Chapter 3: Ramlak Rising

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, sorry it took awhile but any way I revisited an old comment on one of the chapters that if I was going to introduce any characters from the star wars side. I'll let you guys know that no star wars characters will appear in the season 1 Thundercats 2011, but once i pick up where season 1 left off they will appear there will be some characters from star wars rebels that will appear and some from star wars visions. But I won't tell you out right who it will be, so I'll keep you guys guessing until the end of Season 1, now let the chapter begin!

Y/n's pov

Once daylight hit and Mumm-Ra left with his forces to wherever their base is at, the only thing that was left of Thundera is just broken buildings and destroyed walls left, Jaga was no where to be found. Now Leona, Tygress and Cheetara are paying respects to Claudus, with Leona heating up the blade of her sword and makes the Thundercats symbol into the stone.

Leona: Rest now to rise again, father.

Tygress: May your next life show you peace.

Y/n: *under his breath* May the Force be with you, my King.

Leona: We should move out, while the lizards' trail is still fresh. Mumm-Ra's lair is probably past the Sand Sea, so we have quite the journey ahead of us.

Cheetara: Mumm-Ra? Jaga told us to first seek out the Book of Omens. Those were my teacher's last words to us.

Y/n: She's right, I think it's best to find the Book of Omens first. Going after Mumm-Ra now would only put us at risk.

Leona: The book can wait. It has for centuries.

Tygress: But only the book can provide us answers, Leona.

Leona: Answers? I already know who destroyed our city, who killed out king! What other answers do you need?! If it was either one of us on that funeral pyre, father would have already buried that demon. I intend to do him the same justice.

Y/n: Leona, calm down.

Cheetara: You're angry, Leona.

Leona: I should hope, I'm not the only one! We're going after Mumm-Ra, and that's a command.

Tygress: *sarcastic tone* You are the Queen.

Y/n: *sighs* Tygress, you and I both know that Leona is still rather emotional, since Claudus death. She needs time to process the events.

Tygress: *sighs* I know, but what about you, Y/n? He treated you well and thought of you as part of our family.

Y/n: Well, I do miss him, but I know that he wouldn't want me to be blinded by anger and rage, just as he wouldn't want the same for you and Leona. I will help mend her emotional state and yours as well, that's a promies.

Tygress smiles along with Cheetara and follow Leona to our destination, with Snarf following close behind us as to not get left behind, once we arrived at the front gates of Thundera Leona turns back to the ruin city that just fuels her anger. After we left the city and walk down the path to follow the lizards to Mumm-Ra's lair, but we started to hear voices that sounded like two young ladies, and just as if on cue we see two girls around the same age as us if not slightly younger coming right up to Leona.

young cat girl1: I can't believe it! Princess Leona and Tygress to the rescue.

young cat girl2: Names are WilyKat and Kit. We thought we were the only cats left.

Instead of responding back to the two cat girls, Leona just continues to walk ahead and the two look back at one another, but proceed to follow Leona.

WilyKit: Maybe we can join you, until we get to where we're going El Darra, The City of Treasure.

Y/n: {El Darra, City of Treasure? Never heard of a place, could be a legend or myth passed around here and there.}

Leona: Never heard of it.

WilyKat: Of course not. *pulls out a rolled up paper from her bag* I've got the only proof.

Leona: No.

WilyKit: Please.

Tygress: We can't just leave them here.

Leona: We're on a mission to avenge our father, and you want to have two girls that can't fight?

Y/n: Actually, before the whole attack last night. I have seen these two being able to trick people, they could do us some good for our group.

Leona: They're just going to have to take care of themselves, Tygress. Now let's go.

Me, Tygress and Cheetara look at one another, then follow Leona as for the two female cats they weren't giving up just yet, cause now they are letting out cute cat like meowing which would be effective on me, but that is because children cats tend to be playful. Seeing as these two are teens or at least young adults, along with trying to convince Leona doesn't go well.

Leona: I said no.

Tygress: Sorry ladies.

Y/n: *whispers to the girls* But that doesn't mean it should stop you two.

WilyKat: *understands what he meant* Just so you know, We're not following you.

WilyKit: You're just walking in front of us.

3rd pov

As the group travels through the lands, passed the large cavern to enter a large forest though it was now night and the group having rest near a ravine, Y/n is seen on his knees meditating while Leona, Cheetara and Tygress sit next to the fire and watch Snarf and the two cat girls drink form the ravine. Once a new day hit the group getting enough rest and continues on with their journey through the forest, and entering a large desert like land to see large stone pillars ahead of them.

