Chapter 2 - Learning The Game

The Impala pulled to a stop in a parking spot outside of an old motel 10 minutes from the bar and you still couldn't catch your breath. Even though you weren't moving, the world around you was spinning. You couldn't stop seeing the images in your head. Christie's body, that thing's teeth. The blood on your hands. The blood on Dean. Your eyes stared blankly out the window, glazed over like no one was even present. Dean looked at you and leaned back into the seat.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Christie's dead...Dean."
The way he left out a breath let you know he was sorry.
"...How many people have you seen die?"
"How many people..have you seen die?"
You weren't looking at him. You didn't have to. You knew it was much more than he was willing to say and much more than you could comprehend.
"I'm sorry." Slowly, your head turned and you blinked away the tears clouding your vision. It was almost as if time was moving slower than you were. Or maybe it was moving faster. Either way you weren't moving in sync.
"Let's get you inside." His voice was deep and carried thick, like honey. It wasn't harsh and he knew you were scared. It was almost hard to believe he was the same man from the diner. Or the same man from the alleyway. With a weak nod you opened the car door and stepped out, trying to keep yourself steady.
"You know, I always thought I had bad luck. I didn't think it would bring in something like this." You pulled your jacket around you tight and looked to Dean who was smiling.
"I could say the same thing."
You gave him a smile, it wasn't genuine but it was one.
"Which room?" You ask, now starting to shiver.
"Oh, here." He said, tossing you the key. "It's right there." He gestured to a door and then walked to the trunk of his car, popped it open and started to dig around.
As quickly as your shaky hands could manage, you opened the door and hurried inside.
"So what happened?"
The taller man, his brother walked out of the bathroom with damp hair and a towel around his waist. You were too out of it to realize what was going on immediately, but after a moment of staring at each other blankly your face heated up. "Oh um. I'm sorry, Dean told me- I don't-" you whimpered and laughed weakly, throwing your hand up questionably. "My friend just died? She was killed? By a..A vampire? And I was- I was attacked, Dean brought me here." Sam's brows furrowed and he frowned, walking to the foot of the bed to grab his clothes.
"I'm so sorry, Um..."
"Y/N. I'm sorry. Let me get dressed, and then, um, we can talk."
Normally, being in front of a naked man like that would have you feeling /a lot/ of certain ways. But you didn't even have a grip on reality right now. This had to be a dream. You'd rather be in a strangers car passed out than this be real right now, even if this fever dream had naked men.
The other man had disappeared into the bathroom again so you made yourself comfortable on the bed closest to the door.
"What am I going to tell our boss...or- Oh god, her mom.." the tears swelled up in your eyes again and your breath was escaping you. How did this happen to you? How did this happen to Christie?
"So, Y/N.."
You looked up to see the tall male standing in front of you, now dressed in jeans and a brown plaid shirt.
"Can you tell me about what happened?" His voice was softer than Dean's. It was smoother and you could tell he was genuine.
"Uh..Y-Yeah, Yeah. I was supposed to meet her at that bar, we were going to get drinks, hang out. Try and hook up with someone, you know." You laughed to ease the stress and he gave a soft side smile in response.
"When I got there, her car was already there. I went in, got a drink and met Dean and then decided to look for her. I called her cell, she didn't answer. Uh..after that, I went outside and I heard and sound in um, in the alley. I thought maybe it was her and." Your voice cracked and you choked up thinking back to it. "I tripped on her. Then that..thing..grabbed me. That's when Dean showed up."
"Were you hurt?"
"No, no. Just a scratch from when I fell."
"I'm sorry about your friend."
You nodded and shrugged, wiping your eyes in an attempt to smear away the mascara and eyeliner on your cheeks, but only making it worse.
"She didn't deserve that. She might have slept around and..And seemed like 'that girl' but she was really really sweet." Your fingers picked at your jacket in an attempt to keep you busy but you couldn't shake the ever growing nausea filling your stomach. It was building in your throat and threatening to spill out of you. You could still feel the blood on your face, it was in your jacket and your neck still.
"If I had just asked her to ride with me-"
"You couldn't have known this would happen."
The only response you had was to bite down onto your lip until it began to bleed, which he quickly tried to stop.
His hands rubbed up and down his jeans and then he leaned in further, resting his elbows on his knees.
