Aksanifrg jniismkld Ahhhh! Sorry this took forever. Couldn't seem to get the flow right and finals and arghhhhh.
Alexander watched as a man was struck by a car.
"Ha! Serves him right for running into the street like that." He said with a small grin to his Hellhound John. The dog, wolf creature stared at him with an unimpressed look.
"Tsk, stop staring at me like that," Alexander said. The beast snorted. "Sassy," Alexander muttered. "Well, you know the drill."
The Hellhound shuddered, before running down from the building they stood on, towards the dying man laying on the road.
Alexander watched as John promptly devoured the man's soul. The beast licked his lips before returning to Alexander's side.
"Good boy," Alexander said, scratching the creature's neck. John purred, leaning into it.
"Alexander, you're behind schedule."
Alexander's eyes lit up and he whirled around. "Aaron! Darling!" He cried.
Aaron sighed. "Alexander, you need to get back on schedule."
Alexander pouted, before grabbing Aaron's wrist and pulling him close. Aaron spluttered a bit, and Alexander grinned when he saw the faint blush decorating his lover's cheeks.
"You're so cute." He purred, before kissing Aaron.
Aaron leaned into a bit, before pulling away abruptly. "Alexander," He said softly. "No more distractions."
"Aw, but baby you're just too irresistible."
Aaron glared at him, flustered. "Alexander, you can't get in trouble for slacking again."
"Alright, alright." Alexander pouted, before pecking his lover's lips once more. "I'll see you soon love."
Aaron rolled his eyes. "I'll see at home."
"Bye sweetie!" Alexander said, waving his hand. His lover snorted, before disappearing. "Well John," He said, turning to his Hellhound. "You heard Aaron."
The Hellhound snorted.
"Honey I'm home!" Alexander called, strolling into their little apartment. They lived in the human world, mostly just because it was easier to do their jobs this way. Of course, their boss, a reaper named George Washington, supplied them with money to pay for their apartment, as long as they did their job well.
"Hello, Alexander," Aaron said, smiling softly when Alexander kissed him.
It had taken awhile, in fact, it had taken Alexander ten years after he'd become a reaper to finally, finally, convince Aaron to go on a date with him. It had been so amazing, and wonderful that Alexander had asked (pestered) Aaron to go on another one.
Aaron reluctantly agreed, and after about twenty more dates agreed to be Alexander's boyfriend. They eventually went to lovers, after another ten years, but, much to Alexander's frustration, marriage wasn't a thing among reapers. Fortunately, he'd managed to convince Aaron to wear a ring. So technically, they were married.
"Whatcha making?" Alexander asked cheerfully, peeking over his lover's shoulder.
Aaron nudged him away. "I'm making pasta."
"Ooh, what type?"
"Awesome!" Alexander kissed his cheek. "Thanks, babe."
Aaron scowled, looking embarrassed. "You're crazy..." He mumbled.
Alexander giggled and nibbled on Aaron's neck softly. Aaron let out the cutest little yelp and scowled, face flushing even more.
"Alex!" He hissed before a small groan escaped his lips when Alexander latched onto a sensitive spot.
Alexander smirked, sucking a bit harder when Aaron cried out softly, dropping his spatula.
Ding dong
Alexander pulled his head away from Aaron's lovely neck and glared at the door.
"Go answer it, Alexander," Aaron said, panting quietly, escaping from Alexander's arms and grabbing his spatula.
Alexander pouted and basically stomped over to the door. He swung it open, a scowl on his face.
"Ooh, someone's in a bad mood."
Alexander blinked. "Maria?"
The lady in question grinned and gave a small wave. "'Ello."
Alexander frowned, opening the door a bit more. "What're you doing here?"
"Well, I thought you'd want to have an update on John." She said, red lips pursed.
Alexander opened the door all the way. "Come on in, Aaron's making pasta."
"Sweet, his cooking's awesome." She stepped inside and made her way to the kitchen.
