thuoc anti_ige
Anti-Immunoglobulin E (Omalizumab) Therapy in
Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
Department of Medicine, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska
Anti-immunoglobulin E (anti-IgE) (omalizumab), a humanized mono-
clonal anti-IgE antibody that binds to circulating IgE, has been stud-
ied in several large double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
clinical trials to determine its pharmacokinetic characteristics, effi-
cacy, and safety in ragweed- or birch pollen-induced seasonal al-
lergic rhinitis (SAR). The consequences of readministering omalizu-
lab after a lapse of time have also been studied. These studies have
confirmed that serum-free IgE declines in a dose-related manner
with such treatment and that omalizumab-induced declines in IgE
correlate with symptom improvement. Whether omalizumab is
administered intravenously or subcutaneously, its pharmacokinet-
ics do not differ. A Phase II dose-ranging study demonstrated that
the optimum efficacious dose of omalizumab for the treatment of
seasonal allergic rhinitis is 300 mg administered subcutaneously.
The dosing frequency, in terms of whether the antibody is admin-
istered every 3 or 4 wk, is based on the patient's baseline IgE level.
With adequate dosing, nasal and ocular symptoms are signifi-
cantly reduced, and quality of life is significantly improved. Omali-
zumab is safe and well tolerated and can be safely readministered
in subsequent pollen seasons.
Keywords: allergic rhinitis; anti-IgE; ragweed; birch pollen; omalizumab
Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) is the most common atopic dis-
ease in the United States (1), afflicting approximately 40% of
children and 10% to 30% of adults (2). It is responsible for sub-
stantial impairment of quality of life, and it has serious conse-
quences on productivity at the workplace as well as at school.
Studies of children with allergic rhinitis have shown that they
perform certain school tasks less effectively than do their non-
atopic peers (3) and that the disorder has been estimated to be
responsible for more than 820,000 missed school days (4). The
economic burden imposed by allergic rhinitis in terms of both
direct and indirect costs is extremely large (4, 5). Furthermore,
allergic rhinitis is a well-known risk factor for asthma (6-8).
The relationship between allergic rhinitis and asthma is at-
tributed to both a shared immunologic pathogenesis and the
actual physical contiguity between the upper and lower air-
ways (6-8). Many patients with allergic rhinitis who have no
perceived asthma symptoms have bronchial hyperresponsive-
ness to natural stimuli such as exercise or to bronchial chal-
lenge with chemical stimuli (7, 9). In addition, the underlying
pathophysiologic processes, immunoglobulin E (IgE)-dependent
sensitivity and chronic allergic inflammation (10), are similar
in the upper and lower airways (8). Studies have reinforced
the link between allergic rhinitis and asthma, demonstrating
that when the former condition is treated appropriately, the
latter improves as well (11-14).
(Received in original form March 8, 2001; accepted in final form May 1, 2001)
Supported by educational grants from Genentech, Inc., and Novartis Pharma-
ceuticals Corporation.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Thomas B.
Casale, M.D., Creighton University School of Medicine, 601 North 30th Street,
Suite 5850, Omaha, NE 68131. E-mail: [email protected]
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 164. pp S18-S21, 2001
DOI: 10.1164/rccm2103023
Internet address:
The pathophysiologic connection between allergic rhinitis and
asthma has important implications for the development of novel
treatment options for these diseases. In this context, the develop-
ment of the monoclonal anti-IgE antibody (omalizumab), a novel
drug that works in a broader, non-allergen-specific manner and is
designed to block IgE-mediated disease early in the cascade of
biologic events, has merited careful study. Phase II and III stud-
ies of treatment with omalizumab have demonstrated its efficacy
and safety in treating allergic asthma and rhinitis as separate dis-
eases (15, 16). Ongoing studies will elucidate whether treatment
with omalizumab in patients with both asthma and allergic rhini-
tis will attenuate the allergic response and therefore demonstrate
improved control of both diseases.