"It wasn't your fault. And we're going to find the rest of them and ki-"
"The rest?" Your heart fluttered, sending you back on your hands. "There's more than that one?"
The motel room door opened and Dean walked in from the cold, dragging it with him. He kicked the door shut and looked at the two of you. "I see you met Sam. Officially anyways."
The only response Dean got was a head shake from a concerned Sam.
"They have nests."
"Nests..Vampires are birds now?"
Dean raised a brow and smiled, looking back at his bag.
"If birds suck your blood and have pointy teeth, yeah, they're birds."
Everything had set in now. At least most everything. Now you just had questions.
"So are you guys...werewolves or something? Or just another one of Edward Cullen's worst enemies?"
The both of them exchanged a questioning look and Sam laughed, crossing his arms.
"Werewolves? Why would we be werewolves?"
"Yeah, this isn't Twilight." Dean responded, grabbing a beer from the fridge before he returned to the small table and sat down.
"Well, you guys are hairy enough. Especially you" you said, pointing to Sam who seemed more entertained than he was offended.
"If you aren't werewolves, what are you? Where's Buffy, huh?"
Dean rolled his eyes, unamused.
"Alright, enough with the references. We're hunters.
"Hunters? I'm guessing more like the ghost hunter kind instead of the guys who killed Bambi's mom."
"That would be the kind."
Your fingers ran through your hair and your brows furrowed, trying to process it all.
"How did you start? How did you even find out about all of this? I thought you needed a wooden stake to kill a vampire? That and a little garlic."
"Movies aren't always accurate. In case you didn't notice by the teeth." Dean said, taking a sip from his beer. The expression on his face completely changed. He seemed blank and empty for a moment, and you knew you were in for a story. "We were born into it. Our mom was a hunter. She stopped after she had me. Then Sam came along and.." Sam's jaw clenched as he swallowed a lump in his throat, forcing it down into his stomach to hide away. "A demon snuck into his room. Mom tried to stop it. It killed her. Our Dad became obsessed with it, finding out what killed her. We were raised on it, been doing it ever since. And we've seen some hell." Dean looked down and let out a soft chuckle. "Literally"

"Literally? As in you've actually...seen hell..?"
"We both have. Been to Hell, Purgatory, And Heaven."
"And you made it out?"
"Hardly." Dean set his bottle down and crossed his arms, looking you over like he was studying for a test. You caught his gaze and the feeling of fire burned in your chest. Why did he keep looking at you that way? You had no choice but to look at Sam and hope Dean would back off so you could catch your breath.
"So these..Vampires. You're going to go to their nest and just kill them?"
"It's not that easy. We need to know where the nest is first." Sam said as his long legs stood him up straight. "And I think you could help with that." Now sitting across from Dean with his laptop in front of him he went to work, looking rather serious too.
"Me? No, I don't know anything about Vampires. Not real ones."
"But you know about this town. And that alley. You could help us."
They were right about that. You did know the town and the area around that bar well.
"What do you need me to do? Be a map?"
"More like tell me about any and all abandoned buildings near that attack."
You stood up and shuffled your way to Sam's chair, bending down to get a look at his laptop screen.
"Is that where they make their nests?"
With a nod of confirmation you began to go deep in thought.
"Uh...There's one 10ish minutes from the bar. Sort of big building, it's been empty since I moved here. And I think there's another one on the other side of town. Is that too far though? Actually...I think the buildings right beside the bar closed up recently. Recently as in the last month and a half maybe? I don't know anything about real vampires but I do know that if I was one, tipsy girls looking for a good time three steps from my door seems like a good reason to move in."
"You're not wrong about that."
"I say we check them tonight. Baby's packed, let's finish these S.O.B's and call it a night."
You looked to the source of the words and saw Dean, rolling up his sleeves. "You're just going to dive in there?"
Those broad shoulder gave a shrug and his green eyes wandered. "It's what we do."
"What about her?" Sam asked, looking up from his laptop.
"She stays here. She's had enough live action Twilight for today."
As much as you didn't want to stay in a dingy old motel room by yourself, you'd choose that over going back out there any day.
"I'm okay with that."
"Good. When we get back, we'll take you back to the bar so you can pick up your car and get back home. Come on, let's get this show on the road."