"Hey Aaron," She said with a smile, pecking him on the cheek.
"Hello, Maria." He said a small smile on his face. Alexander pouted and tugged Aaron to him.
"Hands off Maria." He said, half joking. Maria rolled her eyes.
"So sorry." She said. Alexander pecked Aaron's lips before letting him go.
Aaron shook his head lightly. "I assume you're staying for dinner?"
Maria nodded. "Yes, I came with an update on John, and Alexander invited me in for dinner."
Aaron hummed, dividing the food onto the plates. "Alexander," He said, putting two plates into his hands. "Go put these on the table."
Alexander blinked, before accepting the plates. "Okay." He said, before turning and walking to the dining room.
He placed them on the tables and glanced back at Maria and Aaron. They were chatting softly, and after realizing that he was staring at them, they walked over.
They all took a seat, Alexander close to Aaron while Maria sat at the other end of the table.
"Thanks for the food Aaron," Maria said, grabbing her fork and digging in.
"Yeah, thanks love," Alexander said, pecking Aaron's cheek.
Aaron smiled sweetly. "It was no problem."
They all ate in silence, slight tension hanging over them. After a few minutes, when Maria reached for seconds, Aaron cleared his throat.
"You mentioned something about John?" He said. "What is the news?"
"Ah yes," Maria placed her fork down and gained a serious look on her face. "It seems he's doing well but, a couple of problems have arisen at his current school."
Alexander frowned, setting his fork down. "Such as?"
Maria sighed. "A few boys at his middle school haven't been the kindest, and John obviously has no plans to attempt to change that."
Alexander scowled, about to stand, but Aaron grabbed his wrist and tugged him back down.
"Hear the rest of the story before you go on a murdering spree Alexander." He said sternly.
Alexander huffed and crossed his arms, glowering off into the distance.
"Continue Maria," Aaron said with a small smile, still lightly holding Alexander's wrist.
"Well, I don't have much else to add. However," She shot Alexander a glare when he practically jumped to his feet. "Washington is sick of your reckless behavior. He's warned that if anyone in John's town who's not on a list dies, you'll both be punished."
Aaron blinked, while Alexander face twisted with rage.
"He'll punish Aaron?" He cried.
Maria sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Washington isn't stupid Alexander. He knows that threatening Aaron, no matter how underhanded it may be, is the only way to keep you in line."
Alexander scowled. "That doesn't give him the right to hurt Aaron, who hasn't done anything wrong-"
"Alexander," Aaron said sternly, shutting Alexander up. "Don't forget that Washington has a higher position than you. You would do well to remember it."
They had a small stare off before Alexander reluctantly sat back down.
"Is that everything Maria?" Aaron asked softly, grabbing Alexander's hand and squeezing it gently.
"Yeah." She stood up, dusting herself off. She smiled at them, though it looked a bit strained. "Thanks so much for the meal, but I need to head out. Eliza's waiting for me."
"Alright. It was nice to see you again." Aaron smiled. "Tell her I said hi."
Maria nodded. "Will do. See you two later." She then disappeared with a small wave.
Aaron smile faded the second she was gone, and he turned to Alexander, concern written all over his face.
"Alexander," He said softly, reaching over and brushing a finger under his eye. "Are you alright?"
Alexander blinked, turning to his lover. He smiled, leaning over and kissing Aaron softly. Aaron hummed, leaning into it a bit.
Alexander tugged him closer, pulling him into his lap. They kissed for a bit, before pulling away. Both were panting softly.
"I'm fine love," Alexander said with a smile. "Tomorrow-"
"I'll take care of it," Aaron said, smiling. He pecked Alexander on the cheek, before climbing out of his lap and collecting the plates. He walked to the kitchen, stopping and turning.
"Just make sure you make it up to me." He said with a sly grin, before disappearing into the kitchen.
Alexander blinked, his pants seeming far too tight suddenly. He grinned.
