Riku/ Ezra Wedding One-Shot

Was requested by MrMarvinWilliams

It sucks but whatever lol...

Slits of sunlight came through the curtains causing Ezra to frown in her sleep. She rolled over, and her brow wrinkled once she didn't feel that particular warm body she trained herself to feel every morning. Drawing her arm back to herself, she lifted her head up and her eyes fluttered open. She blinked, looking at the empty spot. Her eyes adjusted to the white sheets as she pushed her hair out her face. Her eyes lands on a peach colored rose and a folded white paper on the pillow the love of her life sleeps on. She pushed herself up and slid into a sitting position. She took the rose and note, flipping the white paper open, slightly neat writing greeted her.

A peach rose can indicates excitement, desire and enthusiasm.

This is for all 3

I can't wait to call you Mrs. Takari.
- Your Soon-To-Be Husband in the next five hours

Ezra smiled and looked around the room. Pictures of she and Riku all over. From when they were kids to now.

Today's the day.. She thought as she crawled out of bed.

"Rise and Shine sleepy head you have a big day ahead of you and so little time to do it!" Reina barges in the room without knocking. Ezra glared at the girl.

"I tried to get her to knock." Amari shrugs casually with Keiri following in behind her.

"I'm gonna go shower." Ezra says as she walks to the master bathroom.

"Hurry up we don't have all day." Reina says. "Exactly five hours to get everything done!"

4Hrs untill the Wedding....

The girls sat in the nail salon getting their manicures, pedicures, and facials galore. Ezra reached for her phone, seeing that no message from her beloved soon-to-be husband was sent. Unlocking her phone, she decided to give him a piece of her mind when her phone was quickly snatched out her hands. Her head traveled to Reina and she frowned once more.

"You two cannot talk to eachother untill the wedding you know that." She smiled smugly before stuffing the ebony's phone in her back pocket. Ezra huffed loudly and turned away, shaking her leg.

"At least one of us is getting married." Reina then spoke bitterly causing Amari to chuckle.

"Your time will soon come Rei." Amari giggles shaking her head.

"How are we making this about her again?" Ezra says. "Can you please tell my boyfriend he's a jerk for not letting me know he's at least safe with the guys?"

"Riku is no longer your boyfriend sweetie." Keiri shakes her head. "He is definitely a fiancé and in the next four hours he will officially be your husband—How'd you manage to court him anyway?"

"I-I honestly wasn't trying to." Ezra blushes as her mind fell her the only man she will ever love. "I found him annoying; how he'd always want to hold a conversation with me while everyone was obviously in a group conversation. I hated his smile because I liked it so much. He's arrogant in a way that it arouses me. And he's gentle. Always cleaning up after Shouyu when he finally loses his temper. I never understood why—from all the beautiful girls that's ever approached him, he's always been trying to get under me. You guys may never have noticed because you were in crushes of your own, but Riku never strayed from me."

"You two are literally the most cutest couple I've ever seen." A humming sigh came from Reina. "Zhang is so emotionally dead—Fucking jerk."

Ezra smiled. "But he fits you." She says. "He forces you to answer questions or do anything that we all know Reina wouldn't do."

"That is true." Keiri says holding her mimosa in the air as a toast.

Reina blushed and turned her head away from the girls before walking back to her seat and sitting down. She took her own mimosa in her hand before taking a large gulp and setting it down.


"Guys come on give me my phone!" Riku wined as he sat in the hairdresser's chair, getting a edge-up and his ends clipped. Zhang smirked as he along with Shouyu and Jai looked through his phone.

"Wow you actually have really provocative pictures of Izzy in your phone." Zhang tilts his to the side and snickers when Shouyu reaches over his shoulder to swipe right on the phone, showing yet another picture, this time of the both of them. Ezra was obviously the one taking the selfie as Riku laid with his chin resting on her chest and looking at her with pure love in his eyes as she was trying to take a picture on the bed that they laid on.

"How the hell do you get her to smile, Riku?" Jai asked confused.

"Im still confused on how he even got her in the first place." Zhang mumbles making Shouyu snort and swipe towards another picture. He took the phone from Zhang's hands before he continued on his right swipe.

Riku frowned. "Give me my phone please." He orders. "I have to at least let her know that I'm fine and not drunk in a ditch somewhere with an IV drip full of vodka in my arm."

"Dude." Zhang frowns. "That's pretty vivid."

"For what it's worth, I'll text one of the girls to tell them you're safe and they'll relay the message." Jai says taking out his phone.