The first large clinical trial of omalizumab in allergic rhinitis
was conducted in 1994, with the aim of evaluating the safety
and efficacy of repeated doses of the drug in adults with a his-
tory of significant ragweed-induced disease (17). It also exam-
ined the pharmacodynamic relationship between omalizumab
and blood IgE levels.
The trial was a seven-center, double-blind, placebo-con-
trolled study that enrolled 240 patients, who were randomized
into one of five groups. Altogether, 181 patients received an
intravenous loading dose of omalizumab 1 mo before ragweed
season, followed by one of three additional doses of omali-
zumab, given either subcutaneously or intravenously, in a ra-
tio to body weight of 0.15 mg/kg (subcutaneous), 0.15 mg/kg
(intravenous), or 0.5 mg/kg (intravenous). The other two
groups were given placebo intravenously and placebo subcu-
taneously. The drug was administered every other week dur-
ing the ragweed season for 12 wk, with an 8-wk follow-up pe-
riod added thereafter (17).
The trial findings confirmed that ragweed-specific IgE lev-
els correlated with symptom scores. Omalizumab-treated sub-
jects experienced a rapid dose- and baseline IgE-dependent
decrease in free IgE levels in their serum. The clearance of IgE
bound to omalizumab is slower than the typical clearance of
free IgE in serum. Therefore, there was a simultaneous increase
in total IgE in the omalizumab-treated subjects. Importantly,
it was also observed that omalizumab produced the same
pharmacokinetic effects whether it was administered subcuta-
neously or intravenously. In addition, the study confirmed ear-
lier data regarding the safety and tolerability of omalizumab
(18). Adverse events were mild, and their frequencies did not
differ between the active drug and the placebo groups (17).
Efficacy, however, was not demonstrated, since only 11 pa-
tients achieved IgE levels that were below detectable limits.
Nevertheless, the finding that symptom scores correlated with
IgE and that free IgE in serum declined in a dose-dependent
manner suggested that omalizumab could ameliorate seasonal
allergic rhinitis symptoms if given in adequate doses. In fact,
our analysis of unbound and complexed IgE suggested that
the efficacy of omalizumab would improve if its dosing were
based on the patient's baseline IgE value (17).
Casale: Anti-IgE in SAR
Based on the results of this study, a second large multicenter
study compared three subcutaneous doses of omalizumab: 50 mg,
150 mg, and 300 mg, with placebo (19). The dose-response re-
lationships to symptoms, quality of life, and reduction in the use
of rescue medication were studied in 536 patients with moder-
ate to severe ragweed-induced allergic rhinitis of at least 2-yr
In the double-blind trial, patients were randomized to pla-
cebo or one of the three doses of omalizumab approximately
2 wk before the onset of the ragweed pollen season. Hypothe-
sizing that baseline IgE levels were important in the dosing
strategy, the investigators established the frequency with
which patients received their assigned treatment according to
baseline IgE levels: those with serum IgE levels of 30 to 150
IU/ml received their assigned treatment at 0, 4, and 8 wk and
those with IgE levels of 151 to 700 IU/ml received treatment
at 0, 3, 6, and 9 wk. Patients were initially followed for 12 wk,
recording nasal and ocular symptom severity scores (on scales
of 0 to 3), the use of rescue medication, and changes in quality
of life. An additional 12-wk observation period was included
in the study design (19).
As anticipated, the mean daily nasal symptom severity
scores (sneezing or itchy, runny, or stuffy nose), rated on a
scale of 0 to 3 depending on the severity of symptoms (0 no
symptoms, 3 severe symptoms) for patients receiving pla-
cebo, rose with the pollen count, but in patients receiving the
300-mg dose of omalizumab, there was no increase in these
scores, not even during the peak ragweed season. The differ-
ence between the placebo and the 300-mg omalizumab groups
was statistically significant throughout the pollen season as
well as the peak season (p 0.001, one-sided t test). Patients
receiving the 150-mg dose of omalizumab had lower mean symp-
tom scores with drug levels, but the difference from the scores
in the placebo group was not statistically significant (19).