"Oh, I will."
Alexander leaned against a tree and watched as a bunch of middle school kids ran about. It was a bit fascinating to watch, seeing as it'd been ages since he'd been that young. The time when he was human seemed like a distant memory now.
All that matter to him was Aaron.
But, while his lover was his highest priority, he'd made a promise to his newly reincarnated friend. Nothing in John's new life could go wrong, nothing. He wouldn't allow it. He owed John that much.
"Quit it!"
Alexander turned to the noise, seeing a short boy with curly hair glaring at an older boy with neatly trimmed black hair.
He repressed a smile. John's appearance hadn't changed much. He still had crazy curly hair. However, his eyes were green instead of hazel and only had a few light freckles on his face as opposed to all over his body.
"Queer." The black-haired boy sneered.
Alexander tensed, eyes knit into a frown. He may be a bit out of touch, but even he knew that that word was meant as an insult. He pushed off against the tree but blinked when little John suddenly threw a punch.
He watched with amusement as the two got into a fight. Some things never change.
A teacher came rushing over, pulling the two apart forcefully. He watched as the two were scolded before being led into the school.
Alexander pursed his lips, before following them. He stayed outside the office for a moment, giving them a second to get ahead. He entered the office, smiling softly at the secretary.
"Excuse me," He said. She turned to him, eyes widening when she saw him.
"Can I help you, sir?" She asked.
"Yes, about those two boys who just came in. I happened to see them fighting outside."
The secretary arched a brow. "Oh?"
"Well, to me it appeared that the boy with black hair was bullying the one with curly hair." Alexander's smile fell. "I believe the term used was 'queer'."
The woman's eyes widened and a tiny gasp escaped her lips. "I, I'll inform the principal immediately."
He smiled again. "Thank you."
She walked away and only a few minutes later, John came running out. Alexander watched as he joined another boy, chatting excitedly.
He dusted off his hands, before leaving the school. His work was done. At least for now.
"Aaron?" He called softly, opening the door and wandering in. There was no sign of his lover. Alexander wasn't surprised. No doubt his work was doubled, considering Alexander had basically taken the day off.
He walked into the kitchen, wondering if he should cook something for Aaron, before deciding against it. He was a horrible cook. He picked up his phone and called a Thai place.
Just an hour later, Aaron came home.
"Welcome home love," Alexander said, pulling him into a kiss. Aaron kissed back lightly, before pulling away.
"It went well?" He asked, closing the door.
Alexander nodded. "Yeah. He'll be left alone for now at least."
"That's good to hear." Aaron squeaked when Alexander tugged him closer, both hands resting just above his ass.
"I do believe I owe you." He purred, nibbling softly on Aaron's lovely neck.
"A-Alex..." Aaron stammered, face flushing. He tiny moan escaped his lips when their hips met.
Alexander smirked, before biting down on his neck, sucking gently to leave a mark.
Aaron groaned and pulled him closer, grinding his hips against Alexander's slowly.
Both jumped when the doorbell rang.
Aaron turned to it, while Alexander glared.
"Alexander, go answer it," Aaron said, sounding flustered.
Alexander pouted, pecking Aaron's lips one last time, before reluctantly letting him go.
He opened the door with a scowl.
"What do you want?" He growled.
The poor delivery man jumped, looking scared. "U-Um, there's an order of the classic for this room...?" He stammered.
Alexander blinked, before grabbing the food and shoving ninety dollars into the boy's hand.
"Keep the change." He said slamming the door shut.
"Alexander, who was at-"
Alexander dumped the food on the ground, grabbed his lover's hand and dragged him to the bedroom.
"Alexander!" Aaron cried, falling onto the bed. His eyes were wide and cheeks flushed when Alexander climbed on top of him.
"Now then..." Alexander mumbled, unbuttoning Aaron's shirt. "Let's continue."
Ack, that was a horrible ending. Lol sorry. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this fic!
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