Riku eased up a little and nodded seeing Jai take out his phone.

"It's cute how you two are about eachother." Zhang stuck his hands in his pockets. "I try with Reina, but she always blows me off."

"She's suppose to." Jai says stuffing his phone back into his pocket. "You're a jerk to her all the time."

"I don't try to be." Zhang says slightly defensive. "And when I try to do that cute shit girls like, she blows me off and calls me an idiot."

"Well, you are an idiot." Shouyu says with a snort. He locked his twin brother's phone and stuffed it in his pocket. Riku sniggered giving his brother an air high five. Zhang huffed.

"Says the one who ruined his first kiss with his girlfriend cause he bit her fucking lip and made it bleed."

The blonde blushed and frowned. "I-I—"

"Idiot." Zhang cuts him off from saying anything.

"But Zhang didn't you give Reina a bouquet of Flowers with a worm in it?" Riku asked.

Zhang shrugged. "So? She liked it." He says. "She named him Harold."

"You two are perfect." Jai snorts.

Riku sighed. He looked down at his hands and smiled looking at the tattoed cursive E on the ring finger of his left hand. Somehow, the Takoiya twins convinced them to do something crazy. All in the name of love. His finger tingled, remembering the pain he felt getting the tattoo, but smiled harder when he saw the relieved, love filled look in Ezra's eyes seeing the finished product. He knew that moment they'd be forever.

Final Hour....

Ezra stared at her reflection as her hairdresser and makeup artist went to work on her. In her lap sat her one year old daughter. She was fully dressed in a creme dress, with matching headband. She looked up lovingly, amazed at how beautiful her mother is. Ezra cluthed onto the small child, careful that she didn't slide off her lap.

"My baby is growing up and I can't stop it." Mrs. Takoiya sniffled back her tears as she laid her head on Yuri Takari's shoulder.

"Well have another." Yuri says softly. "Our boys have officially left the nest and that's all Liam and I have been doing."

Isadora kissed her teeth as she straightened her posture.

"Escobar would not enjoy another child." She sighed. "We already had 5 and Moo is our youngest. Diapers are expensive and he will not pay for them. He said it once Moo was potty trained."

Yuri snorted. "Your husband's a funny man."

"My dad's an idiot that's what he is." Ezra sighed. "He may have told you that but there were times he's bought the twins diapers. Amyan had mickey mouse dispers and N'yama had Mini Mouse. I'm sure you'd get a sperm cell our two out of him if you just apply yourself."

The two women laughed.

"What am I gonna do with you Moo?"

Ezra smiled.

"Ezra, if you don't mind, I bought you something to wear today." Yuri smiled digging into her bag. Her blonde strands slipping over her shoulder as she dug. "It's something old; my mother gave it to me on my wedding day and I really want you to have it."

"Oh Mrs. Takari I can't." Ezra shook her head politely.

"Nonsense." Yuri frowned slightly looking up at the girl. "You're family now; well, you've always been but it's gonna be on paper now. No more formalities, I am your mom too and you're gonna wear this young lady."

Ezra's golden eyes sparkled when she smiled. "Thank you Mom."

"Yuri and I talked about it." Isadora says as she too began digging in her purse. "She'd give you something old, and I'd give you something new."

"You have a shopping obsession that's why." Ezra took her hand and ran it through her daughter's silky curly lavender hair. She bounced her leg so the stirs of the child would stop. Seeing this, Amari walked over and out streatched her arms towards the small child. Seeing someone so familiar, N'yama reached out as well. Amari smiled and scooped the small girl up, propping her on her hip. N'yama stuck her thumb in her mouth and laid her head on Amari's shoulder.

"She's gonna be so spoiled." Ezra frowned watching her daughter snuggle into her god-mother. Amari smiled.

"I love how the twins are a perfect blend of you and Riku." Reina says as she slipped into her bridesmaid dress. "They both have your skin complexion and nose, but hair and eyes are Riku. I can't wait till they develop their personalities."

"Me either." Ezra smiles. "I wonder would she be like me or Riku."

"It would be cute to see a spitting image of Riku act like you." Keiri snorted and laughed causing the room to laugh. Ezra blushed.

"Who knew right?" She smiled. "Here I was thinking it was only one baby and I came out with two. Riku was so happy." She sighed. "I love that man I swear."

"And I'm so glad it's you that loves him." Yuri says. "He's sensitive and sometimes delicate. So he gets hurt easily."