The brothers began to pack up their things and were off into the night in less than 5 minutes. You didn't know how they did it, risked their lives like that. They were beyond brave. But now you were alone to your thoughts, alone to this new reality that is vampires and probably so much more. They had mentioned Demons. And Hell and Heaven. Even Purgatory. Your stomach began to turn and you found yourself hugging a toilet and spewing whatever was in your stomach. "This can't be happening.." you whined, leaning against the bathroom wall. Your black jeans were torn open at the knee, exposing the dried up bloody mess underneath. Not to mention the blood drying into your jacket and on your neck. You felt your stomach tighten and pulled your hair back in your hands just in time to blow again. You were covered in blood. Blood that belonged to a creature you'd only heard of in books and movies. And what could also be the blood of your best friend. The monster's hand prints on your body and clothing; that blood had to be someone's and Christie was the only someone there. Just hours ago you two were laughing together and now she's gone. Your eyes began to sting as tears threatened to spill over the edge and wet your face. A balled up fist slammed against the floor and your feet kicked wildly, screaming in anger. She didn't deserve that. If she had to go, it didn't have to be like that. It wasn't peaceful, it wasn't natural. She was eaten, drained, and sucked dry like a Capri-Sun. She went in pain. The thing that killed her is dead but it doesn't feel like enough. "I should have gone with them." You gripped the edge of the sink and pulled your weak body up. The tired, bloody, shaken mess staring back at you in the mirror was not satisfying.
Your hands tore at your jacket, pulling it off as quickly as you could. Once you were free of the thick, jean material you pulled your hair up into a ponytail. Quickly, you turned on the sink and washed your hands, trying to get off the feeling of the night as much as the actual remains left on you. Leaving the sink running, you dug around for a rag to clean yourself with.
The feeling of the rag scrubbing away the dried blood and mascara already made you feel better. You were embarrassed that you looked like such a mess in front of them for so long. You wiped away the mess on your cheeks but left your eyes intact, then worked down your neck and to your exposed stomach. Anywhere there was blood on your skin was washed. After cleaning yourself, you left the rag hanging on the sink and left the bathroom, freshly washed. Your jean jacket now lying across the back of the chair behind you. "Now.." you said, pulling your phone from your pocket. "Let's see what you really are."
Google is man's best friend, right next to dogs. You knew it had to have some answers
You dug around for what felt like hours on Demons, Vampires, Werewolves and Anything you could think of that might be out there and it terrified you. The idea of these things being right under your nose and not even knowing it shook you to the core. How many Demons have you served at the diner? How many Vampires have walked past you at the club or the bar or just walking down the street. How many times has anything out there /almost/ killed you. You could already feel yourself hiding away in your apartment for the next three months. The sound of the door opening almost made you scream but the sight of the two brothers walking with all their body parts still attached made you relax. Dean had a beat up face and Sam held a scratch or two but were still alive and kicking.
"Hey, You're okay" Dean said, dropping his bag at the foot of his bed.
"I'm okay? What are you- are you bleeding?"
His fingers raised the feel for the slowly dripping blood and shrugged. "It's a scratch. I've had worse." Dean gestured to Sam, licking the blood from his lips. "Pack it up, I'm taking her to get her car. I'll pick you up after."
"I'm packed, dude."
Dean's face went blank and he bobbed his head, raising a brow.
"Well- you know what- Alright fine, come on."
Sam grabbed his laptop and your jacket from the table and the three of you piled into the Impala awaiting outside.
You didn't want to get home alone tonight. You were terrified of One of uthose things grabbing you. Not that you don't think they can't do their job, you just couldn't shake the images in your head.
Those green eyes looked back at you in the rear view mirror, focusing on you for as long as they could before having to return to the road.
"Can you take me home. Ride with me, I mean. I don't..I don't want to- I'm still a little shaken up."
Dean looked at Sam who shrugged in a response to his questioning expression.
"Sure. How far is it?"
"Less than 20. Not even 15."
You felt comforted by the fact that you had a security guard of sorts for the night. It wouldn't make the sleeping easy, but it would make you feel better about getting home and not being followed.

Pulling into the parking lot was tough. The bar was a hollowed husk of a place now, emptied out and tired. Christie's body was probably long gone by now.
