nobita's Great Demon - Peko and the Exploration Party of Five. If you haven't watch that, I recommend you should watch it before read my fanfic. Summary: Lincoln and the twins brought a dirty dog home without their parents knows. After a few days it lives with the kids, it has done something on Lisa's machine and found a mysterious place on Earth. So they concluded that they would go explore that place. Lola will be the main character of the story. (Warning: My English is bad). Cover art by me and it look likes shit.…
I'm come back…
Đặt OTP yêu thích vào đây…
Section VIII – Infectious DiseasesSection Editors:Christopher Hoffmann, MD, MPH Nicola Zetola, MDChapter 53 – Fever of Unknown OriginScott Kim, MD Rachel Damico, MD, PhD Paul Auwaerter, MDFAST FACTS ▪ The contemporary understanding of fever of unknown origin (FUO) is derived from Petersdorf and Beeson's 1961 characterization of FUO. A stringent definition of FUO is composed of the following criteria[1]: temperature higher than 38.3° C measured on several occasions, 3-week duration (to exclude self-limiting fevers), negative blood cultures, no apparent explanation, and three outpatient visits or three hospital days. ▪ Infections, malignancies, and noninfectious inflammatory diseases account for the majority of cases of FUO. ▪ In patients older than 65 years, temporal arteritis should be considered early in any evaluation. ▪ Patients with FUO who remain undiagnosed after exhaustive study usually have a favorable prognosis. In one study, in a cohort of 61 patients with FUO discharged without diagnosis, the 5-year mortality rate was only 3.2%.[2]…
Minga Jimin top 25 tuổi là idol Yoongi bot 17 tuổi hs cặp phụ KookV...…
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