Chapter 1 - I Still Remember

The sunlight poured into the room through the window and sheer curtains, giving life to the dark and cold bedroom. The rays danced across the room and illuminated your face, bringing you out of your comfortable sleep. You squinted into the light and groaned, rolling over onto your stomach to escape it. Your hands slid underneath and around your pillow in search of your phone. With a sigh, you pulled your body up and flipped the sheets and blanket off the bed, hearing a 'clunk' sound follow. "Found it." Your hand rubbed across your face as you brought your feet to meet the cold, wooden floor beneath you. Once you were on your feet you picked up your phone and checked the time, sending your sleepy atmosphere away in seconds. "8:30!? Shit, I'm gonna be late..!"

You tossed your phone onto your bed and scurried off to the bathroom to shower.
You had only had this job for three weeks, you couldn't afford to lose it now. The shower was quick and lazy, you barely even shaved your legs. You wasted no time to get dressed and head out the door either. "8:50..I can't believe this." You groaned, getting into your car. You were lucky you lived so close to work.

You hadn't been in this town long, you just moved here a few months ago. Just over a year ago you had a falling out with your family and decided it was time to get away and figure things out for yourself. You were doing pretty well until some douchebag ran you off the road a month ago when you were coming back from an art show in Colorado. It cost you more than you really had to spend and slammed you into a bad spot. But that was over now.
You pulled into the diner parking lot and looked into the rear view mirror as you sloppily pulled your hair back into a ponytail. As quickly as you could manage you opened the door and jumped out of the car, walking around the front of it to the diner door, except something caught your eye just before you swung it open. The car at the end of the parking lot looked just like the one that had ran you off the road. Your brows furrowed and you shook your head. It couldn't be. Right? That'd be too weird. Blowing it off, you walked in and smiled to Christie. She was a co-worker, and your best friend in town. "Late much?" She teased, leaning over the counter with a snarky grin on her face. "Haha. Cute." You replied, walking past her as you tied your apron around your waist. "I overslept."
Christie twirled her blonde hair around her finger and shook her head. "Again? I can't keep covering for you, Y/N."
"You won't have to! I promise. I just need to stop going out at night."
You slipped away from the counter to take a sweet old woman's order and returned back to your friend, slapping the paper on the counter.
"Still trying to fill the void, huh?" Christie said, poking your chest lightly. You didn't give her a response and she frowned, leaning back from the cool countertop. "That's not always a bad thing, Y/N. Trying to find a decent guy is /not/ a crime. It might be hard, but it isn't a crime." A smile crept upon your lips and you rolled your eyes. "Try impossible." You said, brushing a stray hair behind your ear. Christie smiled and leaned on her hand, looking across the diner. "Hey, those two. They're yours." She pointed a finger to a corner booth and patted your arm and gave you a wink. "I'm not flirting with them, Christie."
"Hey, at least get yourself a good tip. Twirl your hair, unbutton your-"
You turned around and walked away before she could finish. "Anyways.." you mumbled, walking over to their booth.
"Are you guys ready?" The words flew out of your mouth like the did everyday, sweet and fake but believable. The smile you wore was just the same.
Both of the men's heads turned and emerald green eyes of the shorter, bulkier man were all over you. He cocked a brow and flashed a smile. "I think we are"
The taller man raised a brow and scoffed, looking back to him. "...Yeah. I'll have a short stack. Uh, and a coffee, please." He finished off his words with a smile and you jotted down his order and looked back to the flirtatious, short haired male. Something about him was so familiar but you just couldn't figure out what. "I'll have the special and a coffee." He said, leaning back into the booth. You looked him over and gave him a smile. He was pretty cute. "I'll be right back with that, then."
When you turned around, you spotted Christie watching from the counter. She gave a thumbs up and smiled, getting a soft laugh out of you. "Really?" You said, walking around the counter to give up the order. "Pretty cute, right?" You shrugged and looked over your shoulder at her. "Yeah, I guess."
"You guess? Look at tall, long haired, and handsome over there. He lathers, rinses, and repeats."
You chuckled and caught another look at the two men at their table, this time beginning to frown.
"You know, I could have /sworn/ I've seen him somewhere before.." you said, biting you lip as you began pouring their two cups of coffee.
"Flynn Rider or Hard Rock?"
You smacked her arm and turned back to the kitchen window. "Shut up. Short hair."
"Ooh, where? Does he live around here?"
"That's the thing, I don't know. His face just looks really familiar." You said, loading up your tray. "He's probably just a guy from a bar or something."
"Why don't you find out? He is totally interested, Y/N. You're looking for a guy and there's two right there."
"Why don't you get to work?" You said and raised a brow as you started walking away. You swerved past the tables to their booth and placed their plates and coffee on the table. "Can I get you anything else?"
As soon as he had spotted you again his eyes were on you. He reached for his coffee and brought the cup to his lip, sipping it. His eyes widened and he nearly dropped the cup trying to get it away from his mouth. "Son of a bitch! That's hot!" Your eyes widened and you looked at him. The way he said that clicked in you. You'd heard that before, you heard that voice before. "Oh my god. It was /you/"
The taller man's brows furrowed and he looked from you to the other man, confused. "Uh...excuse me?" He asked, leaning back from the table. You tucked the tray under your arm and crossed them over your chest. "You're the asshole that ran me off the road. You /ruined/ my car!"
The diner fell quiet and everyone was trying to get a look at the scene unfolding. Christie mumbled an 'Oh no' and scampered off into the kitchen. The man looked up at you and shook his head. "No no no, you must have someone el-"
"Is that your car?" You asked, anger lacing your words as you pointed to the '67 Chevy Impala parked in the lot.
He looked out to the car and back to you, his mouth moving but no words coming out.
"Is it?"
"Well, yeah. Yeah, that's mine."
You scoffed and shook your head, tapping your foot.
"That car sent me into a tree."
You uncrossed your arms and turned on your heels, walking back to the counter. "Enjoy your meal.."
They exchanged a look and the taller one shook his head.
Christie met you at the counter and pulled you back into the kitchen with her. "You good?" She asked, stacking plates on a tray.
"Less than." You ran your fingers through your ponytail and shook your head. "I can't believe he showed up here. Just my luck, right?" Christie sighed and picked up the tray, backing up the kitchen door. "Shake it off. Okay? We'll get drinks tonight, okay? 9 o'clock! Right after work. It'll be fun." She had that same old smile. It was wide but still soft. She was a genuine friend at the end of it all. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that actually."
"As long as we're back before 3, right? Can't be late again!" She winked and giggled as she left the kitchen. You watched her through the window with a smile, but the empty table got your attention. They were gone already? "Of course. Seems like them." You mumbled and pushed the kitchen door open. The rest of your shift went as it always did. The same locals came in, new people passing through visited and it was an overall good day. By the time you were off, you'd almost completely forgotten about them.
You pulled your hair from the ponytail and let it fall down to it's natural state, then followed up by removing your apron. "Christie! I'm heading home! I'll meet you at the bar down the street, okay?" You called into the kitchen, tossing your apron away.
"You got it! I'll meet you there, Y/N. Drive safe!"
You couldn't tell if that was genuine or a joke about those guys but you took it either way. Traffic wasn't bad going either way, which made the whole things a lot easier. When you arrived at your apartment, you finished up that patchy shaving job and did something with your hair to liven it up a little. After doing your makeup and swimming in perfume, you pulled on a black crop top t-shirt that Christie had given you. It was tight fitting and stopped right above your belly button. You topped it with a blue jean jacket and slid on a pair of black pants and black heeled boots. With the amount of eyeliner and dark lipstick you might as well be 2016 Tumblr. "Grunge slut...Well, It's a look." You said, grabbing your keys and wallet before heading out the door.