Now seeing large stones around them, the heat was starting to get the best of the group more or less, the two young adult cat girls which Y/n was kind enough to hand them his robe so that way sun can be off of them. But it wasn't long for the group found a large enough stone with enough shade for them, once they were in the shaded space and WilyKit gave Y/n back his robe while Tygress turns to her sister.

Tygress: We've lost the trail, Leona.

Cheetara: *shakes the empty bag* And our supplies are dangerously low.

Leona: I don't care. We keep moving forward.

Y/n: Leona, if we keep moving on like this, our journey will end too soon.

Snarf: *snarf sounds*

WilyKat: What is that?

Everyone turns to where WilyKat, WilyKit and Snarf were looking at, and see a small cave that leads to what appears to be water wave like sand, everyone goes over to see that it is a literal sea of sand.

Leona: Snarf has found the Sand Sea. Mumm-Ra's lair must be just on the other side.

Y/n: Unless, we have a something to float we aren't going anywhere.

Tygress: Do see a way around it?

Both WilyKit and Kat look around the look around the large sea of sand, then both gasped when they see something in the distance.

WilyKat: I think, I see something better.

Leona: *sees the food* Food.

Y/n: Wait, something doesn't feel right.

But the cats went to the floating food and started eating some of it, while Y/n just sighs and shake his head, but Cheetara stops and think on the food just floating in the sea of sand along with Y/n's words.

Cheetara: Hey, anyone else wondering where all this came from?

Y/n: *pulls out his lightsaber* I've got a bad feeling about this.

Just then something was coming out of the sand, before the cat girls and Snarf had a chance to notice, they get caught in a net and being flung into the air while Y/n sees this and activates his saber. Y/n channels the Force and high jumps to the net and grabs the rope that connects to it, he sees the rope ends at a ship that they are approaching fast, thinking quickly he swings the blade cutting the rope freeing the others and landing on the ship.

Once they landed on the ship Y/n and his group look and see the ship is full of fish like people, with one in front of them is red and white pattern with three more fish people walking to the lead's side.

red and white fishman: Quite the catch, I'd say.

Y/n: Sorry, but we aren't your catch.

????: What's all that racket?

the people on the boat along with Y/n and his friends turn to see a fishman with a scar, coming out lower sections of the ship that seemed to be filled with water.

scared fishman: That better be the Ramlak you spineless jellyfish are carrying on about.

The only other noticeable thing about this fishman, is that he has a peg leg and must have lost his original limb in the past, once the scared fishman makes it to the top of the ship and sees Y/n and his group with the rope that was connected to the net severed.

scarred fishman: Another worthless haul. Take what the crew doesn't eat of them and turn it into chum.

The fishman that is wearing a chefs hat and apron sharpens two knives, But Y/n aims his saber at the chef and Leona takes out her sword, Tygress pulls out her whip and blaster, Cheetara pulls out her staff. While the fish like people pull out weapons of their own, ready for a fight to happen.

Y/n: This could go in many different ways, you could either put your weapons down and we talk this out or things could get more complicated.

Leona: Why, did you trapped us in that net?

scarred fishman: That bait wasn't meant for you, it was meant for the beast.

Leona: I am Leona, Lady of the Thundercats, and I order you to tell us this beast you planted the bait for.

scared fishman: Huh?

Then, the other fish people started to laugh which confuses the group for a moment, then the scared fishman puts his attention to the group.

scarred fishman: It talks, and it's still got some fight in it. Well, Leona, Lady of the Thundercats. I am Koinelius Tunar, Captain of this ship, and I order you filleted.

chef fishman: Let's start with the two young ones, their meat will be the most deliciously tender.

This gets both WilyKat and WilyKit scared, but Y/n gets in front of them and points the tip of his f/c blade at the chef, but then the ship shakes as if something hits against the ship, making the fish people fall to the ground while Y/n and the others struggle to keep standing. While Koinelius still stands and quickly looks around, then a green tentacle comes onto the ship and tries to grab one of the fish people, but Y/n comes running in and slices the tentacle making it retreat back into the sandy sea and saving the fish man.

Koinelius: Ramlak! At last my wretched quarry returns.

Just then more tentacles came out of the sea of sand, Koinelius gives his men orders to fight the monster with harpoons, the tentacles started to slam against the ship Y/n goes and swings his saber to cut the tentacles in half. Before Leona and the other girls could do anything, they get grabbed by the tentacles and Snarf hides under some boxes, Y/n turns and sees this so he throws his saber at the tentacles. Just as Leona pulls out her sword and activates it, then slices the tentacle holding her off and follows up with slicing tentacle off that held WilyKit and WilyKat, while Y/n uses the Force to move the flying saber to cut Cheetara and Tygress free from the tentacles.

Y/n then catches his lightsaber and Leona lands back on the ship with the others, seeing what Y/n and Leona did impressed the scar faced fish captain, and turn to his crew.

