Tất Cả Là Vì Em Thôi
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Đọc đi thì biết<3…
👉👉NGUYÊN LIỆU LÀM MÓN GỎI CUỐN.- Lấy cảm hứng từ món ăn đường phố. Sử dụng các loại rau củ quả, rau thơm làm nguyên liệu chính. Kết hợp với tôm, thịt gà, nấm và đậu hũ. Món ăn này phù hợp cho người ăn chay và ăn chế độ để giảm cân. Với lượng calorie trung bình khoảng 80-100 Kcal cho mỗi cuốn.…
Careful Lizzy, it is not the time to play around" a voice echoes throughout the snow-covered plains. Mid-autumn, the season of hardship with countless snowstorms, animal migration, and the bloodlust of those that are meant to be dead reaches the highest.A carefree young lassy decided that it was prime time to go for a stroll. Her name is Lizzy. Since her birth, Lizzy has always been fascinated by all the stories told through songs and oral stories passed down through many generations of her tribe about a fiery ram resided below the mountain, the shard of men turned into a violent beast, bringing death and destruction, about a phoenix encroached in ice and her wing of freedom bringing hope and happiness to all people of this accursed land we called home. She has always been an energetic and kind child but never truly gets along with her peers. They said she was always in the sky, never truly down to earth, always chasing something irrelevant. Her only friend is a black hair boy named "Eskel". A forlorn soul adopted by the tribe when he has nowhere to call home. He has black hair, the same color as the bad omen told around the bonfire. Together they made all the shenanigans throughout their childhood.…