"Trust me, I know." Ezra nodded recalling the argument they had a while ago. Riku was more distraught than she was, and he pleaded with her not to leave him—although she never considered it— it made her feel important knowing that someone was willing to fight for her. That's all she ever wanted. In that moment, she knew that the two of them were meant for eachother. She looked down at her hands, seeing the rose gold diamond encrusted engagement ring. She could see the cursive R under the ring. She bit her lip feeling the butterflies swarm around in her stomach.

This is happening. She thought. I'm getting married.

"Are you nervous?" Her eldest sister Jersey smirked, leaning over her shoulder as the ebony looked into the mirror.

"Of course not." Ezra smirked confidently. "I've been ready for this."

"And here I thought you'd marry a basketball." Jersey stood straight and smirked. "Not a player, the actual basketball." Ezra frowned.

"Fuck you." She whispers.

"Oh totally." The second oldest, Sotiria chuckled from the couch. She shook her head bringing her champagne glass to her lips. "I totally thought she'd be a lesbian."

"Wow, really?" Ezra stared at her sisters through the mirror. Her eyebrows furrowed. "I was a tomboy, so what?"

"I knew you'd find someone." The middle child, Caleigh spoke from the full body mirror. She checked out her ass as she posed for a picture. She looked it over before turning to face the others. "Girls actually flirted with Ezra and she wasn't enticed by it at all."

"Thank yo—what? Really?" Ezra asked confused.

"Yeah." Caleigh scoffed. "I'm actually disappointed you aren't a lesbian. Would've made some kind of drama in our family right?"

"You'd think that'd be drama?" Isadora smirked. "I wanted a gay child, your father on the other hand would've accepted either of you being a lesbian rather than your brothers being gay. My money was on Makaio."

"Makes sense." Ezra nodded. "Totally makes sense."

"You mean I forced myself to be a heterosexual when I could've been gay?" Sotiria blinked. Ezra snorted loudly causing the room to laugh.

"Wow man, our baby sister is getting married and we have baby daddys and shit." Jersey shook her head with a small smile on her face.

"I like Riku though." Caleigh says sitting on Reina's lap who smiled pervertedly.

"It's impossible not to." Sotiria giggles. "Him and his fine ass brother. Jesus that blondie is fine. If I were ten years younger—Lord, I'm sorry Amari."

"It's fine."

"Look, Amari even know her man fine." Jersey cackled.

"Mama Yuri thank you so much for producing these men for us." Sotiria raised her glass to her. Isadora pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Yuri I'm sorry, my girls are completely their father."

Yuri giggles. "No, no it's fine." She says. "Their father get the same treatment."

"You're way better than mom." Ezra snorts. Her sisters giggle with her.

"Let another woman try and make eye contact with dad." Caleigh laughed.

"Man mom would be on her so tough!" The girls laughed and their mother shook their head.

"That is not true." Isadora says shaking her head.

"Yeah okay." Ezra chuckles. "Let one of these little floosies look at dad while he's giving me away."

"Whole wedding shut down!" Caleigh spoke making the room laugh.

"I should've swallowed all of you assholes." Isadora folds her arms over her chest and looks at her four girls.

30 minuets before the wedding...

Riku sighed feeling his anxieties taking over him. He shook it off and looked at his reflection.

"Make sure you cry when you see her, girls like that shit." Zhang says as he smacks away on the bowl of peanuts the event host left for them. Jai sighed and tried to reach for some, but Zhang pulled the bowl away from him and frowned. "No nigga."

"Zhang those arent even yours!" Jai frowns.

"Says who?"

Zhang felt someone near him and looked down seeing 1-year old Amayan digging a hand into the peanuts and looking at his uncle Zhang so cutely he just had to—

"NOPE!" Zhang snatched the bowl from him causing the small toddler to frown at him.

"He's gonna hate you when he gets older." Jai chuckles.

"Stop harassing my son Zhang." Riku says from the mirror. He turns to his brothers— figuratively and Literally— and crossed his arms. "He has teeth and he can chew. He can have some peanuts."

"No, he cant." Zhang frowns. "They're mine."

"He's forsure gonna hate you." Shouyu shakes his head while he grabbed his nephew and held him. The small chocolate skinned boy laid his head on his uncle's shoulder.

"He's not even gonna remeber this." Zhang says. "Babies don't remember anything up untill five years old."

"Four." Makaio corrected from behind the dressing curtain. "They remember things at four years old."

"See, he's fine."

