Chapter 1: Omen part 1
A/n: alright here is the next chapter for this story now before it starts I'm going to be adding a female Wilykat into the harem since a lot of people were asking me so for now I couldn't find a picture of a female Wilykat so if you find one send me a link to it so I could use it for the story now enough of that let the story begin
3rd pov
it has been 13 years since Y/n has arrived to third Earth and Thundera during those years King Claudus gave a place to stay for Y/n and Jaga trained Y/n with his clerics. when Y/n was old enough Claudus told Y/n what happen to his parents mainly his mother which Y/n was sadden about what happen to them. but was able to get past it with the help of Claudus as Y/n looked up to him as a father figure and Y/n met Claudus two daughter Leona and Tygress which he became good friends with while the said two girls developed feelings for him and during with the training with the clerics Jaga gave Y/n the things his mother left him which was the Holocron, a kyber crystal and parts to make a lightsaber. during Y/n's training in the force and teachings of the Grey Jedi Y/n met Cheetara who wanted to be a cleric which Y/n did admire her determination once she manage to get in both trained with one another Y/n started to have a crush not only with Cheetara but Leona and Tygress as well as Cheetara as the same feelings for Y/n. right now in the slums of Thundera a cloaked person was walking not knowing that someone was following them the person was walking with a small animal companion whose making worrying sounds
cloaked girl: relax Snarf. you think we're going to get killed every time we come to this part of town.
????: where do you think your going Mutt?!
the girl looks over to her left to see a dog like person being pushed into a stand then lifted up by a fat cat person
fat cat: that's right pay up or get hurt.
as the cloaked girl watches from a distance the animal companion named Snarf was pulling on her cloak asking to leave
cloaked girl: no they're not cat's Snarf. but no one should be treated like that.
the fat cat looks behind him to see the cloaked girl looking at them seeing the commotion
fat cat: what are you looking at?
cloaked girl: whiskers...
the fat cat's group then surrounds the cloaked girl with one wearing a red cape. one a female cat person and the last one being a short cat person.
fat cat: *the cloaked girl* you got to pay too. in the slums everyone is a dog.
cloaked girl: I have a feeling that your the one whose gong to pay.
the girl then grabs the fat cat's hand twisting it a bit then knock him to the ground on his back. then the female cat thug pulls out a dagger and tries to slash at the girl. but she dodges and grabs the wrist of the female thug and punches her. as a short one pulls out a dagger but get round housed kicked by the cloaked girl. then the red caped thug has his sword out and charges at the cloaked girl but Snarf was running in between the thug's legs making the thug lose his balance and fall to the ground as Snarf lands on his head.
cloaked girl: thanks Snarf.
Snarf: *meow*
then the fat grabs the cloaked girl by putting is arm around her neck as she struggles to get out of the grip of the fat cat.
fat cat: now I'm going to gut you like a fish. but not before I have some fun.
as this continues the fat cat was then hit in the back of the head then falls to the ground unconscious. as a female cat was behind the fat cat spinning a staff with her hand. as the cloaked girl adjusts her cloak.
cloaked girl: not that I needed it. but who can I thank for the assist?
female cat: Cheetara.
cloaked girl: well hello there.
Cheetara: I'm sure the King would not be happy to learn his daughter was wrestling with ally cats.
the cloaked girl then removes the hood of her cloaked to reveal it's Princess Leona the daughter of King Claudus. shocking the ally cat thugs that attacked her.
fat cat: she's the Princess?! scatter!
the rest of the cat thugs then ran in different directions as Leona and Cheetara then continue with their conversation.
Leona: ahh, it's my dirtiest cloak and it's still a bad disguise.
Cheetara: what's so important you'd risk your life coming down here?
Leona: that depends. can you keep a secret?
the scene changes to the palace of Thundera Y/n is standing near the throne of Thundera next to Tygress with his lightsaber which talking with one another while waiting for Leona
Claudus: she knows how important today is. where is that girl Jaga?
Jaga: please be easy on her Claudus. remember when you were her age, your father wasn't pleased with you either.
Claudus: I never neglected my duties as prince like she does. why can't she be more like you Tygress?
Tyress: your asking for the impossible father.
Claudus: Y/n how goes your training in this Force?
Y/n: going great I'm able to transfer lightning along the blade of my lightsaber to at least stun my foes.
Jaga: that is intriguing I'm glad your training is coming along nicely.
Leona's pov
as me, Cheetara and Snarf were heading into another of the slums where I would usually go to the person that has technology which is considered lost. but my supplier Jorma sells them to me.
Jorma: Leona come in, come in. I have something for you.
Leona: *looks at Cheetara* Jroma here sells certain hard to find uh, collectables.
