Chapter 3 - Shelter
"Christie?" Your voice called out into the cold and damp alleyway. Your eyes squinted and you slid your phone back into your pocket. A shadow flowed through the alley and you smiled, rolling your eyes. "Christie, you're not funny. Come on! I've been looking for you since I got here, let's get some drinks!" The old brick walls dampened by previous rain appeared to extend, along with the alley. Your feet came to a stop and you shook your head in confusion. All you could think is that you were drunk. "Meet me inside, okay?" You turned around and were faced with the sight of brick wall blocking your path. The parking lot had disappeared and a wall now held it's place. It loomed over you, casting a unsettling darkness in the alley. You needed to get out of there. Quickly, you turned to run away and there she was. Christie's dead body was waiting in front of you and once your eyes caught sight of it your head began to ache. Nausea pooled within you, rising up and up with speed. The blood trickled down your best friend's neck like a river, seemingly never ending. Christie's once bright eyes seemed to be glazed over in a foggy haze of darkness and pure emptiness and her mouth hung open. Your hands felt behind you as you backed up into the wall that never came. You turned to look at the monstrous looming brick, but it had disappeared as quickly as it appeared. There was no parking lot, just more alleyway. Except now, you could see an end
It held Dean
"Come on!" His gravely call echoed through the darkness. "Come on, run!"
Your brain was processing but your feet couldn't move. It was almost as if your feet were attached to the ground. The confusion and fear gripped you tight and nothing was making sense.
"You gotta go! Let's go, run!"
From what?
Your body was thrown into the wall beside you and the air was knocked from your lungs. Your vision was blurry but you knew what was holding you there. Dean began to sprint towards you and you let you a scream that sent chills down his spine. The blur began to fade and the monster was staring back at you, bloody faced and teeth showing. "Just in time..for a midnight snack." He growled, opening his mouth wide. Without a warning his teeth dug and tore through your flesh and a white ring circled your vision. The pain was unbearable, it stung and ached and your legs went weak. Dean's yelling began to fade and your own scream got louder. The sound of car horns honking and Sam's concerned tone echoed in.
"Y/N!? Hey, wake up!"
Your body shot up in the Impala's back seat like a bullet, hands leaping to your neck. Your breathing was unsteady and rapid and both of the men looked terrified. "Hey, you okay?" Dean asked. His green eyes looked like LED lights in the suns rays, it took you a moment to get your focus off of them. "Y-Yeah..I just-" you took a deep breath and moved your hand from your neck. "Nightmare."
Dean chuckled and looked back out over the road ahead.
"Don't worry. The only bite marks left on you are from me."
The two brothers looked at each other; Sam unamused and Dean looking like a bragging child. You on the other hand were just trying to cover up your blushing cheeks. "Uh..So how far until we get there?"
Dean shrugged and looked out the window. "20, 30 minutes maybe? Why? Is nature calling?"
"No." you responded, half laughing. "I just want to see the place. You haven't told me much."
"Sammy'll give you the tour when we get there."
You raised a brow and the corner of your mouth drooped. "What about you?"
"Someone's gotta make lunch."
"Ah, we need to make a run." Sam said, looking back to his brother.
Dean looked up at you in the rear view and cocked a brow. "That's where I'll be."
You leaned back in your seat and pulled Dean's jacket back over the shoulder it had slipped off of and watched the trees and cars zoom by. You couldn't help but wonder what kind of place they lived in. They didn't look like the suburb type. Or the apartment type. Or any type really. For all you knew, you could find yourself in an abandoned, rat infested building but you doubted it. "So what about me?" You leaned up to rest your arms and head on the back of their seat. Your eyes looked back and forth from Sam to Dean awaiting an answer.
"What about you?" Dean asked, glancing back at you.
"Where am I going to stay? And sleep? Do I get my own room or am I stuck on a couch."
They both gave a noise of amusement but Sam was the one to answer. "You'll get a room, don't worry."
"Were you scared you'd have to share with one of us?" Dean said teasingly.