"God, I'd hate to see you and Reina's kids." Riku scoffed.

"Perverted little assholes." Shouyu added.

The guys snorted. A knock on the door made everyone pause.

"Come in." Tae says from the couch he sat on. The door opened and Escobar Takoiya stuck his head in.

"We're about to start, we need you men out and ready for the bride's entrance." He says before leaving.

"I still can't get over my sister getting married." Tae says with a sigh. "And here I thought she would be a lesbian."

"What? Really?" Riku looked confused. "Why?"

The guys began to grab their last minute things before heading out the room.

"She was too much of a tomboy." Makaio says. "She always wanted to play ball with us. She was barely with our sisters and when she was, they were dressing her up and shit and she hated that."

"I was waiting for her coming out speech so we could all tell her we knew already." Tae added as Makaio nodded.

"Guys!" A frantic voice caught their attention. Looking in the direction, they seen Amari practically running their way.

"What's going on babe?" Shouyu asks as he stopps her from running. She inhaled deeply.

"Ezra's freaking out and talking about not marrying Riku." She says. "She shut everyone out of the room and locked herself inside. Someone has to get her out or all my hard work being maid of honor will go to waste!"

"I got this." Riku stepped around them. Shouyu grabbed his arm.

"Dude, you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." The blonde's eyebrows furrowed.

Riku politely removed himself from his brother's grip. "My girl is getting married today. I don't care about these stupid superstitions okay?" He says. "She's having an anxiety attack and I'm gonna go talk to her."

"And that's why Riku deserves my sister." Tae smirked as they watched the lavender haired man speed walk down the corridor.

Riku knew he found the room when she saw both he and Ezra's mom along with her sisters standing out side of the room.

Jersey banged on the door.

"Izzy it's almost time for the wedding!" She yelled.

"I don't care!" Ezra screamed through tears. "I'm not marrying him looking like this! I Look like a fucking drag queen! I can't marry him like this and you know that! I'm not gonna go out there and embarrass myself! Fuck off!"

"Sweetie you look fine!" Her mother spoke.

"You're only saying that because you're my mother and that's your obligation!" Ezra yells back. "Just leave me alone!"

Riku calmly stepped through the crowd and pressed his hand on the door. He looked back at them and told them they could leave.

"She'll do it if she hears my voice." He whispers to them. They all back up, giving the lavender haired man his space.

"Baby, you in there?" He says through the door. Ezra quickly stopped wiping her eyes and turned her head towards the door. She sat on the floor, hair styled to perfection, makeup now smeared and wedding dress on with her back pressed against the wooden door separating her from the outside world.


"Yeah, hi." He chuckles. "I miss you."

"I-I miss you too." She replies.

The blue eyed man smiled. "Can you come out so we can get married and I can look at you all day to make up for lost time?"

"I can't marry you looking like this." She shakes her head although he cant see. "I look ridiculous."

"Ridiculously beautiful?" Riku smirked knowing he has her blushing. "Babe you should know that you'd look beautiful in anything. You're my girl, my fiancé, my best friend. Hopefully my wife in the next 10 minutes."

Ezra looked down. She took in a deep breath.

"You scared?" He asks softly.

"A-A little, yeah." She answers back.

"Me too." He says. "But when I see you, it'll all be worth it."

The two smiled, not even knowing the other was doing the same.

"I love you, Ezra Takari." He could feel the ebony smiling from the other side.

"I-I love you too, Riku Takoiya." The lavender haired man chuckles and shakes his head. "Bring your ass out here and marry me woman."

He knew in his soul that the girl was smiling.

"Wipe your eyes, let the girls fix your makeup you probably cried off and marry me." He says again. "I'm not gonna stand at the alter and say 'I do' to myself." Riku heard Shuffling and the door opened a crack.

"C-Can I touch you?" She whimpers. "Or is that bad luck too?"

Riku smiled and stuck his hand through the door. "Go ahead, touch me."

He felt the warmth of his love's hand in his and he bit his lip to hide his smile.

"Why are they so cute?" Jersey desperately whispers to the other watching subjects. They nodded in agreement.

Riku traced his thumb across the ebony's smooth knuckles. Bringing her hand to him, he kissed her hand softly before slowly letting her go.

"I'll see you in a few minutes." He says softly.


Riku slowy backed away and turned around, heading into the wedding ceremony.

Reina, Keiri and Amari went into Ezra's room while her sisters and mother walked to go sit down for the wedding.

