Chapter 2: omen part 2

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story now before the chapter begins I'm going to be adding one last character to the harem that was sent to me by one of my commenters

this is Lira she is not part of the canon story, but any way she will be Y/n's secret ally for now for the idea it goes to 20Ekosling now with that settled let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

after the match between Leona and Tygress along with Cheetara defending three lizards strapped in restraints and getting fruit thrown at them. I know that the cats and the lizards on this planet don't have the best of relationships, but there's still at least some good lizards out there that struggle to survive. I walked between the crowd and join Leona's side in defending the lizards that are being harassed.

Y/n: now, now there's no need for violence here. just turn around and continue the festival

male cat1: these lizards are our enemy why do you care!

Y/n: I may not have come from this planet, but I know that there are better ways in settling your differences.

the crowd took a step, but Tygress used her whip to make the crowed back away a bit, but they then charged at us.

Tygress: now you see me. now you don't!

I chuckled as she disappears and reappears behind one of the male cats and punched him in the face. while Cheetara takes out a some of the cats with her staff and speed which is a good combo for her and was relatively easy for her to take out a group of cats that haven't actually fought in a real fight. Leona may not have a weapon, but she's doing quite well with just her fist and blocking punches. as a group of cats charged at me I waved my hand in front of them as they stop.

Y/n: you want to go home and rest for the day.

group of cats: I want to go home and rest for the day.

the group of cats that I used the Force on then went on to their respected homes to rest for the day I then look at Leona to see that she is about to punch but.

Claudus: Leona!

we all turn to see King Claudus Leona's father and Tygress adoptive father with Grune and two other guards with them.

Dlaudus: what is going on here? protecting Lizards?

Leona: no I'm protecting us. from turning into the very cold-blooded creatures we fear. these lizards did nothing and should be released.

Claudus: release them? don't be foolish. as lord of the Thundercats it is my duty to keep our people safe and one day it will be yours.

Leona: you wanted me to start acting like a Queen. well, this is it. and I don't the only way to rule is with a sword. maybe we'd have less trouble with the lizards if we weren't always repressing them.

I see Claudus gives it some thought then turns to me with a nod in which I give back knowing what he needs me to do. I then turn to the Lizards and waved my hand using the Force to un do the locks that held the lizards in place once they were off the two lizard males were able to  move freely, but I then see a female lizard having trouble standing probably weak from not having much food. I helped her up while giving her some food that I had on hand as I gave it to her I got a good look at her to see that she was wearing a scarf a grey clothed top and shorts.

lizard girl: thank you.

Y/n: *smiles* don't mention it.

Grune: my lord.

Claudus: consider this an act of goodwill between the species. *approaches his daughter* perhaps now, you might show some goodwill of your own and take your responsibilities as Princess more seriously.

Leona nods to her father as he leaves and everyone else go about their own business me and Leona head towards the wall to see the three lizards leaving.

Leona: it's nice of what you did for the lizard girl Y/n.

Y/n: thank you Leona I'm not just going to turn away from someone in need of food. plus I don't think that the lizards wont be as hostile towards me since well I'm the only human in the world.

????: you see? it's just as I said.

me and Leona turn to see Cheetara walking up to us since my time with Jaga's clerics I've had some training sessions with her.

Cheetara: there is something different about you.

Leona: is that why you keep following me?

Cheetara: maybe.

she then winks at me as I returned it and starts to backflip off the wall and disappears leaving me and Leona on the wall.

Y/n: [not going to lie she is awesome at doing what she does.]

-timeskip to the next day-

Tygress: now is not the time to be tinkering with junk.

right now I'm in Leona's little study of her own working on old technology that has been deemed junk for the cats.

Tygress: people think your crazy as it is.

Y/n: now, now Tygress.

Leona: it's not junk. it's technology I don't care what they think.

Tygress: maybe you should. people are talking about you pardoning those lizards. theyu say it's another example of you not taking your position as Heir to the crown seriously.

Leona: we've been at war with the lizards for generations. maybe it's time to look at things differently.

Tygress: that's your problem *picks up a piece of technology* you look at lizards and see victims. you look at junk and see mythical tech. when are you going to grow up?

Leona: *takes the piece of tech* when I do. I hope I'm nothing like you.

Tygress growls at Leona so as the mediator I separate the two to not let a fight between them break out and took Tygress out of the room so I could help her calm down.

Tygress: *sighs* she seriously needs to grow up.

Y/n: now, now Tygress do keep in mind that Leona is still younger than you are

Tygress: I know. but thanks for breaking us up before a fight could happen.