You rolled your eyes and pressed away from their seat, leaning back in yours. Sarcastically you replied: "Obviously." And crossed your legs. "Are you giving me a room because you two are scared to share a room with me?" You teased back.
"I don't think Dean's too worried about that.." Sam said, scratching his head with a sly grin on his face.
"Shut up."
Both you and Sam laughed and Dean shook his head, trying to ignore you. For the rest of the ride you kept yourself busy listening to the radio and watching the objects around the car. The signs, the places, the trees, the other cars. Before you knew it you were at some old factory? Or a storage building? What was this place.
"Is this.."
"Home? Yeah."
So now what? You sleep in a box? This may have been a mistake. You frowned and turned to you bag in the seat. You couldn't ask them to drive you all the way back home, but you could take a bus. That was probably the best idea. "Guys, I'm sorry, I think I made a mi-" When you looked up to tell them you had changed your mind, you were in a massive garage. There were tons of other things in here and the place alone was huge. "Wh-..Hang on." Before they could say anything you had turned around to look out the back of the Impala and it's two side windows. "This is /yours?/" Sam and Dean exchanged a look of confusion and replied in unison. "Yeah?"
You plopped back down in your seat and looked at them with wide eyes. "Show me the rest." The doubt you had shriveled up into nothing after that. They shrugged and Sam got out of the car. You got out after and stood next to Dean'a door. "Aren't you coming? Oh wait, you're going running." Dean laughed and leaned against the Impala's open window. "I'm not running, I'm going on a run. A grocery run." You felt your face heat up and you looked down, laughing to hide the nerves. "Right, sorry. I'm a little slow." You replied, leaning back on your heels.
"Hey, Y/N." Sam waved you over from the other side of the Impala and you gave Dean a quick wave and came to his call. Your bag was resting next to his leg and you looked up at him with a smile. "Thanks. So, that tour." The tall man nodded, his hair falling in and around his face. "Yeah. Here, it's this way." He picked up your bag and led you from the garage to a large and well put together room. It looked sort of like a command center. There were buttons and lights and a big table with a map on it; it was easily the coolest "house" you've ever seen. "Woah..." Sam chuckled and looked over his shoulder at you as he set your bag at the table. "That's what I said too. Think of this as kind of room? We spend a lot of time here. And here." Your eyes followed his muscular arm as it pointed up a small set of stairs to a library. "We spend a lot of time here too. Researching, And eating. Hanging out too."
Your eyes followed the walls of books and odd markings in the floor and around the ceiling in awe. "What are those?" You pointed to one of the marks and tilted your head.
"That is a sigil. It keeps the bad stuff out."
"Bad stuff?"
"Monsters, Demons, you know. Bad stuff."
You nodded and ran your fingertips across the smooth surface of the library table as you moved through the room. "And you guys live here all by yourself?"
Sam followed you and nodded, crossing his arms. "Yeah" he chuckled and leaned against the table, looking at you. "It was a good find. Before this we were staying in old motels or the car every night."
You frowned and looked back at him, walking back to his table. "I'm sorry. I know what that's like." You reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him off his feet. "You gotta show me the rest of this place." You slid your hands in your back pockets and smiled up at the tall man in front of you who was already smiling back. "You're almost as impatient as my brother. Almost."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Sam led you out of the library and took a turn into a corridor. The long long set of hallways boggled your mind. Their place amazed you even more as he carried you through the place. Your family's house was hardly even 'big'. Your tour guide led you through a doorway and into a large kitchen. "Here's the kitchen, obviously. It's always open."
"Is every part of this place bigger than big?" You laughed through your words and looked around the room. You'd never been the one to have a huge house and huge things. Big houses always felt empty to you and made you feel small, which you didn't like very much.
"Not the bedrooms."
That was some how comforting to you. A cozy bedroom is all you really needed to feel secure.
"Speaking of, it's down the hall. Come on."
