Chapter 13 - Shadowlands
Once the pair arrived in the Shadowlands, Cal immediately activated his communicator.
"Mari, are you there? We're at the Shadowlands at the wreck of a walker."
The rebel's response came quickly.
"Saw managed to take one out in the escape."
"Is he with you?" Cal asked.
Willow noticed a glimmer of hope in Cal's eyes as he waited for the answer.
"No, not anymore. We'll talk about it when you get here."
Willow held back a comment about the situation, biting her tongue hard. She had never been keen on that Saw-guy, but she had never told Cal that. She hadn't realized how much interest her friend had in the stranger. And in Cal's current situation, a comment from her wouldn't be helpful. She did not want to fuel his irritation.
So, they carried on in comfortable silence. Willow was enchanted by the botanical diversity that Kashyyyk had to offer. The air smelled fresh and floral, a bit like spring on Earth. Almost everything was entwined in green, but she loved how it looked. It emanated peace in an extent she had not once felt around the castle's grounds.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cal kneeling beside something again, sensing a new echo. She craned her neck slightly and spotted a weapon lying in the tall grass.
As he stood up, he explained what he had sensed.
"This weapon belonged to a rebel during the escape when the Empire attacked here again recently. I wonder how many managed to escape."
Willow stepped closer to him and placed a hand on his arm. She searched his gaze and gave him an encouraging smile.
"I'm sure most are safe thanks to the help of the now free Wookies. Every saved life matters, Cal."
The Jedi nodded.
"Yeah. You're right. Let's keep going, we've still got a lot of way ahead of us. According to BD's map, we need to..." He oriented himself briefly before pointing in a direction, "Go there. It continues on the other side of the tunnel."
So, they headed toward the tunnel. It was infested with the small explosive fireflies Willow had encountered during the arena fight at the Haxion Brood. Together, they quickly dealt with them and emerged on the other side.
The girl couldn't believe her eyes; the view before her was stunning. They were in a sort of overgrown cave, but not underground. It was more like they were inside a hollow tree or something similar. The sun shone through the green leaves and painted the cave in soft tones.
Then, the smell hit her nose. The air smelled muddy and used up. She immediately crinkled her nose; this was definitely not a scent she wanted to smell often. Cal seemed to have a similar thought.
"Something smells... What is that?"
Willow just shrugged.
"I have no idea, but I wouldn't mind leaving this area soon."
Overwhelmed by the scenery, she walked on, gazing upwards. The cave had to be huge since she wasn't able to see the top. Then she heard Cal's slightly panicked shout: "Willow, move!"
She felt the ground beneath her feet shift slightly and jumped aside at Cal's warning. Not a moment too soon, as a carnivorous plant snapped shut where she had stood seconds before. At least, it looked like one. Still processing what just had happened she stared at the plant.
With wide eyes, Willow turned to her companion, "Thanks."
Together, they avoided two more of these treacherous plants, dancing around them. If the situation weren't so serious the girl would've laughed, having the time of her life. After the pair successfully avoided the plants they witnessed a stormtrooper being caught by one in the distance.
Cal had a distrauhgt look on his face.
"Yeesh! This whole forest is alive!"
Disturbed, the girl had to chuckle. The sight was alarming enough; Willow would not make the mistake of being inattentive again.
Careful with every step, they ventured deeper into the cave. The snapping plants were not the only dangerous ones in this cave. Willow and Cal came across pretty looking, red flowers. They were quite tiny but they creeped closer and closer to them. Willow did not want to find out what they would do once they reached their position. So, she kept far distance.
After a short while, they seemed to hit a dead end. Frustrated, she looked around, only to spot Cal climbing a vine-covered wall.
"Oh man, no way."
The boy glanced back at her and she heard him chuckle lightly. But there was no way she would climb; her physical strength wouldn't be enough. She certainly did not want to test it. Determined, she reached behind her only to grab the air. For a moment, panic rose in her, waving her hand behind her frantically until she realized she hadn't brought her broom. She rolled her eyes. I correct myself, almost no way.
Cal watched her from his position and began to laugh. Willow, however, was annoyed at having to climb and that she let him know.
"Merlin, I swear, Kestis. One more laugh from you and you'll wish you'd never met me."
His laughter stopped, but he couldn't hide his grin. And Willow inwardly hated Cal for not being able to be mad at him. Barely perceptibly, the corner of her mouth lifted before she shook her head and approached the vines.
She grabbed hold and pulled herself up, surprised by her own strength. Together, they climbed up to another path. The climb wasn't long but the student was relieved to have finally arrived. Her relatively untrained muscles were already starting to ache.
Following the path, they reached a huge pond with small shores scattered all around. Not only she, but Cal was also amazed.
"Ever seen a place like this before?" The girl simply shook her head. "Me neither."
Contrary to her hopes, there were still several climbing segments ahead. In a frustrated manner she let her head fall back for a moment. Her companion didn't say anything but she noticed how he bit his rose colored lips. He was amused and trying to prevent himself from saying something he might regret, and Willow saw that. With a slight smile she looked at him, shooting him a confident look. Without a word being said the two of them continued past the climbing obstacles. At the second-to-last obstacle, Willow cursed the crew for frogetting to bring her broom. If the mood on board hadn't been so weirdly tense, she would never have forgotten it.
After overcoming the final hurdle, they found themselves on a wooden platform. Cal pointed to another platform directly at the tree opposite them, connected by a suspension bridge.
"That's where we're supposed to meet Tarfful."
The girl nodded in understanding but didn't move any further. Instead, she put her hands on her knees, breathing heavily.
„Yeah, okay. Just give me a moment to catch my breath, Kestis."
He opened his mouth to say something but immediately shut it when he saw the look she shot him.