Y/n: of course. you two and I have been great friends since we were kids. I wouldn't want my close friends to fight one another over something small just give Leona time.

3rd pov

as the sun was setting the guards that were in the watch tower stand guard in case they need to set the alarm off. as one of the watchers was looking out through the scope he sees something that caught his eye.

watcher cat: what is that?

an much older looking cat stands next to the watcher and sniffs the air picking up a scent that he is quite familiar with.

old cat: even from this distance I can smell them....lizards and there are many sound the alarm!

the alarm goes off as many warrior cats heard and grab any weapons to arm themselves with swrods, spears, bows and arrows. while Y/n whose armed with his lightsaber stands next to King Claudus with Jaga, Leona and Tygress.

Claudus: this attack comes not a day after I pardoned three of those filthy beast. *turns to Leona* now you see the results of leniency?

Leona: I was only trying to act like Princess.

Claudus: you undermined our power and made the cats look weak. it's no wonder that everyone thinks your sister should be Queen.

this hurts Leona upon hearing her father say something like that as Y/n puts his hand on her shoulder to make her feel better. then Claudus orders Y/n, Grune Tygress to follow him and prepare their defenses then orders Jaga to prepare his clerics.

Leona: and me?

Claudus: *turns to Leona* you will remained here

he then leaves with Y/n, Tygress and Grune while Leona turns to Jaga who is with her as the others left.

Leona: he's lost all faith in me Jaga.

Jaga: what is important is that you do not lose faith in yourself.

Leona pondered on his words while outside of Thundera is the army of lizards approaching it's walls with catapults. the warrior cats get in formation to be ready for the lizards while the said lizard army's catapults fire at the wall of Thundera and the archers fired a wave of arrows at the lizards. which some of the lizards run to avoid getting hit by the arrows while some of the other warrior cats escort as many civilians cats to safety to an underground shelter.

female twin: come on Kit we have to get out of here.

as the two twin cats run out of the underground shelter the flaming balls of fire that was launched by the lizard catapults hit near around where everyone else is at. which the two look back in shock seeing either the people hurt or dead.

female twin: that could have been us.

as King Claudus, Tygress, Y/n and Grune arrived at the front gate to meet the lizard army. Y/n had his lightsaber ready when they meet the army while King Claudus turns to his troops.

Claudus: Thundera once again turns to you, noble warriors, to defend her. tonight, as we go into battle, I only ask that you fight like cats for our ancestors, for the pride.

the troops cheer with battle cries as the gates open they ran towards the lizard army while the catapults kept on firing at the walls of Thundera. Claudus gives the order to the archers to fire their arrows as they do the lizards on the other side of the battle field near the catapults either run away to avoid the arrows or used their shields to block the arrow as they run.

-at the stone-

A/n: the giant stone like thing that Grune came with do let me know what it is or called so I could use the name.

at the giant stone no one was near it as the golden parts of it start to come off one by one. then more lizards start to come out of the stone and invade Thindera from the inside.

lizard1: it was getting a bit rank in there, General Slithe.

Slithe: a night in that rock is nothing compared to how long I've waited to set foot inside the cats impenetrable castle.

the lizards start to release their imprisoned people from their cells while the more armed lizards start to place small devices in various locations. as the General Slithe climbs on one of the statues of King Claudus placing the same small device on it.

Slithe: this time, you'll finally fall, Claudus.

-back at the battlefield-

as the lizard army approaches towards Thundera King Claudus gave the order to the archers to fire again. which got the same results making the lizards run again either by avoiding the arrows or blocking them.

Claudus: let's send these cowards running once and for all!

but they start to hear a sound which everyone looked around the battlefield while Y/n was getting a bad feeling through the Force. then a large projectile flies right over Claudus  and over the wall while the devices that the lizards placed inside Thundera started blinking. then the large projectiles rammed right in the exact location of the small devices making a large explosion while Claudus and the others  watched in shocked at what happen. they start to hear large mechanical sounds as large looking vehicles with large weapons on the right top part of it coming out from the forest.

Claudus: by Thundera! what sorcery is this?

Y/n: not a clue, but I can only guess that they are going to be trouble.

the large mechanical vehicles then start to fire more of the same projectiles aiming the same places of the small devices are placed making more explosions. while this was happening Leona watches this happening from the balcony with Snarf shocked then looks to see more hitting a statue of a cat.

