Chapter 18 - Crimson

During the flight, Willow disappeared into the guest room once again. That morning, she had completely forgotten to take care of her few wounds. So, she marched directly into the small bathroom, armed with a medkit this time.

She was pleased to find that the cuts, some of which were quite deep, had stopped bleeding. The gash on her temple would leave at most a barely visible scar. She cleaned the skin around the cuts before heading back to the cockpit. Bandages were no longer needed; the skin would take care of the rest of the healing.

In still good spirits, she sat back in her seat, just in time. After a few minutes, Willow could make out the planet. As depicted on the holo table, the planet was painted in crimson. Various shades of red could be seen on the surface, contrasted by the white veils of clouds. The view was pretty and piqued her curiosity. At this point, she could hardly imagine the planet being as grim as Cere had described.

The crew had breached the atmosphere, and Greez steered towards a rocky ledge just large enough for the Mantis. Just as the Mantis' landing gear touched down, Cal disappeared into the back of the ship. Cere went outside, and Willow followed her. There, she could wait for the redhead just as well.

Once outside, the young student spun around in amazement. The sky was downed in red and the even redder sun seemed almost aggressive. This planet was dominated by rocks, as far as the eye could see. Willow couldn't spot any real flora or water sources at first glance. The closest thing to flora were massive vines, colored a deep purple and covered in thorns. They varied in size and seemed to stretch across the entire landscape. Some were as thick as tree trunks, while others were as thin as the smallest pipes.

"It's impressive, isn't it?"

Willow nodded in agreement, turning to the woman.
"I'm really curious about what we'll find here."

"Do me a favor and be prepared for anything. Please. A lot depends on Cal's success."

Willow was about to assure Cere that they would be careful, but Cere's choice of words made her pause. The way the former Jedi put it, it sounded as if she only cared about the holocron. Willow didn't want to attribute any malicious intentions to her, but doubts crept in about whether Cere cared at all about Cal's well-being.

On the other hand, Willow could also imagine that Cere had trouble expressing concern for others. That would at least be a reason the young witch could understand. She herself had only learned through her school friends that it was okay to let others know you cared about them. She hoped very much that Cere wasn't just using the young Jedi.

Deep in thought, Willow didn't notice Cal standing beside her, ready to depart. Cere caught him for a brief conversation, and Willow stepped a few paces away. There wasn't much space on the rocky ledge, so she was unintentionally within earshot.

"You've come a long way since Bracca," Cere began, "But the path is far from over. I want you to know the difficult challenges ahead."

"I can handle it," Cal said, sounding like he was unvoluntary talking to her.

"I know what you can do. I'm not denying that."

"And I know what has to be done. I've done it before."

"Cal, even the strongest of Jedi-"

"I'm not Trilla," he interrupted, and Willow had to bite her lip. If she had been the one he snapped at like that, she would have cried herself to sleep out of guilt and shame.
"I'll be fine," he repeated, more calmly.

"I know you're not. I didn't say that. I just want you to look out for yourself and don't hesitate to leave anyone behind if needed."

"I'm not asking you to say anything. It's okay, Cere. Really."

"Just be safe, Cal... That's all."

With her back turned to them, Willow could not see what happened next. She began to think that accompanying him meant standing in his way. Cal didn't respond further to Cere. The student felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and looked directly into a pair of emerald eyes.
"C'mon, let's go."

Cal turned away and walked along a narrow rock, deeper into the planet. The rock they balanced on must have tipped over a long time ago. Now it served as a sort of bridge for them. Just before they reached the end of the rock, Willow felt it vibrate and start to crumble. Without wasting more time, she jumped forward, just in time. A large chunk of the rock had broken off and fell into the depths.

Cal turned to her with wide eyes.
"Whoa. Are you okay?"

Willow just nodded, calming her rapid breath, and BD-1 beeped.

Together, they climbed another rock that would bring them to solid ground. Once on the rock, they encountered a creature. A hideous-looking thing. Bipedal, with huge claws, hunched, and a crooked jaw with sharp fangs protruding.

"What is that thing?" Cal asked, a mixture of disgust and horror dancing over his pretty features.
His droid emitted some sounds.

"I wouldn't count on him being friendly."

As if on cue, the creature turned around and attacked the teenagers. Willow dodged and quickly realized that she just needed to keep enough distance, and working with her partner, the creature was soon defeated.