"I-I'm sorry I'm such a bitch today." Ezra wiped her eyes again. "I-I-"

"Don't worry about it." Keiri grabbed the ebony's face and dabbed a little wet wipe to clean her face of the ran mascara. "We understand this is stressful and overwhelming. And us as friends are to make sure you don't lose your mind.... We feel like we failed you."

She shook her head. "No you guys didn't it was bound to happen." She sighs.

"Iz, we know you; you forget that." Amari says with a soft smile. "We know you are nervous and we know you got so overwhelmed you called off the wedding, you wanted everything to be perfect. We get that. But we didn't want you to break down right before the wedding, that's why we tried so hard to distract you from Riku. The both of you surely would've cracked. Riku's distraction worked out fine. He's so excited to marry you. Us on the other hand, you almost left him at the alter."

"I-I'm sorry I was acting like that." Ezra's eyes turned down. "W-What if he and I end up not being the one for eachother?"

"Are you joking?" Keiri scoffed. "Riku loves your chocolate curvaceous honey eyes ass! Jesus, he's the only guy that can handle you—I don't get how—but that's a different story for a different time."

"Izzy, you are Riku's world." Reina says. "You gave him Amyan and N'yama. And nothing can take that away from you two. You guys were made for eachother. Honestly."

Ezra pursed her lips into a smile. "Thank you."

The wedding....

Riku wiped his hands on his pants for the umpteenth time as he looked onto the sea of people. Any moment now the music would start back up and he would see the love of his life after 5 long hours of being apart.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned seeing his twin brother smiling at him.

"Relax dude." He says. "You got this."

"What if she's not as hot as you thought she was now that you guys are tying the knot." Zhang chuckled  gaining a slight nudge from Jai and a glare from Shouyu. Riku's eyes widened as he looked at his friends. "Dad said that's a myth!"

Zhang snorted. "Is Izzy as hot as your mom?"

Riku frowned at him. "I don't have a problem kicking your ass before I get married Zhang."

He raven shrugs. "Whatever."

The music played silencing the guys. Riku once again wiped his hands on his pants. He took in a deep breath watching the large doors to the venue open once more.  He smiled when his eyes landed on the honorary flower girl and ring bearer, his twins; being carried by Boruto and Sarada. Once they reached the front of the venue, they sat in the first pew next to their grandmothers. His eyes traveled back towards the door seeing his father and brothers in law. Ezra knew it wouldve way too much to have all three of the men in her life give her away, but they insisted to make a point as they say.

Riku couldn't stop himself from smiling once his eyes landed on the love of his life. He straightened his posture.

"I take that back, Izzy is pretty hot." Zhang whispers making Shouyu snort and Jai cough back a laugh. Riku was too smitten to even insult him back.

"This kinda hurts." Tae whispers as he smiles at the admiring eyes as they walked down the isle.

"What are you talking about?" Ezra sighs.

"You're not a little girl anymore." Tae's voice cracked as he frowned. "You've given me my first niece and nephew, now my first brother in law. You grew up so fast it's kind of a hard pill to swallow."

The Takoiya men all smiled seeing their babygirl blush.

"Remember when Moo was being potty trained and she used to jump up and land on her butt in her diapers?" Makaio whisper.

The men snickered to Ezra's embarrassment.

"And mom finally made her wear panties and she tried to do it again and busted her ass?" Tae sniggered.

"Shut up!" Ezra harshly whispers. Her eyes travel up and they locked onto Riku's. She smiled. He looked so handsome in his creme colored tuxedo, tailored to every curve of his body. His hair hanging down in a low ponytail. He smiled nervously at her, relieved that she didn't leave him at the alter.

They reached the alter.

"Who gives this woman away?" The minister asks.

"We do." Mr. Takoiya spoke proudly.

"Although we don't want to." Tae whines. Riku smiled.

"I promise I'll bring her around for visits." He assures. Tae smirks and gives him a brotherly handshake.

"I'm glad it's you bro." He chuckles.

The Takoiya men watch as Riku takes Ezra's shaking hand in his, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles tenderly, and helpped her up the steps. They took their seats.

"You look beautiful." Riku says as the minister began speaking. Ezra blushed.

"You look handsome as always."

Riku chuckled. "Since when have you used 'handsome'?"

"I thought it was the mature thing to say." She mumbles.

"God, I can't wait to kiss you." The man breaths out causing the butterflies in the woman's stomach to swirl with anticipation.

"The couple have written their vows and would like to share them." Riku's eyes widen as he blushed. Zhang snorts.