Leona: I can't believe it Snarf. technology was my dream. how did it become my nightmare?

as she says this she sees the giant vehicles that are made of technology, but then sees two lizards placing the same spherical tech that she got from the black market. as the lizard place the spherical tech then used his finger to swipe across the rectangle part as it glows. once the lizards moved away from the small device it blinks then explodes which Leona looks with a shocked face. she then enters her little hidden room where she keeps the tech she collected and picks up the same device and swipe it across like the lizard did. once she did it the device activates and starts to beep.

Leona: all those years of having to listen to all those people telling me I was crazy for believing in this. well, Snarf it's about to pay off.

she then takes the small devices in a bag to take with her and heads to the battlefield to help her father.

Y/n's pov

as I was at the battlefield the lizards kept on marching towards us with what I could assume are giants tanks. which we had not choice but to fall back behind the walls.

Claudus: quickly, behind the walls! behind the walls!

I turned around to head towards the walls while also  helping up any warriors that might have trip. then I see the gates open was the warriors let out gasp I look to see what their seeing and saw a bunch of lizards on the other side of the wall.

large lizard: how quickly things change for the cats from top predator to endangered species. *looks at Y/n with a slight smirk* mainly you. in a single day.

he then brings up a small looking switch and presses it as explosions happen on the bridge making the troops fall or died from the explosions.

Claudus: will nothing stop them?

Grune: I believe there is one thing my lord.

we then see him bring up a small looking fire arm aiming it towards the sky and firing it as a small light flies in the air and explodes. we then see the giant tanks stop destroying buildings as well with the lizards.

Claudus: Grune! that is going on here?

we then see him in front of lizards and take off his armor revealing a second armor with black and gold colors on. he then places on a helmet with the same colors shocking us all to what we're seeing.

Grune: you sent me out to find the Book of Omens, Claudus. instead *picks up a large spiked weapon given to him by the lizards* I found this ultimate power.

the weapon opens up and glows with static coming out he then aims at a statue of a cat and fires a stream of energy blowing up the statue.

Claudus: you would betray your own your own species?

Grune: my allegiance to you has earned me nothing. therefore I have aligned myself with a superior force and I will take what I want.

Claudus: never!

he then drawn the sword of Omens as I drew my lightsaber and igniting it as a f/c blade comes out.

Grune: there's no need to resort to violence. I'm quite willing to make a deal for the sword.

Claudus: there is nothing you have that I want.

we then see Grune signaled the lizards from the other side of the broken bridge as we turned to the them to see another giant tank with someone hanging from the main cannon tied by a rope. a light comes out to reveal to be Panthro.

Claudus: Panthro! your alive!

Grune: do we have a deal?

Claudus growls and readies the sword as I do with my lightsaber, but Claudus puts his pand in front of me.

Claudus: no Y/n you go into the city to find and help anyone in need.

Y/n: my Lord are you sure?

Claudus: yes.

I nod to him as ran towards the gate and remembered Jaga's clerics as I heard them approach and take on Grune and his men. as I was running I see the tank moving to another location, but once I got to the broken bridge I channel the Force and high jumped to the other side of the bridge. once I was in the city I look around to try and find anyone that needs help while taking out lizard troop after troop with both my lightsaber and the Force, but then I start to hear screams as I look to see a group of lizards cornering two female cats. I then high jumped again getting in between the lizards and the two female cats protecting them.

Y/n: I recommend that you leave or things are not going to end well for you.

lizard1: it's the special target that General Grune mention.

lizard2: yes I think the objective is to bring him alive to the master.

Y/n: and who is this master your speaking of?

lizards3: *chuckles* you'll see once we bring you to him.

Y/n: not going to happen.

I then used a Force wave to knock the group of lizards back then one was quick enough to recover and charge at me. I blocked his weapon with my saber which sadly for the lizard that charged at me with a normal sword which gets cut in half with ease by my lightsaber. I then kick the lizard in the gut then Force pushed him into a wall knocking him out. then another lizard starts to aim a fire arm at me taking shots at my, but I used my lightsaber to block the shots while also trying to not get the two cats hurt. I then Force pulled the fire arm out of the lizard's hands then shoot a wave of Force lightning at the lizard only enough to knock him out not kill. then the last two lizards then look at each other and ran away like cowards once they were out of eye sight I turn to the two female cats to see one had a similar purple like color as Panthro but more darker shade.

while the other had brown color hair with white highlights with amber eyes next to the first girl.

Y/n: are you two alright?

girls: yes thank you.

Y/n: that's good what are your names?

purpled haired girl: I'm Panthera.

brown haired girl: and I'm Pumyra.