The girl took a moment to survey the new surroundings from this perspective. On this side of the planet, tall sandy stone pillars with equally tall, ancient-looking stone structures were scattered everywhere. One of these structures housed a vault the team disappeared into, bringing them closer to the next tomb. The trio climbed the broken stone steps and stopped in the heart of the building as BD-1 jumped off Cal's shoulder and shone his scanner on a pillar inside.

On the mentioned pillar, Willow recognized engraved symbols that reminded her of runes. Cal knelt beside his droid, examining the symbols. Willow, equally curious, positioned herself behind them.

Carefully, Cal raised a hand and gently stroked the pillar.
"Looks like the Zeffo were here."


The boy stood up again, and both he and Willow let their gazes wander through the building.
"Strange. This place seems abandoned, but-"

Cal broke off in mid-sentence. Willow stared at a point behind him, sure that her gaze had caused his interruption. He whirled around and also saw the dense green fog forming behind him. The teenagers immediately grabbed their weapons and prepared for battle.

A figure emerged from the fog. The figure appeared feminine and was dressed in multiple layers of red-black attire. The only thing visible under the hood was their face. Their skin seemed grayish, and their face was marked by several markings. Willow assumed these markings were probably more genetic than just simple face paint.

The figure confidently took a few steps towards the team. They began to speak, and a female voice with a strong accent echoed through the building.
"You trespass... Jedi," her eyes fixed on his lightsaber, she practically spat the last word at his feet. Then her gaze shifted to Willow. The lady thoroughly examined her. "And what are you?"

Willow swallowed hard under the intense stare. Suddenly, her high spirits from that morning vanished.
"Me? I'm a witch... in training," she replied, shrugging awkwardly.

Either the young woman had a very good poker face, or she was massively unimpressed by Willow's answer.
"You shouldn't be here."

Willow saw Cal's astonished face. She watched him lower his weapon and did the same. He stood confidently in front of her, while Willow still held onto her wand.

"You must be a Nightsister," Cal spoke, raising his eyebrows.
"I heard you were all dead."

Now Willow understood why her friend was so impressed. From what she had understood, the Nightsisters were very powerful. Maybe they could convince her to join them. She would certainly be a good addition to the crew. If Willow was honest with herself, the Nightsister would be a much better choice than herself.

"Not all," she replied, raising her hands. Dense green mist formed, and two threatening-looking male figures appeared behind the Nightsister. They were muscular, their bodies covered in markings, and instead of hair, they had small pointed horns on their heads. Both were armed.

"That's magic," Willow whispered in awe. She was tempted to ask the Nightsister about it and was glad when she was interrupted by her.

"Dathomir is forbidden to you."
The Nightsister raised one of her glowing green hands and pointed to the exit, anger written all over her face.
"Leave at once," she thundered. Seems she won't be joining us, Willow thought.

Cal, however, remained unfazed.
"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that, but perhaps we could help each other. You see, I-" the two men raised their weapons.

"Cal, don't do anything foolish," Willow hissed quietly, tightening her grip on her wand. She appreciated that he had the same idea, but at the moment he was dangerously optimistic. Willow didn't want to imagine what else the Nightsister was capable of.

"Easy. We're not your enemies," he addressed the Nightsister and backed out of his fighting stance.

"Your actions say otherwise," she replied, venom practically dripping from her tongue. She raised her hands, and the mist thickened into smoke, swirling around her.

"Wait, I'm not here-" Cal tried one last time, but he was ignored.

She didn't listen to him; instead, the mist expanded. In the light of the mist, Willow saw several shadows forming. She felt uneasy as she realized what was happening. The Nightsister was summoning more Nightbrothers. Willow scooted closer to Cla and took hold of his arm as she did not want to lose him in the fog.

As the mist cleared, the Nightsister had disappeared. Cal and Willow were now on their own, faced with a horde of angry Nightbrothers eager to end their lives.
The fight broke out, and within seconds, Willow began to sweat profusely. To Willow's opinion, it was pleasantly warm on Dathomir, and the battle did not cool down her temperature at all. The Nightbrothers were very athletic opponents, quick and agile.

After a strenuous battle, the Nightbrothers inside the building were defeated. Cal and Willow headed outside. Thorny vines coiled everywhere, and the sun over Dathomir shone blood-red above them.