Pulling up to the club made you nervous as usual. Not with thoughts of 'Do I look good enough?' Or 'What if I meet the one?' But thoughts of 'What creepy dude will try and spike me tonight?' And 'How close will I get to calling the cops now.' You seemed to have the worst luck. The music was already pounding loud enough to hear before you left the car and as soon as you opened the door the smell or smoke and liquor hit you in the face. "Mm. Smells like home." You groaned sarcastically, looking across the lot. Christie's car was here already which meant she was probably inside with too many drinks and too many guys. You slipped past the doors and the loud cheering men watching sports on the TV and began looking for Your friend. She wasn't anywhere in sight and you didn't feel like wandering around for her so settling down at the bar looked like the best option.
"I'll take a beer, please." You said, sitting down on the bar stool.
"And I'll have what she's having."
The hairs on the back of your neck stood straight up like needles. What was he doing here? You turned your head to the seat beside you and saw that stupid smirk and pair of grassy green eyes looking back at you.
"Why do we keep running into each other." You mumbled, crossing your legs as you leaned against uthe bar.
The man chuckled and looked down at his lap before his eyes flicked back up to you and his broad shoulders gave a shrug. "Small town." The bartender slid the two beers in front of you and he wasted no time to grab his own.
"I'm Dean." His deep voice carried through the air like it was on a speaker. It combatted the music and screaming and it was almost as if it was the only thing you could actually hear anymore.
"Y/N." you said, Grabbing your own cold drink. 
"Y/N." he said, leaning back into the stool. "Pretty name." The bottle met his lips and he downed it like it was the first thing he'd gotten to drink in days. "So you live here, Work at the diner."
You raised a brow and looked at him, nodding your head. "Yeah. I do. I'm guessing you don't?"
He shrugged and nodded. "Not here, we live a little ways from here."
"My brother and I. The uh, tall one with attitude issues from this morning."
"Ah." You said and smiled. "He's the one with attitude issues? Seems like you're trying to talk about yourself."
Dean's brow raised and he huffed, setting his bottle on the bar counter. "Ouch. Who's gotten under your skin?"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your drink, standing up with a smile on your face. "Look, I need to find my friend. Why don't you find another girl to try to get something from, uh, Dean, right?" Without a second look you walked away from the bar and pulled your cell phone from your back pocket.
Call Christie.