You nodded and followed him out of the kitchen to your room. You liked Sam, he was really nice to you. He was really attractive, but not just in looks. He just /made/ you like him and you didn't even have a real reason, you hardly knew him. You knew it'd take a while to adjust to these many twisting hallways and enormous rooms but you did like it here and you liked them too. Sam pushes open a door and exposed you to a decently sized bedroom. It was dark and looked cold but your family photos and brighter wardrobe will help with that. "This is your room. You can stay in it or out of it as much as you want." You nodded and Sam turned out of your room. "I'll go get your bag."
"Thank you." The brother exited your room and you sat on your bed with a sigh. You've had roomies before and they have been other guys but you've never roomed with the Ghostbusters before. You've also never laid down with a guy and then moved in with him after a little bit of sex but you figured you are in too deep to just take off now. Mainly because you don't even know how you'd get back to the front door. You flopped back on the bed with a groan and rolled onto your side. "Here." You sat back up to see Sam with his hands in his pockets and your bag at his feet. "Oh, thank you!" His lips turned up into a soft smile which caused you to do the same. "I'm probably going to just unpack, if that's okay?"
"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Sam's laugh was warm and was very contagious. It was full of goodness and purity and made you like him even more. "You can come find me when you're done. Well, unless you /don't/ want to know where the bathrooms are." You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag, using the other hand you press against his chest and back him out of your room. "Go read a book or something." Sam laughed at your teasing tone and gave you a snarky smile. "Will do."
You turned on your heels and huffed at the bedroom before you. "Not my style...but..I can make it work? Maybe?" You mumbled to yourself and tossed your bag on the bed. The easiest part was packing away the clothes due to all of the space you were given. The pictures went on your desk and around your bed and your toiletries stayed in your bag for now. Now you were sitting on your bed with your phone in your hand. The back and forth debate in your mind of calling friends back home and letting them know what happened last night and where you were was killing you. "It's too much to explain. And the only thing I could really tell them is that I slept with the guy who ran me off the road and then ran away with him and his brother. And oh yeah- Christie's dead. Ugh" You tossed your phone behind you onto the pillows and rubbed your eyes tiredly. "I better just go find Sam."
You wandered through the bunker until you finally ended up back in the giant room you were first introduced to. Your eyes followed the steps up to the library and you saw Sam at his laptop and a smile grew on your face. "Hey!" You said, walking up the steps and into the large library. Sam's head turned and he set his beer down, leaning back in his chair. "Hey. Did you get settled in?"
"Yeah, I did." You pulled out the chair beside him and sat down. Your eyes studied him for a moment before your cheeks warmed, realizing you were staring. Quickly your attention darted to his laptop and you cleared your throat, pointing to it. "What are you looking it?" That question turned genuine after you actually realized what was pulled up.
"A possible hunt."
"More Vampires?" You asked, crossing your arms around your body.
"Not this time. People are disappearing in the woods. They're saying 'bear attacks'. Dean and I've seen this before."
Your nervous stomach was making you squirm.
"What is it?"
"It's called a Wendigo. At least that's what it sounds like."
"A..A what?"
Sam's fingers typed away at his computer like a pre-programmed machine. You were amazed at the focus he had. "A Wendigo, Otherwise known as bad news. They're big- around 15 feet tall. They're super strong, super fast, and super smart and immortal."
"If they're immortal how can you kill them?"
"You burn them."
You frowned and looked at Sam again, rubbing your arm out of anxiety. "And you're going to just go after the super tall, super fast, super strong, super smart, super immortal monster in the woods?"
Sam stood up and shrugged, walking out of the library. "That's the plan."
"I don't like that plan." You said, following after him.
Sam lead you into the kitchen and you stood in the doorway with your arms crossed. He looked back at you as he filled a glass with water. "That's really dangerous and you two could get hurt out there."
Sam turned around and held out his arms, his brows knit tight in anger. "People are dying, Y/N! We need to do something about it!"
Your face mimicked his as you threw your arms down at your sides, but before you could finish your breath something nudged you from the doorway. At first, you jumped, but after realizing it was Dean you relaxed. "What's the issue?" His brow raised as he set his bags on the counter.
"We have a job. Wendigo case." Sam said, looking from you to Dean.
"I don't think you should go. I don't want you guys to get hurt, what would I do if you guys didn't come back?"