You opened the car door and grabbed your jacket from the seat, pulling it with you as you stepped out into the almost toxic air. You couldn't stand to be here right now. You wanted to be anywhere but here, as far away as you could get. Dean emerged from the dark Impala and Sam slid into his seat.
"I'll call you when you need to pick me up."
You opened your own car door, the passenger side and sat down, brushing the stray hairs from your face. "Dean." You said, catching his attention. You tossed him the keys and smiled. "Don't dent her this time." That smirk you had seen back at the diner returned to the busted up face of the man in front of you, his eyes catching the light of the neon signs wonderfully. "Can't promise anything."
He responds as he makes his way to the driver's side. Once he cranked the car you settled back into the seat and waited for the heat to warm up and give some life to your body. "I could clean those up for you once we get to my place. And get you a drink too." Dean looked from the near empty road to your smiling face and raised his brow, smiling enough to show his teeth. "I'll take the drink."
"I was hoping you'd say that. You look like hell."
"Aren't you just a peach."
You giggled and winked at him, trying to act like a sassy show off, but you weren't all too great at it. But he did seem to enjoy it.
"Oh god, my place is sort of run down. It's mess, it's cleaning week? I haven't cleaned yet."
And that was true. Once the two of you arrived back home he was exposed to the full bra and underwear on the floor and un made bed experience he imagined. You hurried to clean it up but still felt your blush threatening to expose you. "Sorry I was in a rush this morning."
"It's no problem." He said, wandering from your bedroom to the kitchen. "So that drink?"
Before you could even leave your room he was already nose deep in your fridge. "You could have asked first."
"Didn't I?"
You wanted to smack that stupid wonky smirk off his face but there was something about it that pulled you in and you hated it. "Get me one too"

The two of you sat yourselves down at your small, but functional little kitchen table with beers in your hands, drinking the events of the night away. You weren't known for being the last to get drunk. A few good drinks could push you over the edge and your were tip-toeing on it.
"Today at the diner, you were flirting and you were flirting /hard/" your attempt at a tease eased on through well and the edges of his plump pink lips turned up. "Yeah, I was wasn't I?"
The look he was giving you was almost like it was sunken into your flesh like a fish hook, reeling you in farther and farther. It was so tempting and you couldn't get over it, especially like this. "Why was that? You like sleep deprived broke types?" Your voice was getting higher and dragging out your words, but it also threatened to drop into a venomous and sexy tone to tease at him even more. Your elbow leaned against the table, holding your head there as you rested and leaned towards the bulky and thick man. "What can I say, I can't resist a good looking woman. Especially not one who takes charge. But calling me out in a diner like that was a bit much don't ya think?"
"Well..what if some asshat in a leather jacket ran you off the road and destroyed your car? Wouldn't be too happy right?"
A deep rumbling chuckle emerged from his chest and he shrugged, setting the bottle down against the table's surface. "You're right about that." A moment of silence filled the room and the two of you stared at each other with wide, wondering eyes. He looked so much different to you now that you knew who he was. Just before your lips separated his voice broke the quiet. "It's late, I should call Sam."
"Oh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you should call Sam. You guys are leaving town right? You're not from here."
You didn't know why you felt so disappointed, you'd only known him since this morning. Then again, he did save your life. The alcohol was setting in and your teeth dragged across your lip. Dean stood up and began reaching for his phone and you knew you were running out of time.
"Dean." Your chest tightened for a moment, but the nerves almost instantly flew out of you as your voice flowed into the silky and seductive tone you rarely expose.
"I never did get that hook up."
