Chapter 13
Toby didn't know what to do, the hug had come so surprisingly, and yet he had welcomed it so easily. Her body felt to warm against his, that he couldn't help but get lost in the feeling. Such a strange feeling, something he hadn't felt... Well, every before. She kept hugging him, and the longer she did, the calmer Toby felt.
His twitching seemed to calm down, his ticking wasn't as loud. He felt like he was still, properly still, for once in his life. And he loved it. Closing his eyes, he slowly wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back as tightly as she hugged him.
(Y/N) tensed slightly in his hold, either unprepared for the hug, or expecting worse. She may know a lot about Toby, but she also knew he could hurt her at any moment, and yet she still hugged him, thanked him.
"No problem..." Toby said, the first without a stutter.
The girl let out a sigh, before pulling away from him. She immediately looked guilty, fiddling with her fingers. The girl lowered her gaze, pushing the chair, and thus herself, away.
"S-Sorry..." It was her turn to stutter, she moved her hair from her face, "I-I know you Proxies aren't fond of people... I shouldn't have hugged you."
Toby tilted his head to the side, smiling beneath the mask. He gave a dismissive wave,
"I-It's... Alright." He said, cursing his stutter for returning, "B-But... I-I have ooone more ques-question."
"Wh-What am I g-gonna doo while my f-f-foot heals...?"
~A Week Later~
A lot of time had passed since Toby took sanctuary in (Y/N)'s room, and by a lot of time, he of course meant only a week. It hadn't been difficult keeping him hidden from the girl's family, as her mother never checked on her, and she managed to stop her brother before he'd enter her room. But even he was stopping in less and less.
Toby noticed whenever (Y/N) spoke to her mother now, whenever he could hear them of course, her mother would be snappy and demanding. She'd tell her daughter to cook dinner, clean the dishes, mop the floor. She was starting to treat (Y/N) like her slave, and that didn't sit well with the twitchy murderer.
Of course (Y/N) never mentioned this to Toby, even when she knew he had heard.
Aside from the easy hiding, it was boring. There was nothing to do, since (Y/N)'s laptop was destroyed; they couldn't just chill and watch videos or play games. Honestly, Toby regrets smashing it. And yes, he admitted to that as well.
The two had found it interesting that the keys that had stayed on spelt both 'Toby' and 'Proxy' like some weird coincidence shit. (Y/N) said it was totally a movie coincidence, it shouldn't have been possible, Toby agreed, and Slender did mentally as well.
So that's pretty much all they did was talk about things, anything. They talked mostly about (Y/N), how her highschool years were going, that she had basically dropped out after the car incident, how she didn't have any friends. They spoke of her brother, he was a smart kid and very responsible, Toby joked about him becoming a drug addict, which earnt a slap from the girl. Of course, it didn't affect him and left him chuckling. (Y/N) eventually joined in with her own laughter, admitting guiltily that he was probably right, though also insisting Ethan had never touched a drug in his life.
The girl also tried to push some questions on Toby, but it was hard with Slender telling him what to answer. All he could confirm was that Slender was real, Toby's boss, and that he could always communicate with Toby through telepathy. (Y/N) thought it was awesome and asked if Slenderman's telepathy could go further than just talking.
"Like... Can he control your body? Make you do things?" She asked.
"Eh... N-Not really..." Toby gave a shrug, "H-He just ma-akes me feel... Siiick... And d-dizzy... And weak... Wh-When he doesn't wa-want me d-d-doing things."
"Ah I see, so it's more mental manipulation..." (Y/N) said, rubbing her chin in thought, "That's still really cool."
"I-I guesss you cou-could put it tha-at way..." Toby tilted his head at her.
She gave him a smile, "Well if you're cool with that, then it's cool."
The two sat in silence once again, but (Y/N) wasn't ready for more awkwardness. She cleared her throat, getting to her feet. Toby watched her, curiosity in his eyes.
"I'm gonna go get lunch, wait here." She said, walking to the doorway.
"I-I mean..." Toby glanced at his foot, "I-I am totally c-capable of... Walking. I-I'll just... Hop a-after you."
"Sorry." (Y/N) gave a small chuckle, "I know, injured ankle, can't walk. Just stay there."
"I-I planned on i-it." Toby winked.
The girl laughed, shaking her head as she closed her door. Toby couldn't help but smile to himself, letting out a sigh as he fixed the pillow he was leaning on, sinking into it. He had never felt so relaxed in a stranger's home before, it was new, he liked it.
-You're getting far too comfortable- Slenderman popped into his head, -With the room, and with (Y/N)-
"J-Just chill..." Toby huffed, unable to hide his annoyance, "I-I'm just stay-aying comfortabllle u-until I c-can leave..."
-Don't back chat me- His boss snapped in his head, he really was full of anger lately, -Just keep an eye on the girl and her family-
Toby waved his hand dismissively again; he didn't think (Y/N) was going to do anything to endanger Slender and his Proxies. Considering the conversation they had held a week ago, the fact that the girl was grateful for them killing her father, respectful even, she had no reason to out her heroes to the world.
Slender stopped talking, however Toby could feel more emotions stirring inside him, his own annoyance, some sort of anger, confusing and... Betrayal...?
-Is that so...?- Slenderman asked next, clearly reading through Toby's thoughts, -She respects us?-
"Y-Y-Yes. She could have r-rat-t-ted me out and she d-d-didn't." The man muttered to himself, "Sh-She even... Joked about t-taking me to the-the hossspital. S-Said I wouldn't l-like being b-brought up in their r-r-records..."
Slender was quiet again, before a sigh entered Toby's mind, -Just keep an eye on her for me. But don't get close. Understood?-
"G-Got it bosss."
And as his boss left his mind, so did the mixed and confused emotions. Toby himself was left confused as well, he'd never experienced so much from his boss. Was Slender doing it on purpose, or did he not know he was projecting so much of his usually closed off emotions onto his Proxy?
The twitching boy gave a shrug, he didn't want to dwell on his boss' emotions. That was his problem, not Toby's. Though he got the feeling he was somehow behind it all.
It's short but hopefully sweet uwu
RJ Out!!!
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