Cheetara: you mean black market items.
Leona: more than that.
we went in as we do Cheetara looks around the various old technology around the shack as we went further in.
Cheetara: what is all this?
Leona: it's what's out there beyond Thundera's walls. *goes to a wall gabbing a piece of technology* what the book of Omens calls technology.
Cheetara: doesn't everyone think those stories are just fairy tales?
Jorma: *uncovers the cloth on a table* you think this is a fairy tale?
we look down seeing a round metal disk on the table that has a something in the middle of it which got me curious.
Cheetara: I think it' probably just another fake. that people like you sell to people like her
Leona: *picks up the disk* as cubs, we believed the tales about ships that could fly. maybe everyone else outgrew them but I didn't. I know there is a bigger world out there. *looks at Cheetara with a nervous look* you think I'm crazy, don't you?
Cheetara: I think your...different.
then I start hearing a sound of a bell in the distance which causes me to gasp knowing what that bells means
Leona: oh I'm late! I'll take it. *hands the money to Jorma then goes to put her hood on* maybe next time I can bail you out of trouble.
me and Snarf then leave the shack with my hood on as we hurry back to the Palace since today is a really important one.
-timeskip brought to you by with Chibi Leona practicing using her sword as Chibi Y/n watches with Snarf on his head-
Y/n's pov
as we wait I was meditating with Tygress next to me in her chair leaning back in it. then the sound of footsteps can be heard as we rise to our feet to see Leona running to the middle of the throne room.
Leona: sorry, sorry, sorry.
Claudus: *looks at Jaga and nods* let us begin this sacred rite of passage, Jaga.
Jaga: *nods back and takes some steps* Guardians of the crown bring forth the Sword of Omens.
we then see a group of clerics bringing the Sword of Omens that is covered with a piece if cloth. then the rest of the clerics stop but the one holding the sword comes forth. I look closer to see familiar red marks around the eyes knowing it's Cheetara I gave a one eye blink silently saying "hi" as she returns with a look saying the same thing. but this did not go unnoticed by Leona and Tygress.
Leona: *whispers* are you flirting?
Jaga: while you will one day wear the crown, Leona. *uncovers the sword* only the eye of Thundera the source of our power. knows if there is indeed a queen inside of you. take the sword and become one with it.
the Leona takes the sword in her hand as she then makes her way to the middle of the room.
Claudus: you hold in your hands is what built the Thundercats' Empire. but only he who is deemed worthy can harness it's awesome power.
I then see Leona give a couple of swings getting a feel of the sword as Claudus walks towards her.
Claudus: let me show you what it's capable of in the proper hands.
I then see Leona hands her father the sword as he takes it and takes a few steps away from his daughter as Tygress smiles with a extra sword in her hand.
Tygress: uh-oh *throws the sword* catch!
once Leona caught the sword Claudus then gives a quick swing with the Sword of Omens with lightning coming off the sword. as Leona does her best to block the strikes from Claudus assault while he was talk about their ancestors that defeated Mumm-Ra. then gives a downward slash that Leona managed to block but gets knocked down. as he then sticks the sword into the ground with lightning flying around then dies down. then Leona grabs the sword then lifts it off the ground then gives a few swings with lightning coming out. then she points the sword as she is in the middle of the Thundercats symbol. then moves the sword up facing the gem bringing it closeto her face as she's becoming one with the sword.
3rd pov
as Leona was concentrating she gets a vision the breaks her concertation which caught Claudus and Y/n's attention.
Claudus:: Leona why did you stop?
Leona: *turns to fave her father* I...I saw something.
Jaga: tell us.
Leona: um...
she then looks out the window to see two male cat soldiers as she said she saw that which Claudus took back and said that the sword is ready but she was not. as Claudus walks away Jaga and Y/n looks at Leona.
Leona: what? I didn't see anything.
Jaga: *walks away* and I did not say anything.
as the two adults left Y/n looks at Leona as she looks back at him with a curious look.
Y/n: Leona I saw the reaction on your face and I know you didn't actually saw those male cats. you saw something tell me what is it?
Leona:'s kinda hard to say but it was a pair of glowing eyes.
Y/n: I see...
Leona: Y/n during your training with that holocron thing did it say anything about visions?
Y/n: yes it's said that in rare occasions that a Jedi would receive a vision through the force. showing them either the past or the future for the future part the vision is not always absolute it only shows what could happen. what you saw is probably something similar that the Sword of Omens was showing you.
Leona was shocked and relived to hear Y/n say that. before she could speak to him again as they hear the sound of a horn from the front gate to which they joined Claudus and Tygress along with Jaga to the look out. as Claudus was using a monocular scope looking out the land scape. as his eye lands on the approaching object.
