Chapter 4 - The Hunt
The Impala's engine hushed as Dean's foot pressed against the brake and brought her to a slow stop in front of an old dirt path leading out into the woods. The path veered off from the park's campsites and cabins and led towards the hiking trails and streams that weren't sitting in the middle of the location. Sam unfolded the park map and his hazel eyes studied it's contents while Dean opened the driver's side door and stood up, slamming it closed behind him. His tall figure passed your window and out of sight, but the sound of the trunk popping open let you know where he was. Your stomach was in knots and your body began to shake beyond your control. You had no idea what you were doing or what you had really signed up for and it scared the hell out of you. The sound of paper crinkling filled the car as Sam folded the map back up and opened his car door to meet up with his brother. The door closed and you were alone in the Impala. Your chest puffed out as you took a long, shaky breath to collect yourself and ease the nerves. The backpack slid off the seat in your grip and the back door of the Impala opened and you stepped out into the forest surrounding you. Campfire smoke and the smell of trees, fresh wood and nature filled your nose. The sound of kids riding their bicycles down the trails and roads of the park and the trickling of the rivers and springs broke up the sound of birds singing and dogs barking. You took another breath, but instead of inhaling the scent of man and alcohol like you did in the Impala, it was fresh and earthy. This would probably be the only good part of this job so you soaked it up like a sponge. The backpack you carried now hung over your shoulders and the jacket sleeves were rolled up to your elbows. "Are we ready?" You asked, walking back to the trunk to meet up with them. Your fingers pulled your hair up to the near top of your head and tied it into a ponytail while your eyes looked over the boys. "Yeah, almost." The gruff voice of the shorter brother muffled in the back of the Impala. Dean's hands were buried in the trunk and looking down at what he was doing surprised you. It was /full/ of weapons. "Oh.." you said, peeking over his shoulder. "Nifty." You finished, slipping your hands in your pockets with a sigh. "Are you nervous?" Dean asked, now standing up.
"Is that even a question?" You mumbled, kicking at clumps of dirt and rock with the tip of your boot. The feeling of a strong hand against your upper back made you flinch in fear but that melted into comfort when you looked up at Dean who gave you a reassuring pat. "I won't let anything happen to you."
You gave him a nod and stood up straight in an attempt to look more composed and prepared. The trunk slammed shut and they both gave the park around them one last look to make sure no one had gotten a glimpse of their treasure trove of weapons before walking down the dirt path into the woods. You hurried after them in fear of being the one in the back of line and wrapped your arms around yourself. Sam and Dean scanned the woods and studied each tree trunk closely for claw marks or any signs of the thing they were hunting. In the process of looking Sam caught a glimpse of you tagging along behind and slowed up to meet your pace. "You okay?"
You nodded but looked down at the winding path in front of you with a half frown.
", not really." Your fingers pulled and picked at the hem of your shirt and the buttons of Dean's jacket in discomfort and fear. "I just lost my best friend, found out the monster in my closet was probably real and now I'm with two guys I just met who tell me they're monster hunters and are training me to be one too. I'm in the woods looking for a crazy fast super killing machine with no experience." You shrugged and looked up to him with a half smile. "I'm afraid, Sam." His expression was gentle and understanding and you could only imagine how many times he'd heard someone say things like that. "I get it. Would you believe it if I told you I still get scared sometimes?"
You rubbed your arm and chuckled with a nod. "I wouldn't believe it if you said you didn't get scared."
Sam's smile warmed up your twisted stomach and settled down the nerves attacking you on the inside. He had a way of making you feel safe and comfortable. "I have a question."
"What is it?"
Your teeth nervously chewed at your lip to fight off the anxiety that rested inside of you like a pile of rocks. "Don't take this like I think you guys can't do you job or anything but..If you two.." Your hand moved in an attempt to gesture the word you were avoiding saying but it wasn't clear. "If you two die and I'm out here by myself, what am I supposed to do?" You looked up at him and you knew he saw the fear in your eyes. His brows turned upwards and his face held a frown. "That won't happen."