Regression analysis of the daily nasal symptom scores con-
firmed a linear dose-response relationship (p 0.001). The
mean daily ocular symptom severity scores were 0.41, 0.45,
0.49, and 0.67 for the 300-mg omalizumab, 150-mg omali-
zumab, 50-mg omalizumab, and placebo groups, respectively,
for the entire season. The reduction in ocular symptoms for all
three omalizumab groups as compared with the placebo group
was significant (p 0.012) (19).
The Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality-of-Life Questionnaire
(RQLQ), a disease-specific measuring instrument with seven
domains consisting of 28 items relating to activities, sleep,
non-nose/eye-associated symptoms, practical problems, nasal
and ocular symptoms, and emotional concerns was used to as-
sess changes in quality of life. In the placebo group, increases
in pollen count correlated with a deterioration of quality of
life as manifested by higher RQLQ scores. At the highest dose
of omalizumab, RQLQ scores during the peak pollen season
were lower (20).
Patients who experienced unrelieved symptoms were permit-
ted to use antihistamines as rescue medication. The proportion of
days on which rescue medication was taken and the number of
tablets ingested were reduced by approximately 50% in the
300-mg omalizumab group as compared with the placebo group.
These parameters were also significantly reduced in the 150-mg
omalizumab group, but not in the 50-mg omalizumab group (19).
The relationship between the dose of omalizumab and free
IgE in serum was linear. At the 300-mg dose of omalizumab,
the percentage of patients with serum IgE levels below the de-
tectable level of 25 ng/ml was approximately 65%; at the 150-mg
dose, only half as many patients reached such low serum IgE
levels. A similar relationship existed between IgE levels and
nasal symptom severity scores. Patients with IgE levels from
50 ng/ml to 150 ng/ml had higher symptom scores that did pa-
tients with IgE levels below 50 ng/ml (21). Changes in the use
of rescue medication in relation to IgE were noteworthy. Pa-
tients with the lowest IgE levels had a striking reduction in the
use of rescue medication during the pollen season (21).
The overall incidence of adverse events across all three
doses of omalizumab and placebo was similar. The adverse
events thought to be drug-related and which occurred in more
than 2% of patients were weight increase and headache, and
this was also similar in the placebo group. Drug-related urti-
caria was reported in 0.5% of patients (two of 400), a number
smaller than would be expected with traditional immunother-
apy. There were no drug-related serious adverse events, and
no anti-omalizumab antibodies were detected (19).
A Scandanavian group subsequently studied the efficacy of
omalizumab in treating seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by
birch pollen (16). The double-blind, multicenter, placebo-con-
trolled, parallel-group trial involved 251 patients who were
randomized to receive omalizumab at 300 mg subcutane-
ously-the maximum effective dose determined by the previ-
ous study-or placebo in a two-to-one ratio. The study design
was similar to that of the earlier trial, with dosing frequency
dependent on the patients' baseline IgE levels: if levels were
150 IU/ml or lower, patients received omalizumab or placebo
twice, at monthly intervals; if their baseline IgE levels were
greater than 150 IU/ml, they were treated three times at 3-wk
intervals. The study design was also similar to that of the ear-
lier trial in that the first dose was intended to be given a week
or two before the onset of the pollen season, but the season
started early, and some patients received their initial medica-
tion at the beginning of the season or after it had begun (16).
The primary efficacy variable was the patients' average
daily nasal symptom severity score. Secondary efficacy vari-
ables included the average number of rescue antihistamine
tablets taken per day, the proportion of days on which any
medication for seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis was used,
and responses to the RQLQ (16).
In all parameters of efficacy, omalizumab was superior to
placebo. The average daily nasal severity score in the omali-
zumab group was 0.71 at baseline, varying little throughout
the trial period (final value: 0.70), whereas it increased in the
placebo group from 0.78 to 0.98, a significant difference from
the baseline value (p 0.001) (Figure 1). Treatment was also
evaluated for efficacy in preventing eye symptoms, using the
daily ocular symptom severity scale score. Treatment with
omalizumab conferred significant improvement over placebo
(p 0.031). It should be noted that the late start of omali-
zumab treatment in relation to the start of the pollen season in
some individuals may have blunted some of these already fa-
vorable results of omalizumab treatment (16).