"We'll come back." Dean said, pulling the beer from the bag. "We know how to do our job."
Sam wiggled past you and out into the hallway. "I'm loading up."
Dean nodded to Sam and continued to unpack the groceries. Besides feeling defeated you were just angry and upset. "You two shouldn't have to live this way." You said and turned around in the doorway and stomped off to your room. You slammed the door behind you and groaned, looking down at the floor in front of you. Your stomach turned as your thoughts circled in your mind, damn near driving you crazy. This was going to be a mistake
"You ready?" Dean called, tossing his bag over his shoulder. "Yeah." Sam called, grabbing his laptop off of the table.
"You forgot something." You said, walking out of the hallway with an old backpack you found, full of supplies. You had on your old boots, a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with Dean's jacket overtop.
"What, are you playing dress up?"
"Cute. I'm going with you."
Both of them exchanged a look of confusion and Dean dropped his bag. "Like hell you are!"
Dean yelled and stomped his foot. "You're staying right here, you understand me?"
"No I'm not, Dean. You guys could use the extra help."
Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes and then looked at Sam with a childlike and mocking expression. "Extra help? What 'extra help' can you even offer?!"
You throw your arms up in the air and shake your head. "I don't know, a distraction? Keep you focused?"
Dean laughed and crossed his arms.
"You're not going."
The sound of the Impala rolling down the road and the feeling of Dean's unforgiving glares at you in the rear view mirror put a smile on your face, despite how terrified you were. You won the argument but you were riding to your death. No, They wouldn't let that happen. Right? Definitely not. Right? You crossed your arms and looked at them both, tilting your head with a sigh. "How much longer? I want to get eaten already."
Sam chuckled and looked at Dean.
"Didn't that happen las-"
"Sammy, you're on thin ice."
Your face was a warm pink and you refused to look at either of them until it faded. "Want us to start making sex jokes about you, Sam?"
"He'd have to have sex first for us to do that."
You giggled and shrugged, rested your head on your hand. "Well.." you trailed off, looking at them both. Sam's typical soft face was now more of a flirty smile with light rosy cheeks, but Dean's was hard and protective. Did that make him mad? "Is something wrong?" You asked, raising a brow. Dean shook out of his thoughts and looked back at the road, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel. Sam looked him over but brushed it off as nothing. "What? No. No." You were overall confused but decided it was best to drop it for the time being. This whole long drive thing was miserable. You hated it, you wanted to move around. Suddenly coming along looked like it had /no/ perks at all. But getting out of the car made you feel much better. Your boots met the cement outside of the motel and your arms stretched high up into the air. A happy sound of relief escaped you. The town was tired and damp and gloomy so it easily felt like home. Sam brought their bags inside and you followed with your backpack. "So." You said, dropping your bag on the bed. "What now?"
Sam sat at the foot of the second bed and patted his legs to a soft beat. "Well, we usually dig around, ask some questions. Try to figure out what we can."
"Oh. Can I go? That's not dangerous, right?" The expression on his face didn't look good, so you decided to try your best to persuade him. "Come on. You two took me in, right? Are you going to just keep me locked up in motel rooms or back at that prison and waste the opportunity of having a third person to help you? I'm not asking you to let me grab the thing by the throat, Sam. I just want to see how you guys do your job and offer a helping hand. If you teach me, I could be a really big help! In and out of the field!" Sam sighed and brushed his hair back behind his ears, looking up at you like a puppy. "Okay, okay. You can tag along. Just don't get in Dean's way, he'll throw a fit."
"I would not." Dean said, walking in from the parking lot. "But you better stay out of my way."
You rolled your eyes and looked at the two beds and then at the two boys. "So who gets me?"
They both looked up and asked: "what?"
Dean added on to the confusion with a snarky remark. "What is this, Twilight?"