Koinelius: The Bait is fighting better than you, That's the spirit you two. Show this cowardly crew how it's done.

As more tentacles came onto the ship, one tries to grab Tygress again but this time she pulls out her blaster shooting it, then another one tries to grab her from behind only for Tygress to turn and dodged the tentacle while following up shooting it, Cheetara swings her staff with enough force to cut the tentacle in half. One tries to slip between the rails of the ship, only for both WilyKit and WilyKat to bite down on the tentacle due to them not having any weapons to use, sensing that the monster is losing too many tentacles moves the remaining ones back and return under the large sea of sand.

Koinelius: Run you coward! You can't escape me forever, I'll follow you straight to the pits of magman before I give you up!

Leona: Now, what were we talking about before the interruption?

Koinelius: I believe we were discussing about, how we fillet ya. But had I known you were such fine warriors, I would have served my own first mate to you on a platter. Listen up, fishies. These fine fellows are our new ship mates, so treat them like you would your own scaly brothers. And fix the two young ladies some food.

WilyKit/WilyKat: Food!

first mate: *holds up two brooms* Welcome to the crew.

Cheetara: Why don't I feel good about this, Tygress? *looks to see that Tygress is not next to her or Y/n* Tygress?

They turn to see the said tiger girl at the end of the ship feeling seasick, which Y/n walks to the girl and pat her back to help with her seasickness, while Leona and Koinelius climbs up the mast's ladder to get a better view.

Koinelius: Hurry up, you landlubber. How can I be so much faster when I've got twice the years and one less leg?

Leona: How'd you lose it, Captain?

The two reached the top of the mast and Koinelius shows his peg leg to Leona, as the said fish captain remines how he lost his actual leg.

Koinelius: I didn't lose this leg. It was taken by the Ramlak.

This surprises Leona and remembered that, the captain in front of her said that name during the tentacles of a monster that attacked the ship.

Koinelius: And so was our Oasis home. *pulls out a small scope* We had a watery paradise amid this barren desert, and that vile creature drank it dry. Do you know what it's like, Leona to have everything taken from you and replaced with rage?

Leona: A rage that won't go away until the monster who took it all is no more?

Koinelius: Aye.

Y/n's pov

I was helping with some of the crew and tend to Tygress to help with her seasickness, I also got some info from them that the creature that attacked the ship, is the same one that destroyed their home and created this dry desert. Then ahead of us is a storm with the same creature that attacked in the distance, which Koinelius ordered to chase after the creature which starts to descend under the watery sand as a storm is just ahead of the ship.

First mate: Thunderstorm just blew in ahead. Advise we sail around it.

Y/n: I agree!

Koinelius: *pushes the first mate out of the way* And lose the Ramlak's trail? Full speed ahead!

Y/n: Captain Koinelius that is suicide.

First mate: He's right, Captain, we'll never survive.

Leona: The only thing that's not surviving is the Ramlak. Into the storm we go.

Y/n: Leona, you're letting your anger get the best of you! Don't let rage blind you what's right.

But my words fell death ears as Leona takes the wheel of the ship, and turns the ship towards the storm which at this point me, Cheetara and Tygress are trying to stop Leona from doing something foolish.

Tygress: Leona, this is madness. What are you doing?!

Y/n: She's right, there are better ways to handle this.

Leona: I'm not letting anything stand in my way. Not a storm, not you.

Seeing that words aren't going to do much to snap Leona back to her senses, with the thunderstorm hitting full force the Ramlak that Koinelius is after.

Koinelius: Faster. Faster! I can taste it's foul breath on the wind.

Cheetara: Captain, please. The ship won't survive long in this storm.

Y/n: She's right. If you continue on like this, you could get not only yourself, but also your crew killed by letting your anger and rage get the best of you.

Tygress: It's time to turn back.

Koinelius: Ha, ha. I see your just as soft as the rest of the chum on this ship.

Y/n: This is not about being soft, it's about survival it doesn't take a jedi to see that your anger and rage is changing you.

Koinelius: *turns to Leona* Come on, lass. It's you and me.

Leona: I'm right beside you, Captain.

Y/n: Leona!

But it was too late, Koinelius hops on to a cannon and fires at any debris that head towards the ship, while Leona does the same but slices them in half with the Sword of Omens and I turn to see one come at me and the girls. I pulled out my lightsaber and activates it, then sliced the debris and Koinelius keeps on shooting the debris, at this point I had enough I run to the mast and climbed it up to Leona.

Leona: Ha, has! Don't forget to save some for the Ramlak!

Y/n: Leona! Snap out of it, you have to know that this insane.

Leona: I know, what I'm doing.