You shook your head and looked up at your leader standing out against the mass of trees. Dean led the two of you through the winding path with little to no struggle. "If, Sam. If it did somehow. Do I hide? Do I run?" Sam's eyes followed yours to meet up with his brothers back. "Try to get out of here and find help. But you won't need to, We aren't going to die."
Reluctantly, you nodded and took a breath to force out the nerves. "Okay. I trust you." Hearing that put a smile on Sam's face, which put one on yours.
"Sammy! Come over here!"
Sam looked up to Dean who was running his fingertips across the bark of a tree a little ways off the path. Sam jogged over to him and you followed close behind in fear of being left alone in these woods.
When you caught up, they were inspecting a set of large gashes in the tree. Seeing them sent chills down your spine and made you realize how much more real this whole experience was. "These aren't old." Dean said, looking back at his brother. Sam sighed and pulled his bag closer to his shoulder. "Then we better get going. It's getting closer to the park." You said, finally adding to this job. They both gave a nod of agreement and you continued down the path, this time Sam stayed behind you instead of tagging along on the side. Any sound outside of the forest's natural chirping and the sound of your footsteps set you on edge. You felt like you were going insane. You could hardly hold yourself together but you didn't want to look like a child and get sent back to the car.
"Dean." Sam said, pointing off the path to an abandoned backpack near the stream. They both jogged off the path and down the hill hidden beneath the leaves and you stumbled after them, your feet catching almost every rock and root on the way. Dean's hands ran across the disrupted dirt and his lips pursed. "They were dragged. This way." He stood up straight and followed the trail left in the forest floor that quickly came to a stop. "What does that map show you? Does it show the trails?" Dean asked, looking up at the trees. Sam quickly pulled the map from his jacket pocket and unfolded it, looking it over for the answer to Dean's question. "Uh....Yeah! Yeah, they're marked. Each trail that branches off is marked with a sign and color. Looks like they had to start tying colored ropes or ties to the trees due to all of the recent disappearances. Just watch the trees and you should be able to get through safely." Dean nodded and looked back at his brother. "What about any cabins or mines? Caves? It's staying somewhere."
"Not marked off. But there is a waterfall, a big one. Everything gets rocky down there and not many people go down there. We could check it out." Sam and Dean planned and familiarized themselves with the area, excluding you from the conversation. You huffed and looked back behind you at the backpack, deciding to give it a look. The rocks and leaves crunched under your boots as you made your way to the pack on the ground and hushed as you bent down in front of it. Your fingers fiddled with the zipper and opened the backpack to reveal its contents. A water bottle, a bag of trail mix, a flash light, a small knife and a cellphone that had no service. Moving to the next zipper, you opened it to find a wallet. It was old and brown and worn. It held a few cards but most importantly a drivers license. "James Tanner..." you mumbled, reading over the owners name. He was a skinny man with short brown hair and glasses. He probably had family, maybe a wife? Possibly kids. They could all be back at a camper or tent waiting on him to come back. You tossed your pack beside his and began to transfer his items to your own bag. "Y/N! Let's go!" Dean called. You looked up and grabbed your bag and hurried to the man calling after you.
As the three of you made your way to the waterfall the sun began to sink and hide behind the trees, leaving you with less and less light. "Alright." Dean said, veering off the edge of the stream to a small open area in the trees. "We're gonna have to park it for the night. Sam, you get on those Anasazi symbols. Y/N and I will set up the camp fire." You tilted your head and watched Sam walk away from the two of you. "The what?"
"The camp fire?"
"No, the um...The something Nazi?"
Dean shook his head and laughed at you as he bent down to pick up sticks spread out across the ground. "Anasazi. They're symbols, they'll keep this son of a bitch away."
"Oh." You said and nodded, picking up sticks on the other side of him. "Should I be finding some rocks to build a fire pit with?" Dean shrugged and nodded. "Sure. Hey, don't wander off, stay right here. If you can't see me you're way too far."