Dean's brows raised and his tongue slid across his bottom lip, bringing the smirk that he was showing to another level. You stood to meet his stance and placed your bottle next to his. This feeling building in your chest and stomach was hot and moved like controlled lava. It was slow and surrounded everything inside of you with a boiling heat. You stepped closer to the man and his eyes were locked on you, not daring to look away. You stopped just before him and the two of you exchanged a long look and extended silence before your lips slammed together. Your hands latched around his neck giving your fingers the freedom to travel into his hair. His big hands found your waist and pulled it against his own body, locking the both of you in a deep and messy kiss. Dean's clunky boots moved across the floor, backing you up into the table before your hands slipped down to grab your butt and lift you onto the wooden surface. Your fingers worked fast together and moved down his back and around to his chest to work off his jacket and overshirt, exposing his black t-shirt beneath. The two of you pushing and pulling into each other became more intense and sloppy. Your lips crashing together and the messy biting at each other's lips got a giggle from you. His pink lips separated from yours and you both were breathing heavily. "Let's take this to my room." You whispered, grabbing him by his shirt as you stepped down from the table. Your heels clanked across the kitchen floor as you dragged the tall man behind you, his hands feeling all over your backside. Once you crossed over into the bedroom you released you grip on the fabric and turned around to face him, a wide grin on your face. Your hips began to sway as your fingers curled underneath the hem of your cropped shirt, lifting it over your head to expose a deep red bra beneath the tight, dark article of clothing. Your hands slid down your stomach as you bent down to kick off your boots, bringing you to be even shorter compared to Dean's size. Now your thumbs hooked into your jeans, tugging them down off of your legs. You planned on a hook up, so your underwear matched well. It was a cheeky pair of underwear in a matching red that showed off all of the goods. Your fingers ran through your hair as you finished up your show. His gaze flicked back up to meet yours but this time his eyes looked different. They were so full of lust they seemed dark. His jaw had clenched and anything gentle about him was long gone. He kicked off his shoes and backed you into the bed, pressing his lips against your exposed skin. The sloppy kisses and nips trailed down your neck and chest to your stomach, only stopping when he removed his shirt. Now you could get a good look at him. His hair was messy and his deep green eyes were studying your exposed body well. His tattoo stuck out on his raised chest that you couldn't help but want to get your hands on. Your fingertips grazed his skin, begging for him to be against you again.
"You like it rough?" Chills shook through your body at the sound of his gravely voice. It was so much deeper and darker now. "Always." Your lips carried the whisper that called him in, bringing him to his knees. His hands wrapped around your right leg just above your ankle and his soft lips met with your skin. They traveled up your leg, moving inward as he got closer to your inner thigh. Your body was hot, you felt like you were melting before him. His fingers pulled your underwear down, leaving it on the floor beside him and your heart was racing. You wanted him so badly now, you wanted more of his touch and you just exactly what you asked for. Dean's thumb rubbed against your entrance, teasing your wetness. Without warning a sliver of a moan slipped from behind your lips, lighting your face up in a hot and fiery blush. You could feel the way he was staring at you even when you weren't looking. It was as if you were his prey. His lips curled in a smirk as he leaned into you. "Wet already? Someone's a dirty girl, huh?" The butterflies in you stomach were shaking you. The way he spoke was intoxicating, you couldn't get enough. The male's thumb rubbed in a slow, small circle against your clit, earning another moan from you. Your breathing hitched in your throat as your head fell back into the sheets but you were disappointed when it stopped. "Dean pleas-" your begging was cut off by the feeling of his tongue pressed against your entrance, rubbing and pressing against your clit similar to how his thumb had before. There was no denying that he knew was he was doing. His mouth teased and sucked your clit and his tongue pressed into your wetness, all the while his eyes were locked on you. The sounds escaping from your mouth were soft and longing whimpers, asking for more of him. The way he was making you feel left you wanting more and more. "Dean.." your hands reached behind you and grabbed a handful of the sheets above your head as your toes curled and your knees wiggled back and forth. He was satisfied with his work and with the sounds he was pulling from you. His hands fiddled with he belt buckle, working to release the tent building in his pants. His member was pressing against the fabric of his underwear, throbbing for attention. His hands palmed the bulge and unzipped his jeans, working them down to his knees. His boxers were the next to go, which let his erection spring free. He reached into his back pocket for the only thing he actually preached about; condoms. His hands worked the condom onto his member and Those plump lips separated from your sex, leaving you with a wet trembling feeling. Dean stood up and placed his hands on either side of your hips, pulling you closer to him. You looked up at him and your body felt weak. His cheekbones were sunken in and he was focused on your body and it looked /so/ good. He rubbed his tip against your entrance and bit his lip, leaning into you. His member slid past your folds and you gasped, leaning back into the sheets. He was thicker than you were expecting and it took you by surprise. Softly, he grunted and his own head tilted back. His hands gripped your hips and his own began to thrust into you, slow at first but his pace quickened in no time. It felt like you were on a high. The sounds he made and the looks he gave built up in your stomach quickly. Your back arched into him and his name danced on your lips over and over, surrounded by more sounds of pleasure. No one had made you feel this good before. Dean's sounds were deep and his thrusts were even deeper. "Fuck.." he groaned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up into his body. Those muscular arms pulled you down onto him, now his thrust hitting deeper. Your arms wrapped around his neck and your lips connected with his, another sloppy and dirty kiss forming. You were biting each other's lips and moaning your names into each other's mouths, the fire inside of both of you growing. Your nails dug into his back, giving into the pure pleasure Dean was giving you. "Dean..I'm-I'm close." With that, His movements got harsher, quicker, and rougher. His fingers grabbed at your hair and pulled it back to expose your neck to suck and kiss on. The both of you were nearing your climax and Dean was determined to make you hit it hard. He gave two more strong thrusts and you body began to shake as you nearly screamed out his name. Your arms were wrapped tight around him and you were seeing stars. He rode out your climax and finished himself off with a few more thrusts before collapsing on the bed, bringing you with him. Your body was still catching it's breath and bringing itself down from it's high. Without a second though, you turned to Dean's broad chest and rubbed over his tattoo with your fingers.