Claudus: it can't be *laughs* it can't be! at long last!
the group then heads to the stable and mount on and head towards what Claudus saw with Y/n in his f/c robe along with his armor underneath the robe. as they get close they see a group of lizard like people in chains begin forced to pull the cart carrying a large stone. they also see a large cat with a single saber tooth on top of the large stone. Tygress then runs ahead on her mount then stops in front of the cart. then dismounts and proceeds ahead a little.
Tygress: Grune!
Grune: I've come bearing gifts. I know it's not much now but just wait until the Thunderian stonecutters are done with it.
he then jumps down as Claudus walk towards one of his Generals with open arms with Y/n and Leona behind him
Claudus: are you a sight for sore eyes, old friend!
the two embraced one another in a hug as close friends do when meeting again after so long away each other. Claudus then looks around looking for another.
Claudus: and where is our dear old friend Panthro?
Grune: *closes his eyes and shacks his head* he fought valiantly. alas, he came up against a force that was too powerful even for him to overcome. *pulls out a num-chuck from his pouch* it is only through his sacrifice I stand before you today. *hands Claudus the num-chuck*
Claudus: *takes it* tomorrow we will mourn this great lost. but today we shall celebrate the return of Thundera's greatest General.
-timeskip brought to you by this-
Catra: we'll make the best team!!
Blake: uh...sure I guess..
Y/n: yay! two of the best girls!!
Y/n's pov
it was night as every cat was in the festival as Claudus gave his speech about when he send Grune and Panthro to search for the Book of Omens. right now as everyone is enjoying their time I was walking around minding my own business. I then see two girls about at least a year or two younger than me talking to a male cat as one of the girls with her hair tied back as she has a small round flute playing a song as the male cat seemed to be in a trance.
Y/n: [hehe looks like he fell for that one.]
I then head to the games to watch the contestants from the place where King Claudus, Grune, Tygress and Leona are in at the table as I leaned against the wall. Leona then asked Grune if he found any technology while Tygress told her not to ask stupid questions.
Grune: I see nothing has change Claudus, one daughter with her head on her shoulders the other still with hers in the clouds. *looks at Y/n* what about you Y/n? it's been pretty long since I saw you as a kid.
Y/n: doing well and strong Grune.
Grune: that's good by the way....any women that fancy you?
Y/n: *spits out his drink* wh *coughs* what?! why as something like that?
Grune: *chuckles* come on your young there's gotta be at least one women you like?
Claudus: *laughs* especially when he was younger notice some of the women would call him cute.
Grune: anyway jokes aside I'm afraid Leona I encounter all manner of beast and warrior, but nothing even resembling technology. we did everything we could to find the book.
Tygress: perhaps what the skeptics say is true the book's existence is no more real than it's stories of technology or Mumm-Ra.
Grune: I see so much of me in you. you would have made a great Queen. ah, but such honors must be reserved for the bloodline.
Claudus: Leona also will make a great Queen. what do you think Y/n?
Y/n: well, I think both would make a great Queen in their own way both have great qualities to prove it.
Tygress: of course she will I just would have made a better one.
Y/n: [huh-oh not good]
Leona: your just so perfect aren't you Tygress?
Tygress: thank you Leona.
Leona: too bad your too afraid to get your tail kicked in front of your hero.
Tygress: *stands up* now's not the time.
Grune: whoa, I'd say now's the prefect time.
he points towards the arena as Leona and Tygress enter for their sibling rivalry as me, Claudus and Grune watch.
Claudus: you know Y/n when Leona becomes Queen she's going to need a King by her side.
Y/n: what do you mean?
Claudus: please don't think I didn't know that both Tygress and Leona look at the way they do even when they butt head with each other. what kind of father I would be not knowing.
Y/n: well I guess that's true but I can't just choose one without hurting the other.
Grune: ah, yes you got a point there even as a kid you didn't like to hurt both the girls feelings.
Claudus: think it over Y/n cause I believe you'll find the answer for your question.
we then look on to the arena as the signal was out for both Leona and Tygress to start they both started to climb fast trying to be the first to reach the large bell first. but Tygress then knocks Leona to the lower level but didn't knock her into the water as she then climbs back up quick catching up to Tygress as the two then fight each other. which Leona punches Tygress in her face which she returned with a round house kick knocking Leona on a branch. then Tygress used a taunt that got the best of Leona who charges at Tygress but Tygress gives a punch to Leona knocking her down into the water as Tygress ranged the bell making her the winner.
to be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now I want to know should I do a female subnautica harem with Robin in the harem and some female versions of the sea creature in the game please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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