"Okay. I'll be careful." You started off by kicking some of the bigger rocks around your general area towards the pile of sticks Dean had started building but when you ran out of they just got too small you knew you had to venture out farther. Hesitantly you began to expand your circle of searching until you were near the edge of the stream. It was surrounded and full of rocks so only a few minutes worth of collecting would get you what you needed. Continuously you checked to make sure you and Dean could still see each other but as it grew darker it became harder to keep your eyes on him. Your fear was becoming too much to handle so you began to make your way back to the small 'campsite' you had made. Your heart nearly leapt from your chest at the sound of a twig snapping behind you. Chills ran down your body and your feet started to move as quickly as you could make them. Your arms tucked under the rocks and your swerved through the trees until you saw the two boys poking at the tent of sticks. They looked up at the sound of the rustling and both rushed to you after seeing your horrified face. "What happened? Are you okay?" Sam asked, grabbing your arms and pulling you past the symbols in the ground. Dean pulled out his flare gun and looked past the trees with furrowed brows. You struggled to catch your breath and find out what was going on. "I..I heard a sound, something was behind me. " you whimpered, pulling back from Sam to drop the rocks on the ground. The both of you kicked them around the circle of sticks and Dean reappeared to ignite the pile of twigs and the three of you sat down around the fire. Dean sat on your left, flare gun in hand and Sam sat on your right, poking at the flames. Your cold hands pulled your jacket tight around you and you sighed, looking out into the dark forest around you. You all had ventured so far out that you couldn't even see the park anymore, or any of it's lights. It was dark and cold all around you, all except for the fire. It made you feel even more alone and caught in a trap than before. You were exhausted and terrified and they knew that. Dean glanced over at you and leaned back on his hand. "You look terrible. Why Don't you get some sleep?"
"Sleep? Out here? You're crazy.." you mumbled, holding your hands out to the fire. "You can't stay up all night."
"Like you guys won't?"
Dean's head tilted back to look up at the stars peeking out from behind the darkened trees. "Someone has to watch camp, right? Try to get a few hours in." You looked at him and a faint smile slid onto your face. This was the first time you'd seen him look real. Not like a reference-blurting ghost hunter or smart ass. He wasn't talking and you don't even think he knows you're looking at him. The light of the fire reflected in his emerald eyes and he looked like a real human being, with real feelings. With real fears and hopes and dreams. His pink lips were parted and appeared to be moving slightly, as if he was whispering something. Your smile grew and you looked back at the fire, this time moving your head ever so slightly to get a glimpse of the other man beside you. His cheeks were sunken in and his hazel eyes watched the flames crackle and pop in front of him. The chestnut hair framing his face blew back with the light gusts of wind and either fell into his face or danced away from it. His arm rested on his knee and his tongue ran over his lips as his brows knit together, letting you know he was deep in thought. Your head tilted to the side slightly as you watched him and his eyes caught yours. Your face heated up and you felt embarrassed. He caught you staring at him like a creep but he didn't seem to mind much. The wind blew against you and chilled your skin, causing you to shiver and pull back into your jacket even more. Sam's long arm nudged your shoulder and you looked up to his half smiling face. His arm extended and he waved you over and you hesitantly scooted into his muscular form. "You looked cold." He whispered, rubbing your back and pulling you into him. Your face pressed tight against his chest and you breathed in his musky scent. It was a mixture of warm tones, like fall and sandalwood, then alcohol and body spray. You smiled and nodded, looking up to him. "You just noticed? That wasn't the sound of the fire, that was my teeth chattering." You said half-jokingly. He chuckled and you felt the vibrations move through his chest and into you. You felt move comfortable and much safer this way, and warmer too. Your eyes fluttered shut and your body began to give into the shock and exhaustion. Sam's head leaned back against the tree behind him and Dean's eyes wandered from the stars to his brother cradling you. Dean's jaw clenched and he grabbed the flare gun and turned away from his brother to lay on his side. His weapon tucked under his arm and his back faced the two of you. Sam's brows furrowed and he looked down at you and then back to his brother. Your breathing slowed down and you were fast asleep. The fire was the only sound to be heard and it feathered out into their ears as the brothers both fell asleep in their positions.