Your rubbed your forehead and chuckled, shifting your weight on your legs. "No, you idiot. I mean who's stuck sleeping with me." Sam shrugged casually and raised his hand. "You can sleep here. Dean doesn't like to share." Dean's face formed in anger and he pointed to Sam. "Not true." His pointed finger turned into a balled up fist that was accompanied by his other hand held out flat. No words came out of his tightly pursed lips but his eyebrow gesture and wide eyes said it all. Sam rolled his eyes and mumbled a 'You can't be serious.' But it was obvious that he absolutely was. "Come on." Dean said, pushing his hands out. Sam stood up and walked over to the shorter brother and held out his hands in the same way Dean had. Dean's tongue peeked out from behind his lips as their fists slammed down on their hands. Dean's bright green eyes watched their movements closely, as did you. Their fists connected to their hands and they played their pick: Dean played scissors and Sam played rock. "Oh come on! Best two outta three?"
"Dude, don't we have a /job/ to do?" Sam asked, crossing his arms. Dean's angry pout didn't get him another chance at the game. Sam looked over at you with a smile and wiggled his eyebrows playfully. They are such children. You grabbed your bag off of Dean's bed and tossed it onto yours- Well, Sam's. Dean pointed to you and Sam and grabbed his bag. "Why don't you two go question the family? I'll head to the station and see what I can get." Sam shrugged and looked and you. "Yeah, okay. Y/N, You ready?" You nodded and picked up your bag, looking at them both as you tucked your hair back behind your ear. "Yeah." You weren't too excited to pile back in the car but you had to get there some how. After Dean drove you all to the station, Sam took the wheel and the two of you made off to the house of the family.
"When was the last time you heard from Robert?" Sam asked the woman, turning his head as she began to speak. Her hands rested in her lap and she sniffled, smiling at the two of you. She was older and you felt terrible for her. "Just before he went on that hike. It was early morning, I had just made breakfast. He ate and then was out the door. He hiked often and he knew the trails /and/ what he was doing too. For him to disappear.." She looked down at the balled up tissue in her lap and let out a shaky breath.
Sam's face was soft and apologetic and it surprised you. You didn't know how he could listen to these stories of people disappearing into thin air or being murdered and hold it together, especially when we knew what really must have happened to them. "I'm sorry Mrs. Baker. If anything else turns up or you remember anything.." Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out a card and handed it to the woman. "Give me a call." She nodded and Sam smiled and looked to you before turning around and walking to the front door. Your face held a constant frown and your hands laid still in the pockets of the borrowed jacket. "You okay?" His voice caught you off guard and you nearly tripped down the porch steps. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm still adjusting." You took a deep breath and looked back at the house over your shoulder with tired eyes. "I only ever see people ask those questions and have these talks on TV. I only ever see /any/ of this on TV." Sam's mouth turned to a frown as he opened the driver's side door to the 67 Impala. "Does it help if I say you'll get used to it?" He looked at you over the roof of the car and your eyes met his while a smile formed on your lips. "I think that makes it worse. By a lot." You said semi sarcastically and opened the passenger side door. Both of you got in the car and closed your doors and Sam pulled out his cell. His thumb tapped around before he held the phone to his ear and you heard it ringing faintly. "Hey. We're done over here..Yeah? We're on our way. Yeah. Bye." The phone beeped as his hung up before it disappeared back into his pocket. "Was that Dean?"
"Yeah. Apparently when they sent a small search party to check the campsite of some missing campers this week, someone saw something weird."
You nodded and looked out the window and watched the neighborhood pass by. "Can I ask you something?"
Sam looked at you and then back to the road. "You just did."
Your hand smacked his arm and you rolled you eyes. "Sam.." you groaned and looked at him, pouting like a child. "I'm serious." He just laughed in response to your soft smack and baby pout. "Okay, fine. What is it?"
Your body moved side to side in your seat as you readjusted and took a breath. Your face held a confused look and wondering eyes that searched over Sam's relaxed, forest toned ones. "Is there something going on with Dean? Or..with you guys I guess? He's been acting really.."
His head turned to look at you and you nodded, leaning back in your seat. "Yeah. Like back on the ride to your place, he acted really weird about the joke we made. And back at the motel."