You held the phone to your ear and crossed your other arm across your chest. "Where are you.." you mumbled as the line rang. When she didn't answer your stomach began to get nervous. She was careless when she wasn't drunk, when she was, she was an absolute mess. You called her a second time and pushed your way to the bar entrance to get some fresh air and better connection. The cold air tickled your skin and stung your eyes and the smoke in the wind wasn't helping. Your boots clacked across the concrete as you started walking to your car, hoping to at least feel safer there, but a bottle clashing in the alleyway made you jump. "Fu-..Christie?" You called, moving the phone from your ear. "Hey, Christie is that you?" You frowned and slid your phone back into your pocket, looking down the foggy alleyway. "Hello? Is anyone there? This really isn't funny." Hesitantly, you turned to the mucky, damp alley and walked down it, calling out again. You passed a few boxes, a trash can and a dumpster, but no one called back.
"Look, I'm just trying to find my frien-" Before you could finish your sentence you were face down on the ground. You had tripped up over something, probably garbage. Your fingers climbed through your hair so you could look back at what caught your foot and you nearly vomited. Christie's body was sprawled out across the ground, throat ripped out and no life in her eyes. You started backing up on your hands, screaming as loud as you could but that was quickly cut off by someone- something grabbing you. Tears pooled up in your eyes and you whimpered, kicking your feet as it pulled you up and pushed you into the wall. Your attacker smirked and opened his mouth, bearing rows of needle like teeth. Your heart was pounding and you had no escape. He hissed and drew his head back to dive in to your flesh and your eyes squeezed closed, but instead of pain the feeling of blood splatter and the sound of flesh tearing and a dense thump came. You jumped at the hot liquid covering your face and opened your eyes to Dean, blade in hand. "Bet you're glad we keep bumpin' into each other now." Air was hardly getting into your lungs and your heart was aching. "Wh-" you paused and looked down at the severed head and body of your attacker and you bent over and retched. Dean turned his head away and sighed. "Alright, come on..let's get you out of here."
"G-" you gagged and stood up, pressing your hand to the brick wall behind you to keep you from collapsing. "Get me out of here.? I just found my friend-" your hand flew to your mouth to hold back more vomit and you shook your head, wiping tears and runny mascara off your face. "I just found my friend dead. And saw you kill a man."
"That was no man."
You took a breath and looked down, holding your head. "Oh my god...Oh my god, oh my god.." Dean's big hand gripped your shoulder and pulled you into his chest, giving you a support system until you got yourself stable. The both of you took slow steps and you did what you could to keep your eyes off of Christie. "What..him..What was he..?" You asked, keeping your unfocused eyes on the ground beneath you. You hadn't noticed that he had reached for his phone and appeared to be talking to someone.
"How did you know I was there.? Or he was there...? Why did you just- You didn't even hesitate.."
Now terrified, you wiggled out of his grip and he turned back to you, groaning. "Sammy, I'll call you back." Dean's green eyes were locked on you now, trying to lure you back into his arms. "He was a vampire. And this is my job. I'll explain more later, right now we need to get you somewhere safe."
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
You laughed nervously and ran your hand through your hair, holding back tears.
"What? What? I just saw you /KILL/ somebody!"
"Hey, keep it dow-"
"Why would I go anywhere with you!?"
"Do you want to stay here and die or do you want to get the hell out of here!?" Dean yelled back, clenching his fists. "You come with me, you live. You stay here, you die! If this is about your damn car, get over it! It isn't safe and I don't know how many other bloodsuckers are hangin' out around this joint! If you wanna be sucked dry like a cherry popsicle be my guest."
It was beginning to set in what had happened. That wasn't a drunk hallucination, he really was bearing fangs. And Dean just saved your life. Christie is dead. The cold air was eating at your body and shaking you to the core and Dean's hard eyes staring at you, awaiting an answer wasn't making you feel anymore comfortable.
"Where are we going...?"

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