Thomas Pinckney
This story idea is not mine, I found it on Tumblr. Also, Alexander's kinda OOC.
Cover by: JuliaVeronik8
Alexander first saw him when he was only five years old. An elder woman, named Mrs Dunya, that lived next door received a visitor, a handsome young that seemed to be in his early twenties. Alexander watched with wide eyes as the man spoke soft words to Mrs Dunya.
Her eyes blinked in surprise, her mouth opened slightly. The man smiled sadly, before gesturing his hand inside, no doubt asking if he could enter. Alexander sucked in a breath when he saw Mrs Dunya let him in with tears in her eyes.
Only a few minutes later, the man exited the house, gently shutting the door behind him. Alexander stared with wide curious eyes as he walked down the street and disappeared.
Mrs Dunya was found dead the next day. Died of natural causes it seemed. Her funeral was held soon after and as Alexander sat there with his mother and father, he couldn't help but let his thoughts drift back to the man who had visited just a day earlier.
He wondered who he was and if they would meet again.
They did, nearly fifteen years later, but not face to face. Alexander was just walking down the busy streets of New York when a man suddenly dashed out onto the street.
"Look out!" Alexander screamed but it was too late and the man was struck by a car. Everything seemed to slow down, people screamed in horror, the car stopped and the man's body tumbled down the road and to a stop.
Alexander took a step forward but froze when he saw the young man he'd seen almost fifteen years ago kneeling beside the injured. Alexander watched in silent shock as the man placed a gentle hand on the victim's shoulder, murmuring soft words.
The injured man looked up at the other, tears falling from his eyes. He stammered some words out while the young man just regarded him sadly. Alexander watched as the young man opened his mouth and kissed the injured man directly on the lips.
He choked on his own spit, face flushing. The young man deepened the kiss and Alexander looked away, face bright red. He peeked a glance back and was surprised to see the injured man's body had gone limp and the young man from before was nowhere to be seen.
Alexander frowned. What strange man.
It wasn't until a week later did Alexander hear the news of the man's death. Blood loss it seemed.
The third time Alexander saw him, he actually talked to him. He was at his college, sitting on a bench just studying for an upcoming test. He was interrupted by a scream. His eyes widened and he immediately rushed into it, wondering what the hell it was.
He came across a crowd, all staring up a building. He followed their gazes and immediately knew what was causing them distress. There was someone standing on the roof. People were shouting up at them, begging them to come down. Alexander didn't know what to do. Was this person really going to commit suicide in front of all these people?
"Poor soul."
Alexander stiffened and a shiver went down his spine at the sound of the smooth voice. He turned his head, shocked to see the young man he'd seen twice before starting up mournfully.
"It's too soon..." He muttered, eyes filled with sorrow. "Far too soon..."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Alexander asked, but was ignored.
"Death," The man said. "The fall shall kill him. Death by suicide."
As soon as the man said that, the person took the last step forward and fell to the ground. People screamed with horror, and Alexander looked away, but the sound of his body hitting the earth would forever haunt him. When he opened his eyes once more, the man was gone and the person on the ground was dead.
Death by suicide. Just like the man had said.
After that day, Alexander couldn't stop thinking about him. He haunted his dreams, sometimes he thought he saw him in the most obscure places. Alexander couldn't focus on his studies because his thoughts kept straying away.
The more Alexander thought about it, the more connections he made and the more questions he had. For instance, the man always seemed to be around death. First Mrs Dunya, then that man who was hit by the car and finally the person who'd jumped off that building.
Alexander became so curious that he researched whatever he could think of that would explain this strange man. Sadly, he got nothing. None of his search results made any sense. Seeing as the Internet was no help, Alexander decided to turn to his long-time friend John Laurens. He was a big mythology/history buff. He'd probably know at least something.
"John!" Alexander called, running up to the man.
"Alexander." He said, grinning. "What's up?"
"I have a question."
John quirked a brow. "What about?"
"What do you call a person that always seems to be around death."
John looked terribly confused. "Um, what?"
"Like, a person that whenever they're around someone seems to die," Alexander explained impatiently.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just answer the question!" Alexander said, annoyed. John raised his hands in defense.
"Alright alright," John said. "I'd assume like a grim reaper or something. If we're talking mythology that is."
Alexander gaped. That had to be it. The man knew that that guy on the roof would die from the fall, and once he did, he just disappeared!
"Thanks, John!" He cried before racing off to his dorm.
"Alexander wait-!"
But Alexander was already gone.
It didn't take long for Alexander to become obsessed. He researched all he could about grim reapers, trying to see if there was any way to communicate. Alexander was sad to see that there wasn't. According to myth, reapers only appeared when someone was about to die. He stared at the info, wondering how he could meet this apparent reaper once more. His eyes lit up. A hospital! Surely a reaper would hang around there. Packing his books, he raced out of his dorm and ran to the nearest hospital.