Y/n: names Y/n now I want you two to either try to find any safety or away out of the city away from the enemy.

the two nod at me and head off into a direction to where I hope they will be safe or find away out of the city. I then heard Grune chuckling which I turned around with a glare at him.

Grune: I see you still have some fight in you.

Y/n: Grune! why would you do this!

Grune: well let's just say I have my reasons. now I think it's time for you to meet my master.

Y/n: like I will come willingly you'll pay for your act of betrayal.

the two of us aimed out weapons at each other then charged at each other and clashed our weapons. to my surprise is that his weapon was able to resist a blow from my lightsaber.

Y/n: what the?

Grune: surprised? well let's just say this weapon was made with special materials.

Y/n: even so, but I still have my skills.

I then break the clash as went on the offence and send some strikes from my lightsaber which Grune managed to block some of them I then jumped over Grune and slashed his back leaving a scar in his armor. once I landed behind Grune he turns around to  face me and was about to charge at me, but I used Force push to knock him back.

Grune: you may have the "Froce" on your side, but I have technology on mine.

he then activated his weapon about to do the same to me, but I shot Force lightning to channel it along the blade around my lightsaber. once that was done we charged at each other again and connected our weapons which made a small shock wave when our weapons clashed which pushed us back. Grune then got on the offence which I used the form that relied on defense when Grune tries to hit me with his weapon, but I blocked and parried each strike that Grune sent at me when he goes for a over head attack I side step the attack making it miss me. I then knocked the weapon out of Grune's hand and Force pushed him knocking him to the ground which I stood over him pointing my lightsaber at him.

Y/n: your treachery ends here Grune.

Grune: is that so?

before I could answer I felt something hitting me from behind me knocking me out and dropping my lightsaber.

Leona's pov

me and my sister Tygress were in a cell after bearing witness of seeing our father murdred by Mumm-Ra, but we were even more worried for Y/n due to not being in a cell like us.

Tygrerss: we've lost our kingdom, our father, the sword and Y/n is missing. we've lost everything.

Leona: this is my fault Tygress. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but I did see a vision through the sword...Mumm-Ra.

Tygress: and you told no one?!

Leona: no I asked Y/n if he ever had visions through the Force during his training and he said that the vision is a rare occurrence that could happen for him. he also told me that the visions of the future aren't set and stone things that could happen and I was hoping the sword was showing me something similar.

tygress: well you should have told father. this is exactly why you aren't fit to be Queen. your decisions always bring disaster.

female lizard: *whisper tone* excuse me.

we turn to see the same female lizard that Y/n help holding two bowls of food and placing them on our side of the cell. I walked up to the cell door to talk to her, but as I got close she beckoned to come closer as I did curious.

female lizard: *whisper tone* okay keep this quiet in the food is the key to your cell so you can break free.

Leona: *whisper tone* why are you helping us and where's Y/n?

female lizard: *whisper tone* well you and your friend showed me kindness even for me being a lizard and your friend even gave food when I needed it. as for your friend Mumm-Ra has him with him with an old cat sage and a cleric.

I nod to her as she leaves as I smiled that there was good coming from releasing her and her two friends. I then picked up the bowl that had the hidden key inside as Tygress comes up to me.

Tygress: what is it? what did she say to you?

Leona: *brings out the key* sometimes my decisions bring disaster and sometimes they bring a key. she also told me where Y/n and Jaga are.

3rd pov

in the main hall of the ruins of Thundera a cleric is chained to a pillar with Y/n in the same situation also chained with armed lizards around them.

Slithe: these three are all that remain of the fabled guardians of the crown.

Jaga: *grunts*

Jaga has his hands bound by rope and forced to the ground by a lizard as he looks up to see Mumm-Ra sitting on the throne.

Mumm-Ra: you are Jaga...sorcerer to the dead King.

Jaga: and you are even more grotesque than the stories suggested.

Mumm-Ra: did you stories neglect to tell you that stone in that sword is mine?, but as for this one *brings out Y/n's lightsaber* may look like the sword but it does not have the stone that I want.

Mumm-Ra then reaches for the sword of omens, but get's shocked as he screams in pain and moves his hand away from the sword.

Mumm-Ra: I want it back.

Jaga: I'm afraid an ancient spell prevents the sword form being touched by the hands of evil.

Mumm-Ra: that is why you're going to remove it and *brings out Y/n's holocron* tell me what this thing is.

A/n: also not mine

Y/n: *chuckles* sorry, but that belongs to me Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra: *looks at Y/n* really now care to explain what it is?