"You..are really /really/ good." You mumble, half giggling.
Dean gave a wink and your already blushing cheeks felt warmer. Your hand rested on his chest as it rose and fell and naturally, your breathing synced with his.
The room was quiet except for the sound of your breathing and you had a burning question eating you alive.
"..Can I come with you?"
Dean raised a brow and turned his head to see you better.
"What? No."
"Please. There's a lot more out there than this. I experienced it first hand! And I..." you shook your head and moved your hand from Dean's chest. "I have my reasons I guess. Please, I could be helpful."
"Helpful how? Can you even handle any weapons?"
"My Dad used to teach me how to shoot. I can use a gun. And how hard can knives be?" You paused for a moment before taking a breath and leaning back into the pillows. "I lost the only reason I hadn't skipped town for another one today, Dean. If you don't take me, I'll just leave this place anyways." You shook your head and sighed, combing through your messy hair with your fingers, feeling defeated.
"Tell Sam I'm sorry for the wait." Your teasing tone already returning to wreak havoc on him.
"Why don't you tell him?"
Your brows furrowed and you sat up, looking down at him. "What?"
"You can..Tag along. For a while."
You were both excited and terrified, but you weren't sure which was in charge. "I should pack then?"
"Unless you're going with the clothes on your back and right now, that ain't much."
You smacked his chest and stood up, looking around the room, smiling once you found what you were looking for. You fished through Dean's pants for his cellphone and tossed it to him. "You should probably call Sam now, hm?"

You had no idea what you had just gotten yourself into and honestly, were beginning to regret it. You could die, or get them killed. You slid your underwear back on and crossed your arms, listening to Dean talk to his brother behind you. While Sam was on his way you took the time to pack and you knew you couldn't pack much. You only had one suitcase and it wasn't huge. You filled it with most of your wardrobe and then your necessities; toothbrush, underwear, shampoo and soap. The last thing to go in if it fit was pictures in the house. You only packed two. A family photo and a picture from a work party. It was the only good picture of you and Christie in the place. Finally, you dressed yourself. This time it wasn't anything fancy, just a pair of blue jeans and an old XL t-shirt you had to sleep in. It's late and you know you'll pass out in the car, might as well be comfortable. Dean didn't take long to get dressed and he waited for you in the kitchen. "You ready?"
You gave the place one last look and hesitantly nodded. "Yes. I think so."
"Got a jacket? It's freezing tonight."
"We'll be in a car, it's fine."
"You're going to get cold.
"So what if I do? It'll be my fault then."
Dean rolled his eyes and picked his jacket up off the table. "Here." He said, walking over to you with a serious look that you knew wasn't all that serious and angry. "You can wear this. I'll be wanting it back." Just as you slid into his much too big but very comfortable jacket you saw the headlights of the Impala flash through the window as Sam pulled in.
"Alright, ride's here. Come on."
Suddenly your stomach was pooling with nerves. You could die tomorrow. You could die tonight. But then again, you could die here anytime too, that was proven earlier. You took a deep breath and followed Dean out the door, turning out the lights and shutting the door behind you for the last time. This is either the start of something really good or really bad and for once you weren't completely terrified of the answer to that.

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