"Hello." A young woman greeted, smiling gently.
Alexander smiled back. "Hello miss. A friend of mine was enrolled here."
"I see. Name?"
Alexander froze. "Um," He racked his brain for a name. James Madison! Was he always in the hospital right? "Madison. James Madison."
"Ah yes. He's right here."
Alexander let out a sigh of relief. Thank god Madison was actually here. "Thank you."
He turned on his heel, ready to leave but the receptionist called out to him.
"Wait!" She said, causing him to freeze.
She smiled in amusement. "I haven't told you the room number yet."
Alexander stared wide-eyed, before laughing awkwardly. "O-Oh yeah. Sorry. My friends do say I'm a bit scatterbrained."
The receptionist chuckled. "Room 106 sir."
"Thank you."
With that, Alexander turned and walked away swiftly.
It didn't take long for him to find the supposed reaper. He was simply wandering around when he saw him. A hospital door was open and Alexander caught a glimpse of a young man who seemed to be in his twenties with rich brown skin and the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.
He was holding a sickly woman's hand, speaking softly, massaging her hand gently. The woman had tears in her eyes and as Alexander inched closer, he could make out their words.
"I am afraid it's your time."
The woman's eyes were glassy. "My husband... will I see him...?"
"Yes of course."
"Then I'm ready."
The man closed his eyes. "I wish you a safe journey."
Alexander watched with wide eyes as the reaper leaned down and gently placed his lips on the women.
"Tha...ank... yo...u..." The woman's eyes valid shut and the reaper placed the woman's hand down beside her. There was silence for a moment, the reaper's head bowed. However a second later, he raised it and stood, calmly dusting himself off.
"E-Excuse me!" Alexander said, walking in the door. The reaper turned, obviously surprised.
"You're a, you're a reaper right?" Alexander said excitedly. The man took a step back.
"What? Why can you see me?" He cried, stumbling backward in shock. Alexander grinned and waved.
"Greetings sir! So, you're a reaper right?" He asked again
The reaper glared at him. "Who are you?" He asked, ignoring the question.
"My name is Alexander Hamilton."
The reaper's eyes narrowed. "How many times have you seen me?"
"Four times I think? I first saw you when I was only five years old. You took away Mrs Dunya."
At the reaper's blank look, Alexander frowned. "You don't remember her?"
"I reap millions of souls in less than two days. I definitely do not remember everyone." He said flatly.
A silence fell over them.
"Have you had a brush with Death before?" The reaper asked suddenly.
Alexander stared. "Yeah. I was almost hit by a truck when I was four, but my mom pulled me away in time. And then there was the time we both got sick and she died but I didn't. OH! There was also that one time when a boat I was on caught fire and we were pretty far away from shore - I just barely got away. And there was the bank robbery where I got shot in the hip but survived with little to no serious damage." Alexander stopped and thought. "Yes, I think that's all of them."
The reaper groaned. "That explains it then."
"What? The fact that I can see you?"
"A human that brushes with Death often sees a reaper for a few years at most." The reaper sighed. "But with the number of times you've been touched by Death." The reaper laughed bitterly. "You'll likely be seeing reapers for the rest of your life."
"That's fine with me!" Alexander said cheerfully. "That just means I'll get to see your gorgeous face more often."
Alexander was fascinated to see color rising in the reaper's cheeks.
The reaper coughed awkwardly. "Yes well, I really must be going." He mumbled before disappearing.
"See you later Mr reaper!"
Alexander grinned happily to have confirmed who the mystery man was. However, now he had a whole bunch of new questions. Like, how did he reap souls? How could Alexander see him more often? After all, that reaper was freaking gorgeous. He was kinda cute too, him blushing from a compliment and all.
With a large happy grin on his face, Alexander walked out of the hospital and back to his dorm.
Once back in the safety of his dorm, Alexander began to think of how he could see the reaper again. He couldn't always go to the hospital, after all, Madison wasn't there twenty-four seven so that wouldn't work. And Alexander certainly couldn't predict where someone will die. After some thinking, the answer became evident.
He'd just have to kill people himself!
He'd have to be careful though. If he got caught and was thrown in jail he'd never get to his reaper again.
Alexander paused. Since when was that man his reaper? Alexander shrugged. Well, even if the reaper wasn't exactly his, that wouldn't stop Alexander from court-seeing him. Alexander sat at his desk, wondering who he should kill first. He decided not to stress about it too much. He was sure that it would come to him eventually.
He was right. It only took two days for Alexander to spot his first victim.
Thomas Pinckney. He was a perfect first victim. Frail and weak, Hell he even admired him! Alexander could use that much to his advantage.
It wasn't hard to find Pinckney. He was right where he always was. In the library.
"Hello, Thomas." Alexander greeted pleasantly. The young man looked up in surprise, staring at Alexander with wide eyes.