„Fine. Okay," he said, holding his hands up apologetically. Willow noticed how he exchanged a look with the droid peeking over his shoulder. She rolled her eyes slightly before she stood up straight, signaling Cal that she was ready to move on.
Not a minute later they crossed the wooden bridge and approached the rebel named Mari, who was waiting with two Wookies by her side. One of them had to be Tarfful.
"Glad you made it. This is Chieftain Tarfful," Mari greeted.
From the larger of the two Wookies came a few growls, surely meant as a greeting. The Wookie was nodding his head in greeting and the teenagers did the same.
Cal did not miss a beat and starting explaining right away.
"I'm on a mission from Master Eno Cordova. He was looking for a Zeffo Artifact. Finding it could help save the Jedi," Cal began. Willow appreciated that he never beat around the bush and instead got straight to the point.
Tarfful responded in his roars, and Mari translated.
"Cordova found wisdom at the top of the Origin Tree. You should seek answers there."
Both, Cal and Willow looked in said direction. The girl was impressed by the height of this tree - it was bigger than any other tree she'd ever seen.
"It's massive," Cal said in awe. "Where should we start?"
"Well, you might be able to find a way up through it's root system, but most of it's underwater. You'll need this breather."
Mari handed Cal the device, and he immediately tested it. She held out a second one to Willow.
"Oh, that's kind, but thanks. I'm prepared."
The young witch would simply use her wand. In one of the many study nights in the common room with Sebastian and Ominis they had practised a spell that would now help her with breathing underwater.
"Thank you," the boy said. "What will you all do now?"
Tarfful growled loudly, and Mari translated immediately.
"The only thing we can. Keep fighting."
"Good luck. Hope we meet again."
With that, Cal said goodbye to Tarfful. But Willow knew there was still something weighing on his chest. Moments later, he turned to Mari: "What happened between you and Saw?"
"A... disagreement. He believes the war here is lost."
Willow watched as a displeased look formed on Cal's pretty face.
"And you?"
The rebel straightend her shoulders.
"I won't let the Wookies suffer alone."
"And if Saw is right? If Kashyyyk is lost?"
Willow wasn't sure how to interpret his question. Was he asking because he shared Saw's opinion? Or because he wanted Mari's full perspective? Willow hoped it was the latter.
"The Empire relies on fear and indifference. We are a challenge to its existence. The war is far from over and it's worth every sacrifice, no matter the outcome."
With that, the conversation seemed to end. Cal turned away, and the girl wished the rebel well before following her companion.
At the cliff, Cal put on the breather and signaled Willow to follow. Then he jumped into the greenish looking water and dove in.
The young witch took a deep breath and jumped in after him. She landed in the water and, before diving, casted the spell for underwater breathing. Without wasting more time, she followed him. To her surprise, the water wasn't too cold. It was not very warm either but it was bearable.
Once they surfaced, they found another vine-covered wall right in front of them. Willow wasn't too keen about it but did not complain. As they climbed, Cal voiced his thoughts: "Do you think the Empire would've come after Kashyyyk so hard if we hadn't intervened?"
„Bee-boop!", chirped the small droid. Willow didn't know what BD-1 said, but she herself was at a loss for an answer.
"The Jedi are supposed to be symbols of hope, but I... I led the Inquisition here. Mari and Tarfful put their trust in me. Did I just endanger them again?"
BD-1 rattled off several sounds. Willow's heart ached at Cal's doubts. She hadn't realised that he was second-guessing his decision like that. So she spoke up.
"Cal, don't. Don't blame yourself for what's happened here. The resistance fighters knew the risks, and they wouldn't have stayed behind if they weren't fully committed. Thanks to you, the enslaved Wookies are free and can join the fight. You did the right thing and everyone involved is grateful. You need to understand that. This is not your fault."
Cal nodded and was about to respond when he climbed onto another platform. Willow couldn't see why, but his response was cut off as he turned away. She quickly climbed the remaining distance and saw the young Jedi fighting another Imperial. This one was new to her. She did not interfere as Cal seemed to not have any trouble fighting against this enemy.
Once Cal defeated him, he spoke again.
"A purge trooper. Not even Tarfful could keep them out forever. They won't stop until everyone's wiped out."
Willow said nothing and followed him silently. She felt useless, defeated. If only she could somehow make him understand that he wasn't responsible for this situation.
Once she caught up with him, she shook off the thought. They were now high up on a platform with a view over the vast forest, a sea of treetops stretching as far as the eye could see.
Directly in front of them was the wooden wreck of an old house.
Who lived here?
She began to speak but didn't get far. Behind the ruined house, a ship rose. Suddenly, Willow felt uneasy. She didn't miss how Cal tensed up, too.
The ship's entrance opened, and a tall stocky alien woman in a uniform and helmet emerged.
A sinister laugh escaped the stranger.
"What's this? A Bracca scrap rat playing Jedi?" Willow glanced questioningly at Cal before turning her attention back to the woman.
"I told the Grand Inquisitor you wouldn't be stupid enough to show your face here again. Especially after we wiped out that feeble resistance," she sighed, almost relieved.
"Love it when I'm wrong."
With that, she turned her back on them, and the door of the ship closed.
Angry, Cal stepped forward, his hand hovering over his lightsaber. Willow held out a hand, ready to pull him back if needed. The ship aimed at them and fired on the platform where the two teenagers stood. The ground beneath their feet shattered, and Willow's insides churned as she found herself in freefall.
2.327 Words,
and I'm currently working on chapter 21! Everytime I come back to the ‚older' chapters to read over them before I upload them, I can't help but feel a bit nostalgic and proud of how far they've come since then :')
Alright, hope u have a nice day/night & I'll see u at the next one!
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