On their way to the tomb, they occasionally encountered more Nightbrothers and fought their way forward with effort. Behind an arched doorway, they discovered a direct path to the tomb. The stone bridge leading there was broken in places. Statues were scattered all around. Cal went ahead and crossed the first chasm, with Willow following.

Upon reaching the other part of the bridge, Willow noticed a figure draped in a black, tattered cloak. The hood obscured the figure's downcast face. The tall stature made Willow initially assume it was a man. As they approached the lurking figure, the Hogwarts student sensed a change in the aura. Her uneasy gut feeling returned suddenly.

With Cal by her side, she walked past the figure when a deep voice sliced through the tense air.
"Oh, fellow wanderers."

The teenagers almost stopped in unison. The man, as Willow's assumption was now confirmed, continued.
"I see you've met the resident Nightsister, but uh..."

Neither Cal nor Willow replied. The stranger turned fully to them and lifted his head. Under his tattered hood, a pale, bony face appeared. He had a fairly long, thick beard that was already gray. He continued speaking undeterred.
"Unlike most, you're alive," he said, grinning at them. Willow immediately wished the stranger would close his mouth. The yellow of his teeth made an ugly contrast to the red planet.

The stranger scrutinized both of them, and the girl felt more than uncomfortable under his gaze. Those eyes were cold and held a dead look to them. Unconsciously, she took a step away from him. She noticed how Cal instantly stepped in front of her. The man's watchful eyes then landed on the Jedi's weapon. He chuckled.

"Oh, a lightsaber-" he began. Cal turned his hip to the side, so the lightsaber disappeared from the stranger's view. The stranger raised his hands in an apologetic gesture.
"No, no! Don't hide it. That would explain your survival."

"Who are you?" Cal asked. It was the first thing either teenager had said to the stranger.

"Oh, no... no. No one to fear, no. I am just a traveler," he explained, gesticulating conspicuously.
"Studying the nature of... extinct cultures and dead philosophies." Willow didn't miss that he hesitated during his supposed explanation. Her uneasy feeling gradually intensified.

"You studying the Nightsisters?" Cal stepped a few steps toward the stranger, hands on his hips. Willow had to restrain herself from pulling him back.

"Oh, I study many things," said the stranger in a tone that made Willow's stomach churn. "But, yes. That Nightsisters... oh. She was only a child when the war came to this world. She had to watch her whole family perish."

Cal remained silent. As Willow assessed, he was probably wondering if he should say something about it. Finally, he dropped the subject and pointed to the tomb a few meters ahead.
"What do you know about those ruins?"

"Oh, those? Well," laughed the stranger, "ancient beyond belief." Willow watched as the stranger scrutinized Cal when the boy looked away. Her stomach cramped painfully. The man instilled immense fear in her.

"The Nightsister and her warrior kin... were seduced. By the power that lurks within."
He nodded at the tomb.

Cal's attention was now entirely on the tomb. He studied it curiously with his gaze.

Then the stranger intervened again: "Uh, avoid the ruin."
The former Padawan turned to him with a questioning expression. "Or suffer the same fate."

Willow couldn't explain why, but suddenly she was overcome with intense goosebumps. She had to leave, immediately. So she took the initiative and grabbed Cal's arm. He offered no resistance as she dragged him away from the stranger.
"Sorry, Cal, but the man gave me a strange feeling," she began once they were out of earshot.

The red-haired boy placed his hand on hers, which was tightly gripping his arm. It took barely a moment for Willow to feel a bit calmer again.
"It's fine, Lills. I understand what you mean. I just needed some useful information from him."

"Yes, I figured. And I'm not mad or anything about that. I just wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible."

"You'll never have to see him again, okay? He'll probably wander on."

That sounded plausible, Willow thought. She nodded and exhaled in relief. The team had now almost reached the entrance of the tomb. They were on a wooden bridge crossing the last chasm. Ahead of them, another rock towered, on which a huge boulder lay at the cliff's edge. Willow paused, and from the pressure Cal exerted on her hand, she realized he also felt it.

Immediately after, the boulder lifted into the air, carried by a Nightbrother above them. His eyes smoked in the by now familiar green. Willow heard him shout: "Die!"

The next moment, she saw the boulder racing toward their position. The rock struck, and the wood shattered. With a ringing in her ears, they plunged once more into the depths. But this time, Cal held her tightly in his arms.

2.605 Words

a new chapter! this is one of my weaker chapters for sure. but the next ones, i personally like them.

how did u find this chapter?

see u next time :)

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