Sam took a slow breath and pulled to a stop at the red light before you. His eyes followed the cars passing by and his brows turned upwards. "Why don't you ask Dean?" He looked at you and raised his brow and you gave a smile in response to his questionable facial expression. "Because I'm asking you. I want to know what you think." Your finger twirled a piece of hair around it in a slow rhythmic motion, awaiting an answer. "Did you get jealous?" The light changed to green and the large man scoffed and pressed his foot to the gas pedal. "Why would I have gotten jealous?"
"I slept with your brother."
"And what?"
Sam shrugged and gripped the steering wheel. "Lots of girls sleep with Dean, I don't always get jealous."
You frowned but it quickly turned back into a playful smile. "Okay, well..You offered to let me sleep with you pretty fast. And then you tried to beat Dean out on it and denied to play again in the chance of losing it. What does /that/ mean?"
Sam looked at you and squinted. "Why do you have so many questions?"
"Why are you avoiding my questions?" You asked, mimicking his tone and expression.
This time he only gave you an eye roll and a proud feeling washed over you. You were good at winning arguments with these guys, it made you feel a lot better at things than you really were.
When you got to the station Dean was waiting outside for the both of you. Everyone basically played musical chairs getting back to their seats. Dean took Sam's and Sam took yours. "So." Dean started as he pulled out of the parking lot. "The Sheriff and the deputy went into the woods to check out the campsite of the missing campers- a couple- and it was destroyed. While inspecting it they heard rustling and a roar and that's when the deputy /thought/ he saw a 'very tall naked man with claws' running around by the stream near the tent. He said It was heading on towards nightfall and he didn't get a clear look so he's saying his mind was just playing tricks on him."
"And they made it out? How?"
"The campsite isn't just out in the hills, it's an actual campsite. Tents, RVs with hook ups. It's uh..state park or something. It has plenty of woods surrounding it and plenty of trails to hike." Sam nodded and looked back at you. "Those trails must be where Robert was grabbed." You looked at the two of them and wrapped your arms around your sides. "So now what? Are we going out there too?"
"We without you. You're not going out there." Dean said rather harshly. That didn't seem fair to you. "What? Why not? I can help."
"You've never hunted before. You don't know how to handle yourself out there."
"So teach me."
Dean's voice became rougher this time. "No, Y/N"
"You can't just tell me I can't handle myself and not teach me how to. Even if I just stayed at the motel, I should know how to protect myself!"
Sam looked at his brother and shrugged. "She's right, Dean. She needs to know learn something eventually."
Dean groaned at the both of you and didn't talk for the rest of the ride, which was only about 5 minutes. Once you had all settled back in the motel everyone seemed to have cooled down a little bit. "When do we leave?" You asked, tugging the jacket off your arms. Dean looked up from his beer and gestured to your bag after a moment of hesitation. "Sam, Show her how to pack." With a groan Dean stood up and stretched his legs. "I'll get Baby loaded up and..We'll go."
The nerves began to settle in your stomach now. What are you walking into? What if something happens to you? Or worse, them? If you got separated or they died and you were left to get out on your own you'd surely die.
Sam loaded up your pack and informed you what everything was and how to use it. The flare gun was the most important part of it all. He made sure you knew where it was and how to make it work first. Sam was very patient with you and it made you feel a lot better about not actually knowing what anything was or why it did what it did. Your bag was packed and everyone was ready and you felt absolutely nauseous. Sam reached out and patted your leg with a smile. "Ready?" His unexpected touch made your stomach flutter and your words caught in your throat. "Y-Yeah!" The delay in speaking caused you to stutter and your stutter made your cheeks heat up even more than his touch alone did. Sam smiled and soft chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Good." He stood up and grabbed his bag and looked at Dean. "Let's go, we need the daylight." Dean said as he walked out of the dusty motel room. You grabbed your bag and followed after them, closing the door behind you. You were so nervous you could hardly think. You could only imagine this is how it feels to get in those metal cages and swim with sharks, except there was no cage and the shark was lightning fast. Your stomach turned and you held your hand to your mouth and opened the door to the Impala. You shoved in your bag and then got in yourself and once your door closed the car began to move. 'Oh fuck' was all that was on your mind. This was really happening.
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