Y/n: not on your life you mummy looking freak.

Mumm-Ra: such poor maners guess I'll have to find another way.

he then uses his bandages to wrap around Jaga and Y/n, but an invisible barrier blocks Y/n form being touched as the said person was using the Force. but he could do the same for Jaga due to his arms being bound by chains Jaga was then lifted in the air as Mumm-Ra laughed shooting pink lightning from his hands at Jaga to make him remove the spell. as a lizard was watching from a floor above he was grabbed by Tygress' arm and knocked to the ground as she punched him to knock out the lizard and picked up his side arm. she then waved at Leona to signal her which she nod then Tygress used the fire arm to shoot the bandages that wrapped around Jaga to free him.

Tygress: *looks at the blaster* I could use to this.

she then avoids some shots coming from Slithe while Leona jumps down and runs to the sword catching Mumm-Ra off guard. as soon she got to the sword she grabs it and moves away from Mumm-Ra glaring at him.

Leona: you took my father's life, but you won't take his sword! *starts to swing the sword* Thunder....Thunder...Thunder....Thundercats, ho!

the sword fully activates making Mumm-Ra move back a bit as Leona pointed the center of the sword and fired a red beam from the center gem knocking Mumm-Ra into a wall while also dropping Y/n's Holocron and lightsaber. once Mumm-Ra was on the other side of the wall he was outside of the building as the sun rose up without Mumm-Ra knowing.

Mumm-Ra you cannot comprehend the forces that you are dealing with. ancient spirits of evil, transform this decaying form into Mumm-Ra the Ever-*groaning*

he starts kneeling forward as the sunlight hits his back while in the building Tygress shoots the chains that hold Y/n and the cleric off making both free. the cleric then jump taking off the cloak revealing it to be Cheetara she then kick the lizard to her left then quickly took out the lizard on her right while Y/n used the Force  to lift both lizards that were next to him in the air and collied them together and away. then used the Froce to pull his lightsaber and Holocron into his hands putting his Holocron on his belt and activated his lightsaber.

Leona: Cheetara? she's a cleric?

the three female cats dodge to avoid the shots while Y/n got in front of them using his lightsaber blocking and deflecting the shots away from them. Cheetara then lead them pass the throne as they followed her with Jaga while Y/n deflects the shots while running and Tygress shoots back while running. Cheetara then grabbed the gauntlet and runs to where everyone is while Y/n was blocking and deflecting the shots as Jaga pulled one of the torches to the side opening a hidden door.

Jaga: quickly, through here.

Snarf goes in as Grune helped Mumm-Ra back inside to get him out of the sunlight as Mumm-Ra sees them escaping.

Mumm-Ra: after them!

the lizards follow them as Leona, Tygress, Cheetara, Snarf and Y/n enter first Jaga enters last, but not without getting shot from behind. making him fall as the door closed Tygress and Cheetara helped Jaga walk while Y/n was behind them with his lightsaber making sure the lizards don't follow them when the break down the door.

Jaga: before we go any further. there is something that must be done.

Cheetara: it can wait.

Jaga: it must be now!

Leona runs up to him as Y/n follows while keeping guard while Jaga placed the gauntlet on Leona's left arm. once it was on the gauntlet shrinks to fit Leona's arm adnJaga placed his hand on Leona's hand with Tygress and Cheetara doing the same, but Jaga turned to Y/n.

Jaga: Y/n please place your hand.

Y/n was shocked at first, but nods placing his hand with the others on Leona's arm that held the gauntlet.

Jaga: for the eye of Thundera and the sword of Omens.

Jaga then tapped his staff lightly on the gauntlet making the said gauntlet glow then Jaga brought his staff to his side.

Jaga: now Leona Lord of the Thundercats, go

Cheetara: you're going with us Jaga.

Jaga: I will only slow you down. at least this way I can buy you time to get to safety. the Book of Omens lies at the foot of the setting sun. you must find it before Mumm-Ra does.

Leona: I can't do this alone.

Jaga: you won't have to. you have everything you need Leona. whatever questions remain, the answers are in the Book of Omens. find it. now go!

before they could the sound of the door being blown open as Y/n, Leona, Tygress and Cheetara go through the opening with Snarf. Jaga used his magic to hold off the lizards as Leona and Y/n run they look back to see Jaga before disappearing in an explosion as the door behind them closed. as everyone go through the cave to see the city from the cliff side in front of the cave they came out of.

Leona: this isn't over. it's only the begining.

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one

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