"O-Oh!" He stammered. "Mr Alexander Hamilton."
Alexander grinned. "I was wondering if you wanted to study together tomorrow."
Alexander internally smirked at the hopeful look in Pinckney's eyes.
"I would love to!" He said, smiling. "When and where?"
"I was thinking that cafe downtown? At five o'clock?" Alexander leaned on the table and batted his eyes, smiling. He watched with satisfaction as Pinckney began to blush.
"U-Um sure!" Pinckney looked down at his hands that were placed on his lap. Alexander pushed off the table.
"Awesome! See you then!"
He turned on his heel and left, grinning with excitement. He couldn't wait to see his reaper again!
The next day came in what seemed like a flash. Alexander walked to Pinckney's dorm, his switchblade heavy in his pocket. He knocked on the door and waited for Pinckney to answer.
"A-Alexander!" The man said, smiling at him.
"Hey, Thomas." He said, grinning as seductively as possible. "Ready to go?"
"Awesome. Let's head out!"
"John!" Pinckney called. "I'm heading out now!"
"See yah, Thomas!" Pinckney's roommate John Adams called back. "Have fun!"
Alexander grabbed Pinckney's arm and lead him away, eager to see his reaper as soon as possible.
The study date went fine. They chatted over some coffee and shared ideas. Honestly, though, Pinckney was nearly unbearable. Alexander didn't know how Adams could live with the guy. Yeah, he wasn't going to regret a thing. They walked home after a few hours and Alexander knew this was his time.
"Come on Thomas," Alexander said, tugging him into an alleyway. Pinckney followed him nervously.
"Alexander, I don't think this is a good idea..." He looked around, practically clinging to him. "Isn't this where a lot of gangs and stuff hang out?"
"We'll be fine!" Alexander said. "This is a shortcut to the dorms. I use it all the time and I've never been jumped."
Pinckney still seemed nervous but he followed. Once they were deep enough in the alleyway, Alexander pushed Pinckney against the wall.
"A-Alexander!" Pinckney squealed.
Alexander looked up at him through his lashes. Leaning up to his ear, he whispered; "The real reason I brought you here, was because I wanted a more, private place."
Pinckney shivered and Alexander grinned. Still keeping Pinckney pinned, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his knife.
"Thanks for this," Alexander whispered, before plunging the knife straight into Pinckney's gut. He pulled away slightly, feeling glee consume him at the look of shock and betrayal on Pinckney's face as well as the thought of his reaper appearing. Alexander pushed the knife up, enjoying the way Pinckney spat out blood. He took a step back, pulling the knife out as he did and watched Pinckney slid to the ground.
Suddenly, the reaper appeared right beside Pinckney, confusion on his face.
"What...?" He muttered, looking at Pinckney's dying form. "He wasn't supposed to die for another forty years."
"Hello, reaper," Alexander said.
The reaper groaned. "Don't tell me-" One look at Alexander's bloody clothes had him sighing. "You killed him?"
"Yup! I figured it was the only way I'd get to see you again!" Alexander tossed the knife away. "And it worked."
The reaper shook his head before facing Pinckney. "Hey..." He said softly.
Alexander watched in fascination as Pinckney turned his head slightly and gazed at the reaper with lidded eyes.
"I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid you're dying."
Pinckney's eyes widened. "N-No... I-I can't b-be... M-My f-family-" Blood spilled from his mouth.
"Shh..." The reaper said soothingly. "It's your time now I'm afraid."
"I-I can't-" He wheezed.
The reaper's eyes were soft and he began to gently stroke Pinckney's hair to soothe him. "You don't have to worry about a thing. Everything will be fine."
"M-My family I n-need-"
"You can watch over them from where you will be." The reaper said. "Come now. Don't you want all the pain to end?"
A sob escaped Pinckney. "I don't- I don't want t-to d-die!"
The reaper sighed before capturing the man in a kiss. Alexander felt jealousy shoot through him, only to be consoled by the fact that Pinckney was going to die. The reaper deepened the kiss and Pinckney's body went limp. The reaper pulled away, wiping his mouth.
"Honestly. I wasn't expecting to take his soul so soon." He said, irritated. Alexander shrugged.
"Can you blame me for wanting to see you again?"
The reaper glared at him. "You're not supposed to want to see Death."
"Well, I do."
The reaper sighed. "If you keep killing people Alexander, your soul will be tainted and you'll be sent to Hell. Do you honestly want that?"
Alexander laughed. "What could be worse than this miserable world? Honestly, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. If I'm gonna be sent to Hell for wanting to see you, so be it."
The reaper blushed but scoffed. "You're playing a dangerous game, Alexander."
"I want to date Death." Alexander chuckled. "Of course I'm playing a dangerous game."
The reaper stared at him, before disappearing.
Alexander smiled. "Till we meet again dear sir!"
He glanced at Pinckney's limp body. "Till we meet again..."
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