James Reynolds

Alexander wasn't surprised when he saw missing posters for Charles Lee around his college. His body hadn't been found, at least not yet. Alexander was hoping it would never be found, but it was all too possible.

He sighed, tapping his pencil against his desk. His professor was droning on about something that Alexander could honestly care less about. It had been a month since his last kill, and he hadn't managed to see Aaron nor find a suitable victim.

He was starting to get impatient.

Another problem was that his friends had begun to notice his slightly odd behavior. It was only a matter of time before they started asking unwanted questions.

He looked around his classroom, hoping to find someone suitable for his next kill. No one stood out, however. Everyone in his class was mostly nerds. Should he kill one of them, he doubted Aaron would be impressed.

Mind you, he hadn't been all impressed with Alexander's last kill. But Alexander supposed that was because Charles Lee, a jackass to the end, left before Aaron could take him to Hell or Heaven or whatever.

He sighed and tapped his pencil against his notebook. He was itching to see Aaron again. He supposed if he got too desperate, he could just kill some whore or whatever.

After another hour of class, the lecture was over and Alexander took off.


Alexander turned around and was surprised to see John running up to him.

"John? What's up?" He asked, confused at his friend's fidgeting.

"Well, the guys and I are planning to bar hop tonight. Do you wanna join?"

Normally Alexander would agree in a heartbeat, however, he still had to find a good victim, not to mention catch up on his homework.

"Sorry John," He said with an apologetic smile. "I've busy tonight."

John's face fell. "O-Oh. Okay. Maybe next time?"

"Right," Alexander said, before basically running away.

Alexander sat at his desk, tapping his pencil with a frown. On a piece of paper in front of him were names of possible victims. Nothing that could be used against him, seeing as he had just written names, not the reasons.

He absentmindedly circled the names, Samuel Seabury. He was an ideal victim. Frail, pretty quiet when intimidated and didn't have many friends. The only problem was that he was incredibly weak. Killing him wouldn't impress Aaron at all.

He sighed. It's been too long since he'd last seen Aaron. Might as well go out and find some stupid whore or homeless man to kill again.

He walks around his room, grabbing dark clothing and his 'murder backpack'. He didn't really use it for anything else. Once he was changed and had his gloves on, he pulled his hair up and grabbed a new knife that he'd bought just the other day. If he kept switching up the weapons, it would probably be harder to trace.

With a grin, he headed out.


It's already been an hour, and Alexander still hasn't found a good victim. His mood was quickly starting to sour, and people around him were beginning to take notice. They stayed out of his way when he marched past.

His eyes swept back and forth, before spotting an alleyway. With his knife up his left sleeve, he entered it. Maybe some drunken idiot was around.

"Where's the money?" Someone snarled.

Alexander quirked a brow and headed over. Sounded interesting.

"Just give me the damn drugs!" Another person snapped.

Alexander grinned. A drug deal? He hit jackpot! He crept closer, peeking around the corner, spotting a scruffy looking man, scowling down at a teenager.

"No money, no drugs." The man said.

Alexander stared at the man. He recognized that hat anywhere. James Reynolds. He was one sketchy character. Alexander would be doing the whole world a favor if the man just, oh so tragically died.

The kid growled and went to punch him, but Reynolds was faster. Alexander watched as Reynolds punched the teenager in the jaw, knocking him out cold.

Alexander grinned, pulling out his knife. Well wasn't this just perfect. A drug deal went wrong. A kid, desperate for drugs, kills his drug dealer when he gets refused. Such a classic.

Slowly, with his knife hidden behind his back, he approached Reynolds.

"Who the hell are you?" The man said immediately.

"Oh drat," Alexander said cheerfully. "Guess I wasn't quiet enough."

"The hell you want?" Reynolds said, eyeing him warily.

"Nothing much," Alexander said, coming closer. Reynolds took a step back. "There's just one thing I want..."

Alexander took two more steps, before taking three. Reynolds stumbled back, fumbling for something in his pocket. He pulled out a gun, but Alexander was already on him, pushing him back.

"No need for that." He purred, quickly knocking Reynolds' gun away.

"The fuck is wrong with you!" Reynolds shouted, trying to break free from Alexander, who was pinning his legs.

"Just hold still," Alexander said, before raising the knife and driving it straight into Reynolds' thigh.

Reynolds' mouth open to scream, but Alexander shoved his gloved hand over it.

"Shh..." He said, before pulling his knife out. "Struggling will only make it worse." He stabbed Reynolds again, this time right in the stomach. Alexander leaned over, putting his weight on the blade. Reynolds howled.

"Tck." Alexander tsked. "So noisy."

Reynolds tried to pry him off, tried to struggle, but he was too weak from blood loss. Alexander stood up, trying his best to avoid the rapidly growing pool of blood. Reynolds stared at him with glassy eyes as he went to the unconscious kid and place the knife in his hands, curling the limp fingers around it.

"I almost feel bad for him yeah know?" Alexander told Reynolds. "Poor kid is gonna spend the rest of his life in jail. Honestly, you're getting the better end of the deal."

Reynolds scowled at him. "Y-You f-fucker..." He stammered.

"My, my."

Alexander whirled around, startled to see a young woman in blue standing in front of him.

"Is that James Reynolds?" The woman said, eyes cold. "Hmm, best save his soul for my darling Maria."

Alexander blinked. "Who the hell are you?"

"Maria, dear." The woman called and Alexander's eyes widened when a woman in red appeared behind her.