"Oh this is gonna be so good." He says. Riku quickly glares at Zhang who gained a Nudge from both Shouyu and Jai.

Riku turns to Ezra and smiles.

"Wow, we made it." He starts. "Everyone said you were a tough one, but that was because they never took the time to know you. In all honesty, my intention was all to be just your friend. But you opened your mind up to me and I couldn't ignore that. The more you fed me your knowledge, the more I realized I had been starving. And before I knew it, I was falling for you. You try to be so tough but when we're together you're this little cinnamon bun and—like an idiot— I'm putty in your hands. The day you told me that you loved me was the best day of my life. I couldn't shut up about it. I knew then that what I felt for you was real. You soothe my soul. Make me feel like I don't have a single care in the world. And not once did you ask for anything in return. You didn't ask me to love you. You didnt ask me to worship you. You didnt ask me to be loyal and faithful to you—I chased you. Man, you run fast." He chuckles causing the others to do the same. "Thank you for being transferred to the school. Thank you for smiling at me when I stumbled over my own foot. Thank you for helping me up when Zhang pushed me into the trashcan and knocked it over." Zhang sniggers. "Thank you for subconsciously doing the things that you do to make me love you—love being with you. Everyday feels like the very first day I met you. The first day we hung out. When you lied and told me you liked Zhang." Ezra scoffs a laugh as their loved ones gave their chuckles.

"She did." Zhang smirks.

"Shut up." Riku frowns. He looks back at his smiling fiancé and smiles himself. "Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world. I love you."

"I love you too." Ezra coos gripping his hands tighter. They stared into eachother's eyes, the anticipation of kissing one another killing them.

"Ezra?" The minister spoke.

"Hm?" She tore her gaze away from Riku, finally realizing where she was. "Oh! Heh, sorry." She cleared her throat before looking back at her husband-to-be. "Hi." She smiles meekly.

Riku chuckles. "Hi." He says softly.

She looks away from him nervously. She knew her vows, hell she wrote them! It was the saying it out loud that got her. She felt Riku's hand on her chin before her head turned to him.

"It's just me." He says again, encouraging her to speak.

"March 8th, do you remember that day?" Ezra's eyes locks on to Riku's who's eyebrows went up in amazement. He did remember that day.

"That was the day Amari drug me down the hall to meet her only guy best friends." Ezra chuckled. "You wore jeans and a hoodie— with your hair twisted in a bun. You had a scar on your cheek from a fight but you still smiled anyway. God, that smile." Riku absentmindedly smiled, making the ebony blush. "Zhang made a joke about my hair and you told me you liked it. I-I never straightened my hair because you liked it. You'd touch my hair and you always found a way to touch me. You teased me and poked fun at me. You seriously annoyed me way more than anyone else could and I never understood why." Ezra pursed her lips together. December 5th, Sophomore year. Y-you had a girlfriend. I hated her, And I hated you for dating her. You wouldn't even look at me. I barely could hold a conversation with you without her prying. She practically forced us to stop talking to one another. I-My-I mean-"

"Breathe babe." Riku moves a loose strand of hair from his love's face before he smiled at her once more. Ezra slowly took in a breath.

"Riku, I loved you the moment we locked eyes." Ezra breathes out. Riku's eyes widened in shock. "I was scared of being hurt again but you made it so easy to fall. Before I knew it I was head over heels for one of the Takari brothers. I knew you'd never look at me that way, we were friends ya know? I-I-" she took another breath. "You make living worth it. You make every day feel like a breath of fresh air. You understand me. Like I understand you. You've mellowed me out. Riku, today's the day that I'm fully giving you my heart. Just, please don't drop it okay?"

"I promise Izzy, I won't." Riku nods his head. "I got you, I promise. This is forever and I mean that."

"I love you so much." Ezra smiles.

"I love you even more than that." Riku uses his thumb to wipe her tears. The Minister went back to speaking and soon the rings were exchanged.

"Well, without anymore waiting I'd like to announce Mr & Mrs Riku Takari." Spoke the minister. "Riku, you may kiss your bride."

"Finally." Riku breathes making his wife giggle when he pulled her to him. Their lips grazing eachother before they entangled in a kiss.

"I'll love you forever" Riku whispers into the ebony's ear once they parted.

"Forever and ever?" Ezra looked up at him and smiled as they walked down the isle together, hand in hand and smiling, ready to start their new life as a married couple.

"Maybe even then." He smirks as he looks at her.

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