The average number of tablets of rescue medication taken
per day was significantly lower in the omalizumab group than
in the placebo group (0.59 and 1.37 tablets per day, respec-
tively; p 0.001), and the proportion of days on which any
rescue medication was taken was almost twice as high in the
placebo group as in the omalizumab group (49% and 28%, re-
spectively; p 0.001).
Statistically significant differences in favor of omalizumab
were observed in all of the RQLQ domains and in the total
RQLQ score (Figure 2). Differences from placebo of more
than 0.5 units are clinically meaningful (20). Twenty-one per-
Figure 1. Average daily nasal symptom severity
scores (with SEs) over the entire postrandomization
period (all randomized subjects in an intent-to-treat
analysis). Nasal symptom scores were rated on a
scale of 0 to 3, depending on the severity of symp-
toms (0 no symptoms, 3 severe symptoms).
Adapted by permission from Ädelroth E, Rak S, Haahtela
T, Assand G, Rosenhall L, Zetterstrom O, Byrne A,
Champain K, Thirlwell J, Cioppa GD, et al. Recombi-
nant humanized mAb-E25, an anti-IgE mAb, in birch
pollen-induced allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol
cent of patients in the omalizumab group considered their
symptoms completely controlled, as compared with 2% of pla-
cebo-treated patients, and a further 59% receiving omali-
zumab reported improvement, as compared with 35% in the
placebo group (16).
Omalizumab was also well tolerated, and no significant dif-
ferences were found in either the overall incidence of adverse
events or in the incidence of drug-related adverse events be-
tween the omalizumab and placebo groups. Injection-site re-
actions were similar in both groups, and three patients re-
ported a total of four episodes of urticaria after administration
of omalizumab, but these were mild and required no treat-
ment. No drug-related serious adverse events were noted, and
no anaphylactic reactions or serum sickness occurred. No anti-
omalizumab antibodies were detected (16).
One concern about omalizumab treatment that remained un-
resolved after these trials was whether omalizumab could be
safely readministered after treatment had been discontinued
for a prolonged period. This question was addressed in an ex-
tension of our dose-ranging study of omalizumab in patients
with ragweed-induced seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Of the 374 patients treated with omalizumab in the original
trial, 287 participated in the 12-wk open-label extension trial
(22). The maximum effective dose of omalizumab from the
dose-ranging study, 300 mg, was administered subcutaneously
every 3 wk to subjects with baseline serum IgE levels above
150 IU/ml (37% of patients), or every 4 wk to those with base-
line IgE levels of 150 IU/ml or lower (63% of patients). No
placebo arm was involved, and no efficacy parameters were
The incidence of adverse events was similar in both treat-
ment groups (43% and 50%, respectively). The incidence of
drug-related adverse events was also similar in both treatment
groups (1.9% and 2.7%, respectively). The most frequent ad-
verse events were headache and upper respiratory tract infec-
tion, and five patients withdrew prematurely because of ad-
verse events, only two of which were considered drug-related,
and both of which involved rashes. No adverse events were
considered serious. Injection-site reactions were few and mild.
No antibodies against omalizumab were detected (21).
The use of the humanized monoclonal anti-IgE antibody oma-
lizumab, administered subcutaneously, appears to be clinically
valuable in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis. Nasal
Figure 2. RQLQ scores at Week 3 or 4. Quality of life was assessed with the RQLQ (16). *p 0.5.
Casale: Anti-IgE in SAR
and ocular symptoms are effectively controlled by this agent,
and it substantially improves quality of life for patients with
seasonal allergic rhinitis. Treatment with omalizumab is safe
and well tolerated. Because omalizumab treatment is not al-
lergen specific, it might be expected to help patients with sea-
sonal allergic rhinitis caused by multiple allergens. Furthermore,
because omalizumab also has proven efficacy in allergic asthma,
patients with the comorbid conditions of allergic rhinitis and
asthma might benefit from this novel therapeutic agent.
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