When your eyes opened you were met with bright light and Sam's hair in your face. The smell of the smoky fire filled your nose and you turned your head to look around as best as you could in the position you were in. The tall, long haired man's soft snores warned you to be quiet to avoid waking him. As quietly and as gently as you could, you shifted and turned your body so that you could actually face the woods. The bright light of the sun pierced your eyes and woke you up easily. Not even a week ago you woke up to the same sun peeking in your window and the realization of that gave you an empty feeling. You were still trying to decide if you were happy here. Your eyes wandered the campsite, gathering a better understanding of where you were now that you had the light to see it. Dean sat on the other side of the campfire with his back towards you, looking out across the hill that lead to the steam. Sam's arms held your body tight to his own, preventing you from walking over to Dean so you had to improvise. You picked around on the ground for an acorn and flicked it at the back of Dean's head, causing him to yell out in surprise. "Ow! Son of a.." Dean turned around fast but stopped moving when he saw you. He rolled his eyes and looked at you with a glare. "Don't throw rocks at me."
"It was actually an acorn."
His eyes narrowed and you smiled like you hadn't done anything wrong. "How long have you been up?"
Dean shrugged and stood up. "Couple hours. But we need to get moving."
You nodded and turned back to Sam and gave his chest a soft pat. "Sam. Sam?" His head turned and you sighed, lightly pounding both of your fists on his chest and arm. "Sam? Sam!"
His breathing went from a soft, quiet, steady pattern to a sharp inhale as his eyes opened and his head wiggled back from it's resting position. His hair laid a mess in his face, almost completely covering up his eyes as they closed tightly while he let out a long yawn. His arms dropped off your sides and you smile, reaching up to brush the hair from his face. "Good morning." You said, scooting back from him to stand up yourself. His tired eyes followed you and squinted at the sunlight. "Morning.." his morning voice surprised you, it was much deeper than the typical voice you expected to hear out of him. Dean patted your shoulders and handed you your back pack, which you took with a smile and a 'Thank you' Sam was quick to get on his feet and once he did the three of you shut down camp and started on your way.
It didn't take long for you to get tired of walking and tired of seeing the same things. Similar trees, the same stream, and on occasion a couple on bikes or a hiker on the path a while away. You were so far from the path that most times they didn't even see you. And as you continued the amount of people began to lessen and lessen until the last time you even saw anyone other than Sam or Dean was about an hour ago. Your hopes went up when you saw the waterfall. It was just as big as Sam said it would be. Behind the rapidly falling water was a narrow and slippery path of rock that lead to a cave all the way on the other side. "Are we going to cross that?" You asked, looking up at Dean. "Does it look like we have a choice?" You frowned and shook your head. "Not really."
"Exactly. Come on." The winding and steep up and down path to the waterfall's hidden away pathway was slick and dangerous, and it didn't help that you came across a snake either. Dean made quick work of it though. Once you met the rocky path, you got nervous. If anyone slipped and fell it could mean death. The path started out wide and everyone made it though easily, but the roof of the cave came down quickly and made the area low and thin. Dean went first, walking at angle with the majority of his back pressed to the rock wall. You followed hesitantly behind and Sam was after you. It was cold and the rocks were wet from the spray of the waterfall. Your breathing was shaky and anytime your feet would slip up your heart fell into your stomach. When he was a close enough, Dean leapt to the edge and outstretched his arms to you. "Just a little more..." you mumbled, reaching out as far as he could. Your hand reached out to his and he grabbed it fast, pulling you into his arms and away from the edge. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders in fear as when he swung you around like that and for a while you held that position, still afraid to move. Once you had caught your breath you let go of him and brushed yourself off. Sam's long legs leapt to the platform you and Dean stood safely on with ease.
"Everyone good?"
You and Sam nodded to Dean's question and he turned around to face the entrance to the cave. Your heart sunk into your body, wanting to hide away like the rest of you. The boys dug into their bags and pulled out their flare guns and flashlights and you watched anxiously. Within seconds you'll be inside the lair of a monster and it still didn't seem real. Dean's clunky boots moved across the rocky surface and into the cold and dark cave and Sam nudged your back gently. "Come on. I've got your back, I promise." With a hesitant nod you followed after Dean and Sam followed after you.