"What is it, Eliza?" She asked, wrapping her arms around the woman in blue.

"Look dear, it's your ex."

The woman in red, Maria Alexander's brain supplied, turned to Reynolds' dying figure.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen." She snarled, eyes filled with hate as she stared down at Reynolds.

Alexander glanced at his latest victim, mildly amused to see a look of shock on his face, despite the fact that he was bleeding out.

"M-Maria...?" He stammered, coughing. "H-Help me!"

Maria scowled and walked over to him, kicking him right on his wound. Reynolds chocked out a pained noise. Meanwhile, Alexander just watched with amusement.

"You think I'd help you after what you did to me you fuck?" Maria spat. Reynolds looked at her with desperation and tried to grab onto her, but she smacked his hand away.

"Eliza, I would love to reap his soul, but I never want his disgusting lips to touch mine or yours. May I call Philip?"

The woman in blue, Eliza, smiled. It was a cruel smile and didn't fit her pretty face.

"That sounds perfect." Eliza whistled, and Alexander stared in awe as a huge black dog, wolf type creature stepped out of the shadows.

"Philip," Eliza said, walking up to the creature and gently petting its mane. "That man over there, devour his soul for me?"

The beast growled, before padding over to Reynolds, who looked horrified. Philip leaned down and opened its huge mouth, before taking a literal bite out of Reynolds. Reynolds screamed in agony, before falling silent and went limp. Philip didn't stop, however, and began to chew, until all of the color in Reynolds was gone.

Alexander stared at the body, fascinated when he realized the actual corpse hadn't moved an inch and had no bite marks.

"That was amazing!" He said.

Both woman, grim reapers probably, turned to him. Both of their eyes were wide.

"You can see us?" Maria said in shock.

"Yes," Alexander said, still staring at Reynolds' body.

"Wait," Eliza said. Her eyes narrowed. "Are you that mortal who keeps making Aaron's job incredibly hard?"

Alexander pouted. "I do not make his job incredibly hard!" He whined.

"So you're the infamous Alexander Hamilton," Maria said, sounding amused. "You know, Aaron rarely loses his patience. Consider it a feat to have frustrated him so much that he actually asked us for help."

"He asked you guys for help?" Alexander said.

"Yeah," Eliza said.

"What're the chances I'll get to see him again?" He asked.

Maria shrugged. "Unless you actually witness someone, who was supposed to, die, probably not very high."


"Alexander," Eliza said, stepping towards him. "Why are you doing this? Why kill people? Your soul is so tainted now, you'll never be able to enter Heaven."

"I don't care," Alexander said. "Aaron's... He's just something else. So handsome and adorable. Him being a grim reaper is just a plus to me. It just makes him all the more fascinating."

Maria and Eliza stared at him.

"I understand how you feel. When I first saw Eliza, I felt the same." Maria sighed. "Aaron's going to kill me for telling you this but... there's a way for you to become a grim reaper."

Alexander's eyes widened. "Really? How? You have to tell me!"

"Calm down Mr Hamilton," Eliza said. "It's a horrible thing to do, even after what you've done."

"What? Just tell me what I have to do!"

Maria sighed, smiling sadly. "You have to kill someone you love dearly. And afterward..." She trailed off.

"You need to commit suicide," Eliza said softly.

Alexander blinked. "Kill someone, I love dearly...?" He tilted his head. Someone he loved dearly... But that was Aaron. Who else... His thoughts trailed off.

"It's your choice, Alexander," Maria said. "But know that whatever age you chose to do this in, if you do it at all, will be your reaper form."

Alexander's eyes widened. "Oh! I see. Alright." He glanced at Maria. "Who did you kill?"

Eliza glared at him. "Have you no sense of shame?" She snapped. "This is an extremely sensitive subject!"

"My daughter," Maria said quietly. "I killed my daughter."

Alexander stared at the seemingly fragile and kind woman with shock.

Maria sighed heavily and looked at the ground. "James Reynolds, he was my old boyfriend. He... he didn't treat me well. He beat me on a daily basis, sometimes near death. That's why I could see Eliza. But I couldn't leave him. He was too strong and powerful. But... one day he went too far. He... He raped me."

Maria wiped away a stray tear. "I ran away the second I gained enough strength to. He never came after me but... Three weeks later I found out I was pregnant. At first, I decided to raise the babe on my own but, Eliza offered me another option. She told me about becoming a grim reaper. I was horrified at the idea of killing my child at first, but then she told me that my daughter would be reborn into a better life. I didn't want my baby to grow up with a messed up woman and a rapist for a father. I made her death as painless as possible. I fed her fast-acting poison, and then drank it myself."

"Oh," Alexander muttered quietly. That was dark and messed up, even for him.

"It's been five years," Maria said. "I know my daughter is very loved with her new family. Plus, I have my own family now. I regret the way I got here, but I wouldn't change it for the world."

Alexander nodded.

"Well, we need to be on our way," Eliza said. She and Maria climbed onto Philip's back. "Think this through Alexander." She advised. "You can't go back."

"I got it," Alexander said a bit dismissively.

With one last glance in his direction, Philip jumped into the shadows and they disappeared.

Distantly, Alexander could make out sirens wailing. Reynolds had been pretty loud. Quickly, he fled the scene and returned to his dorm.

He had a lot to think about.

Eliza and Maria appeared. Yay! Also, Reynolds is dead! Double yay!

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