Y/n: Even if you lose those are still with you today?! Like me for instance!

She looks at me with a surprised face and it seems to have gotten through to her, then the Ramlak's tentacles rise up from the sandy sea and starts to attack the ship and Leona jumps down to pick up a harpoon gun. While Koinelius fires the cannon at the Ramlak, once Leona fired the harpoon gun, she pulls out the Sword of Omens in it's dagger form and slices some of the tentacles. With the Ramlak now in full view as Koinelius continues to shoot at the Ramlak, and his crew tries to shoot the harpoon guns only to either being flung around, or being knocked back by the tentacles.

I jump down and slice the tentacle to prevent them to do anymore damage to the ship, while one did break the mas and causing it to fall and I look to see a tentacle about to crush a fishman, so I used Force pull to get him out of the way just as the tentacle slams down on the ship.

Koinelius: Take out the arms. Then we go for the head.

I see Koinelius take out two tentacles with the cannon, Tygress dodging the tentacles and sever them with her blaster, while Cheetara uses her speed to avoid the tentacles and severs them with her staff. I jump on one tentacle and sever it with my lightsaber, then start to notice that the tentacles are wrapped around the ship and slowly starts to crush it with the tentacles, with each passing moment with each tentacle slamming down on the ship or crushing it tears the ship apart. Some of Koinelius men fall into the sandy sea, while some of us hold on to some parts of the ship, to not fall into the sandy sea.

Koinelius: Don't stop, lass! It's almost nigh.

Leona: But the crew. They're gonna drown.

Koinelius: Never mind them. We can always get a new crew. We finish this now, before he submerges again.

Leona: Isn't it the crew we're fighting for?

Koinelius: Don't tell me you're going soft like the rest.

Y/n: She's not going soft, she's thinking about the crew's safety than any petty revenge.

Leona: [Y/n's right, I can't let my anger and need for revenge get the best of me.] He's right.

Me and Leona slide down the destroyed ship, and go to help the crew while I glance back to see Koinelius face the Ramlak armed with a harpoon gun, after firing the harpoon gun he gets dragged into the sandy sea while the Ramlak submerges back under the said sandy sea.

Leona: Everyone, over here!

Y/n: Come on!

As each of the fishmen crew members along with Tygress, Cheetara, Wilykit and WilyKat with Snarf on their shoulders, came on to the floating pieces of debris and Leona armed with another harpoon gun shoots it to the front half of the ship. Once the harpoon hits the front half, me and Leona pull it towards us to get on more solid surface, once it was close enough we all climbed onto it and given some room to breath.

Cheetara: You steered us into quite a storm, Leona.

Y/n: It was pretty reckless.

Leona: I lost sight of what's important. And for that, I'm-

Before she could finish her sentence, the Ramlak resurfaces and catches us all by surprise I was about to pull out my lightsaber, I see two tentacles lunge at Leona but I pushed her out of the way, and get snatched up by them and towards the Ramlak's mouth. All I could hear was the girls calling out my name.

Y/n: [Yeah, no I am not going to be a snack of a monster.]

3rd pov

WilyKat: Give him back, you slimy sack of tentacles!

As the Ramlak leans down, only to reel back up letting out a bellow of pain and near the stomach parts of the Ramlak reveals a f/c blade poking out and starts slice downward, which blue liquid like substance and Y/n started to come out thanks to the said human cutting his way out. This gets cheers from the fishmen seeing their freshwater return to them, while Leona and the others girls are relieved to see Y/n safe, once they are back on land the fishmen gave Y/n, Leona and the group are given a small boat to travel.

First mate: Thanks to you, we have our home back.

Y/n: It was not thing, just doing what I think is right.

Leona: I'm sorry, about your captain.

First mate: It was his own foolish choice that led him to his sandy grave. Your lucky yo didn't follow him.

Leona: *smiles at Y/n* I had some one snap me back to reality.

Tygress: We'd better get moving before the sun sets.

Cheetara: So, what orders do have for your crew?

Leona: Set our course for the Book of Omens.

Cheetara: *smiles* Aye eye, Captain.

Tygress: *smiles* And what do we do with these 2 stowaways?

She motions to WilyKit and WilyKat who are smiling at Leona and Y/n, who are waiting for an answer.

Leona: They Proven to be able to take care of themselves, they are free to join us if they wish.

Both Y/n and Leona walk onto the boat, then Tygress pilots the boat towards their next destination and into the sunset.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, now like I said at the very beginning of this chapter that after the events of season 1 of Thundercats 2011, that I will be including some star wars characters from rebels and Visions, not all of them just a handful of them so I won't spoil who it is and I might give the reader a padawan for the entire season 1 of Thundercats 2011. Now please let me know in the comments on what you think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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