The cave was dark and damp and smelled like something old and rotten, something dead. Water dropped onto the cold rocks and dirt that made up the floor and the repetitive stomping of the sets of boots splashing water and crushing dirt gave sound to the quiet place. You took a deep breath and looked around the area surrounding you as you pulled your bag around to unzip it and grab your own flashlight and flare gun. You flicked on the light and illuminated the rocks around you. Claw marks decorated the walls and gave you a feeling of uneasiness. The dirt beneath you had been displaced, just like back where that hiker had disappeared from. You didn't know what you'd do when you saw it, this thing you were after. You hoped you'd be able to shoot it but you knew you'd be too scared. You were afraid you'd run off and get yourself lost or even worse, caught. The animalistic low grown echoing through the cave shook you from your thoughts. The three of you stopped and flashed your lights around. The sound came again, this time closer. Dean looked to Sam and pointed down a tunnel branching off of the one you were standing in. Sam nodded and started down the tunnel while Dean walked straight ahead down the path you were already following. Your hands shook in fear as you pulled the gun up to point in front of you like they had, in your best attempt to look as if you knew what you were doing. Sam's light soon disappeared as he turned a corner and Dean's was fading out of sight. Your breathing quickened and your eyes flicked back and forth to secure the area. Slowly, your feet began to move after Dean's light. You were afraid to move your eyes anywhere besides straight ahead at him, you didn't want to check the darkness for the beast. "Help! Help me!" A voice called out from a cave on your right and it was far far away. You pointed the flashlight and your flare gun down the tunnel and bit down on your lip. "Hello? ..Hello!"
"Help me! Please help!"
You thought back to the backpack you had found in the woods and the wallet you had taken. "James..? James!?" The cave looked clear so you began to make your way to the voice. It grew closer and closer and when you turned the corner to where you were sure it was coming from, there was nothing there. It was an empty little cavern. Your brows furrowed and you looked around the place, shining your light in and around it all. You could have sworn this is where it was coming from. "I better get back to Dean, He might have found him."
You turned around and you let you a piercing scream. The Wendigo's claws tore through your shirt and chest like paper, ripping your flesh and releasing a river of blood. A loud blast echoed through the cavern, followed by another loud blast. The light of the flare hitting the rock beside you let you get a glimpse of your wound before you collapsed on to the ground your fingers gripping the rock to try and pull you up. Sam and Dean ran into the cavern, Sam stopped at your side and tore off his jacket to hold to your chest, Dean took off after the bolting monster. "Y/N? Hey hey hey, it's okay, don't move." The edges of your vision began to go fuzzy and white and you were gasping for breath. Sam brushed his hair back behind his ears and away from his face to get a better look at you and your gushing wound.
"Sam.." you whined, tilting your head back as tears rolled down the side of your face. Your jaw was clenched tight and you were starting to lose consciousness. Sam's blood covered hands gripped your face and patted it, tilting your head up to look at him. "Stay with me, Stay with me." Another shot rung out, followed by the screaming howl of the Wendigo and your ears started ringing. "Dean!" Sam called. Nothing gave a response. "Dean!" He yelled out again, looking down at you with fear in his eyes. He was a messy blur with no color now, you couldn't make out anything that was going on. His words began to muffle and mix into white noise. Dean's voice echoed into Sam's and your eyes closed as you let out a wheezing breath.
Sam scooped you up into his arms as Dean ran back into the cavern. Dean's dirty hands grabbed your bag and tossed it over his shoulder and the two brothers ran from the cave with you slipping in and out of consciousness. You felt the spray of the waterfall against your skin while they made their way across the rocky path. Your cheeks were wet with tears and you could hardly think due to the pain you were feeling. "Sam..Dean." You whined in a hardly audible tone that they didn't pick up. Finally, your body gave out and everything faded into a blackness and your arms went limp. They made it up to the path and carried you out of the woods as quickly as they could manage.
The back door of the Impala opened and Sam laid you down carefully before sitting down next to you and Dean slid into the driver's side and started her up, speeding off before Sam could even close the door. Dean's eyes watched you in the rear view mirror and his jaw clenched as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Where's the nearest hospital, Sam."
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